#include "ats_intinf.cats" // this for the ATS/Geizeilla compiler
staload Deb = "ats_debug.sats"
staload Eff = "ats_effect.sats"
staload Err = "ats_error.sats"
staload IntInf = "ats_intinf.sats"
staload Loc = "ats_location.sats"
staload Lst = "ats_list.sats"
staload SOL = "ats_staexp2_solve.sats"
staload Syn = "ats_syntax.sats"
staload "ats_staexp2.sats"
staload "ats_dynexp2.sats"
staload MAC = "ats_macro2.sats"
staload "ats_stadyncst2.sats"
staload "ats_patcst2.sats"
staload "ats_string_parse.sats"
staload "ats_dynexp3.sats"
staload "ats_trans3_env.sats"
staload "ats_trans3.sats"
#define nil list_nil
#define cons list_cons
#define :: list_cons
#define THISFILENAME "ats_trans3_exp_dn.dats"
overload = with $Lab.eq_label_label
overload prerr with $Loc.prerr_location
overload prerr with $Lab.prerr_label
fn prerr_loc_error3 (loc: loc_t): void =
($Loc.prerr_location loc; prerr ": error(3)")
fn prerr_interror () = prerr "INTERNAL ERROR (ats_trans3_exp_dn)"
fn prerr_loc_interror (loc: loc_t) = begin
$Loc.prerr_location loc; prerr ": INTERNAL ERROR (ats_trans3_exp_dn)"
fn pfarity_check_rec
(loc_rec: loc_t, npf1: int, npf2: int): void =
if npf1 = npf2 then () else begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc_rec;
prerr ": the proof arity of the record is [";
prerr npf1;
prerr "] but it is expected to be [";
prerr npf2;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
fn reckind_check
(loc_rec: loc_t, k1: int, k2: tyreckind): void = begin
if k1 > 0 then begin case+ k2 of
| TYRECKINDbox () => () | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc_rec;
prerr ": the record is boxed but it is expected to be flat.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end end else begin case+ k2 of | TYRECKINDflt0 _ => ()
| TYRECKINDflt1 _ => ()
| TYRECKINDflt_ext _ => ()
| _ => begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc_rec;
prerr ": the record is flat but it is expected to be boxed.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end end end
typedef funclo = $Syn.funclo
viewtypedef funcloopt_vt = Option_vt funclo
fn d2exp_funclo_opt_of_d2exp
(d2e0: d2exp, ofc0: &(funcloopt_vt?) >> funcloopt_vt): d2exp =
case+ :(ofc0: Option_vt funclo) => d2e0.d2exp_node of
| D2Eann_funclo (d2e, fc) => (ofc0 := Some_vt fc; d2e)
| _ => (ofc0 := None_vt (); d2e0)
viewtypedef s2effopt_vt = Option_vt s2eff
fn d2exp_s2eff_opt_of_d2exp
(d2e0: d2exp, os2fe0: &(s2effopt_vt?) >> s2effopt_vt): d2exp =
case+ :(os2fe0: s2effopt_vt) => d2e0.d2exp_node of
| D2Eann_seff (d2e, s2fe) => (os2fe0 := Some_vt s2fe; d2e)
| _ => (os2fe0 := None_vt (); d2e0)
d3exp_tr_dn (d3e, s2e) = let
$SOL.s2exp_tyleq_solve (d3e.d3exp_loc, d3e.d3exp_typ, s2e)
fn d2exp_float_tr_dn
(d2e0: d2exp, fcst: string, s2e0: s2exp): d3exp = let
fn err (loc0: loc_t, s2e0: s2exp): d3exp = begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
prerr ": the type ["; prerr s2e0;
prerr "] cannot be assigned to a float constant.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d3exp} ()
val loc0 = d2e0.d2exp_loc
val s2e0 = s2exp_whnf s2e0
case+ s2e0.s2exp_node of
| S2Ecst s2c => begin case+ s2c of
| _ when s2cstref_cst_equ (Double_t0ype, s2c) => begin
d3exp_float (loc0, s2e0, fcst)
| _ when s2cstref_cst_equ (Float_t0ype, s2c) => begin
d3exp_float (loc0, s2e0, fcst)
| _ when s2cstref_cst_equ (Double_long_t0ype, s2c) => begin
d3exp_float (loc0, s2e0, fcst)
| _ => err (loc0, s2e0)
end | _ => d2exp_tr_dn_rest (d2e0, s2e0)
fn c2lau_make_if_d2exp
