staload Eff = "ats_effect.sats"
staload Err = "ats_error.sats"
staload Lst = "ats_list.sats"
staload SOL = "ats_staexp2_solve.sats"
staload "ats_staexp2.sats"
staload "ats_dynexp2.sats"
staload "ats_trans3_env.sats"
staload "ats_reference.sats"
staload _ = "ats_reference.dats"
typedef stbefitem = '{
stbefitem_var= d2var_t, stbefitem_lin= int, stbefitem_typ= s2expopt
assume stbefitem_t = stbefitem
fn prerr_interror () = prerr "INTERNAL ERROR (ats_trans3_env_state)"
implement stbefitem_make (d2v, lin) = let
val os2e = d2var_typ_get d2v in '{
stbefitem_var= d2v, stbefitem_lin= lin, stbefitem_typ= os2e
} end
implement stbefitemlst_restore_typ (sbis) = let
fun loop (sbis: stbefitemlst): void = case+ sbis of
| list_cons (sbi, sbis) => let
val d2v = sbi.stbefitem_var
val () = d2var_typ_set (d2v, sbi.stbefitem_typ)
loop (sbis)
end | list_nil () => ()
loop (sbis)
implement stbefitemlst_restore_lin_typ (sbis) = let
fun loop (sbis: stbefitemlst): void = case+ sbis of
| list_cons (sbi, sbis) => let
val d2v = sbi.stbefitem_var
val () = d2var_lin_set (d2v, sbi.stbefitem_lin)
val () = d2var_typ_set (d2v, sbi.stbefitem_typ)
loop (sbis)
end | list_nil () => ()
loop (sbis)
datatype saityp =
| SAITYPsome of (loc_t, s2exp) | SAITYPnone of loc_t
typedef saityplst = List saityp
fn saityp_loc_get (x: saityp): loc_t = case+ x of
| SAITYPsome (loc, _) => loc | SAITYPnone loc => loc
fun print_saityp (x: saityp): void =
case+ x of
| SAITYPsome (_, s2e) =>
(print "SAITYPsome("; print_s2exp s2e; print ")")
| SAITYPnone _ => print "SAITYPnone()"
fun print_saityplst
(xs: saityplst): void = loop (xs, 0) where {
fun loop (xs: saityplst, i: int): void =
case+ xs of
| list_cons (x, xs) => (
if (i > 0) then print ", "; print_saityp x; loop (xs, i+1)
) | list_nil () => ()
fn saityplst_check
(d2v: d2var_t, xs: saityplst): int = let
fn errmsg (d2v: d2var_t, x: saityp): void = case+ x of
| SAITYPsome (loc, _) => begin
$Loc.prerr_location loc;
prerr ": the dynamic variable ["; prerr d2v;
prerr "] is not consumed in this branch.";
prerr_newline ()
end | SAITYPnone (loc) => begin
$Loc.prerr_location loc;
prerr ": the dynamic variable ["; prerr d2v;
prerr "] is consumed in this branch.";
prerr_newline ()
end fun aux (xs: saityplst, xs_some: &saityplst, xs_none: &saityplst): void =
case+ xs of
| list_cons (x, xs) => begin case+ x of
| SAITYPsome _ => begin
xs_some := list_cons (x, xs_some)
end | SAITYPnone _ => begin
xs_none := list_cons (x, xs_none)
end end
| list_nil () => ()
var xs_some: saityplst = list_nil ()
and xs_none: saityplst = list_nil ()
val () = aux (xs, xs_some, xs_none)
case+ (xs_some, xs_none) of
| (list_nil _, _) => 0
| (_, list_nil _) => 1
| (list_cons (x1, _), list_cons (x2, _)) => let
val loc1 = saityp_loc_get x1 and loc2 = saityp_loc_get x2
if $Loc.lte_location_location (loc1, loc2) then begin
errmsg (d2v, x1); errmsg (d2v, x2); $Err.abort {int} ()
end else begin
errmsg (d2v, x2); errmsg (d2v, x1); $Err.abort {int} ()
end end
typedef staftitem = '{
staftitem_var= d2var_t, staftitem_lin= int, staftitem_typ= saityplst
assume staftitem_t = staftitem
fun staftitem_lin_set
(sai: staftitem, lin: int): void
= "ats_trans3_env_state_staftitem_lin_set"
fun staftitem_typ_set
(sai: staftitem, typ: saityplst): void
