staload Arr = "ats_array.sats"
staload Deb = "ats_debug.sats"
staload Err = "ats_error.sats"
staload Fil = "ats_filename.sats"
staload Glo = "ats_global.sats"
staload IntInf = "ats_intinf.sats"
staload Lab = "ats_label.sats"
staload Loc = "ats_location.sats"
staload Lst = "ats_list.sats"
staload NS = "ats_namespace.sats"
staload PM = "ats_posmark.sats"
staload Stamp = "ats_stamp.sats"
staload Sym = "ats_symbol.sats"
staload Syn = "ats_syntax.sats"
staload "ats_staexp1.sats"
staload "ats_dynexp1.sats"
staload "ats_staexp2.sats"
staload "ats_dynexp2.sats"
staload "ats_stadyncst2.sats"
staload "ats_trans2_env.sats"
staload "ats_trans2.sats"
staload MAC = "ats_macro2.sats"
staload _ = "ats_array.dats"
staload "ats_reference.sats"
staload _ = "ats_reference.dats"
staload _ = "ats_map_lin.dats"
staload _ = "ats_symenv.dats"
#define THISFILENAME "ats_trans2_dyn1.dats"
#define nil list_nil
#define cons list_cons
#define :: list_cons
typedef loc_t = $Loc.location_t
typedef funclo = $Syn.funclo
typedef funcloopt = $Syn.funcloopt
typedef efc = $Eff.effcst
typedef efcopt = Option efc
typedef sym_t = $Sym.symbol_t
typedef symopt_t = Option sym_t
overload = with $Sym.eq_symbol_symbol
overload prerr with $Syn.prerr_d0ynq
overload prerr with $Sym.prerr_symbol
overload prerr with $Loc.prerr_location
fn prerr_loc_error2
(loc: loc_t): void =
($Loc.prerr_location loc; prerr ": error(2)")
fn prerr_interror () = prerr "INTERNAL ERROR (ats_trans2_dyn1)"
fn prerr_loc_interror (loc: loc_t) = begin
$Loc.prerr_location loc; prerr ": INTERNAL ERROR (ats_trans2_dyn1)"
fn dyncstuseloc_posmark
(loc: loc_t, d2c: d2cst_t): void = let
val loc_d2c = d2cst_loc_get (d2c)
val loc_begoff = $Loc.location_begpos_toff loc
val () = $PM.posmark_insert_dyncstuse_beg (loc_begoff, loc_d2c)
val loc_endoff = $Loc.location_endpos_toff loc
val () = $PM.posmark_insert_dyncstuse_end (loc_endoff, loc_d2c)
fun s2exp_arity_list
(s2e: s2exp): List int = begin
case+ s2e.s2exp_node of
| S2Efun (_, _, _, _, s2es, s2e) => begin
cons ($Lst.list_length s2es, s2exp_arity_list s2e)
end | S2Eexi (_, _, s2e) => s2exp_arity_list s2e
| S2Euni (_, _, s2e) => s2exp_arity_list s2e
| S2Emetfn (_, _, s2e) => s2exp_arity_list s2e
| _ => nil ()
fn d1cstdec_tr (
dck: $Syn.dcstkind, s2vpslst: s2qualst, d1c: d1cstdec
) : d2cst_t = let
val loc = d1c.d1cstdec_loc
val fil = d1c.d1cstdec_fil
val id = d1c.d1cstdec_sym
var s2e_cst = ( if $Syn.dcstkind_is_proof dck then s1exp_tr_dn_prop d1c.d1cstdec_typ
else s1exp_tr_dn_t0ype d1c.d1cstdec_typ
) : s2exp val arilst = s2exp_arity_list s2e_cst
val extdef = d1c.d1cstdec_extdef
val d2c = d2cst_make (loc, fil, id, dck, s2vpslst, arilst, s2e_cst, extdef)
the_d2expenv_add_dcst d2c; d2c
(dck, s2vpslst, d1cs) = begin
case+ d1cs of
| cons (d1c, d1cs) => let
val d2c = d1cstdec_tr (dck, s2vpslst, d1c)
cons (d2c, d1cstdeclst_tr (dck, s2vpslst, d1cs))
end | nil () => nil ()
fn s1arg_arg_tr (s1a: s1arg): s2arg = begin
s2arg_make (s1a.s1arg_loc, s1a.s1arg_sym, s1rtopt_tr s1a.s1arg_srt)
fun s1arglst_arg_tr (s1as: s1arglst): s2arglst = begin case+ s1as of