(loc_cond: loc_t, b: bool, d2e: d2exp): c2lau 1 = let
val p2t = p2at_bool (loc_cond, b); val gua = list_nil ()
c2lau_make (d2e.d2exp_loc, '[p2t], gua, 0, 0, d2e)
fn c2lau_make_if_d2expopt
(loc0: loc_t, loc_cond: loc_t, b: bool, od2e: d2expopt)
: c2lau 1 = let
val d2e = (case+ od2e of
| Some d2e => d2e | None () => d2exp_empty (loc0)
) : d2exp
c2lau_make_if_d2exp (loc_cond, b, d2e)
(loc0, res, d2e_cond, d2e_then, od2e_else, s2e0) = let
val loc_cond = d2e_cond.d2exp_loc
val c2l_then = c2lau_make_if_d2exp (loc_cond, true, d2e_then)
val c2l_else = c2lau_make_if_d2expopt (loc0, loc_cond, false, od2e_else)
d2exp_caseof_tr_dn (
loc0, 1, res, 1, '[d2e_cond], '[c2l_then, c2l_else], s2e0
) end
implement d2exp_sif_tr_dn
(loc0, res, s2p_cond, d2e_then, d2e_else, s2e0) = let
val res = i2nvresstate_update (res)
val sbis = the_d2varset_env_stbefitemlst_save ()
val sac = staftscstr_initialize (res, sbis)
val d3e_then = let
val () = trans3_env_push_sta ()
val () = trans3_env_hypo_add_prop (loc0, s2p_cond)
val d3e_then = d2exp_tr_dn (d2e_then, s2e0)
val () = staftscstr_stbefitemlst_merge (loc0, sac, sbis)
val () = trans3_env_pop_sta_and_add_none (d2e_then.d2exp_loc)
end val () = stbefitemlst_restore_lin_typ (sbis)
val d3e_else = let
val () = trans3_env_push_sta ()
val () = trans3_env_hypo_add_prop (loc0, s2exp_neg_bool_bool s2p_cond)
val d3e_else = d2exp_tr_dn (d2e_else, s2e0)
val () = staftscstr_stbefitemlst_merge (loc0, sac, sbis)
val () = trans3_env_pop_sta_and_add_none (d2e_else.d2exp_loc)
val () = staftscstr_stbefitemlst_check (loc0, sac, sbis)
val () = staftscstr_stbefitemlst_update (loc0, sac, sbis)
d3exp_sif (loc0, s2e0, s2p_cond, d3e_then, d3e_else)
fn d2exp_int_tr_dn (
d2e0: d2exp
, istr: string, icst: intinf_t
, s2e0: s2exp
) : d3exp = let
fn err (loc0: loc_t, s2e0: s2exp): d3exp = begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
prerr ": the type ["; prerr s2e0;
prerr "] cannot be assigned to an integer constant.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d3exp} ()
fn szcheck (loc0: loc_t, icst: intinf_t): void = begin
if $IntInf.gte_intinf_int (icst, 0) then () else begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: d2exp_int_tr_dn", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the negative number [";
$IntInf.prerr_intinf icst;
prerr "] cannot be a size."; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end end val loc0 = d2e0.d2exp_loc
val s2e0 = s2exp_whnf s2e0
case+ s2e0.s2exp_node of
| S2Eapp (s2e_fun, s2es_arg) => begin
case+ s2e_fun.s2exp_node of
| S2Ecst s2c => begin case+ s2c of
| _ when s2cstref_cst_equ (Int_int_t0ype, s2c) => let
val s2i = (case+ s2es_arg of
| list_cons (s2e, _) => s2e
| _ => begin
prerr_interror ();
prerr ": d2exp_int_tr_dn: Int_int_t0ype"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end ) : s2exp
val () = $SOL.s2exp_equal_solve (loc0, s2exp_intinf icst, s2i)
d3exp_int (loc0, s2e0, istr, icst)
end | _ when s2cstref_cst_equ (Size_int_t0ype, s2c) => let
val () = szcheck (loc0, icst)
val s2i = (case+ s2es_arg of
| list_cons (s2e, _) => s2e
| _ => begin
prerr_interror ();
prerr ": d2exp_int_tr_dn: Int_int_t0ype"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end ) : s2exp
val () = $SOL.s2exp_equal_solve (loc0, s2exp_intinf icst, s2i)
d3exp_int (loc0, s2e0, istr, icst)
end | _ => err (loc0, s2e0)
end | _ => d2exp_tr_dn_rest (d2e0, s2e0)
end | S2Ecst s2c => begin case+ s2c of
| _ when s2cstref_cst_equ (Int_t0ype, s2c) => begin
