#include "ats_counter.cats" /* only needed for [ATS/Geizella] */
staload Deb = "ats_debug.sats"
staload Err = "ats_error.sats"
staload IntInf = "ats_intinf.sats"
staload Lab = "ats_label.sats"
staload Loc = "ats_location.sats"
staload Lst = "ats_list.sats"
staload PM = "ats_posmark.sats"
staload Stamp = "ats_stamp.sats"
staload Sym = "ats_symbol.sats"
staload Syn = "ats_syntax.sats"
staload "ats_staexp1.sats"
staload "ats_dynexp1.sats"
staload "ats_staexp2.sats"
staload "ats_dynexp2.sats"
staload "ats_trans2_env.sats"
staload "ats_stadyncst2.sats"
staload "ats_trans2.sats"
#define THISFILENAME "ats_trans2_sta.dats"
#define nil list_nil
#define cons list_cons
#define :: list_cons
typedef loc_t = $Loc.location_t
typedef funclo = $Syn.funclo
typedef funcloopt = $Syn.funcloopt
typedef efc = $Eff.effcst
typedef efcopt = Option efc
typedef sym_t = $Sym.symbol_t
typedef symopt_t = Option sym_t
overload = with $Sym.eq_symbol_symbol
fn prerr_loc_error2 (loc: loc_t): void =
($Loc.prerr_location loc; prerr ": error(2)")
fn prerr_interror () = prerr "INTERNAL ERROR (ats_trans2_sta)"
fn prerr_loc_interror (loc: loc_t) = begin
$Loc.prerr_location loc; prerr ": INTERNAL ERROR (ats_trans2_sta)"
fn stacstuseloc_posmark
(loc: loc_t, s2c: s2cst_t): void = let
val loc_s2c = s2cst_loc_get (s2c)
val loc_begoff = $Loc.location_begpos_toff loc
val () = $PM.posmark_insert_stacstuse_beg (loc_begoff, loc_s2c)
val loc_endoff = $Loc.location_endpos_toff loc
val () = $PM.posmark_insert_stacstuse_end (loc_endoff, loc_s2c)
fun s1rt_app_tr (
loc0: loc_t
, s1t_fun: s1rt
, s1ts_arg: s1rtlst
) : s2rt = begin case+ 0 of
| _ when s1rt_is_arrow s1t_fun => begin
case+ s1ts_arg of
| cons (s1t1, cons (s1t2, nil ())) => let
val s1ts1 = (
case+ s1t1.s1rt_node of
| S1RTlist s1ts => s1ts | _ => cons (s1t1, nil ())
) : s1rtlst
val s2ts1 = s1rtlst_tr s1ts1 and s2t2 = s1rt_tr s1t2
S2RTfun (s2ts1, s2t2)
| _ => begin
prerr_interror ();
prerr ": [s1rt_app_tr]: [->] is not an infix operator!";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2rt} ()
end end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1rt_app_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": sort application is not supported.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2rt} ()
end end
s1rt_tr (s1t0) = begin
case+ s1t0.s1rt_node of
| S1RTapp (s1t, s1ts) => begin
s1rt_app_tr (s1t0.s1rt_loc, s1t, s1ts)
end | S1RTlist s1ts => S2RTtup (s1rtlst_tr s1ts)
| S1RTqid (q, id) => begin
case+ the_s2rtenv_find_qua (q, id) of
| ~Some_vt s2te => begin case+ s2te of
| S2TEsrt s2t => s2t | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 s1t0.s1rt_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1rt_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the identifier ["; $Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr "] refers to an extended sort but not a sort.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end end | ~None_vt () => begin
prerr_loc_error2 s1t0.s1rt_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1rt_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the identifier [";
$Syn.prerr_s0rtq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr "] refers to an unrecognized sort.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end end | S1RTtup s1ts => S2RTtup (s1rtlst_tr s1ts)
s1rtlst_tr (s1ts) = begin case+ s1ts of
| cons (s1t, s1ts) => cons (s1rt_tr s1t, s1rtlst_tr s1ts)
| nil () => nil ()
s1rtopt_tr (os1t) = begin case+ os1t of
| Some s1t => Some (s1rt_tr s1t) | None () => None ()
datatype staspecid = SPSIDarrow | SPSIDnone
fn staspecid_of_qid (q: s0taq, id: sym_t): staspecid = begin
case+ q.s0taq_node of
| $Syn.S0TAQnone () => begin
if id = $Sym.symbol_MINUSGT then SPSIDarrow () else SPSIDnone ()
| _ => SPSIDnone ()
fn effvar_tr
(efv: $Eff.effvar): s2exp = begin
case+ the_s2expenv_find efv.i0de_sym of
| ~Some_vt s2i => begin case+ s2i of
| S2ITEMvar s2v => let
val () = s2var_tmplev_check (efv.i0de_loc, s2v)
s2exp_var (s2v)
end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 efv.i0de_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: effvar_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static identifer [";
$Sym.prerr_symbol efv.i0de_sym;
prerr "] should refer to a variable but it does not.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end end | ~None_vt () => begin
prerr_loc_error2 efv.i0de_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: effvar_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": unrecognized static identifer [";
$Sym.prerr_symbol efv.i0de_sym;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end end
fn effvarlst_tr (efvs: $Eff.effvarlst): s2explst =
$Lst.list_map_fun (efvs, effvar_tr)
effcst_tr (efc): s2eff = begin
case+ efc of
| $Eff.EFFCSTall () => S2EFFall ()
| $Eff.EFFCSTnil () => S2EFFnil ()
| $Eff.EFFCSTset (efs, efvs) => S2EFFset (efs, effvarlst_tr efvs)
s1arglst_var_tr (s1as) = let
fun s1rtopt_search (s1as: s1arglst): s1rtopt = case+ s1as of
| list_cons (s1a, s1as) => let
val os1t = s1a.s1arg_srt in
case+ os1t of Some _ => os1t | None () => s1rtopt_search s1as
end | list_nil () => None ()
case+ s1as of
| list_cons (s1a_fst, s1as_rst) => let
val os1t = s1rtopt_search s1as; val s1t = case+ os1t of
| Some s1t => s1t | None () => begin
prerr_loc_error2 s1a_fst.s1arg_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1arglst_var_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static variable [";
$Sym.prerr_symbol s1a_fst.s1arg_sym;
prerr "] must be ascribed a sort.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end val s2t = s1rt_tr s1t
val s2v_fst = s2var_make_id_srt (s1a_fst.s1arg_sym, s2t)
val s2vs_rst = s1arglst_var_tr s1as_rst
val s2vs = list_cons (s2v_fst, s2vs_rst)
the_s2expenv_add_svarlst s2vs; s2vs
end | list_nil () => list_nil ()
s1arglstlst_var_tr (s1ass) =
$Lst.list_map_fun (s1ass, s1arglst_var_tr)
(s1a, s2t0) = let
val s2t = (
case+ s1a.s1arg_srt of
| Some s1t => let
val s2t = s1rt_tr s1t
if s2t0 <= s2t then s2t else begin
prerr_loc_error2 s1a.s1arg_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1arg_var_tr_srt", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static variable [";
$Sym.prerr_symbol s1a.s1arg_sym;
prerr "] is expected to be of the sort [";
prerr s2t0;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2rt} ()
end end | None () => s2t0
) : s2rt val s2v = s2var_make_id_srt (s1a.s1arg_sym, s2t)
the_s2expenv_add_svar s2v; s2v
fun sp1at_arg_tr_dn (
loc0: loc_t
, q: s0taq, id: sym_t, s1as: s1arglst, s2ts: s2rtlst
) : s2varlst = begin
case+ (s1as, s2ts) of
| (list_cons (s1a, s1as), list_cons (s2t, s2ts)) => let
val s2v = s1arg_var_tr_srt (s1a, s2t)
val s2vs = sp1at_arg_tr_dn (loc0, q, id, s1as, s2ts)
list_cons (s2v, s2vs)
end | (list_nil (), list_nil ()) => list_nil ()
| (_, _) => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
prerr ": the static constructor [";
$Syn.prerr_s0taq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id; prerr "] requires ";
case+ s1as of list_cons _ => prerr "less" | _ => prerr "more";
prerr " arguments.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2varlst} ()
end end
fun sp1at_argcheck
(s2vs: s2varlst): Option_vt s2var_t = let
fun check (
name: sym_t, s2vs: s2varlst
) : Option_vt s2var_t =
case+ s2vs of
| list_cons (s2v, s2vs) => begin
if (name = s2var_sym_get s2v) then Some_vt s2v else check (name, s2vs)
end | list_nil () => None_vt ()
case+ s2vs of
| list_cons (s2v, s2vs) => let