| cons (s1a, s1as) => cons (s1arg_arg_tr s1a, s1arglst_arg_tr s1as)
| nil () => nil ()
fun d2con_select_arity (d2cs: d2conlst, n: int): d2conlst = begin
case+ d2cs of
| D2CONLSTcons (d2c, d2cs) =>
if d2con_arity_full_get d2c = n then begin
D2CONLSTcons (d2c, d2con_select_arity (d2cs, n))
end else begin
d2con_select_arity (d2cs, n)
| D2CONLSTnil () => D2CONLSTnil ()
fun d2con_select_arity_err_some
(loc_id: loc_t, q: d0ynq, id: sym_t, n: int): d2con_t = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_id;
prerr ": the dynamic identifier [";
prerr q; prerr id;
prerrf ("] refers to multiple constructors of arity %i.", @(n));
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2con_t} ()
fun d2con_select_arity_err_none
(loc_id: loc_t, q: d0ynq, id: sym_t, n: int): d2con_t = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_id;
prerr ": the dynamic identifier [";
prerr q; prerr id;
prerrf ("] does not refer to any constructor of arity %i.", @(n));
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2con_t} ()
fun p1at_make_p1at
(p1t: p1at): p1at = begin
case+ p1t.p1at_node of
| P1Tqid (q, id) => let
val ans = the_d2expenv_find_qua (q, id)
case+ ans of
| ~Some_vt d2i => begin case+ d2i of
| D2ITEMe1xp e1xp => let
val p1t = p1at_make_e1xp (p1t.p1at_loc, e1xp)
p1at_make_p1at (p1t)
end | _ => p1t end | ~None_vt () => p1t
end | _ => p1t
fun d1exp_make_d1exp
(d1e: d1exp): d1exp = begin
case+ d1e.d1exp_node of
| D1Eqid (q, id) => let
val ans = the_d2expenv_find_qua (q, id)
case+ ans of
| ~Some_vt d2i => begin case+ d2i of
| D2ITEMe1xp e1xp => let
val d1e = d1exp_make_e1xp (d1e.d1exp_loc, e1xp)
d1exp_make_d1exp (d1e)
end | _ => d1e end | ~None_vt () => d1e end | _ => d1e
fun aux1
(d2c: d2con_t, sub: stasub_t,
s2vpslst: s2qualst, out: &s2qualst): s2exp = begin
case+ s2vpslst of
| cons (s2vps, s2vpslst) => let
val @(sub, s2vs) = stasub_extend_svarlst (sub, s2vps.0)
val s2ps = s2explst_subst (sub, s2vps.1)
out := @(s2vs, s2ps) :: out; aux1 (d2c, sub, s2vpslst, out)
end | nil () => let
val npf = d2con_npf_get d2c
val s2es_arg =
s2explst_subst (sub, d2con_arg_get d2c)
val s2c = d2con_scst_get d2c
val s2e_res: s2exp = case+ d2con_ind_get d2c of
| Some s2es_ind => let
val s2es_ind = s2explst_subst (sub, s2es_ind)
s2exp_cstapp (s2c, s2es_ind)
| None () => s2exp_cst s2c
out := s2qualst_reverse out;
s2exp_confun (npf, s2es_arg, s2e_res)
end end
fun aux2 (
loc_sap: loc_t
, d2c: d2con_t
, sub: stasub_t
, s2vpss: s2qualst
, s1as: s1vararglst
, out: &s2qualst
) : s2exp = let
fn err (loc_sap: loc_t, d2c: d2con_t): s2exp = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_sap;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: p1at_con_tr: aux2", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the constructor [";
prerr d2c;
prerr "] is applied to too many static arguments.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2exp} ()
end in case+ s1as of
| cons (s1a, s1as) => begin case+ s1a of
| S1VARARGone () => begin case+ s2vpss of
| cons (s2vps, s2vpss) => let
val @(sub, s2vs) = stasub_extend_svarlst (sub, s2vps.0)