d3exp_int (loc0, s2e0, istr, icst)
end | _ when s2cstref_cst_equ (Size_t0ype, s2c) => let
val () = szcheck (loc0, icst)
d3exp_int (loc0, s2e0, istr, icst)
end | _ => err (loc0, s2e0)
end | _ => d2exp_tr_dn_rest (d2e0, s2e0)
fun labd2explst_tr_dn
(loc0: loc_t, ld2es: labd2explst, ls2es: labs2explst): labd3explst =
case+ (ld2es, ls2es) of
| (LABD2EXPLSTcons (l1, d2e, ld2es),
LABS2EXPLSTcons (l2, s2e, ls2es)) => begin
if l1 = l2 then let
val d3e = d2exp_tr_dn (d2e, s2e) in
LABD3EXPLSTcons (l1, d3e, labd2explst_tr_dn (loc0, ld2es, ls2es))
end else begin
prerr_loc_error3 d2e.d2exp_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: labd2explst_tr_dn", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": label mismatch";
prerr ": the label for the dynamic expression is [";
prerr l1;
prerr "] but it is expected to be [";
prerr l2;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {labd3explst} ()
end end
| (LABD2EXPLSTnil (), LABS2EXPLSTnil ()) => LABD3EXPLSTnil ()
| (LABD2EXPLSTcons (l1, _, _), LABS2EXPLSTnil ()) => begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: labd2explst_tr_dn", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the tuple/record needs less components";
prerr ": a component with the label ["; prerr l1; prerr "] should be removed.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {labd3explst} ()
| (LABD2EXPLSTnil (), LABS2EXPLSTcons (l2, _, _)) => begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: labd2explst_tr_dn", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the tuple/record needs more components";
prerr ": a component with the label ["; prerr l2; prerr "] should be inserted.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {labd3explst} ()
fn d2exp_seq_tr_dn
(loc0: loc_t, d2es: d2explst, s2e0: s2exp): d3exp = let
fun aux (
d2e: d2exp
, d2es: d2explst
, s2e0: s2exp, s2e_void: s2exp
) : d3explst = case+ d2es of
| cons (d2e1, d2es1) => let
val d3e = d2exp_tr_dn (d2e, s2e_void)
cons (d3e, aux (d2e1, d2es1, s2e0, s2e_void))
end | nil () => begin
cons (d2exp_tr_dn (d2e, s2e0), nil ())
end val s2e_void = s2exp_void_t0ype ()
case+ d2es of
| cons (d2e, d2es) => begin
d3exp_seq (loc0, s2e0, aux (d2e, d2es, s2e0, s2e_void))
end | nil () => let
val () = $SOL.s2exp_tyleq_solve (loc0, s2e_void, s2e0)
d3exp_empty (loc0, s2e0)
end end
fn d2exp_string_tr_dn
(d2e0: d2exp, str: string, len: int, s2e0: s2exp): d3exp = let
fn err (loc0: loc_t, s2e0: s2exp): d3exp = begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
prerr ": the type ["; prerr s2e0;
prerr "] cannot be assigned to a string constant.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d3exp} ()
val loc0 = d2e0.d2exp_loc
val s2e0 = s2exp_whnf s2e0
case+ s2e0.s2exp_node of
| S2Eapp (s2e_fun, s2es_arg) => begin
case+ s2e_fun.s2exp_node of
| S2Ecst s2c => begin case+ s2c of
| _ when s2cstref_cst_equ (String_int_type, s2c) => let
val s2i = (case+ s2es_arg of
| list_cons (s2e, _) => s2e | _ => begin
prerr_interror ();
prerr ": d2exp_string_tr_dn: String_int_type"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end ) : s2exp val n = string0_length (str)
val n = size1_of_size (n); val n = int1_of_size1 (n)
val () = $SOL.s2exp_equal_solve (loc0, s2exp_int n, s2i)
d3exp_string (loc0, s2e0, str, len)
end | _ when s2cstref_cst_equ (Printf_c_types_type, s2c) => let
val s2e_arg = (case+ s2es_arg of
| list_cons (s2e, _) => s2e | list_nil () => begin
prerr_interror ();