val ans = check (s2var_sym_get s2v, s2vs) in case+ ans of
| Some_vt _ => (fold@ ans; ans) | ~None_vt () => sp1at_argcheck s2vs
end | list_nil () => None_vt ()
sp1at_tr_dn (sp1t, s2t_pat) = let
val loc0 = sp1t.sp1at_loc
fn err1
(q: s0taq, id: sym_t):<cloref1> sp2at = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: sp1at_tr_dn", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static identifier [";
$Syn.prerr_s0taq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr "] does not refer to a constructor associated with the sort [";
prerr s2t_pat; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {sp2at} ()
end fn err2
(q: s0taq, id: sym_t):<cloref1> sp2at = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: sp1at_tr_dn", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static identifier [";
$Syn.prerr_s0taq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr "] does not refer to a static constructor.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {sp2at} ()
end fn err3
(q: s0taq, id: sym_t):<cloref1> sp2at = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: sp1at_tr_dn", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static identifier [";
$Syn.prerr_s0taq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id; prerr "] is unrecognized.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {sp2at} ()
end fn argcheck_err (s2v: s2var_t):<cloref1> void = begin
$Loc.prerr_location loc0; prerr ": warning(2)";
prerr ": the static variable ["; prerr s2v; prerr "] occurs repeatedly.";
prerr_newline ()
end in
case+ sp1t.sp1at_node of
| SP1Tcon (q, id, s1as) => let
val ans =
the_s2expenv_find_qua (q, id) in
case+ ans of
| ~Some_vt s2i => begin case+ s2i of
| S2ITEMcst s2cs => let
var s2ts_arg: s2rtlst = list_nil ()
val s2cs = sel (s2cs, s2t_pat, s2ts_arg) where {
fun sel (
s2cs: s2cstlst, s2t_pat: s2rt, s2ts_arg: &s2rtlst
) : s2cstlst = case+ s2cs of
| S2CSTLSTcons (s2c, s2cs1) => let
val s2t_s2c = s2cst_srt_get s2c in case+ s2t_s2c of
| S2RTfun (s2ts, s2t) => begin case+ 0 of
| _ when s2t_pat <= s2t => (s2ts_arg := s2ts; s2cs)
| _ => sel (s2cs1, s2t_pat, s2ts_arg)
end | _ => sel (s2cs1, s2t_pat, s2ts_arg)
end | S2CSTLSTnil () => S2CSTLSTnil ()
} in
case+ s2cs of
| S2CSTLSTcons (s2c, _) => let
val s2vs = sp1at_arg_tr_dn (loc0, q, id, s1as, s2ts_arg)
val () = (case+ sp1at_argcheck (s2vs) of
| ~Some_vt s2v => argcheck_err (s2v) | ~None_vt () => ()
) : void in
sp2at_con (loc0, s2c, s2vs)
end | S2CSTLSTnil () => err1 (q, id)
end | _ => err2 (q, id)
end | ~None_vt () => err3 (q, id)
end end
(s1e) = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2rt_bool)
implement s1explst_tr_dn_bool (s1es) =
$Lst.list_map_fun (s1es, s1exp_tr_dn_bool)
s1exp_tr_dn_cls (s1e) = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2rt_cls)
implement s1explst_tr_dn_cls (s1es) =
$Lst.list_map_fun (s1es, s1exp_tr_dn_cls)
s1exp_tr_dn_int (s1e) = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2rt_int)
s1explst_tr_dn_int (s1es) = $Lst.list_map_fun (s1es, s1exp_tr_dn_int)
implement s1exp_tr_dn_prop (s1e) = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2rt_prop)
implement s1exp_tr_dn_type (s1e) = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2rt_type)
implement s1exp_tr_dn_t0ype (s1e) = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2rt_t0ype)
fun s1explst_tr_dn_t0ype
(s1es: s1explst): s2explst = $Lst.list_map_fun (s1es, s1exp_tr_dn_t0ype)
implement s1exp_tr_dn_view (s1e) = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2rt_view)
implement s1exp_tr_dn_viewtype (s1e) = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2rt_viewtype)
implement s1exp_tr_dn_viewt0ype (s1e) = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2rt_viewt0ype)
fun s1explst_tr_dn_viewt0ype
(s1es: s1explst): s2explst = $Lst.list_map_fun (s1es, s1exp_tr_dn_viewt0ype)
fun s1explstlst_tr_dn_viewt0ype
(s1ess: s1explstlst): s2explstlst = $Lst.list_map_fun (s1ess, s1explst_tr_dn_viewt0ype)
s1exp_tr_dn_impredicative (s1e) = let
val s2e = s1exp_tr_up s1e; val s2t = s2e.s2exp_srt
if s2rt_is_impredicative s2t then s2e else begin
prerr_loc_error2 s1e.s1exp_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_tr_dn_impredicative", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static expression needs to be impredicative";
prerr " but is assigned the sort [";
prerr s2t;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end end
s1expopt_tr_dn_impredicative (os1e) = case+ os1e of
| Some s1e => Some (s1exp_tr_dn_impredicative s1e) | None () => None ()
fn s1exp_any_tr_up (loc0: loc_t): s2exp = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_any_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr "the static expression needs to be ascribed a sort.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
fn s1exp_app_tr_up
(loc_app: loc_t, loc_fun: loc_t, s2e: s2exp, s1ess: s1explstlst)
: s2exp = loop (loc_app, loc_fun, s2e, s1ess) where {
fun loop
(loc_app: loc_t, loc_fun: loc_t, s2e: s2exp, s1ess: s1explstlst)
: s2exp = begin case+ s1ess of
| s1es :: s1ess => let
val @(s2ts, s2t) = (
case+ un_s2rt_fun (s2e.s2exp_srt) of
| ~Some_vt s2ts_s2t => s2ts_s2t
| ~None_vt () => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_fun;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_app_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static expresstion [";
prerr s2e;
prerr "] is expected to be of a functional sort";
prerr ", but is assigned the sort [";
prerr s2e.s2exp_srt;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
) : @(s2rtlst, s2rt)
val ns2es = $Lst.list_length s1es and ns2ts = $Lst.list_length s2ts
val s2es = case+ compare (ns2es, ns2ts) of
| 0 => s1explst_tr_dn (s1es, s2ts)
| 1 => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_app;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_app_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static application needs less arguments.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_app;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_app_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static application needs more arguments.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end in
loop (loc_app, loc_fun, s2exp_app_srt (s2t, s2e, s2es), s1ess)
end | nil () => s2e
end }
fn s1exp_app_datconptr_tr_up
(loc_app: loc_t, d2c: d2con_t, s1ess: s1explstlst)
: s2exp = let
val s1es = (
case+ s1ess of
| cons (s1es, s1ess) => begin
case+ s1ess of
| nil _ => s1es | cons _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_app;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_app_datconptr_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the type constructor [";
prerr d2c;
prerr "] is overly applied.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s1explst} ()
end end | nil () => nil ()
) : s1explst
val s2es = aux s1es where {
fun aux (s1es: s1explst): s2explst = case+ s1es of
| cons (s1e, s1es) => begin
cons (s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2rt_addr), aux s1es)
| nil () => nil ()
} val ns2es = $Lst.list_length s2es
val arity = d2con_arity_full_get d2c
val () =
if ns2es > arity then begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_app;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_app_datcon_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the type constructor [";
prerr d2c;
prerr "] expects less arguments.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end val () =
