Introduction to Programming in ATS: | ||
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ATS is a programming language equipped with a highly expressive type system rooted in the Applied Type System framework, which also gives ATS its name. I will gradually introduce the type system of ATS, which is probably the most outstanding and interesting part of this book.
It is common to treat a type as the set of values it classifies. However, I find it more approriate to treat a type as a form of meaning. There are formal rules for assigning types to expressions, which are referred to as typing rules. If a type T can be assigned to an expression, then I say that the expression possesses the static meaning (semantics) represented by the type T. Note that an expression may be assigned many distinct static meanings. An expression is well-typed if there exists a type T such that the expression can be assigned the type T.
If there is a binding between a name and an expression and the expression is of some type T, then the name is assumed to be of the type T in the effective scope of the binding. In other words, the name assumes the static meaning of the expression it refers to.
Let exp0 be an expression of some type T, that is, the type T can be assigned to exp0 according to the typing rules. If we can evaluate exp0 to exp1, then exp1 can also be assigned the type T. In other words, static meaning is an invariant under evaluation. This property is often referred to as type preservation, which is part of the soundness of the type system of ATS. Based on this property, we can readily infer that any value is of the type T if exp0 can be evaluated to it (in many steps).
Let exp0 be an expression of some type T. Assume that exp0 is not a value. Then exp0 can always be evaluated one step further to another expression exp1. This property is often referred to as progress, which is another part of the soundness of the type system of ATS.
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