(*                                                                     *)
(*                         Applied Type System                         *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*                              Hongwei Xi                             *)
(*                                                                     *)

** ATS - Unleashing the Potential of Types!
** Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Hongwei Xi, Boston University
** All rights reserved
** ATS is free software;  you can  redistribute it and/or modify it under
** the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by the
** Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)  any
** later version.
** ATS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
** WARRANTY; without  even  the  implied  warranty  of MERCHANTABILITY or
** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the  GNU General Public License
** for more details.
** You  should  have  received  a  copy of the GNU General Public License
** along  with  ATS;  see the  file COPYING.  If not, please write to the
** Free Software Foundation,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
** 02110-1301, USA.

(* ****** ****** *)
// Author of the file: Hongwei Xi (hwxi AT cs DOT bu DOT edu)
// Start Time: 2007
(* ****** ****** *)

#include "prelude/params.hats"

(* ****** ****** *)

#print "Loading [basics_dyn.sats] starts!\n"
#endif // end of [VERBOSE_PRELUDE]

(* ****** ****** *)

// some overloaded symbols

symintr ~ not
symintr && || << >> land lor lxor
symintr + - * / mod gcd
symintr < <= > >= = <>
symintr succ pred
symintr abs square sqrt cube cbrt
symintr compare max min pow
symintr foreach // foreach without index
symintr iforeach (* foreach with index *)
symintr fprint print prerr
symintr length (* array_length, list_length, string_length, etc. *)
symintr ofstring ofstrptr
symintr tostring tostrptr

symintr liftmac evalmac

symintr assert assert_errmsg

symintr bool_of // booleans
symintr char_of uchar_of // signed/unsigned chars
symintr int_of uint_of // signed/unsigned integers
symintr int1_of uint1_of // signed/unsigned indexed integers
symintr lint_of ulint_of // signed/unsigned long integers
symintr llint_of ullint_of // signed/unsigned long long integers
symintr sint_of usint_of // signed/unsigned short integers
symintr ssint_of ussint_of // signed/unsigned short short integers
symintr float_of double_of ldouble_of // single/double/long double
symintr ptr_of // many, many, many, ...

(* ****** ****** *)

praxi cleanup_top {a:viewt@ype} (x: a?):<> void

(* ****** ****** *)

// HX: should this be assumed?
// HX-2010-10-12: of course, it should
praxi eqsize_byte_one (): [sizeof byte == 1] void
praxi eqsize_byte_char (): [sizeof byte == sizeof char] void
praxi eqsize_int_uint (): [sizeof int == sizeof uint] void
praxi eqsize_char_schar (): [sizeof char == sizeof schar] void
praxi eqsize_char_uchar (): [sizeof char == sizeof uchar] void

// HX-2010-04-18: there are no negative addresses
praxi addr_is_gtez {l:addr} ():<> [l >= null] void
prfun ptr_is_gtez {l:addr} (p: ptr l):<> [l >= null] void

(* ****** ****** *)

** The proof function [verify_constraint] is mostly used for
** debugging proofs, and it is equivalent to the follow line:
** prval _ = (): [p] void
** Note that the followine line puts [p] into the assumption
** store after verification is done:
** prval () = (): [p] void 

prfun verify_constraint {p:bool | p} (): void 

(* ****** ****** *)

val AssertionException : exn = "AssertionException"
val DivisionByZeroException : exn = "DivisionByZeroException"
val OverflowException : exn = "OverflowException"
val SubscriptException : exn = "SubscriptException"

(* ****** ****** *)

val{elt:viewt@ype} sizeof : size_t (sizeof elt)

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: note that sizeof(empty) = 0 and sizeof(void) = 1
val empval : empty = "ats_empty_value" // the empty value in ATS

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: In $ATSHOME/ccomp/runtime:
// ats_true_bool/ats_true_false are mapped to 1/0, respectively
val true  : bool (true)  = "#ats_true_bool"
and false : bool (false) = "#ats_false_bool"