if ns2es < arity then begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_app;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_app_datcon_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the type constructor [";
prerr d2c;
prerr "] expects more arguments.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end in
s2exp_datconptr (d2c, s2es)
fn s1exp_app_datcontyp_tr_up
(loc_app: loc_t, d2c: d2con_t, s1ess: s1explstlst)
: s2exp = let
fn err (loc_app: loc_t, d2c: d2con_t): s1explst = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_app;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_app_datcon_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the type constructor [";
prerr d2c;
prerr "_t0ype] is overly applied.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s1explst} ()
end val s1es = (case+ s1ess of
| list_cons (s1es, s1ess) => begin
case+ s1ess of list_nil () => s1es | _ => err (loc_app, d2c)
end | list_nil () => list_nil ()
) : s1explst
val s2es = s1explst_tr_dn_viewt0ype s1es
s2exp_datcontyp (d2c, s2es)
fun s1exp_qid_app_tr_up (
loc_app: loc_t
, loc_qid: loc_t
, q: s0taq, id: sym_t
, s2i: s2item
, s1ess: s1explstlst
) : s2exp = begin case+ s2i of
| S2ITEMcst s2cs => let
val s2ess = s1explstlst_tr_up s1ess
case+ s2cst_select_s2explstlst (s2cs, s2ess) of
| S2CSTLSTcons (s2c, _) => let
val () = stacstuseloc_posmark (loc_qid, s2c) in
s2exp_app_wind (s2exp_cst s2c, s2ess)
end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_app;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_qid_app_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": none of the static constants referred to by [";
$Syn.prerr_s0taq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr "] is applicable.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end end | S2ITEMvar s2v => let
val () = s2var_tmplev_check (loc_qid, s2v)
s1exp_app_tr_up (loc_app, loc_qid, s2exp_var s2v, s1ess)
end | S2ITEMdatconptr d2c => s1exp_app_datconptr_tr_up (loc_app, d2c, s1ess)
| S2ITEMdatcontyp d2c => s1exp_app_datcontyp_tr_up (loc_app, d2c, s1ess)
| _ => begin
prerr_loc_interror loc_qid;
prerr ": s1exp_qid_app_tr_up: not implemented yet: s2i = "; prerr s2i;
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end end
fn s1exp_qid_tr_up
(loc0: loc_t, q: $Syn.s0taq, id: sym_t): s2exp = begin
case+ the_s2expenv_find_qua (q, id) of
| ~Some_vt s2i => begin case+ s2i of
| S2ITEMcst s2cs => begin case+ s2cs of
| S2CSTLSTcons (s2c, _) => let
val () = stacstuseloc_posmark (loc0, s2c)
val s2t = s2cst_srt_get s2c; val s2e_s2c = s2exp_cst s2c
case+ s2t of
| S2RTfun (nil (), _res) when s2rt_is_dat _res => begin
s2exp_app_srt (_res, s2e_s2c, nil ())
end | _ => s2e_s2c
end | S2CSTLSTnil () => begin prerr_interror ();
prerr ": s1exp_qid_tr_up: Some: S2ITEMcst: S2CSTLSTnil";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end end | S2ITEMe1xp e1xp => s1exp_tr_up (s1exp_make_e1xp (loc0, e1xp))
| S2ITEMvar s2v => let
val () = s2var_tmplev_check (loc0, s2v) in s2exp_var s2v
end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_interror loc0;
prerr ": s1exp_qid_tr_up: s2i = "; prerr s2i; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end end | ~None_vt () => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_qid_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static identifier [";
$Syn.prerr_s0taq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id; prerr "] is unrecognized.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end end
fn s1exp_invar_tr_up
(refval: int, s1e: s1exp): s2exp = let
val s2t: s2rt =
if refval = 0 then s2rt_view else s2rt_viewt0ype
val s2e: s2exp = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2t)
s2exp_refarg (refval, s2e)
fn s1exp_read_tr_up (_v: s1exp, s1e: s1exp): s2exp = let
val _v = s1exp_tr_dn_view (_v)
val s2e = s1exp_tr_up s1e; val s2t_s2e = s2e.s2exp_srt
val () =
if s2rt_is_impredicative s2t_s2e then () else begin
prerr_loc_error2 s1e.s1exp_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_read_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static expression needs to be impredicative";
prerr " but is assigned the sort [";
prerr s2t_s2e;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end in
s2exp_readize (_v, s2e)
fn s1exp_top_tr_up (knd: int, s1e: s1exp): s2exp = let
val s2e = s1exp_tr_up s1e
val s2t_fun = s2e.s2exp_srt
val s2t_res = s2rt_base_fun s2t_fun
val () =
if s2rt_is_impredicative s2t_res then () else begin
prerr_loc_error2 s1e.s1exp_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_top_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static expression needs to be impredicative";
prerr " but is assigned the sort [";
prerr s2t_fun;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end in
s2exp_topize (knd, s2e)
(s1e0, wths1es) = begin
case+ s1e0.s1exp_node of
| S1Einvar (refval, s1e) => let
val () = begin
wths1es := WTHS1EXPLSTcons_some (refval, s1e, wths1es)
end in
s1exp_invar_tr_up (refval, s1e)
end | S1Etrans (s1e1, s1e2) => begin case+ s1e1.s1exp_node of
| S1Einvar (refval, s1e_arg) => let
val () = begin
wths1es := WTHS1EXPLSTcons_some (refval, s1e2, wths1es)
end in
s1exp_invar_tr_up (refval, s1e_arg)
end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 s1e1.s1exp_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_arg_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": a refval type must begin with !(call-by-value) or &(call-by-reference)";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end end | _ => let
val () = wths1es := WTHS1EXPLSTcons_none wths1es
s1exp_tr_up s1e0
end end
(s1e, wths1es) = let
val s2e = s1exp_arg_tr_up (s1e, wths1es); val s2t = s2e.s2exp_srt
if s2rt_is_impredicative s2t then s2e else begin
prerr_loc_error2 s1e.s1exp_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_arg_tr_dn_impredicative", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static expression needs to be impredicative";
prerr " but is assigned the sort [";
prerr s2t;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end end
(s1e0, wths1es) = let
fun auxwth (
wths1es: wths1explst
) : wths2explst = begin
case+ wths1es of
| WTHS1EXPLSTcons_some (refval, s1e, wths1es) => let
val s2t: s2rt =
if refval = 0 then s2rt_view
else s2rt_viewt0ype
val s2e = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2t)
WTHS2EXPLSTcons_some (refval, s2e, auxwth wths1es)
| WTHS1EXPLSTcons_none (wths1es) => begin
WTHS2EXPLSTcons_none (auxwth wths1es)
| WTHS1EXPLSTnil () => WTHS2EXPLSTnil ()
end fun auxres (
s1e: s1exp, wths1es: wths1explst
) : s2exp = begin
case+ s1e.s1exp_node of
| S1Eexi (1, s1qs, s1e_scope) => let
val (pf_s2expenv | ()) = the_s2expenv_push ()
val @(s2vs, s2ps) = s1qualst_tr (s1qs)
val s2e_scope = auxres (s1e_scope, wths1es)
val () = the_s2expenv_pop (pf_s2expenv | )
s2exp_exi (s2vs, s2ps, s2e_scope)
| _ => let
val s2e = s1exp_tr_dn_impredicative (s1e)
val wths2es = auxwth wths1es
s2exp_wth (s2e, wths2es)
end in
if wths1explst_is_none (wths1es) then s1exp_tr_dn_impredicative (s1e0)
else auxres (s1e0, wths1es)
fn s1exp_arrow_tr_up (loc0: loc_t, ofc: funcloopt,
islin: bool, isprf: bool, oefc: efcopt, s1ess: s1explstlst)
: s2exp = let
val s1es = (
case+ s1ess of
| cons (s1es, nil ()) => s1es | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_arrow_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": illegal static application.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end ) : s1explst
val @(s1e_arg, s1e_res) = (
case+ s1es of
| cons (s1e1, cons (s1e2, nil ())) => @(s1e1, s1e2)
| _ => begin