prerr ": d2exp_string_tr_dn: Printf_c_types_type"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end ) : s2exp val fats = (case+ printf_c_string_parse (str) of
| ~Some_vt (fats) => fats | ~None_vt () => begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
prerr ": the c-format string is invalid."; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end ) : printf_c_argtypes val s2e_fats = s2exp_make_printf_c_argtypes fats
val () = $SOL.s2exp_tyleq_solve (loc0, s2e_arg, s2e_fats)
d3exp_string (loc0, s2e0, str, len)
end | _ => err (loc0, s2e0)
end | _ => err (loc0, s2e0)
end | S2Ecst s2c => begin case+ s2c of
| _ when s2cstref_cst_equ (String_type, s2c) => begin
d3exp_string (loc0, s2e0, str, len)
| _ => err (loc0, s2e0)
end | _ => d2exp_tr_dn_rest (d2e0, s2e0)
d2exp_tr_dn (d2e0, s2e0) = let
val loc0 = d2e0.d2exp_loc
val d3e0 = case+ d2e0.d2exp_node of
| D2Eapps (d2e_fun, d2as_arg) => begin
case+ d2e_fun.d2exp_node of
| D2Emac d2m => let
val d2e0 =
$MAC.macro_eval_app_short (loc0, d2m, d2as_arg)
d2exp_tr_dn (d2e0, s2e0)
end | _ => d2exp_tr_dn_rest (d2e0, s2e0)
end | D2Ecaseof (casknd, res, n, d2es, c2ls) => begin
d2exp_caseof_tr_dn (loc0, casknd, res, n, d2es, c2ls, s2e0)
end | D2Eeffmask (effs, d2e) => let
val (pf_effect | ()) = the_effect_env_push_effmask (effs)
val d3e = d2exp_tr_dn (d2e, s2e0)
val () = the_effect_env_pop (pf_effect | )
d3exp_effmask (loc0, effs, d3e)
end | D2Eexist (s2a, d2e) => let
val s2e0 = s2exp_whnf s2e0
val s2e = (case+ s2e0.s2exp_node of
| S2Ewth (s2e1, wths2e2) => let
val s2e1 = s2exp_exi_instantiate_sexparg (loc0, s2e1, s2a)
s2exp_wth (s2e1, wths2e2)
end | _ => s2exp_exi_instantiate_sexparg (loc0, s2e0, s2a)
) : s2exp
d2exp_tr_dn (d2e, s2e)
end | D2Efloat fcst => d2exp_float_tr_dn (d2e0, fcst, s2e0)
| D2Eif (res, d2e_cond, d2e_then, od2e_else) => begin
d2exp_if_tr_dn (loc0, res, d2e_cond, d2e_then, od2e_else, s2e0)
end | D2Eint (istr, icst) => d2exp_int_tr_dn (d2e0, istr, icst, s2e0)
| D2Elam_dyn (lin, npf, p2ts_arg, d2e_body) => let
val s2e0 = s2exp_whnf s2e0
case+ s2e0.s2exp_node of
| S2Efun (
fc_fun, lin_fun, s2fe_fun, npf_fun, s2es_fun_arg, s2e_fun_res
) => let
val () = if lin <> lin_fun then begin prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
if lin > lin_fun then
prerr " linear function is given a nonlinear type .";
if lin < lin_fun then
prerr " nonlinear function is given a linear type .";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end val () = if npf <> npf_fun then begin prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
prerr ": this function is expected to have";
if npf > npf_fun then prerr " less proof arguments.";
if npf < npf_fun then prerr " more proof arguments.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end val () = trans3_env_push_sta ()
var ofc: funcloopt_vt
val d2e_body = d2exp_funclo_opt_of_d2exp (d2e_body, ofc)
val () = case+ ofc of
| ~Some_vt fc => begin
$SOL.funclo_equal_solve (loc0, fc, fc_fun)
end | ~None_vt () => ()
var os2fe: s2effopt_vt
val d2e_body = d2exp_s2eff_opt_of_d2exp (d2e_body, os2fe)
val () = case+ os2fe of
| ~Some_vt s2fe => $SOL.s2eff_leq_solve (loc0, s2fe, s2fe_fun)
| ~None_vt () => ()
val (pf_effect | ()) = the_effect_env_push_lam s2fe_fun
val (pf_d2varset | ()) = the_d2varset_env_push_lam lin
val () = the_d2varset_env_add_p2atlst p2ts_arg
val [sgn:int] sgn = $Lst.list_length_compare (p2ts_arg, s2es_fun_arg)
val () = ( if sgn <> 0 then begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
prerr ": the funcion is expected to have";