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: this function results in a FATAL irrecoverable error
fun crash // crash() = (void)*(int*)0
  (): void = "ats_crash" // implemented in [prelude/DATS/basics.dats]
// end of [crash]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun exit {a:viewt@ype} (status: int):<!exn> a = "#ats_exit"

fun exit_main
  {a:viewt@ype} {v_in:view} {v_out:view}
  (pf: !v_in >> v_out | status: int):<!exn> a = "#ats_exit"
// end of [exit_main]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun exit_errmsg
  {a:viewt@ype} (status: int, msg: string): a = "#ats_exit_errmsg"
// end of [exit_errmsg]

fun exit_prerrf {a:viewt@ype} {ts:types}
  (status: int, fmt: printf_c ts, args: ts): a = "#atspre_exit_prerrf"
// end of [exit_prerrf]

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX-2010-10-02: 
// the function should be used in a position
// where it is deadcode!
fun assertfalse ():<!exn> [false] void = "atspre_assertfalse"

(* ****** ****** *)

fun assert_bool
  (assertion: bool):<!exn> void = "atspre_assert"
overload assert with assert_bool

fun assert_bool1 {b:bool}
  (assertion: bool b):<!exn> [b] void = "atspre_assert"
overload assert with assert_bool1

(* ****** ****** *)

fun assert_errmsg_bool
  (assertion: bool, msg: string):<!exn> void
  = "atspre_assert_errmsg"
overload assert_errmsg with assert_errmsg_bool

fun assert_errmsg_bool1 {b:bool}
  (assertion: bool b, msg: string):<!exn> [b] void
  = "atspre_assert_errmsg"
overload assert_errmsg with assert_errmsg_bool1

(* ****** ****** *)

fun assert_errmsg_bool_string1
  (assertion: bool, msg: String):<!exn> void = "atspre_assert_errmsg"
overload assert_errmsg with assert_errmsg_bool_string1

fun assert_errmsg_bool1_string1 {b:bool}
  (assertion: bool b, msg: String):<!exn> [b] void = "atspre_assert_errmsg"
overload assert_errmsg with assert_errmsg_bool1_string1

(* ****** ****** *)

// If [main_dummy] is implemented, then it indicates that [mainats]
// is implemented in C

prval main_dummy (): void

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: for internal use:
// [main_prelude] is called before [main]
// it is implemented in "$ATSHOME/ats_main_prelude.dats"
// HX: please note that the difference in names
fun main_prelude (): void = "mainats_prelude"

(* ****** ****** *)

fun main {n:int | n >= 1}
  (argc: int n, argv: &(@[string][n])): void = "mainats"
// end of [main]

symintr main

fun main_void (): void = "mainats"
overload main with main_void
fun main_argc_argv {n:int | n >= 1}
  (argc: int n, argv: &(@[string][n])): void = "mainats"
overload main with main_argc_argv

(* ****** ****** *)

symintr free_gc_elim

praxi free_gc_addr_elim // return the certificate to the GC
  {l:addr} (pf: free_gc_v l):<> void
overload free_gc_elim with free_gc_addr_elim
praxi free_gc_t0ype_addr_elim // return the certificate to the GC
  {a:viewt@ype} {l:addr} (pf: free_gc_v (a, l)):<> void
overload free_gc_elim with free_gc_t0ype_addr_elim
praxi free_gc_t0ype_int_addr_elim // return the certificate to the GC
  {a:viewt@ype} {n:int} {l:addr} (pf: free_gc_v (a, n, l)):<> void
overload free_gc_elim with free_gc_t0ype_int_addr_elim

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: implemented in [basics.cats]
castfn cloptr_get_view_ptr {a:viewt@ype}
  (x: cloptr a):<> [l:addr] (free_gc_v l, clo a @ l | ptr l)
  = "atspre_cloptr_get_view_ptr"
// end of [cloptr_get_view_ptr]
castfn cloptr_make_view_ptr {a:viewt@ype} {l:addr}
  (pf_gc: free_gc_v l, pf_at: clo a @ l | p: ptr l):<> cloptr a
  = "atspre_cloptr_make_view_ptr"
// end of [cloptr_make_view_ptr]

castfn cloref_get_view_ptr {a:t@ype}
  (x: cloref a):<> [l:addr] (vbox (clo a @ l) | ptr l)
  = "atspre_cloref_get_view_ptr"
// end of [cloref_get_view_ptr]
castfn cloref_make_view_ptr {a:t@ype}
  {l:addr} (pf: vbox (clo a @ l) | p: ptr l):<> cloref a
  = "atspre_cloref_make_view_ptr"
// end of [cloref_make_view_ptr]

fun cloptr_free {a:t@ype} (x: cloptr a):<> void = "atspre_cloptr_free"