prerr_loc_interror loc0;
prerr ": s1exp_arrow_tr_up: s1es = "; prerr_s1explst s1es;
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end ) : @(s1exp, s1exp) var npf: int = 0 and s1es_arg: s1explst = nil ()
val () = case+ s1e_arg.s1exp_node of
| S1Elist (n, s1es) => (npf := n; s1es_arg := s1es)
| _ => s1es_arg := cons (s1e_arg, nil ())
var wths1es: wths1explst = WTHS1EXPLSTnil () val s2es_arg: s2explst = aux (s1es_arg, wths1es) where {
fun aux (s1es: s1explst, wths1es: &wths1explst): s2explst =
case+ s1es of
| cons (s1e, s1es) => let
val s2e = s1exp_arg_tr_up (s1e, wths1es)
val s2t = s2e.s2exp_srt
var imp: int = 0 and types: int = 0
val () = case+ s2t of
| S2RTbas s2tb => begin case+ s2tb of
| S2RTBASimp (id, _, _) => begin
imp := 1; if id = $Sym.symbol_TYPES then types := 1
end | _ => () end
| _ => ()
case+ 0 of
| _ when types > 0 => begin case+ s1es of
| nil () => cons (s2exp_vararg s2e, nil ())
| cons _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 s1e.s1exp_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_arrow_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": this static expression must be the last argument.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end end | _ when (imp > 0) => cons (s2e, aux (s1es, wths1es))
| _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 s1e.s1exp_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_arrow_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static expression needs to be impredicative";
prerr " but is assigned the sort [";
prerr s2t;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end end | nil () => nil ()
} val () = wths1es := wths1explst_reverse wths1es
val s2e_res = s1exp_res_tr_dn_impredicative (s1e_res, wths1es)
val s2t_res = s2e_res.s2exp_srt
val isprf: bool = if isprf then isprf else s2rt_is_proof s2t_res
val fc = (
case+ ofc of | Some fc => fc | None () => $Syn.FUNCLOfun ()
) : $Syn.funclo
val s2t_fun = s2rt_prf_lin_fc (loc0, isprf, islin, fc)
val lin: int = if islin then 1 else 0
val sf2e = (case+ oefc of
| None () => begin
if isprf then S2EFFnil () else S2EFFall ()
end | Some efc => effcst_tr efc
) : s2eff
s2exp_fun_srt (s2t_fun, fc, lin, sf2e, npf, s2es_arg, s2e_res)
fun s1rtext_tr
(s1te0: s1rtext): s2rtext = begin
case+ s1te0.s1rtext_node of
| S1TEsrt s1t => begin case+ s1t.s1rt_node of
| S1RTqid (q, id) => begin
case+ the_s2rtenv_find_qua (q, id) of
| ~Some_vt s2te => s2te | ~None_vt () => begin
prerr_loc_error2 s1t.s1rt_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1rtext_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the identifier [";
$Syn.prerr_s0rtq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr "] refers to an unrecognized sort.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end end | _ => S2TEsrt (s1rt_tr s1t)
end | S1TEsub (id, s1te, s1ps) => let
val s2te = s1rtext_tr s1te
val s2t = begin case+ s2te of
| S2TEsrt s2t => s2t | S2TEsub (_, s2t, _) => s2t
end val s2v = s2var_make_id_srt (id, s2t)
val (pf_s2expenv | ()) = the_s2expenv_push ()
val () = the_s2expenv_add_svar s2v
val s2ps = s1explst_tr_dn_bool s1ps
val () = the_s2expenv_pop (pf_s2expenv | )
val s2ps = (
case+ s2te of
| S2TEsrt _ => s2ps
| S2TEsub (s2v1, _, s2ps1) => begin
$Lst.list_append (s2ps, s2explst_alpha (s2v1, s2v, s2ps1))
) : s2explst
S2TEsub (s2v, s2t, s2ps)
end end
implement s1qualst_tr (s1qs) = let
fun loop
(s1qs: s1qualst, s2vs: &s2varlst, s2ps: &s2explst): void = begin
case+ s1qs of
| cons (s1q, s1qs) => begin case+ s1q.s1qua_node of
| S1Qprop s1e => let
val s2p = s1exp_tr_dn_bool s1e
s2ps := cons (s2p, s2ps); loop (s1qs, s2vs, s2ps)
| S1Qvars (ids, s1te) => begin case+ s1rtext_tr s1te of
| S2TEsrt s2t1 => let
fun aux (s2t1: s2rt, ids: i0delst, s2vs: &s2varlst): void =
case+ ids of
| cons (id, ids) => let
val s2v = s2var_make_id_srt (id.i0de_sym, s2t1)
the_s2expenv_add_svar s2v; s2vs := cons (s2v, s2vs);
aux (s2t1, ids, s2vs)
| nil () => ()
aux (s2t1, ids, s2vs); loop (s1qs, s2vs, s2ps)
| S2TEsub (s2v1, s2t1, s2ps1) => let
fun aux1 (s2ps1: s2explst, s2v: s2var_t, s2ps: &s2explst)
:<cloref1> void = case+ s2ps1 of
| cons (s2p1, s2ps1) => let
val s2p = s2exp_alpha (s2v1, s2v, s2p1)
s2ps := cons (s2p, s2ps); aux1 (s2ps1, s2v, s2ps)
| nil () => ()
fun aux2 (ids: i0delst, s2vs: &s2varlst, s2ps: &s2explst)
:<cloref1> void = case+ ids of
| cons (id, ids) => let
val s2v = s2var_make_id_srt (id.i0de_sym, s2t1)
the_s2expenv_add_svar s2v;
s2vs := cons (s2v, s2vs); aux1 (s2ps1, s2v, s2ps);
aux2 (ids, s2vs, s2ps)
| nil () => ()
aux2 (ids, s2vs, s2ps); loop (s1qs, s2vs, s2ps)
end end end | nil () => ()
end var s2vs: s2varlst = list_nil () and s2ps: s2explst = list_nil ()
val () = loop (s1qs, s2vs, s2ps)
in ($Lst.list_reverse s2vs, $Lst.list_reverse s2ps)
s1qualstlst_tr (s1qss) = begin case+ s1qss of
| list_cons (s1qs, s1qss) => begin
list_cons (s1qualst_tr s1qs, s1qualstlst_tr s1qss)
end | list_nil () => list_nil ()
fun s1exp_app_unwind
(s1e: s1exp, s1ess: &s1explstlst): s1exp = begin
case+ s1e.s1exp_node of
| S1Eapp (s1e, _, s1es) => begin
s1ess := s1es :: s1ess; s1exp_app_unwind (s1e, s1ess)
end | S1Eqid (q, id) => begin case+ q.s0taq_node of
| $Syn.S0TAQnone () => let
val ans = the_s2expenv_find id in case+ ans of
| ~Some_vt s2i => begin case+ s2i of
| S2ITEMe1xp e1xp => let
val s1e_new = s1exp_make_e1xp (s1e.s1exp_loc, e1xp)
s1exp_app_unwind (s1e_new, s1ess)
| _ => s1e
end | ~None_vt () => s1e
end | _ => s1e
| _ => s1e
fn s2rtlst_of_s2varlst
(s2vs: s2varlst): s2rtlst = $Lst.list_map_fun (s2vs, s2var_srt_get)
fun aux01 (
i: int
, npf: int
, s1es: s1explst
, lin: &int
, prg: &int
, res: labs2explst
) : labs2explst = begin case+ s1es of
| list_cons (s1e, s1es) => let
val lab = $Lab.label_make_int i
val s2e = s1exp_tr_dn_impredicative s1e
val s2t = s2e.s2exp_srt
val () = if s2rt_is_linear s2t then (lin := lin+1)
val () = begin
if i >= npf then (if ~(s2rt_is_proof s2t) then (prg := prg+1))
end in
LABS2EXPLSTcons (lab, s2e, aux01 (i+1, npf, s1es, lin, prg, res))
| list_nil () => res
fun aux23 (
s2t: s2rt, i: int, s1es: s1explst, res: labs2explst
) : labs2explst = begin case+ s1es of
| list_cons (s1e, s1es) => let
val lab = $Lab.label_make_int i
val s2e = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2t)
LABS2EXPLSTcons (lab, s2e, aux23 (s2t, i+1, s1es, res))
| list_nil () => res
fn s1exp_list_tr_up
(loc0: loc_t, npf: int, s1es: s1explst): s2exp = let
var lin: int = 0 and prg: int = 0
val ls2es = aux01 (0, npf, s1es, lin, prg, LABS2EXPLSTnil ())
val s2t_rec = begin
s2rt_lin_prg_boxed_npf_labs2explst (lin, prg, 0, npf, ls2es)
s2exp_tyrec_srt (s2t_rec, TYRECKINDflt0 (), npf, ls2es)
fn s1exp_tytup_tr_up
(loc0: loc_t, tupknd: int, s1es: s1explst): s2exp = begin
case+ tupknd of
| _ when 0 <= tupknd andalso tupknd <= 1 => let
var lin: int = 0 and prg: int = 0
val ls2es = aux01 (0, 0, s1es, lin, prg, LABS2EXPLSTnil ())
val boxed = (if tupknd > 0 then 1 else 0): int
val s2t_rec = begin
s2rt_lin_prg_boxed_npf_labs2explst (lin, prg, boxed, 0, ls2es)
val tyrecknd = (
if boxed > 0 then TYRECKINDbox () else TYRECKINDflt0 ()
) : tyreckind
s2exp_tyrec_srt (s2t_rec, tyrecknd, 0, ls2es)
| _ when 2 <= tupknd andalso tupknd <= 3 => let
val s2t_elt: s2rt =
if tupknd = 2 then s2rt_t0ype else s2rt_viewt0ype
val ls2es = aux23 (s2t_elt, 0, s1es, LABS2EXPLSTnil ())
val s2t_rec: s2rt =
if tupknd = 2 then s2rt_type else s2rt_viewtype
s2exp_tyrec_srt (s2t_rec, TYRECKINDbox (), 0, ls2es)
| _ => begin
prerr_loc_interror loc0;
