Introduction to Programming in ATS

Hongwei Xi



To Jinning and Zoe.

Table of Contents
I. Basic Functional Programming
Preparation for Starting
A Running Program
A Template for Single-File Programs
A Makefile Template
Elements of Programming
Expressions and Values
Names and Bindings
Scopes for Bindings
Environments for Evaluation
Static Semantics
Primitive Types
Tuples and Tuple Types
Records and Record Types
Conditional Expressions
Sequence Expressions
Comments in Code
Functions as a Simple Form of Abstraction
Function Arity
Function Interface
Evaluation of Function Calls
Recursive Functions
Evaluation of Recursive Function Calls
Example: Coin Changes
Tail-Call and Tail-Recursion
Example: Solving the Eight Queens Puzzle
Mutually Recursive Functions
Mutual Tail-Recursion
Envless Functions and Closure Functions
Higher-Order Functions
Example: Binary Search
Currying and Uncurrying
Matching Clauses and Case-Expressions
Enumerative Datatypes
Recursive Datatypes
Exhaustiveness of Pattern-Matching
Example: Evaluating Integer Expressions
Parametric Polymorphism
Function Templates
Polymorphic Functions
Polymorphic Datatypes
Example: Function Templates on Lists
Example: Mergesort on Lists
II. Support for Practical Programming
Effectful Programming Features
Example: Testing for Braun Trees
Example: Implementing Counters
Example: Ordering Permutations
Example: Estimating the Constant Pi
Simple Input and Output
Convenience in Programming
Macro Definitions
Compile-Time Directives
Types as a Form of Specification
Static and Dynamic ATS Files
Generic Template Implementation
Abstract Types
Example: A Package for Rationals
Example: A Functorial Package for Rationals
Specific Template Implementation
Example: A Temptorial Package for Rationals
Library Support
The prelude Library
The libc Library
The libats Library
Contributed Packages
Interaction with the C Programming Language
III. Dependent Types for Programming
Introduction to Dependent Types
Enhanced Expressiveness for Specification
Constraint-Solving during Typechecking
Example: String Processing
Example: Binary Search on Arrays
Termination-Checking for Recursive Functions
Example: Dependent Types for Debugging
Datatype Refinement
Dependent Datatypes
Example: Function Templates on Lists (Redux)
Example: Mergesort on Lists (Redux)
Sequentiality of Pattern Matching
Example: Functional Random-Access Lists
Example: Functional Red-Black Trees
Theorem-Proving in ATS/LF
Encoding Relations as Dataprops
Constructing Proofs as Total Functions
Example: Proving Distributivity of Multiplication
Example: Proving Properties on Braun Trees
Programming with Theorem-Proving
Circumventing Nonlinear Constraints
Example: Safe Matrix Subscripting
Specifying with Enhanced Precision
Example: Another Verified Factorial Implementation
Example: Verified Fast Exponentiation
IV. Linear Types for Programming
Introduction to Views and Viewtypes
Views for Memory Access through Pointers
Viewtypes as a Combination of Views and Types
Left-Values and Call-by-Reference
Stack-Allocated Variables
Dataviews as Linear Dataprops
Optional Views
Linear Arrays
Singly-Linked Lists
Proof Functions for View Changes
Example: Quicksort
Dataviewtypes as Linear Datatypes
Linear Optional Values
Linear Lists
Example: Mergesort on Linear Lists
Linear Binary Search Trees
Transition from Datatypes to Dataviewtypes
Abstract Views and Viewtypes
Memory Allocation and Deallocation
Simple Linear Objects
Example: Implementing an Array-Based Circular Buffer
From linearity to non-linearity