if sgn > 0 then prerr " less arguments.";
if sgn < 0 then prerr " more arguments.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ();
assert (sgn = 0)
end else begin
() end
) : [sgn==0] void
val p2tcss = p2atcstlst_complement (p2atcstlst_of_p2atlst p2ts_arg)
val cmplt = (
case+ p2tcss of cons _ => 0 | nil _ => 1
) : int
val () = if cmplt = 0 then begin
trans3_env_add_p2atcstlstlst_false (loc0, 1, p2tcss, s2es_fun_arg)
end val p3ts_arg = p2atlst_arg_tr_dn (npf, p2ts_arg, s2es_fun_arg)
val (pf_lamloop | ()) = the_lamloop_env_push_lam (p3ts_arg)
val d3e_body = d2exp_tr_dn (d2e_body, s2e_fun_res)
val () = the_d2varset_env_check loc0
val () = if lin > 0 then the_d2varset_env_check_llam loc0
val () = the_lamloop_env_pop (pf_lamloop | )
val () = the_d2varset_env_pop_lam (pf_d2varset | )
val () = the_effect_env_pop (pf_effect | )
val () = trans3_env_pop_sta_and_add_none (loc0)
d3exp_lam_dyn (loc0, s2e0, lin, npf, p3ts_arg, d3e_body)
end | S2Euni (s2vs, s2ps, s2e) => let
val () = trans3_env_push_sta ()
val () = trans3_env_add_svarlst s2vs
val () = trans3_env_hypo_add_proplst (loc0, s2ps)
val d3e0 = d2exp_tr_dn (d2e0, s2e)
val () = trans3_env_pop_sta_and_add_none (loc0)
val () = d3exp_typ_set (d3e0, s2e0)
end | _ when s2exp_is_non_fun s2e0 => begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
prerr ": the function is assigned a non-function type [";
prerr s2e0;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d3exp} ()
end | _ => let
val d3e0 = d2exp_tr_up d2e0 in d3exp_tr_dn (d3e0, s2e0); d3e0
end end | D2Elet (d2cs, d2e) => let
val (pf_effect | ()) = the_effect_env_push ()
val (pf_s2cstlst | ()) = the_s2cstlst_env_push ()
val (pf_d2varset | ()) = the_d2varset_env_push_let ()
val d3cs = d2eclst_tr d2cs
val d3e = d2exp_tr_dn (d2e, s2e0)
val () = the_d2varset_env_check loc0
val () = the_d2varset_env_pop_let (pf_d2varset | )
val () = the_s2cstlst_env_pop_and_unbind (pf_s2cstlst | )
val () = the_effect_env_pop (pf_effect | )
d3exp_let (loc0, d3cs, d3e)
end | D2Erec (recknd, npf1, ld2es) => let
var iswth: int = 0
val s2e0 = s2exp_whnf s2e0
var s2e0: s2exp = s2e0
val () =
if s2exp_is_wth s2e0 then begin
iswth := 1;
s2e0 := s2exp_wth_instantiate (loc0, s2e0);
s2e0 := s2exp_whnf s2e0
val s2e0 = s2e0
case+ s2e0.s2exp_node of
| S2Etyrec (tyrecknd, npf2, ls2es) => let
val () = reckind_check (loc0, recknd, tyrecknd)
val () = pfarity_check_rec (loc0, npf1, npf2)
val ld3es = labd2explst_tr_dn (loc0, ld2es, ls2es)
val d3e0 = d3exp_rec (loc0, s2e0, recknd, npf1, ld3es)
val () = if iswth > 0 then funarg_varfin_check (loc0)
end | _ when s2exp_is_non_tyrec s2e0 => begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
prerr ": the record is assigned a non-record type [";
prerr s2e0;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d3exp} ()
end | _ => let
val d3e0 = d2exp_tr_up d2e0
val () = $SOL.s2exp_tyleq_solve (loc0, d3e0.d3exp_typ, s2e0)
val () = if iswth > 0 then funarg_varfin_check (loc0)
val () = d3exp_typ_set (d3e0, s2e0)
end end | D2Escaseof (res, s2e_val, sc2ls) => begin
d2exp_scaseof_tr_dn (loc0, res, s2e_val, sc2ls, s2e0)
end | D2Eseq d2es => d2exp_seq_tr_dn (loc0, d2es, s2e0)
| D2Esif (res, s2p_cond, d2e_then, d2e_else) => begin
d2exp_sif_tr_dn (loc0, res, s2p_cond, d2e_then, d2e_else, s2e0)
end | D2Estring (str, len) => d2exp_string_tr_dn (d2e0, str, len, s2e0)
| D2Estruct ld2es => let
var iswth: int = 0
val s2e0 = (
if s2exp_is_wth s2e0 then begin
iswth := 1; s2exp_wth_instantiate (loc0, s2e0)