prerr ": s1exp_tytup_tr_up"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
fn s1exp_tytup2_tr_up
(loc0: loc_t, tupknd: int, s1es1: s1explst, s1es2: s1explst)
: s2exp = begin case+ tupknd of
| _ when 0 <= tupknd andalso tupknd <= 1 => let
var lin: int = 0 and prg: int = 0
val npf = $Lst.list_length s1es1
val ls2es = LABS2EXPLSTnil ()
val ls2es2 = aux01 (npf, npf, s1es2, lin, prg, ls2es)
val ls2es12 = aux01 (0, npf, s1es1, lin, prg, ls2es2)
val boxed = (if tupknd > 0 then 1 else 0): int
val s2t_rec = begin
s2rt_lin_prg_boxed_npf_labs2explst (lin, prg, boxed, 0, ls2es2)
val tyrecknd = (
if boxed > 0 then TYRECKINDbox () else TYRECKINDflt0 ()
) : tyreckind
s2exp_tyrec_srt (s2t_rec, tyrecknd, npf, ls2es12)
| _ when 2 <= tupknd andalso tupknd <= 3 => let
val npf = $Lst.list_length s1es1
val s2t_elt1: s2rt =
if tupknd = 2 then s2rt_prop else s2rt_view
val s2t_elt2: s2rt =
if tupknd = 2 then s2rt_t0ype else s2rt_viewt0ype
val ls2es = aux23 (s2t_elt2, npf, s1es2, LABS2EXPLSTnil ())
val ls2es = aux23 (s2t_elt1, 0, s1es1, ls2es)
val s2t_rec: s2rt =
if tupknd = 2 then s2rt_type else s2rt_viewtype
s2exp_tyrec_srt (s2t_rec, TYRECKINDbox (), npf, ls2es)
| _ => begin
prerr_loc_interror loc0;
prerr ": s1exp_tytup2_tr_up"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end end
fun aux01
(ls1es: labs1explst, lin: &int, prg: &int): labs2explst = begin
case+ ls1es of
| LABS1EXPLSTcons (lab, s1e, ls1es) => let
val s2e = s1exp_tr_up s1e
val s2t = s2e.s2exp_srt
val () = if s2rt_is_linear s2t then (lin := lin+1)
val () = if ~(s2rt_is_proof s2t) then (prg := prg+1)
LABS2EXPLSTcons (lab, s2e, aux01 (ls1es, lin, prg))
| LABS1EXPLSTnil () => LABS2EXPLSTnil ()
fun aux23 (
s2t: s2rt, ls1es: labs1explst
) : labs2explst = begin
case+ ls1es of
| LABS1EXPLSTcons (lab, s1e, ls1es) => let
val s2e = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2t)
LABS2EXPLSTcons (lab, s2e, aux23 (s2t, ls1es))
end | LABS1EXPLSTnil () => LABS2EXPLSTnil ()
fn s1exp_tmpid_tr (
loc0: loc_t
, q: $Syn.d0ynq
, id: $Sym.symbol_t
) : s2cst_t = s2c where {
fn err1
(loc: loc_t, q: s0taq, id: sym_t): s2cst_t = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_tmpid_tr: err1", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static identifier [";
$Syn.prerr_s0taq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr "] does not refer to a static constant";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2cst_t} ()
end fn err2 (loc: loc_t, q: $Syn.s0taq, id: sym_t): s2cst_t = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_tmpid_tr: err2", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the identifier [";
$Syn.prerr_s0taq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr "] is unrecognized.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2cst_t} ()
end val q_loc = q.d0ynq_loc
val q_node = (case+ q.d0ynq_node of
| $Syn.D0YNQnone () => $Syn.S0TAQnone ()
| $Syn.D0YNQfildot nam => $Syn.S0TAQfildot nam
| $Syn.D0YNQsymcolon sym => $Syn.S0TAQsymcolon sym
| $Syn.D0YNQsymdot sym => $Syn.S0TAQsymdot sym
| _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 (q_loc);
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_tmpid_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static qualifier ["; $Syn.prerr_d0ynq q; prerr "] is not supported.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {$Syn.s0taq_node} ()
end ) : $Syn.s0taq_node val q = $Syn.s0taq_make (q_loc, q_node)
val ans = the_s2expenv_find_qua (q, id)
val s2c = (case+ ans of
| ~Some_vt s2i => begin case+ s2i of
| S2ITEMcst s2cs => begin case+ s2cs of
| S2CSTLSTcons (s2c, _) => s2c where {
val () = stacstuseloc_posmark (loc0, s2c)
} | S2CSTLSTnil () => err1 (loc0, q, id)
| _ => err1 (loc0, q, id)
end | ~None_vt () => err2 (loc0, q, id)
) : s2cst_t
fn s1exp_tyrec_tr_up (
loc0: loc_t, recknd: int, ls1es: labs1explst
) : s2exp = begin
case+ recknd of
| _ when 0 <= recknd andalso recknd <= 1 => let
var lin: int = 0 and prg: int = 0
val ls2es = aux01 (ls1es, lin, prg)
val boxed = (if recknd > 0 then 1 else 0): int
val s2t_rec: s2rt = begin
s2rt_lin_prg_boxed_npf_labs2explst (lin, prg, boxed, 0, ls2es)
val tyrecknd = (
if boxed > 0 then TYRECKINDbox () else TYRECKINDflt0 ()
) : tyreckind
s2exp_tyrec_srt (s2t_rec, tyrecknd, 0, ls2es)
| _ when 2 <= recknd andalso recknd <= 3 => let
val s2t_rec: s2rt =
if recknd = 2 then s2rt_type else s2rt_viewtype
val s2t_elt: s2rt =
if recknd = 2 then s2rt_t0ype else s2rt_viewt0ype
val ls2es = aux23 (s2t_elt, ls1es)
s2exp_tyrec_srt (s2t_rec, TYRECKINDbox (), 0, ls2es)
| _ => begin
prerr_loc_interror loc0;
prerr ": s1exp_tyrec_tr_up"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end end
fn s1exp_tyrec_ext_tr_up
(loc0: loc_t, name: string, ls1es: labs1explst): s2exp = let
var lin: int = 0 and prg: int = 0
val ls2es = aux01 (ls1es, lin, prg)
val s2t_rec: s2rt = begin
s2rt_lin_prg_boxed_npf_labs2explst (lin, prg, 0, 0, ls2es)
end in
s2exp_tyrec_srt (s2t_rec, TYRECKINDflt_ext name, 0, ls2es)
fn s1exp_union_tr_up (loc0: loc_t, s1e_ind: s1exp, ls1es: labs1explst)
: s2exp = let
val s2e_ind = s1exp_tr_dn_int s1e_ind
var lin: int = 0 and prg: int = 0
val ls2es = aux01 (ls1es, lin, prg)
val s2t_rec = s2rt_lin_prg_boxed (lin, prg, 0)
val stamp = $Stamp.s2exp_union_stamp_make ()
s2exp_union_srt (s2t_rec, stamp, s2e_ind, ls2es)
s1exp_tr_up (s1e0) = let
case+ s1e0.s1exp_node of
| S1Eann (s1e, s1t) => begin
let val s2t = s1rt_tr s1t in s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2t) end
end | S1Eany () => s1exp_any_tr_up (s1e0.s1exp_loc)
| S1Eapp (s1e, _, s1es) => let
var s1ess_arg: s1explstlst = '[s1es]
val s1e_opr = s1exp_app_unwind (s1e, s1ess_arg)
case+ s1e_opr.s1exp_node of
| S1Eqid (q, id) => begin case+ staspecid_of_qid (q, id) of
| SPSIDarrow () => s1exp_arrow_tr_up
(s1e0.s1exp_loc, None (), false, false, None (), s1ess_arg)
| SPSIDnone () => let
val ans = the_s2expenv_find_qua (q, id) in case+ ans of
| ~Some_vt s2i => s1exp_qid_app_tr_up
(s1e0.s1exp_loc, s1e_opr.s1exp_loc, q, id, s2i, s1ess_arg)
| ~None_vt () => begin
prerr_loc_error2 s1e.s1exp_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_tr_up", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": unrecognized static identifier [";
$Syn.prerr_s0taq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end end end | S1Eimp (fc, lin, prf, oefc) => s1exp_arrow_tr_up
(s1e0.s1exp_loc, Some fc, lin>0, prf>0, oefc, '[s1es])
| _ => let
val s2e_opr = s1exp_tr_up s1e_opr
s1exp_app_tr_up (
s1e0.s1exp_loc, s1e_opr.s1exp_loc, s2e_opr, s1ess_arg
) end end | S1Echar c => s2exp_char c
| S1Eexi (knd, s1qs, s1e_scope) => let
val () = if knd > 0 then let
val () = prerr_loc_error2 (s1e0.s1exp_loc)
val () = prerr (
": The existential quantifier #[...] is used incorrectly."
) val () = prerr_newline ()
$Err.abort {void} ()
end val (pf_s2expenv | ()) = the_s2expenv_push ()
val @(s2vs, s2ps) = s1qualst_tr (s1qs)
val s2e_scope = s1exp_tr_dn_impredicative s1e_scope
val () = the_s2expenv_pop (pf_s2expenv | )
s2exp_exi (s2vs, s2ps, s2e_scope)
end | S1Eextype (name, s1ess_arg) => let
val s2ess_arg =
s1explstlst_tr_dn_viewt0ype (s1ess_arg)
s2exp_extype_srt (s2rt_viewt0ype, name, s2ess_arg)
end | S1Eimp _ => begin
prerr_loc_interror s1e0.s1exp_loc;
prerr ": s1exp_tr_up: S1Eimp"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end | S1Eint int => s2exp_intinf ($IntInf.intinf_make_string(int))
| S1Einvar (refval, s1e) => let
val () = prerr_loc_error2 (s1e0.s1exp_loc)
val () = prerr (
": an invariant type can only be assigned to the argument of a function."
