Introduction to Programming in ATS: | ||
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Within the ATS programming langauge system, there is a component named ATS/LF for supporting (interactive) therorem-proving. In ATS/LF, theorem-proving is done by constructing proofs as total functional programs. It will soon become clear that this style of theorem-proving can be combined cohesively with functional programming to yield a programming paradigm that is considered the signature of ATS: programming with theorem-proving. Moreover, ATS/LF can be employed to encode various deduction systems and their meta-properties.
Please find on-line the code employed for illustration in this chapter plus some additional code for testing.
In the statics of ATS, there is a built-in sort prop for static terms that represent types for proofs. A static term of the sort prop can also be referred to as a type or more accurately, a prop-type or just a prop. A dataprop can be declared in a manner that is mostly similar to the declaration of a datatype. For instance, a prop construct FIB is introduced in the following dataprop declaration:
dataprop FIB (int, int) = | FIB0 (0, 0) of () // [of ()] can be dropped | FIB1 (1, 1) of () // [of ()] can be dropped | {n:nat} {r0,r1:nat} FIB2 (n+2, r0+r1) of (FIB (n, r0), FIB (n+1, r1)) // end of [FIB] |
FIB0: () -> FIB (0, 0)
FIB1: () -> FIB (1, 1)
FIB2: {n:nat} {r0,r1:int} (FIB(n, r0), FIB(n+1, r1)) -> FIB(n+2, r0+r1)
fib(0) = 0, and
fib(1) = 1, and
fib(n+2) = fib(n+1) + fib(n) for n >= 2.
As another example of dataprop, the following declaration introduces a prop constructor MUL together with three associated proof constructors:
dataprop MUL (int, int, int) = | {n:int} MULbas (0, n, 0) of () | {m:nat} {n:int} {p:int} MULind (m+1, n, p+n) of MUL (m, n, p) | {m:pos} {n:int} {p:int} MULneg (~m, n, ~p) of MUL (m, n, p) // end of [MUL] |
0*n = 0 for every integer n, and
(m+1)*n = m*n + n for each pair of integers m and n, and
(~m)*n = ~(m*n) for each pair of integers m and n.
It can be readily noticed that the process of encoding a functional relation (i.e., a relation representing a function) as a dataprop is analogous to implementing a function in a logic programming language such as Prolog.
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