Introduction to Programming in ATS: | ||
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I have so far given a presentation of views that solely focuses on at-views and the views built on top of at-views. This is largely due to at-views being the form of most widely used views in practice and also being the first form of views supported in ATS. However, other forms of views can be readily introduced into ATS abstractly. Even in a case where a view can be defined based on at-views (or other forms of views), one may still want to introduce it as an abstract view (accompanied with certain proof functions for performing view changes). Often what the programmer really needs is to figure out conceptually whether abstractly defined views and proof functions for manipulating them actually make sense. This is a bit like arguing whether a function is computable: There is rarely a need, if at all, to actually encode the function as a Turing-machine to prove its being computable. IMHO, learning proper use of abstract views and abstract viewtypes is a necessary step for one to take in order to employ linear types effectively in practice to deal with resource-related programming issues.
The issue of memory allocation and deallocation is of paramount importance in systems programming, where garabage collection (GC) at run-time is most likely forbidden or only supported in a highly restricted manner. Handling memory management safely and efficiently is a long standing problem of great challenge in programming, and its novel solution in ATS is firmly rooted in the paradigm of programming with theorem-proving (PwTP).
The following function malloc_gc is available in ATS for memory allocation:
fun malloc_gc () {n:nat} (n: size_t n) :<> [l:agz] (freebyte_gc_v (n, l), b0ytes n @ l | ptr l) // end of [malloc_gc] |
The sort agz is a subset sort defined for addresses that are not null:
The type b0ytes(n) is a shorthand for @[byte?][n], which is for an array of n uninitialized bytes. Therefore, the at-view b0ytes(n)@l is the same as the array-view array_v(byte?, n, l). The view freebyte_gc_v(n, l) stands for a form of capability allowing that the n bytes located at the address l be freed (or reclaimed) by the following function free_gc:
fun free_gc {n:nat} {l:addr} (pfgc: freebyte_gc_v (n, l), pfat: b0ytes n @ l | p: ptr l):<> void // end of [free_gc] |
Note that freebyte_gc_v is so far the first view we have encountered that is not built on top of any at-views.
In practice, it is rather cumbersome to deal with bytes directly. Instead, the following two functions are more convenient for allocating and deallocating arrays:
fun{a:viewt@ype} array_ptr_alloc {n:nat} (asz: size_t n) :<> [l:agz] (free_gc_v (a?, n, l), array_v (a?, n, l) | ptr l) // end of [array_ptr_alloc] fun array_ptr_free {a:viewt@ype} {n:int} {l:addr} ( pfgc: free_gc_v (a?, n, l), pfarr: array_v (a?, n, l) | p: ptr l ) :<> void // end of [array_ptr_free] |
Given a type T, an integer N and an address L, the view free_gc_v(T?, N, L) means that the memory for the array located at L of N elements of the type T can be freed. In particular, the view freebyte_gc_v(N, L) is just free_gc_v(byte?, N, L).
I now give a realistic and interesting example involving both array allocation and deallocation. The following two functions templates msort1 and msort2 perform mergesort on a given array:
typedef cmp (a:t@ype) = (&a, &a) -> int extern fun{a:t@ype} msort1 {n:nat} (A: &(@[a][n]), n: size_t n, B: &(@[a?][n]), cmp: cmp(a)): void // end of [msort1] extern fun{a:t@ype} msort2 {n:nat} (A: &(@[a][n]), n: size_t n, B: &(@[a?][n]) >> @[a][n], cmp: cmp(a)): void // end of [msort2] |
It is well-known that merging two sorted segments of a given array requires additional space. When msort1 is called on arrays A and B, the array A is the one to be sorted and the array B is some kind of scratch area needed to perform merging (of sorted array segments). When a call to msort1 returns, the sorted version of A is still sotred in A. What msort2 does is similar but the sorted version of A is stored in B when a call to msort2 returns. As a good exercise, I suggest that the interested reader take the effort to give a mutually recursive implementation of msort1 and msort2. An implementation of mergesort based on msort1 can be readily given as follows:
extern fun{a:t@ype} mergesort {n:nat} (A: &(@[a][n]), n: size_t n, cmp: cmp(a)): void // end of [mergesort] implement{a} mergesort (A, n, cmp) = let val (pfgc, pfat | p) = array_ptr_alloc<a> (n) val () = msort1 (A, n, !p, cmp) val () = array_ptr_free (pfgc, pfat | p) in // nothing end // end of [mergesort] |
Clearly, an array is first allocated (to be used as a scratch area) and then deallocated after it is no longer needed.
The entire implementation of mergesort on arrays plus some testing code is available on-line.
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