= "ats_trans3_env_state_staftitem_typ_set"
typedef sascstr = '{
sascstr_loc= loc_t
, sascstr_met= s2explstopt
, sascstr_sub= stasub_t
, sascstr_ref= ref (c3stropt)
typedef sascstrlst = List sascstr
fn sascstr_make
(loc: loc_t, met: s2explstopt, sub: stasub_t, ref: ref c3stropt)
: sascstr = '{
sascstr_loc= loc, sascstr_met= met, sascstr_sub= sub, sascstr_ref= ref
typedef staftscstr (n:int) = '{
staftscstr_met= s2explstopt
, staftscstr_res= i2nvresstate
, staftscstr_sais= staftitemlst n
, staftscstr_cstr= sascstrlst
assume staftscstr_t (n:int) = staftscstr (n)
fun staftscstr_cstr_set {n:nat} (
sac: staftscstr n, cstr: sascstrlst
) : void = "ats_trans3_env_state_staftscstr_cstr_set"
staftscstr_initialize (res, sbis) = let
val sais = aux sbis where {
fun aux {n:nat}
(sbis: stbefitemlst n): staftitemlst n = case+ sbis of
| list_cons (sbi, sbis) => let
val d2v = sbi.stbefitem_var; val lin = d2var_lin_get d2v
val sai = '{
staftitem_var= d2v, staftitem_lin= lin, staftitem_typ= list_nil ()
} in
list_cons (sai, aux sbis)
end | list_nil () => list_nil ()
} in '{
staftscstr_met= None ()
, staftscstr_res= res
, staftscstr_sais= sais
, staftscstr_cstr= list_nil ()
} end
fun staftscstr_stbefitemlst_merge_ifmetck {n:nat} (
loc0: loc_t, sac: staftscstr_t n, sbis: stbefitemlst n, metck: bool
) : void = let
fn aux (loc0: loc_t, sai: staftitem, sbi: stbefitem): void = let
val linbef = sbi.stbefitem_lin
val d2v = sbi.stbefitem_var
val lincur = d2var_lin_get d2v
val linaft = sai.staftitem_lin
val saityp = case+ d2var_typ_get d2v of
| Some s2e => SAITYPsome (loc0, s2e) | None () => SAITYPnone loc0
val () = if lincur > linbef then begin
staftitem_lin_set (sai, linaft + lincur - linbef)
end val saityps = sai.staftitem_typ
val () = case+ saityps of | list_cons (saityp1, _) => begin case+ (saityp, saityp1) of
| (SAITYPsome (loc, _), SAITYPnone _) => begin
$Loc.prerr_location loc; prerr ": error(3)";
prerr ": the dynamic variable ["; prerr d2v;
prerr "] is expected to be consumed but it is preserved instead.";
prerr_newline (); $Err.abort {void} ()
end | (SAITYPnone loc, SAITYPsome (_, _)) => begin
$Loc.prerr_location loc; prerr ": error(3)";
prerr ": the dynamic variable ["; prerr d2v;
prerr "] is expected to be preserved but it is consumed instead.";
prerr_newline (); $Err.abort {void} ()
end | (_, _) => ()
end | list_nil () => ()
val () = staftitem_typ_set (sai, list_cons (saityp, saityps))
end fun auxlst {n:nat}
(loc0: loc_t, sais: staftitemlst n, sbis: stbefitemlst n): void =
case+ sais of
| list_cons (sai, sais) => let
val+ list_cons (sbi, sbis) = sbis
aux (loc0, sai, sbi); auxlst (loc0, sais, sbis)
end | list_nil () => ()
val res = sac.staftscstr_res
val sub = s2qua_instantiate_and_add
(loc0, res.i2nvresstate_svs, res.i2nvresstate_gua)
val met = (
if metck then
case+ res.i2nvresstate_met of
| Some s2es => Some (s2explst_subst (sub, s2es)) | None () => None ()
else None () ) : s2explstopt
val r = ref_make_elt<c3stropt> (None ())
val sascstr = sascstr_make (loc0, met, sub, r)
trans3_env_add_cstr_ref (r);
staftscstr_cstr_set (sac, list_cons (sascstr, sac.staftscstr_cstr));
auxlst (loc0, sac.staftscstr_sais, sbis)
implement staftscstr_stbefitemlst_merge