(* ****** ****** *)

praxi clstrans
  {c1,c2,c3:cls | c1 <= c2; c2 <= c3} (): [c1 <= c3] void
// end of [clstrans]

dataprop SUBCLS (c1:cls, c2:cls, bool) =
  | {c1 <= c2} SUBCLS (c1, c2, true) of () | SUBCLSfalse (c1, c2, false) of ()
// end of [SUBCLS]

(* ****** ****** *)
// fun void ():<> void = "ats_void"
// [vbox_make_view_ptr] implemented in [basics.cats]
fun vbox_make_view_ptr
  {a:viewt@ype} {l:addr} // for statically allocated
  (_: a @ l | _: ptr l):<> (vbox (a @ l) | void)
  = "atspre_vbox_make_view_ptr"
// end of [vbox_make_view_ptr]

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: optional initialization
praxi opt_some {a:viewt@ype} (x: !(a) >> opt (a, true)):<prf> void
praxi opt_unsome {a:viewt@ype} (x: !opt (a, true) >> a):<prf> void
praxi opt_none {a:viewt@ype} (x: !(a?) >> opt (a, false)):<prf> void
praxi opt_unnone {a:viewt@ype} (x: !opt (a, false) >> a?):<prf> void
praxi opt_clear {a:t@ype} {b:bool} (x: !opt (a, b) >> a?):<prf> void
(* ****** ****** *)


// fractional views are yet to be supported

sta zero : rat and one : rat

prval vfrac_make : {v:view} v -<> [s:stamp] vfrac (s, v, one)
  and vfrac_free : {v:view} {s:stamp} vfrac (s, v, one) -<> v
  and vfrac_split : {v:view} {r:rat} {s:stamp}
    vfrac (s, v, r) -<> (vfrac (s, v, r/2), vfrac (s, v, r/2))
  and vfrac_unsplit : {v:view} {r1,r2: rat} {s:stamp}
    (vfrac (s, v, r1), vfrac (s, v, r2)) -<> vfrac (s, v, r1+r2)

fun vtfrac_make {vt:viewtype} (_: vt):<> [s:stamp] vtfrac (s, vt, one)
and vtfrac_free {vt:viewtype} {s:stamp} (_: vtfrac (s, vt, one)):<> vt
and vtfrac_split {vt:viewtype} {r:rat} {s:stamp}
  (_: vtfrac (s, vt, r)):<> (vtfrac (s, vt, r/2), vtfrac (s, vt, r/2))
and vtfrac_unsplit {vt:viewtype} {r1,r2:rat} {s:stamp}
  (_: vtfrac (s, vt, r1), vtfrac (s, vt, r2)):<> vtfrac (s, vt, r1+r2)


(* ****** ****** *)

abstype file_mode (file_mode) // string type

dataprop file_mode_lte
  (file_mode, file_mode) =
  | {m:file_mode} file_mode_lte_refl (m, m)
  | {m1,m2,m3:file_mode}
      file_mode_lte_tran (m1, m3) of
        (file_mode_lte (m1, m2), file_mode_lte (m2, m3))
  | {m:file_mode} file_mode_lte_rw_r (rw, r)
  | {m:file_mode} file_mode_lte_rw_w (rw, w)
// end of [file_mode_lte]

prval file_mode_lte_r_r: file_mode_lte (r, r) // implemented in [file.dats]
prval file_mode_lte_w_w: file_mode_lte (w, w) // implemented in [file.dats]
prval file_mode_lte_rw_rw: file_mode_lte (rw, rw) // implemented in [file.dats]

stadef <= = file_mode_lte

(* ****** ****** *)

(* standard I/O channels *)

// standard input/output/error

sta stdin_addr : addr
macdef stdin = $extval (ptr stdin_addr, "stdin")

fun stdin_get ():<!exnref> (FILE r @ stdin_addr | ptr stdin_addr)
  = "atspre_stdin_get"
// end of [stdin_get]
fun stdin_view_get ()
  :<!exnref> (FILE r @ stdin_addr | void) = "atspre_stdin_view_get"
// end of [stdin_view_get]
and stdin_view_set (pf: FILE r @ stdin_addr | (*none*)):<!exnref> void
  = "atspre_stdin_view_set"
// end of [stdin_view_set]

