Generic Template Implementation

Interfaces for function templates are mostly similar to those for functions. For example, the following syntax declares an interface in a dynamic file for a function template of the name list0_fold_left:

extern fun{a:t@ype}{b:t@ype}
list0_fold_left (f: (a, b) -<cloref1> a, init: a, xs: list0 b): a

If the same interface is declared in a static file, the keyword extern should be dropped. Implementing an interface for a function template is also mostly similar to implementing one for a function. The above interface for list0_fold_left is given an implementation in the following code:

list0_fold_left (f, init, xs) = let
  fun loop (init: a, xs: list0 b):<cloref1> a =
    case+ xs of
    | list0_cons (x, xs) => loop (f (init, x), xs)
    | list0_nil () => init
  // end of [loop]
  loop (init, xs)
end // end of [list0_fold_left]

Note that template parameters are required to appear immediately after the keyword implement, and they cannot be omitted. Template parameters can also be passed sequentially as is shown in the following short example:

extern fun{a,b:t@ype}{c:t@ype}
app2 (f: (a, b) -<cloref1> c, x: a, y: b): c

implement{a,b}{c} app2 (f, x, y) = f (x, y)

The style of template implementation presented in this section is referred to as generic template implementation. I will later present a different style of template implementation, which is often referred to as specific template implementation.