(loc0, sac, sbis) = staftscstr_stbefitemlst_merge_ifmetck (loc0, sac, sbis, true)
implement staftscstr_stbefitemlst_merge_skipmetck
(loc0, sac, sbis) = staftscstr_stbefitemlst_merge_ifmetck (loc0, sac, sbis, false)
fun i2nvarglst_d2var_find
(args: i2nvarglst, d2v: d2var_t): Option_vt i2nvarg = let
case+ args of
| list_cons (arg, args) => begin
if eq_d2var_d2var (arg.i2nvarg_var, d2v) then Some_vt arg
else i2nvarglst_d2var_find (args, d2v)
end | list_nil () => None_vt ()
fn d2var_is_done (d2v: d2var_t): bool = begin
case+ d2var_fin_get d2v of D2VARFINdone () => true | _ => false
fn aux_find (
sub: stasub_t
, args: i2nvarglst
, d2v: d2var_t
) : Option_vt (s2expopt) = let
val ans = i2nvarglst_d2var_find (args, d2v)
case+ ans of
| ~Some_vt arg => let
val os2e = (
case+ arg.i2nvarg_typ of
| Some s2e => Some (s2exp_subst (sub, s2e)) | None () => None ()
) : s2expopt
Some_vt (os2e)
end | ~None_vt () => None_vt ()
fn aux_item_errmsg1 (loc: loc_t, d2v: d2var_t): s2exp = begin
$Loc.prerr_location loc;
prerr ": error(3)";
prerr ": the dynamic variable ["; prerr d2v;
prerr "] is expected to be consumed but it is not.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
fn aux_item_errmsg2 (loc: loc_t, d2v: d2var_t): void = begin
$Loc.prerr_location loc;
prerr ": error(3)";
prerr ": the dynamic variable ["; prerr d2v;
prerr "] is expected to be preserved but it is not.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
fn aux_saityp (
used: int , sub: stasub_t, args: i2nvarglst, d2v: d2var_t, x: saityp
) : void = begin case+ x of
| SAITYPsome (loc, s2e) => let
var used1: int = used
val s2e_check = (case+ aux_find (sub, args, d2v) of
| ~Some_vt os2e => let
val () = used1 := used1 + 1 in case+ os2e of
| Some s2e => s2e | None () => aux_item_errmsg1 (loc, d2v)
end | ~None_vt () => begin case+ d2var_mastyp_get d2v of
| Some s2e => s2e | None () => aux_item_errmsg1 (loc, d2v)
end ) : s2exp
val () = if (used1 > 0) then let
val () = trans3_env_push_sta ()
val () = $SOL.s2exp_tyleq_solve (loc, s2e, s2e_check)
val knd = C3STRKINDvarfin (d2v, s2e, s2e_check)
val () = trans3_env_pop_sta_and_add (loc, knd)
end in
end | SAITYPnone (loc) => begin
case+ aux_find (sub, args, d2v) of
| ~Some_vt (os2e) => begin case+ os2e of
| Some _ => aux_item_errmsg2 (loc, d2v) | None () => ()
end | ~None_vt () => ()
end end
fn aux_item_one (
used: int , sub: stasub_t, res: i2nvresstate, sai: staftitem, d2v: d2var_t
) : void = let
val xs = sai.staftitem_typ
case+ xs of
| list_cons (x, xs) => let
val args = res.i2nvresstate_arg
val () = staftitem_typ_set (sai, xs)
aux_saityp (used, sub, res.i2nvresstate_arg, d2v, x)
end | list_nil () => ()
fun aux_item_all {n:nat} (
sub: stasub_t
, res: i2nvresstate
, sais: staftitemlst n
, sbis: stbefitemlst n
) : void = begin case+ sais of
| list_cons (sai, sais) => let
val+ list_cons (sbi, sbis) = sbis
val d2v = sbi.stbefitem_var
val linaft = sai.staftitem_lin
and linbef = sbi.stbefitem_lin
val () = begin case+ 0 of | _ when d2var_is_done d2v => begin
end | _ => aux_item_one (linaft - linbef, sub, res, sai, d2v)
end in
aux_item_all (sub, res, sais, sbis)
end | list_nil () => ()
fn aux_term_check
(met_bound: s2explstopt, x: sascstr): void = begin
case+ met_bound of
