Introduction to Programming in ATS: | ||
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Given a type T and an address L, how can a proof of the view T@L be obtained in the first place? There are actually a variety of methods for obtaining such proofs in practice, and I present one as follows that is based on stack-allocation of local variables.
In the body of the following function foo, some stack-allocated local variables are declared:
fn foo (): void = let var x0: int // view@ (x0): int? @ x0 val () = x0 := 0 // view@ (x0): int(0) @ x0 var x1: int = 1 // view@ (x1): int(1) @ x1 // // [with] is a keyword in ATS // var y: int with pfy // pfy is an alias of view@ (y): int? @ y val () = y := 2 // pfy = view@ (y): int(2) @ y var z: int with pfz = 3 // pfz is an alias of view@ (z): int(3) @ z in // nothing end // end of [f] |
The keyword var is for declaring a local variable. When a variable is declared, either its type or its initial value needs to be given. If a variable is declared without a type, then the type of its initial value is assumed to be its type. Assume that a variable x is declared of type T. Then the pointer to the location of the variable is denoted by &x, and its associated linear proof (of some at-view) can be referred to as view@(x), where view@ is a keyword. A variable is another form of left-value in ATS. In the body of foo, x0 is declared to be a variable of the type int and then it is initialized with the integer 0; x1 is declared to be a variable of the type int that is given the initial value 1; y is declared to be a variable of the type int while pfy is introduced as an alias of view@(y), and then y is initialized with the integer 2; z is declared to be a variable of the type int that is given the initial value 3 while pfz is introduced as an alias of view@(z).
The following code gives an implementation of the factorial function:
fn fact {n:nat} (n: int n): int = let fun loop {n:nat} {l:addr} .<n>. (pf: !int @ l | n: int n, res: ptr l): void = if n > 0 then let val () = !res := n * !res in loop (pf | n-1, res) end // end of [if] // end of [loop] var res: int with pf = 1 val () = loop (pf | n, &res) // &res: the pointer to res in res end // end of [fact] |
Note that the variable res holds the intermediate result during the execution of the loop. As res is stack-allocated, there is no generated garbage after a call to fact is evaluated. When this style of programming is done in C, there is often a concern about the pointer to res being derefenced after a call to fact returns, which is commonly referred to as derefencing a dangling pointer. This concern is completely eliminated in ATS as it is required by the type system of ATS that a linear proof of the at-view associated with the variable res be present at the end of legal scope for res. More specifically, if x is a declared variable of the type T, then a linear proof of the view T?@L, where L is the address of x, must be available when typechecking reaches the end of the scope for x. This requirement ensures that a variable can no longer be accessed after the portion of the stack in which it is allocated is reclaimed as no linear proof of the at-view associated with the variable is ever available from that point on.
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