end else begin
s2exp_whnf s2e0
) : s2exp
case+ s2e0.s2exp_node of
| S2Etyrec (tyrecknd, npf, ls2es) => let
val () = (case+ tyrecknd of | TYRECKINDbox () => begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: d2exp_tr_dn", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the type for a struct cannot be boxed.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end | TYRECKINDflt0 () => begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: d2exp_tr_dn", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the type for a struct cannot be a record type.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end | TYRECKINDflt1 _ => ()
| TYRECKINDflt_ext _ => ()
) : void val () = if npf > 0 then begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: d2exp_tr_dn", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the proof arity of a struct cannot be [";
prerr npf;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end val ld3es = labd2explst_tr_dn (loc0, ld2es, ls2es)
val d3e0 = d3exp_struct (loc0, s2e0, ld3es)
val () = if iswth > 0 then funarg_varfin_check (loc0)
end | _ when s2exp_is_non_fun s2e0 => begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
prerr ": the struct is assigned a non-record type [";
prerr s2e0;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d3exp} ()
end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: d2exp_tr_dn", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the struct is given a type of an incorrect form [";
prerr s2e0;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d3exp} ()
end end | D2Etop () => begin
d3exp_top (loc0, s2exp_topize_0 s2e0)
end | D2Etrywith (r2es, d2e, c2ls) => let
val (pf_d2varset | ()) = the_d2varset_env_push_try ()
val d3e = d2exp_tr_dn (d2e, s2e0)
val s2e_pat = s2exp_exception_viewtype ()
var cmplt: int = 0
val c3ls = c2laulst_tr_dn (
loc0, cmplt, ~1, r2es, c2ls, '[d3e], 1, '[s2e_pat], s2e0
) val () = the_d2varset_env_pop_try (pf_d2varset | )
d3exp_trywith (loc0, d3e, c3ls)
end | _ => d2exp_tr_dn_rest (d2e0, s2e0)
d2exp_tr_dn_rest (d2e0, s2e0) = let
val loc0 = d2e0.d2exp_loc
var iswth: int = 0
val d3e0 = d2exp_tr_up d2e0
val s2e0: s2exp =
if s2exp_is_wth s2e0 then let
val () = iswth := 1; val () = d3exp_open_and_add d3e0
s2exp_wth_instantiate (loc0, s2e0)
end else begin
s2e0 end val () = $SOL.s2exp_tyleq_solve (loc0, d3e0.d3exp_typ, s2e0)
val () = if iswth > 0 then funarg_varfin_check (loc0)
val () = d3exp_typ_set (d3e0, s2e0)
assert_bool_tr_dn (loc0, b, s2e0) = let
val s2e0 = s2exp_opnexi_and_add (loc0, s2e0)
case+ s2e0.s2exp_node of
| S2Eapp (s2e_fun, s2es_arg) when
s2cstref_exp_equ (Bool_bool_t0ype, s2e_fun) => let
val s2e_arg = case+ s2es_arg of
| cons (s2e, _) => s2e
| nil _ => begin
prerr_loc_interror loc0;
prerr ": assert_bool_tr_dn"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end in
trans3_env_hypo_add_eqeq (loc0, s2exp_bool b, s2e_arg)
end | _ => begin
$SOL.s2exp_tyleq_solve (loc0, s2e0, s2exp_bool_t0ype ())
end end
fn m2atch_tr_up
(m2at: m2atch): m3atch = let
val loc0 = m2at.m2atch_loc
val d3e = d2exp_tr_up (m2at.m2atch_exp)
val op3t = (
case+ m2at.m2atch_pat of
| Some p2t => begin
Some (p2at_tr_dn (p2t, d3e.d3exp_typ))
end | None () => let
val () = assert_bool_tr_dn (loc0, true, d3e.d3exp_typ)
None ()
end ) : p3atopt
m3atch_make (loc0, d3e, op3t)
fn m2atchlst_tr_up (m2ats: m2atchlst): m3atchlst =
$Lst.list_map_fun (m2ats, m2atch_tr_up)
implement c2lau_tr_dn
(c2l, op2tcss, d3es, n, s2es_pat, s2e0, osacsbis) = let