| Some s2es_bound => begin case+ x.sascstr_met of
| Some s2es => let
val [n:int] sgn = $Lst.list_length_compare (s2es, s2es_bound)
val () = (
if (sgn <> 0) then begin
prerr_interror ();
prerr ": aux_term_check: Some: Some"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ();
assert (sgn = 0)
end else begin
end ) : [n==0] void
trans3_env_add_metric_dec (x.sascstr_loc, s2es, s2es_bound)
end | None () => () end
| None () => ()
fun aux_itemlst_all {n:nat} (
met_bound: s2explstopt
, res: i2nvresstate
, sais: staftitemlst n
, sbis: stbefitemlst n
, xs: sascstrlst
) : void = begin case+ xs of
| list_cons (x, xs) => let
val () = trans3_env_push_sta ()
val () = aux_term_check (met_bound, x)
val () = aux_item_all (x.sascstr_sub, res, sais, sbis)
val s3is = trans3_env_pop_sta ()
val s3is = $Lst.list_vt_reverse_list s3is
val c3t = c3str_itmlst (x.sascstr_loc, C3STRKINDnone (), s3is)
val () = !(x.sascstr_ref) := Some (c3t)
aux_itemlst_all (met_bound, res, sais, sbis, xs)
end | list_nil () => ()
staftscstr_stbefitemlst_check (loc0, sac, sbis) = let
val met = sac.staftscstr_met
val res = sac.staftscstr_res
val sais = sac.staftscstr_sais
aux_itemlst_all (met, res, sais, sbis, sac.staftscstr_cstr)
fun aux_find (
args: i2nvarglst
, d2v: d2var_t
) : Option_vt (s2expopt) = let
val ans = i2nvarglst_d2var_find (args, d2v)
case+ ans of
| ~Some_vt arg => Some_vt (arg.i2nvarg_typ)
| ~None_vt () => None_vt ()
fun aux_iter {n:nat} (
loc0: loc_t
, args: i2nvarglst
, sais: staftitemlst n
, sbis: stbefitemlst n
) : void = begin case+ sais of
| list_cons (sai, sais) => let
val+ list_cons (sbi, sbis) = sbis
val d2v = sbi.stbefitem_var
val linaft = sai.staftitem_lin and linbef = sbi.stbefitem_lin
val () = begin
if linaft > linbef then d2var_lin_set (d2v, linaft)
end val () = let
val ans = aux_find (args, d2v) in
case+ ans of
| ~Some_vt os2e => let
val os2e = s2expopt_opnexi_and_add (loc0, os2e)
d2var_typ_set (d2v, os2e)
end | ~None_vt () => begin case+ 0 of
| _ when linaft > linbef => begin
case+ d2var_typ_get d2v of
| Some _ => let
val os2e = d2var_mastyp_get d2v
val os2e = s2expopt_opnexi_and_add (loc0, os2e)
d2var_typ_set (d2v, os2e)
end | None _ => () end | _ => () end end in
aux_iter (loc0, args, sais, sbis)
end | list_nil () => ()
staftscstr_stbefitemlst_update (loc0, sac, sbis) = let
val res = sac.staftscstr_res and sais = sac.staftscstr_sais
val () = trans3_env_add_svarlst res.i2nvresstate_svs
val () = trans3_env_hypo_add_proplst (loc0, res.i2nvresstate_gua)
aux_iter (loc0, res.i2nvresstate_arg, sais, sbis)
extern typedef "staftitem_t" = staftitem
(ats_ptr_type sai, ats_int_type lin) {
((staftitem_t)sai)->atslab_staftitem_lin = lin; return ;
} // end of [ats_trans3_env_state_staftitem_lin_set]
(ats_ptr_type sai, ats_ptr_type os2es) {
((staftitem_t)sai)->atslab_staftitem_typ = os2es; return ;
} // end of [ats_trans3_env_state_staftitem_typ_set]
extern typedef "staftscstr_t" = [n:int] staftscstr (n)
(ats_ptr_type sac, ats_ptr_type met) {
((staftscstr_t)sac)->atslab_staftscstr_met = met ; return ;
} // end of [ats_trans3_env_state_staftscstr_met_set]
(ats_ptr_type sac, ats_ptr_type cstr) {
((staftscstr_t)sac)->atslab_staftscstr_cstr = cstr ; return ;
} // end of [ats_trans3_env_state_staftscstr_cstr_set]