) val () = prerr_newline ()
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end | S1Elam (s1as, os1t, s1e_body) => let
val (pf_s2expenv | ()) = the_s2expenv_push ()
val s2vs = s1arglst_var_tr s1as; val s2e_body = (
case+ os1t of
| Some s1t => s1exp_tr_dn (s1e_body, s1rt_tr s1t)
| None () => s1exp_tr_up s1e_body
) : s2exp val () = the_s2expenv_pop (pf_s2expenv | )
val s2ts_arg = s2rtlst_of_s2varlst (s2vs)
val s2t_res = s2e_body.s2exp_srt
s2exp_lam_srt (s2rt_fun (s2ts_arg, s2t_res), s2vs, s2e_body)
end | S1Elist (npf, s1es) => begin
s1exp_list_tr_up (s1e0.s1exp_loc, npf, s1es)
| S1Eqid (q, id) => s1exp_qid_tr_up (s1e0.s1exp_loc, q, id)
| S1Eread (_v, s1e) => s1exp_read_tr_up (_v, s1e)
| S1Etop (knd, s1e) => s1exp_top_tr_up (knd, s1e)
| S1Etrans _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 s1e0.s1exp_loc;
prerr ": a transitional type can only be assigned to the argument of a function.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end | S1Etyarr (s1e_elt, s1ess_dim) => let
val s2e_elt = s1exp_tr_dn_viewt0ype s1e_elt
val s2ess_dim = $Lst.list_map_fun (s1ess_dim, s1explst_tr_dn_int)
s2exp_tyarr (s2e_elt, s2ess_dim)
end | S1Etyrec (recknd, ls1es) => begin
s1exp_tyrec_tr_up (s1e0.s1exp_loc, recknd, ls1es)
end | S1Etyrec_ext (name, ls1es) => begin
s1exp_tyrec_ext_tr_up (s1e0.s1exp_loc, name, ls1es)
end | S1Etytup (tupknd, s1es) => begin
s1exp_tytup_tr_up (s1e0.s1exp_loc, tupknd, s1es)
end | S1Etytup2 (tupknd, s1es1, s1es2) => begin
s1exp_tytup2_tr_up (s1e0.s1exp_loc, tupknd, s1es1, s1es2)
end | S1Euni (s1qs, s1e_scope) => let
var s2vs: s2varlst = nil () and s2ps: s2explst = nil ()
val (pf_s2expenv | ()) = the_s2expenv_push ()
val @(s2vs, s2ps) = s1qualst_tr (s1qs)
val s2e_scope = s1exp_tr_dn_impredicative s1e_scope
val () = the_s2expenv_pop (pf_s2expenv | )
s2exp_uni (s2vs, s2ps, s2e_scope)
end | S1Eunion (s2e_ind, ls2es) => begin
s1exp_union_tr_up (s1e0.s1exp_loc, s2e_ind, ls2es)
s1explst_tr_up (s1es) = $Lst.list_map_fun (s1es, s1exp_tr_up)
s1explstlst_tr_up (s1ess) = $Lst.list_map_fun (s1ess, s1explst_tr_up)
(ts1ess) = begin case+ ts1ess of
(loc, s1es, ts1ess) => let
val s2e = s1explst_tr_up s1es
val ts2ess = tmps1explstlst_tr_up ts1ess
TMPS2EXPLSTLSTcons (loc, s2e, ts2ess)
s1exp_tr_dn (s1e0, s2t0) = begin
case+ s1e0.s1exp_node of
| S1Eextype (name, _arg) => let
val _arg = s1explstlst_tr_dn_viewt0ype (_arg)
if s2rt_is_impredicative s2t0 then
s2exp_extype_srt (s2t0, name, _arg) else let
val () = prerr_loc_error2 s1e0.s1exp_loc
val () = $Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_tr_dn", @(THISFILENAME))
val () = prerr ": the external type cannot be assigned the sort ["
val () = prerr s2t0
val () = prerr "]."
val () = prerr_newline ()
$Err.abort ()
end | _ => let
val s2e0 = s1exp_tr_up (s1e0)
val s2t0_new = s2e0.s2exp_srt
if s2t0_new <= s2t0 then s2e0 else let
val () = prerr_loc_error2 s1e0.s1exp_loc
val () = $Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1exp_tr_dn", @(THISFILENAME))
val () = prerr ": the static expression is of sort ["
val () = prerr_s2rt (s2t0_new)
val () = prerr "] but it is expectecd to be of sort ["
val () = prerr_s2rt (s2t0)
val () = prerr "]."
val () = prerr_newline ()
$Err.abort ()
end end
s1explst_tr_dn (s1es, s2ts) = begin
case+ s1es of
| s1e :: s1es => let
val+ s2t :: s2ts = s2ts
s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2t) :: s1explst_tr_dn (s1es, s2ts)
end | nil () => nil ()
s1exparg_tr (s1a) = begin
case+ s1a.s1exparg_node of
| S1EXPARGone () => s2exparg_one (s1a.s1exparg_loc)
| S1EXPARGall () => s2exparg_all (s1a.s1exparg_loc)
| S1EXPARGseq (s2es) => begin
s2exparg_seq (s1a.s1exparg_loc, s1explst_tr_up s2es)
end end
s1exparglst_tr (s1as) = $Lst.list_map_fun (s1as, s1exparg_tr)
fn s1rtdef_tr
(d: s1rtdef): void = let
val id = d.s1rtdef_sym and s2te = s1rtext_tr (d.s1rtdef_def)
the_s2rtenv_add (id, s2te)
s1rtdeflst_tr (ds): void = begin case+ ds of
| cons (d, ds) => (s1rtdef_tr d; s1rtdeflst_tr ds) | nil () => ()
fn d1atarg_tr (
d1a: d1atarg
) : @(symopt_t, s2rt, int) = begin
case+ d1a.d1atarg_node of
| D1ATARGsrt s1tp => let
val s2t = s1rt_tr (s1tp.s1rtpol_srt)
@(None (), s2t, s1tp.s1rtpol_pol)
end | D1ATARGidsrt (id, s1tp) => let
val s2t = s1rt_tr (s1tp.s1rtpol_srt)
@(Some id, s2t, s1tp.s1rtpol_pol)
end end
d1atarglst_tr (d1as) = begin case+ d1as of
| cons (d1a, d1as) => cons (d1atarg_tr d1a, d1atarglst_tr d1as)
| nil () => nil ()
fn s1tacon_tr (
s2t_res: s2rt, d: s1tacon
) : void = let
val id = d.s1tacon_sym
val loc = d.s1tacon_loc
val argvar = (case+ d.s1tacon_arg of
| Some d1as => Some (d1atarglst_tr d1as) | None () => None ()
) : Option (List @(symopt_t, s2rt, int))
val s2t_fun = (
case+ argvar of
| Some xs => let
fun aux (xs: List @(symopt_t, s2rt, int)): s2rtlst =
case+ xs of
| cons (x, xs) => cons (x.1, aux xs) | nil () => nil ()
val s2ts_arg = aux xs
s2rt_fun (s2ts_arg, s2t_res)
| None => s2t_res
) : s2rt val (pf_s2expenv | ()) = the_s2expenv_push ()
val s2vs_opt = (let
fun aux (
xs: List @(symopt_t, s2rt, int)
) : s2varlst =
case+ xs of
| cons (x, xs) => let
val s2v = case+ x.0 of
| Some id => s2var_make_id_srt (id, x.1)
| None () => s2var_make_srt (x.1)
the_s2expenv_add_svar s2v; cons (s2v, aux xs)
| nil () => nil ()
case+ argvar of Some xs => Some (aux xs) | None () => None ()
end) : Option (s2varlst) val def = (
case+ d.s1tacon_def of
| Some s1e => let
val s2e = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2t_res)
val s2e_def = case+ s2vs_opt of
| Some s2vs => s2exp_lam_srt (s2t_fun, s2vs, s2e) | None => s2e
Some s2e_def
end | None () => None ()
) : s2expopt val () = the_s2expenv_pop (pf_s2expenv | )
val s2c = s2cst_make (
id , loc , s2t_fun , Some def , true , false , false , None () , argvar , None () ) in
the_s2expenv_add_scst s2c
s1taconlst_tr (absknd, ds) = let
fun aux (
s2t: s2rt, ds: s1taconlst
) : void = case+ ds of
| cons (d, ds) => (s1tacon_tr (s2t, d); aux (s2t, ds)) | nil () => ()
val s2t = (case+ absknd of
| $Syn.ABSKINDprop () => s2rt_prop
| $Syn.ABSKINDtype () => s2rt_type
| $Syn.ABSKINDt0ype () => s2rt_t0ype
| $Syn.ABSKINDview () => s2rt_view
| $Syn.ABSKINDviewtype () => s2rt_viewtype
| $Syn.ABSKINDviewt0ype () => s2rt_viewt0ype
) : s2rt in
aux (s2t, ds)
fn s1tacst_tr
(d: s1tacst): void = let
val id = d.s1tacst_sym
val loc = d.s1tacst_loc
val s2t_res = s1rt_tr (d.s1tacst_res)
val s2t = (case+ d.s1tacst_arg of
| Some s1ts => s2rt_fun (s1rtlst_tr s1ts, s2t_res)
| None () => s2t_res
) : s2rt val s2c = s2cst_make (
id , loc , s2t , None () , false , false , false , None () , None () , None () ) in
the_s2expenv_add_scst s2c
s1tacstlst_tr (ds) = begin case+ ds of
| cons (d, ds) => (s1tacst_tr d; s1tacstlst_tr ds) | nil () => ()
fun s1tavar_tr
(d: s1tavar): s2tavar = let
val s2t = s1rt_tr (d.s1tavar_srt)
val s2v = s2var_make_id_srt (d.s1tavar_sym, s2t)