sta stdout_addr : addr
macdef stdout = $extval (ptr stdout_addr, "stdout")

fun stdout_get ()
  :<!exnref> (FILE w @ stdout_addr | ptr stdout_addr)
  = "atspre_stdout_get"
// end of [stdout_get]

fun stdout_view_get ()
  :<!exnref> (FILE w @ stdout_addr | void) = "atspre_stdout_view_get"
// end of [stdout_view_get]
and stdout_view_set (pf: FILE w @ stdout_addr | (*none*)):<!exnref> void
  = "atspre_stdout_view_set"
// end of [stdout_view_set]

sta stderr_addr : addr
macdef stderr = $extval (ptr stderr_addr, "stderr")

fun stderr_get ()
  :<!exnref> (FILE w @ stderr_addr | ptr stderr_addr)
  = "atspre_stderr_get"
// end of [stderr_get]

fun stderr_view_get ()
  :<!exnref> (FILE w @ stderr_addr | void) = "atspre_stderr_view_get"
// end of [stderr_view_get]
and stderr_view_set (pf: FILE w @ stderr_addr | (*none*)):<!exnref> void
  = "atspre_stderr_view_set"
// end of [stderr_view_set]

(* ****** ****** *)
// print functions for various type of data
fprint_t0ype_type (a:t@ype) = {m:file_mode}
  (file_mode_lte (m, w) | &FILE m, a) -<fun,!exnref> void
fprint_viewt0ype_type (a:viewt@ype) = {m:file_mode}
  (file_mode_lte (m, w) | &FILE m, !a) -<fun,!exnref> void

(* ****** ****** *)
// print functions for newlines
symintr fprint_newline
fun fprint0_newline
  (out: FILEref):<!ref> void = "atspre_fprint_newline"
fun fprint1_newline {m:file_mode}
  (pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m):<!ref> void
  = "atspre_fprint_newline"
overload fprint_newline with fprint0_newline
overload fprint_newline with fprint1_newline

fun print_newline ():<!ref> void = "atspre_print_newline"
and prerr_newline ():<!ref> void = "atspre_prerr_newline"

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX-2010-08-10:
// the mode information is simply asserted and can be incorrect!
castfn FILEref_get_ref
  {m:file_mode} (x: FILEref):<> ref (FILE m)
castfn FILEref_get_view_ptr {m:file_mode} // non-reentrant!
  (x: FILEref):<> [l:addr] (FILE m @ l, FILE m @ l -<lin,prf> void | ptr l)
// end of [FILEref_get_view_ptr]

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: implemented in prelude/DATS/basics.dats
prval option_v_unsome : {v:view} option_v (v, true) -<prf> v
prval option_v_unnone : {v:view} option_v (v, false) -<prf> void

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: implemented in prelude/DATS/basics.dats
prfun unit_v_elim (pf: unit_v): void

(* ****** ****** *)

// it is now supported internally; see [lazy.cats] and [lazy_vt.cats]

// for lazy (i.e., call-by-need) evaluation

// nonlinear version
dataviewtype thunkvalue (a:t@ype+) =
  | thunkvalue_thunk (a) of (() -<cloref1,~ref> a)
  | thunkvalue_value (a) of a
// end of [thunkvalue]

// linear version
dataviewtype thunkvalue_vt (a:viewt@ype+) =
  | thunkvalue_vt_thunk (a) of (() -<lin,cloptr1,~ref> a)
  | thunkvalue_vt_value (a) of a
// end of [thunkvalue_vt]

// implemented in [prelude/DATS/lazy.dats]
fun{a:t@ype} lazy_force_crypt (x: crypt (lazy a)):<1,~ref> a
macdef lazy_force (x) = lazy_force_crypt ($encrypt ,(x))

// implemented in [prelude/DATS/lazy.dats]
fun{a:viewt@ype} lazy_vt_force_crypt (x: crypt (lazy_vt a)):<1,~ref> a
macdef lazy_vt_force (x) = lazy_vt_force_crypt ($encrypt ,(x))


fun lazy_vt_free
  {a:viewt@ype} (x: lazy_vt a):<1,~ref> void = "ats_lazy_vt_free"
overload ~ with lazy_vt_free

(* ****** ****** *)

#print "Loading [basics_dyn.ats] finishes!\n"
#endif // end of [VERBOSE_PRELUDE]

(* end of [basics_dyn.sats] *)