val s2ps = s2explst_subst (sub, s2vps.1)
out := @(s2vs, s2ps) :: out;
aux2 (loc_sap, d2c, sub, s2vpss, s1as, out)
end | nil () => err (loc_sap, d2c)
end | S1VARARGall () => aux1 (d2c, sub, s2vpss, out)
| S1VARARGseq arg => begin case+ s2vpss of
| cons (s2vps, s2vpss) => let
val arg = s1arglst_arg_tr arg
val @(sub, s2vs) =
stasub_extend_sarglst_svarlst (loc_sap, sub, arg, s2vps.0)
val s2ps = s2explst_subst (sub, s2vps.1)
out := @(s2vs, s2ps) :: out;
aux2 (loc_sap, d2c, sub, s2vpss, s1as, out)
end | nil () => err (loc_sap, d2c)
end end | nil () => aux1 (d2c, sub, s2vpss, out)
fn p1at_con_tr (
loc_dap: loc_t, loc_sap: loc_t
, d2c: d2con_t, s1as: s1vararglst, npf: int, p1ts: p1atlst
) : p2at = let
val s2vpss = d2con_qua_get d2c
var out: s2qualst = nil ()
val s2e = aux2 (loc_sap, d2c, stasub_nil, s2vpss, s1as, out)
val p2ts = p1atlst_tr p1ts
p2at_con (loc_dap, 1, d2c, out, s2e, npf, p2ts)
p1at_con_instantiate (loc_sap, d2c) = let
var out: s2qualst = nil (); val s2e = begin
aux2 (loc_sap, d2c, stasub_nil, d2con_qua_get d2c, nil (), out)
end in
@(out, s2e)
fn p1at_qid_app_dyn_tr (
loc_dap: loc_t
, loc_sap: loc_t
, loc_id: loc_t
, q: $Syn.d0ynq
, id: sym_t
, s1as: s1vararglst
, npf: int
, p1ts: p1atlst
) : p2at = let
fn err1 (
loc_id: loc_t, q: $Syn.d0ynq, id: sym_t
) : d2conlst = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_id;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: p1at_qid_app_dyn_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the dynamic identifier [";
prerr q; prerr id;
prerr "] does not refer to a constructor.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2conlst} ()
end fn err2 (
loc_id: loc_t, q: $Syn.d0ynq, id: sym_t
) : d2conlst = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_id;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: p1at_qid_app_dyn_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": unrecognized dynamic constructor [";
prerr q; prerr id;
prerr "].";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2conlst} ()
end val d2cs = let
val ans = the_d2expenv_find_qua (q, id) in case+ ans of
| ~Some_vt d2i => begin case+ d2i of
| D2ITEMcon d2cs => d2cs | _ => err1 (loc_id, q, id)
end | ~None_vt () => err2 (loc_id, q, id)
end val is_arg_omit = (case+ p1ts of
| cons (p1t, nil ()) => begin
case+ p1t.p1at_node of P1Tanys () => true | _ => false
end | _ => false
) : bool val np1ts = $Lst.list_length p1ts
val d2cs = (
if is_arg_omit then d2cs else d2con_select_arity (d2cs, np1ts)
) : d2conlst
val d2c = begin case+ d2cs of
| D2CONLSTcons (d2c, d2cs) => begin case+ d2cs of
| D2CONLSTcons _ => begin
d2con_select_arity_err_some (loc_id, q, id, np1ts)
| D2CONLSTnil _ => d2c
end | _ => begin
d2con_select_arity_err_none (loc_id, q, id, np1ts)
end end val p1ts = if is_arg_omit then begin
case+ p1ts of
| cons (p1t, nil ()) => let
val npf = d2con_npf_get d2c
and s2es = d2con_arg_get d2c
fun aux (loc: loc_t, s2es: s2explst): p1atlst =
case+ s2es of
| cons (_, s2es) => cons (p1at_any loc, aux (loc, s2es))
| nil () => nil ()
aux (p1t.p1at_loc, s2es)