val loc0 = c2l.c2lau_loc
val p2ts = c2l.c2lau_pat
val () = trans3_env_push_sta ()
val (pf_d2varset | ()) = the_d2varset_env_push_let ()
val () = the_d2varset_env_add_p2atlst p2ts
val () = case+ op2tcss of
| ~Some_vt p2tcss => begin trans3_env_hypo_add_p2atcstlstlst (loc0, p2tcss, s2es_pat)
end | ~None_vt () => ()
val p3ts = p2atlst_tr_dn (p2ts, s2es_pat)
val () = aux (d3es, p3ts) where {
fun aux {n:nat} (d3es: d3explst n, p3ts: p3atlst n): void =
case+ d3es of
| cons (d3e, d3es) => let
val+ cons (p3t, p3ts) = p3ts
d3exp_lval_typ_set_pat (d3e, p3t); aux (d3es, p3ts)
| nil () => ()
val gua = m2atchlst_tr_up (c2l.c2lau_gua)
val seq = c2l.c2lau_seq and neg = c2l.c2lau_neg
val d3e_exp = d2exp_tr_dn (c2l.c2lau_exp, s2e_exp) where {
val s2e_exp = begin
if neg > 0 then s2exp_bottom_viewt0ype_exi () else s2e0
end }
val () = case+ osacsbis of
| ~SACSBISsome (sac, sbis) =>
if c2lau_is_raised c2l then () else begin
staftscstr_stbefitemlst_merge (loc0, sac, sbis)
end | ~SACSBISnone () => ()
val () = the_d2varset_env_check loc0
val () = the_d2varset_env_pop_let (pf_d2varset | )
val () = trans3_env_pop_sta_and_add_none (loc0)
c3lau_make (loc0, p3ts, gua, seq, neg, d3e_exp)
fn pattern_match_is_redundant_errmsg (loc0: loc_t): void = begin
prerr_loc_error3 loc0;
prerr ": this pattern match clause is redundant."; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
fn c2laulst0_tr_dn {n:nat}
(loc0: loc_t, casknd: int, res: i2nvresstate,
n: int n, s2es_pat: s2explst n, s2e0: s2exp): void = begin
prerr_loc_interror loc0;
prerr ": c2laulst0_tr_dn: not implemeted yet."; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
fn c2laulst1_tr_dn {n:nat}
(loc0: loc_t,
cmplt: &int,
casknd: int,
res: i2nvresstate,
c2l: c2lau n,
d3es: d3explst n,
n: int n, s2es_pat: s2explst n,
s2e0: s2exp): c3lau n = let
val p2tcss = c2lau_pat_complement c2l
val () = case+ p2tcss of cons _ => () | nil _ => cmplt := 1
val c3l = c2lau_tr_dn
(c2l, None_vt (), d3es, n, s2es_pat, s2e0, SACSBISnone ())
val () = if cmplt = 0 then begin
trans3_env_add_p2atcstlstlst_false (loc0, casknd, p2tcss, s2es_pat)
end in
fun c2laulst2_tr_dn {n:nat}
(loc0: loc_t,
cmplt: &int,
casknd: int,
res: i2nvresstate,
c2l: c2lau n, c2ls: c2laulst n,
d3es: d3explst n,
n: int n, s2es_pat: s2explst n,
s2e0: s2exp)
: c3laulst n = let
var p2tcss: p2atcstlstlst n = c2lau_pat_complement c2l
val sbis = the_d2varset_env_stbefitemlst_save ()
val sac = staftscstr_initialize (res, sbis)
val c3l = c2lau_tr_dn
(c2l, None_vt (), d3es, n, s2es_pat, s2e0, SACSBISsome (sac, sbis))
val c3ls = c2laulst2_rest_tr_dn
(loc0, casknd, c3l, c2ls, p2tcss, d3es, n, s2es_pat, s2e0, sac, sbis)
val () = case+ p2tcss of cons _ => () | nil _ => cmplt := 1
val () = if cmplt = 0 then begin
trans3_env_add_p2atcstlstlst_false (loc0, casknd, p2tcss, s2es_pat)
end val () = staftscstr_stbefitemlst_check (loc0, sac, sbis)
val () = staftscstr_stbefitemlst_update (loc0, sac, sbis)
and c2laulst2_rest_tr_dn {n,ni:nat}
(loc0: loc_t,
casknd: int,
c3l_fst: c3lau n,
c2ls_rst: c2laulst n,
p2tcss0: &p2atcstlstlst n,
d3es: d3explst n,
n: int n, s2es_pat: s2explst n,
s2e0: s2exp,
sac: staftscstr_t ni,
sbis: stbefitemlst ni)
: c3laulst n = let
fun aux_main (
c3ls: List_vt (c3lau n)
, p2tcss0: &p2atcstlstlst n
, c2ls: c2laulst n
) :<cloref1> c3laulst n = begin case+ c2ls of
| cons (c2l, c2ls) => let
val p2ts = c2l.c2lau_pat
val p2tcs0 = p2atcstlst_of_p2atlst p2ts
val p2tcss1 = aux (p2tcss0, list_vt_nil ()) where {
fun aux (