val () = the_s2expenv_add_svar s2v
s2tavar_make (d.s1tavar_loc, s2v)
s1tavarlst_tr (ds) = $Lst.list_map_fun (ds, s1tavar_tr)
fn d1atsrtdec_tr (
res: s2rt, d1c: d1atsrtdec
) : s2cstlst = let
fn aux (
i: int, res: s2rt, d1c: d1atsrtcon
) : s2cst_t = let
val id = d1c.d1atsrtcon_sym
val loc = d1c.d1atsrtcon_loc
val arg = s1rtlst_tr d1c.d1atsrtcon_arg
val s2t = s2rt_fun (arg, res)
val s2c = s2cst_make (
id , loc , s2t , None () , true , false , false , None () , None () , None () ) val () = s2cst_tag_set (s2c, i)
the_s2expenv_add_scst s2c; s2c
end fun auxlst (i: int, res: s2rt, d1cs: d1atsrtconlst): s2cstlst =
case+ d1cs of
| cons (d1c, d1cs) => begin
S2CSTLSTcons (aux (i, res, d1c), auxlst (i+1, res, d1cs))
end | nil () => S2CSTLSTnil ()
auxlst (0, res, d1c.d1atsrtdec_con)
d1atsrtdeclst_tr (d1cs) = let
viewtypedef VT = List_vt @(d1atsrtdec, s2rtdat_t, s2rt)
fun loop1 (xs0: VT): void = case+ xs0 of
| ~list_vt_cons (x, xs) => let
val s2cs = d1atsrtdec_tr (x.2, x.0)
val () = s2rtdat_conlst_set (x.1, s2cs)
loop1 xs
end | ~list_vt_nil () => ()
fun loop2 (
d1cs: d1atsrtdeclst, res: VT
) : void =
case+ d1cs of
| list_cons (d1c, d1cs) => let
val id = d1c.d1atsrtdec_sym
val loc = d1c.d1atsrtdec_loc
val s2td = s2rtdat_make id
val s2t = S2RTbas (S2RTBASdef s2td)
val s2t_eq = s2rt_fun ('[s2t, s2t], s2rt_bool)
val s2c_eq = s2cst_make (
$Sym.symbol_EQEQ , loc , s2t_eq , None () , false , false , false , None () , None () , None () ) val () = the_s2expenv_add_scst s2c_eq
val () = the_s2rtenv_add (id, S2TEsrt s2t)
loop2 (d1cs, list_vt_cons (@(d1c, s2td, s2t), res))
end | list_nil () => loop1 res
loop2 (d1cs, list_vt_nil ())
fn s1expdef_s1aspdec_tr_main (
loc0: loc_t
, s1ass: s1arglstlst, res: s2rtopt, body: s1exp
) : s2exp = let
val (pf_s2expenv | ()) = the_s2expenv_push ()
val s2vss = (s1arglstlst_var_tr s1ass): s2varlstlst
val body = case+ res of
| Some s2t => s1exp_tr_dn (body, s2t) | _ => s1exp_tr_up body
val () = the_s2expenv_pop (pf_s2expenv | )
fun aux (
body: s2exp, s2vss: s2varlstlst
) : s2exp = begin
case+ s2vss of
| s2vs :: s2vss => let
val body = aux (body, s2vss)
val s2ts_arg = s2rtlst_of_s2varlst s2vs
val s2t_fun = s2rt_fun (s2ts_arg, body.s2exp_srt)
s2exp_lam_srt (s2t_fun, s2vs, body)
end | nil () => body
end in
aux (body, s2vss)
s1expdef_tr (res, d1c) = let
fn err (d1c: s1expdef): void = begin
prerr_loc_error2 d1c.s1expdef_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1expdef_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the sort for the definition does not match";
prerr " the sort assigned to the static constant [";
$Sym.prerr_symbol d1c.s1expdef_sym;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end val res = (case+ d1c.s1expdef_res of
| Some s1t => let
val s2t1 = s1rt_tr s1t; val () = case+ res of
| Some s2t => if (s2t1 <= s2t) then () else err (d1c)
| None () => ()
Some s2t1
end | None () => res
) : s2rtopt
val s2e = s1expdef_s1aspdec_tr_main
(d1c.s1expdef_loc, d1c.s1expdef_arg, res, d1c.s1expdef_def)
s2cst_make (
d1c.s1expdef_sym , d1c.s1expdef_loc , s2e.s2exp_srt , None () , false , false , false , None () , None () , Some s2e ) end
s1expdeflst_tr (res, d1cs) = let
val s2cs = aux (res, d1cs) where {
fun aux
(res: s2rtopt, d1cs: s1expdeflst)
: List_vt (s2cst_t) = case+ d1cs of
| list_cons (d1c, d1cs) => let
val s2c = s1expdef_tr (res, d1c)
list_vt_cons (s2c, aux (res, d1cs))
end | list_nil () => list_vt_nil ()
} val () = aux s2cs where {
fun aux (s2cs: List_vt s2cst_t): void =
case+ s2cs of
| ~list_vt_cons (s2c, s2cs) => let
val () = the_s2expenv_add_scst s2c in aux s2cs
end | ~list_vt_nil () => ()
} in
s1aspdec_tr (d1c) = let
fn err1
(loc: loc_t, q: $Syn.s0taq, id: sym_t,
s2t_s2c: s2rt, s2t_s2e: s2rt): s2aspdec = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1aspdec_tr: err1", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": sort mismatch";
prerr ": the sort of the static constant [";
$Syn.prerr_s0taq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr "] is [";
prerr s2t_s2c;
prerr "] while the sort of its definition is [";
prerr s2t_s2e;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2aspdec} ()
fn err2 (loc: loc_t, q: $Syn.s0taq, id: sym_t): s2aspdec = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1aspdec_tr: err2", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static constant [";
$Syn.prerr_s0taq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr "] is not abstract.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2aspdec} ()
fn err3 (loc: loc_t, q: $Syn.s0taq, id: sym_t): s2aspdec = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1aspdec_tr: err2", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the static constant referred to by [";
$Syn.prerr_s0taq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr "] cannot be uniquely resolved.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2aspdec} ()
fn err4 (loc: loc_t, q: $Syn.s0taq, id: sym_t): s2aspdec = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1aspdec_tr: err4", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the identifier [";
$Syn.prerr_s0taq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr "] does not refer to a static constant.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2aspdec} ()
fn err5 (loc: loc_t, q: $Syn.s0taq, id: sym_t): s2aspdec = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: s1aspdec_tr: err5", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the identifier [";
$Syn.prerr_s0taq q; $Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr "] is unrecognized.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2aspdec} ()
val loc = d1c.s1aspdec_loc
val qid = d1c.s1aspdec_qid
val q = qid.sqi0de_qua and id = qid.sqi0de_sym
val os2i = the_s2expenv_find_qua (q, id)
case+ os2i of
| ~Some_vt s2i => begin case+ s2i of
| S2ITEMcst s2cs => let
val s2cs = filter s2cs where {
fun filter (s2cs: s2cstlst): s2cstlst =
case+ s2cs of
| S2CSTLSTcons (s2c, s2cs) => begin
case+ 0 of
| _ when s2cst_is_abstract s2c =>
S2CSTLSTcons (s2c, filter s2cs)
| _ => filter s2cs
end | S2CSTLSTnil () => S2CSTLSTnil ()
} in
case+ s2cs of
| S2CSTLSTcons (s2c, S2CSTLSTnil ()) => let
val res = s1rtopt_tr d1c.s1aspdec_res
val s2e = s1expdef_s1aspdec_tr_main
(loc, d1c.s1aspdec_arg, res, d1c.s1aspdec_def)
val s2t_s2e = s2e.s2exp_srt
val s2t_s2c = s2cst_srt_get s2c
if s2t_s2e <= s2t_s2c then begin
s2aspdec_make (loc, s2c, s2e)
end else begin
err1 (loc, q, id, s2t_s2c, s2t_s2e)
end end
| S2CSTLSTnil () => begin
err2 (loc, q, id) end | _ => err3 (loc, q, id)
end | _ => err4 (loc, q, id)
end | ~None_vt () => err5 (loc, q, id)
fn d1atcon_tr (
s2c: s2cst_t
, islin: bool
, isprf: bool
, s2vs0: s2varlst
, fil: fil_t
, d1c: d1atcon
) : d2con_t = let
fn err1 (loc: loc_t, id: sym_t): s2explstopt = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc;
