staload "libats_lex_lexing.sats"
staload "ats_reference.sats"
staload _ = "ats_reference.dats"
typedef int16 = int16_t0ype
dataviewtype tblopt =
| {n:nat} {l:addr}
tblopt_some of (array_v (int16, n, l) | ptr l, int n)
| tblopt_none of ()
extern fun new_tbloptref_some {n:nat} {l:addr}
(pf: array_v (int16, n, l) | p: ptr l, n: int n): ref tblopt =
implement new_tbloptref_some (pf | p, n) = let
val tblopt = tblopt_some (pf | p, n) in ref_make_elt<tblopt> (tblopt)
extern fun table_ptr_free {a:viewt@ype}
{n:nat} {l:addr} (pf: array_v (a, n, l) | p: ptr l):<> void
= "table_ptr_free"
static inline
table_ptr_free (ats_ptr_type p) { free (p) ; return ; }
fn tbloptref_free (r_tblopt: ref tblopt): void = let
val (vbox pf_tblopt | p_tblopt) = ref_get_view_ptr r_tblopt
case+ !p_tblopt of
| ~tblopt_some (pf | p, n) => begin
table_ptr_free {int16} (pf | p); !p_tblopt := tblopt_none ()
| tblopt_none () => fold@ (!p_tblopt)
assume accept_table_t = ref (tblopt)
assume transition_table_t = ref (tblopt)
extern fun __accept_table_make_fun
(ntot: int, nfin: int, s: string): accept_table_t
= "__accept_table_make_fun"
implement __accept_table_make ntot = lam nfin => lam s =>
__accept_table_make_fun (ntot, nfin, s)
implement __accept_table_free (r_tblopt): void =
tbloptref_free r_tblopt
extern fun int_of_int16 (x: int16):<> int = "ats_int_of_int16"
static inline
ats_int_of_int16 (ats_int16_type i) { return i ; }
implement accept_table_get (r_tblopt, nstate) = let
var ans: int = (0: int)
var err: int = (0: int)
val () = let
val (vbox pf_tblopt | p_tblopt) = ref_get_view_ptr r_tblopt
case+ !p_tblopt of
| tblopt_none () => begin
err := (1: int); fold@ (!p_tblopt)
end | tblopt_some (!pf | p, n) => let
val nstate = int1_of_int nstate in
if nstate < 0 then begin
err := (2: int); fold@ (!p_tblopt)
end else if nstate >= n then begin
err := (3: int); fold@ (!p_tblopt)
end else let
prval pf_v = !pf
ans := int_of_int16 (!p.[nstate]); !pf := pf_v; fold@ (!p_tblopt)
end end in
case+ err of
| 1 => exit_errmsg (1, "lexing: accept_table_get: table is not available\n")
| 2 => exit_errmsg (1, "lexing: accept_table_get: state number is illegal\n")
| 3 => exit_errmsg (1, "lexing: accept_table_get: state number is illegal\n")
| _ => ans
#define NBITS_PER_BYTE 8
macdef CHAR_MAX_PLUS1 = 1 << 7 macdef NUMBER_OF_CHARS = CHAR_MAX_PLUS1 + 1
extern fun
__transition_table_make_fun (n: int, s: string): transition_table_t =
implement __transition_table_make n = lam s =>
__transition_table_make_fun (n, s)
implement __transition_table_free (r_tblopt): void =
tbloptref_free r_tblopt
implement transition_table_get (r_tblopt, nstate, c) = let
var ans: int = (0: int) and err: int = (0: int)
val () = let
val (vbox pf_tblopt | p_tblopt) = ref_get_view_ptr r_tblopt
case+ !p_tblopt of
| tblopt_some (!pf | p, n) => let
val c = (if c < CHAR_MAX_PLUS1 then c else 0): int
val c1 = c + 1
val i = int1_of_int ((nstate - 1) * NUMBER_OF_CHARS + c1)
if i < 0 then begin
err := (2: int); fold@ (!p_tblopt)
end else if i >= n then begin
err := (3: int); fold@ (!p_tblopt)
end else let
prval pf_v = !pf in
ans := int_of_int16 (!p.[i]); !pf := pf_v; fold@ (!p_tblopt)
end | tblopt_none () => begin
err := (1: int); fold@ (!p_tblopt)
end end
case+ err of
| 1 => exit_errmsg (1, "lexing: transition_table_get: table is not available\n")
| 2 => exit_errmsg (1, "lexing: transition_table_get: state number is illegal\n")
| 3 => exit_errmsg (1, "lexing: transition_table_get: state number is illegal\n")
| _ => ans
#define NBITS_PER_BYTE 8
** NUMBER_OF_CHARS = 128 + 1
#define NUMBER_OF_CHARS ((1 << (NBITS_PER_BYTE - 1)) + 1)
(ats_int_type ntot, ats_int_type nfin, ats_ptr_type s0) {
int i, nstate, irule, sz ;
ats_int16_type *p0 ; ats_uchar_type *s ; ats_ptr_type res ;
s = (ats_uchar_type*)s0;
// [calloc] is used as only integers are to be stored; thus,
// there is no need to scan the allocated memory during GC;
// the allocated memory is freed by a call to [free]
sz = ntot + 1 ; p0 = calloc (sz, sizeof(ats_int16_type)) ;
for (i = 0 ; i < nfin ; ++i) {
nstate = (s[0] << NBITS_PER_BYTE) + s[1] ;
s += 2 ;
p0[nstate] = (s[0] << NBITS_PER_BYTE) + s[1] ;
s += 2 ;
fprintf (stdout, "%i -> %i\n", nstate, p0[nstate]) ;
} /* end of [for] */
res = new_tbloptref_some (p0, sz) ;
fprintf (stdout, "__accept_table_make_fun: sz = %i\n", sz);
fprintf (stdout, "__accept_table_make_fun: ptr = %p\n", p0);
fprintf (stdout, "__accept_table_make_fun: res = %p\n", res);
return res ;
} /* end of [__accept_table_make_fun] */
__transition_table_make_fun (ats_int_type n, ats_ptr_type s0) {
int i, j, sz;
ats_int16_type *p0, *p ; ats_uchar_type *s ;
ats_ptr_type res ;
sz = n * NUMBER_OF_CHARS ;
// [malloc] is used as only integers are to be stored; thus,
// there is no need to scan the allocated memory during GC;
// the allocated memory is freed by a call to [free]
p0 = malloc (sz*sizeof(ats_int16_type)) ; p = p0 ;
s = (ats_uchar_type*)s0;
for (i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i) {
for (j = 0 ; j < NUMBER_OF_CHARS ; ++j) {
*p = (s[0] << NBITS_PER_BYTE) + s[1] ;
fprintf (stdout, "__transition_table_make_fun: %i: *p = %i\n", j, *p);
s += 2 ; ++p ;
} /* end of [for] */
} /* end of [for] */
res = new_tbloptref_some (p0, sz) ;
fprintf (stdout, "__transition_table_make_fun: sz = %i\n", sz);
fprintf (stdout, "__transition_table_make_fun: ptr = %p\n", p0);
fprintf (stdout, "__transition_table_make_fun: res = %p\n", res);
return res ;
} /* end of [__transition_table_make_fun] */