p2tcss: p2atcstlstlst n
, res: List_vt (p2atcstlst n)
) :<cloref1> p2atcstlstlst n = case+ p2tcss of
| list_cons (p2tcs, p2tcss) => begin
if p2atcstlst_intersect_test (p2tcs, p2tcs0) then
aux (p2tcss, list_vt_cons (p2tcs, res))
else begin
aux (p2tcss, res)
end | list_nil () => $Lst.list_vt_reverse_list res
val () = case+ p2tcss1 of
| cons _ => ()
| nil () => begin case+ casknd of
| 0 => pattern_match_is_redundant_errmsg c2l.c2lau_loc
| 1 => pattern_match_is_redundant_errmsg c2l.c2lau_loc
| _ => ()
val op2tcss = (
if c2l.c2lau_seq > 0 then Some_vt p2tcss1 else None_vt ()
) : Option_vt (p2atcstlstlst n)
val () = case+ c2l.c2lau_gua of
| list_nil _ => p2tcss0 := aux (p2tcss0, nil ()) where {
fun aux (
p2tcss: p2atcstlstlst n, res: p2atcstlstlst n
) :<cloref1> p2atcstlstlst n = case+ p2tcss of
| cons (p2tcs, p2tcss) => let
val p2tcss_diff = p2atcstlst_difference (p2tcs, p2tcs0)
aux (p2tcss, $Lst.list_append (p2tcss_diff, res))
end | nil () => res
} | list_cons _ => ()
val () = stbefitemlst_restore_lin_typ (sbis)
val c3l = c2lau_tr_dn
(c2l, op2tcss, d3es, n, s2es_pat, s2e0, SACSBISsome (sac, sbis))
aux_main (list_vt_cons (c3l, c3ls), p2tcss0, c2ls)
end | nil () => $Lst.list_vt_reverse_list c3ls
val c3ls_rst = aux_main (list_vt_nil (), p2tcss0, c2ls_rst)
c3l_fst :: c3ls_rst
implement c2laulst_tr_dn
(loc0, cmplt, casknd, res, c2ls, d3es, n, s2es_pat, s2e0) = begin
case+ c2ls of
| cons (c2l, c2ls) => begin case+ c2ls of
| cons _ => c2laulst2_tr_dn (
loc0, cmplt, casknd, res, c2l, c2ls, d3es, n, s2es_pat, s2e0
) | nil () => let
val c3l = c2laulst1_tr_dn
(loc0, cmplt, casknd, res, c2l, d3es, n, s2es_pat, s2e0)
cons (c3l, nil ())
end end
| nil () => let
val () = c2laulst0_tr_dn (loc0, casknd, res, n, s2es_pat, s2e0)
nil ()
(loc0, casknd, r2es, n, d2es, c2ls, s2e0) = let
val d3es = d2explst_tr_up d2es
val () = d3explst_open_and_add d3es
val s2es_pat = d3explst_typ_get d3es
val r2es = i2nvresstate_update (r2es) var cmplt: int = 0
val c3ls = c2laulst_tr_dn
(loc0, cmplt, casknd, r2es, c2ls, d3es, n, s2es_pat, s2e0)
val () = begin
if cmplt = 0 then (if casknd < 1 then the_effect_env_check_exn (loc0))
end in
d3exp_caseof (loc0, s2e0, casknd, d3es, c3ls)
implement d2exp_scaseof_tr_dn
(loc0, r2es, s2e_val, sc2ls, s2e0) = let
val r2es = i2nvresstate_update (r2es)
val sbis = the_d2varset_env_stbefitemlst_save ()
val sac = staftscstr_initialize (r2es, sbis)
fn aux_one (sc2l: sc2lau):<cloref1> sc3lau = let
val sp2t = sc2l.sc2lau_pat
val d2e_body = sc2l.sc2lau_exp
val () = trans3_env_push_sta ()
val () = let
val+ SP2Tcon (_, s2vs) = sp2t.sp2at_node in trans3_env_add_svarlst s2vs
end val () = $SOL.s2exp_hypo_equal_solve (sp2t.sp2at_loc, s2e_val, sp2t.sp2at_exp)
val d3e_body = d2exp_tr_dn (d2e_body, s2e0)
val () = staftscstr_stbefitemlst_merge (loc0, sac, sbis)
val () = trans3_env_pop_sta_and_add_none (d2e_body.d2exp_loc)
sc3lau_make (sc2l.sc2lau_loc, sp2t, d3e_body)
fun aux_rest
(sc2ls: sc2laulst):<cloref1> sc3laulst =
case+ sc2ls of
| list_cons (sc2l, sc2ls) => let
val () = stbefitemlst_restore_lin_typ (sbis)
list_cons (aux_one sc2l, aux_rest sc2ls)
end | list_nil () => list_nil ()
val sc3ls = (case+ sc2ls of
| list_cons (sc2l, sc2ls) => let
val sc3l = aux_one (sc2l); val sc3ls = aux_rest (sc2ls)
list_cons (sc3l, sc3ls)
end | list_nil () => list_nil ()
) : sc3laulst
val () = staftscstr_stbefitemlst_check (loc0, sac, sbis)
val () = staftscstr_stbefitemlst_update (loc0, sac, sbis)
d3exp_scaseof (loc0, s2e0, s2e_val, sc3ls)