prerr ": less indexes are needed for the constructor [";
$Sym.prerr_symbol id; prerr "]"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2explstopt} ()
fn err2 (loc: loc_t, id: sym_t): s2explstopt = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc;
prerr ": more indexes are needed for the constructor [";
$Sym.prerr_symbol id; prerr "]"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2explstopt} ()
fn err3 (loc: loc_t, id: sym_t): s2explstopt = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc;
prerr ": no indexes are needed for the constructor [";
$Sym.prerr_symbol id; prerr "]"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2explstopt} ()
fn err4 (loc: loc_t, id: sym_t): s2explstopt = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc;
prerr ": some indexes are needed for the constructor [";
$Sym.prerr_symbol id; prerr "]"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2explstopt} ()
val loc = d1c.d1atcon_loc and id = d1c.d1atcon_sym
val (pf_s2expenv | ()) = the_s2expenv_push ()
val () = the_s2expenv_add_svarlst s2vs0
var s2vpslst: s2qualst = s1qualstlst_tr (d1c.d1atcon_qua)
val () = case+ s2vs0 of
| cons _ => s2vpslst := cons (@(s2vs0, nil ()), s2vpslst)
| nil () => ()
var os2ts_s2c_ind: s2rtlstopt = None ()
val () = case+ s2cst_srt_get s2c of
| S2RTfun (s2ts, s2t) => (os2ts_s2c_ind := Some s2ts) | s2t => ()
val npf = d1c.d1atcon_npf and s1es_arg = d1c.d1atcon_arg
val s2es_arg = let
val s2t_pfarg = (
if islin then s2rt_view else s2rt_prop
) : s2rt
val s2t_arg = (
if isprf then s2t_pfarg else begin
if islin then s2rt_viewt0ype else s2rt_t0ype
end ) : s2rt
fun aux (i: int, s1es: s1explst):<cloref1> s2explst = begin
case+ s1es of
| cons (s1e, s1es) => let
val s2t = (if i < npf then s2t_pfarg else s2t_arg): s2rt
cons (s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2t), aux (i+1, s1es))
end | nil () => nil () end in
aux (0, s1es_arg)
end val os2ts_s2c_ind = (os2ts_s2c_ind: s2rtlstopt)
val os2es_ind = (
case+ (d1c.d1atcon_ind, os2ts_s2c_ind) of
| (Some s1es, Some s2ts) => let
val n1 = $Lst.list_length (s1es)
and n2 = $Lst.list_length (s2ts)
case+ compare (n1, n2) of
| 0 => Some (s1explst_tr_dn (s1es, s2ts))
| 1 => err1 (loc, id)
| _ => err2 (loc, id)
| (None (), None ()) => None ()
| (Some _, None _) => err3 (loc, id)
| (None _, Some _) => err4 (loc, id)
) : s2explstopt
val () = the_s2expenv_pop (pf_s2expenv | )
val vwtp = (if isprf then 0 else if islin then 1 else 0): int
val d2c = d2con_make
(loc, fil, id, s2c, vwtp, s2vpslst, npf, s2es_arg, os2es_ind)
val () = the_d2expenv_add_dcon d2c; val () =
if isprf then () else let
val () = the_s2expenv_add_datcontyp d2c in
if islin then the_s2expenv_add_datconptr d2c end in
fun d1atconlst_tr (
s2c: s2cst_t
, islin: bool
, isprf: bool
, s2vs0: s2varlst
, fil: fil_t
, d1cs: d1atconlst
) : d2conlst = begin case+ d1cs of
| cons (d1c, d1cs) => let
val d2c = d1atcon_tr (s2c, islin, isprf, s2vs0, fil, d1c)
D2CONLSTcons (d2c, d1atconlst_tr (s2c, islin, isprf, s2vs0, fil, d1cs))
end | nil () => D2CONLSTnil () end
fn d1atdec_tr (
s2c: s2cst_t, s2vs0: s2varlst, d1c: d1atdec
) : void = let
val s2t_s2c = begin
case+ s2cst_srt_get s2c of S2RTfun (s2ts, s2t) => s2t | s2t => s2t
end val islin = s2rt_is_linear s2t_s2c and isprf = s2rt_is_proof s2t_s2c
val d2cs = d1atconlst_tr
(s2c, islin, isprf, s2vs0, d1c.d1atdec_fil, d1c.d1atdec_con)
val () = let fun aux (i: int, d2cs: d2conlst): void = case+ d2cs of
| D2CONLSTcons (d2c, d2cs) => (d2con_tag_set (d2c, i); aux (i+1, d2cs))
| D2CONLSTnil () => ()
aux (0, d2cs)
end val islst = (case+ d2cs of
| D2CONLSTcons (d2c1, D2CONLSTcons (d2c2, D2CONLSTnil ())) =>
if d2con_arity_real_get d2c1 = 0 then begin
if d2con_arity_real_get d2c2 > 0 then Some @(d2c1, d2c2)
else None ()
end else begin
if d2con_arity_real_get d2c2 = 0 then Some @(d2c2, d2c1)
else None ()
| _ => None ()
) : Option @(d2con_t, d2con_t)
s2cst_islst_set (s2c, islst); s2cst_conlst_set (s2c, Some d2cs)
d1atdeclst_tr (
datknd, d1cs_dat, d1cs_def
) = let
val s2t_res = s2rt_datakind datknd
typedef T = List @(d1atdec, s2cst_t, s2varlst)
val d1cs2cs2vslst = let
var res: T = list_nil ()
fun aux .<>. (
d1c: d1atdec, res: &T
) :<cloref1> void = let
val argvar = (
case+ d1c.d1atdec_arg of
| Some d1as => Some (d1atarglst_tr d1as)
| None () => None ()
) : Option (List @(symopt_t, s2rt, int))
val s2vs = let
fun aux
(xs: List @(symopt_t, s2rt, int)): s2varlst =
case+ xs of
| list_cons (x, xs) => begin case+ x.0 of
| Some id => begin
list_cons (s2var_make_id_srt (id, x.1), aux xs)
end | None () => aux xs
end | list_nil () => list_nil ()
case+ argvar of Some xs => aux xs | None () => nil ()
end : s2varlst
val os2ts_arg = let
fun aux
(xs: List @(symopt_t, s2rt, int)): s2rtlst =
case+ xs of
| list_cons (x, xs) => list_cons (x.1, aux xs)
| list_nil () => list_nil ()
case+ argvar of Some xs => Some (aux xs) | None () => None ()
end : s2rtlstopt
val s2c = s2cst_make_dat (
d1c.d1atdec_sym, d1c.d1atdec_loc, os2ts_arg, s2t_res, argvar
) val () = the_s2expenv_add_scst s2c
res := cons (@(d1c, s2c, s2vs), res)
end fun auxlst (
d1cs: d1atdeclst, res: &T
) :<cloref1> void = case+ d1cs of
| list_cons (d1c, d1cs) => (aux (d1c, res); auxlst (d1cs, res))
| list_nil () => ()
auxlst (d1cs_dat, res); res
end : T val () = aux (d1cs_def) where {
fun aux (
d1cs: s1expdeflst
) : void = begin case+ d1cs of
| list_cons (d1c, d1cs) => let
val s2c = s1expdef_tr (None, d1c)
val () = the_s2expenv_add_scst (s2c)
aux (d1cs)
end | list_nil () => () end
} fun aux (xs: T): s2cstlst = case+ xs of
| list_cons (x, xs) => begin
d1atdec_tr (x.1, x.2, x.0); S2CSTLSTcons (x.1, aux xs)
end | list_nil () => S2CSTLSTnil ()
aux (d1cs2cs2vslst)
fn e1xndec_tr
(s2c: s2cst_t, d1c: e1xndec): d2con_t = let
val loc = d1c.e1xndec_loc
val fil = d1c.e1xndec_fil and id = d1c.e1xndec_sym
val (pf_s2expenv | ()) = the_s2expenv_push ()
val s2vpslst = s1qualstlst_tr (d1c.e1xndec_qua)
val npf = d1c.e1xndec_npf
val s1es_arg = d1c.e1xndec_arg
val s2es_arg = s1explst_tr_dn_viewt0ype s1es_arg
val () = the_s2expenv_pop (pf_s2expenv | )
val d2c = d2con_make
(loc, fil, id, s2c, 1, s2vpslst, npf, s2es_arg, None)
val () = d2con_tag_set (d2c, ~1)
the_d2expenv_add_dcon d2c; d2c
fun d2conlst_revapp
(d2cs1: d2conlst, d2cs2: d2conlst): d2conlst = begin
case+ d2cs1 of
| D2CONLSTcons (d2c1, d2cs1) => begin
d2conlst_revapp (d2cs1, D2CONLSTcons (d2c1, d2cs2))
| D2CONLSTnil () => d2cs2
e1xndeclst_tr (d1cs) = let
fun aux (s2c: s2cst_t, d1cs: e1xndeclst): d2conlst =
case+ d1cs of
| cons (d1c, d1cs) => let
val d2c = e1xndec_tr (s2c, d1c)
D2CONLSTcons (d2c, aux (s2c, d1cs))
| nil () => D2CONLSTnil ()
val s2c = s2cstref_cst_get (Exception_viewtype)
val d2cs = aux (s2c, d1cs)
val d2cs0 = case+ s2cst_conlst_get s2c of
| Some d2cs0 => d2conlst_revapp (d2cs, d2cs0) | None () => d2cs
s2cst_conlst_set (s2c, Some d2cs0); d2cs