end | _ => p1ts end else begin
p1ts end in
p1at_con_tr (loc_dap, loc_sap, d2c, s1as, npf, p1ts)
fn p1at_app_tr
(loc_dap: loc_t, loc_sap: loc_t,
p1t_fun: p1at, sarg: s1vararglst, npf: int, darg: p1atlst)
: p2at = let
val p1t_fun = p1at_make_p1at (p1t_fun)
case+ p1t_fun.p1at_node of
| P1Tqid (q, id) => let
val loc_id = p1t_fun.p1at_loc
p1at_qid_app_dyn_tr (loc_dap, loc_sap, loc_id, q, id, sarg, npf, darg)
end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_dap;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: p1at_app_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the application in the pattern is not allowed.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {p2at} ()
end end
fn p1at_free_tr (loc0: loc_t, p1t: p1at): p2at = let
val p2t = p1at_tr p1t
case+ p2t.p2at_node of
| P2Tcon (freeknd, d2c, s2vpss, s2e, npf, p2ts) => begin
p2at_con (loc0, ~freeknd, d2c, s2vpss, s2e, npf, p2ts)
end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: p1at_free_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": values that match this pattern are not allowed to be freed.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {p2at} ()
end end
fn qid_is_vbox
(q: $Syn.d0ynq, id: sym_t): bool = begin
case+ q.d0ynq_node of
| $Syn.D0YNQnone () => id = $Sym.symbol_VBOX | _ => false
fn p1at_vbox_tr (loc: loc_t, npf: int, p1ts: p1atlst): p2at = let
fn err {a:viewt@ype} (loc: loc_t): a = begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc;
prerr ": the [vbox] pattern is syntactically incorrect.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {a} ()
end val () = if npf <> 0 then err {void} (loc) else ()
val p1t = (
case+ p1ts of cons (p1t, nil ()) => p1t | _ => err {p1at} (loc)
) : p1at
val p2t = p1at_tr p1t
case+ p2t.p2at_node of
| P2Tvar (refknd, d2v) when refknd = 0 => p2at_vbox (loc, d2v)
| _ => err {p2at} (loc)
p1at_tr (p1t0) = let
val loc0 = p1t0.p1at_loc
var linearity_check: int = 0
val p2t0 = (
case+ p1t0.p1at_node of
| P1Tann (p1t, s1e) => let
val p2t = p1at_tr p1t
val s2e = s1exp_tr_dn_impredicative s1e
p2at_ann (loc0, p2t, s2e)
end | P1Tany _ => p2at_any (loc0)
| P1Tanys _ => p2at_any (loc0)
| P1Tapp_dyn (p1t_fun, _, npf, darg) => let
val loc1 = p1t_fun.p1at_loc
val p1t_fun = p1at_make_p1at p1t_fun
case+ p1t_fun.p1at_node of
| P1Tqid (q, id) => begin case+ 0 of
| _ when qid_is_vbox (q, id) => p1at_vbox_tr (loc0, npf, darg)
| _ => begin
linearity_check := 2;
p1at_qid_app_dyn_tr (loc0, loc1, loc1, q, id, '[], npf, darg)
end end
| P1Tapp_sta (p1t_fun, sarg) => begin
linearity_check := 2;
p1at_app_tr (loc0, loc1, p1t_fun, sarg, npf, darg)
end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: p1at_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the application in the pattern is not allowed.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {p2at} ()
end end | P1Tapp_sta (p1t_fun, sarg) => let
val loc1 = p1t_fun.p1at_loc
val () = (linearity_check := 1)
p1at_app_tr (loc0, loc1, p1t_fun, sarg, 0, '[])
end | P1Tas (id, p1t) => let
val d2v = d2var_make (id.i0de_loc, id.i0de_sym)
val () = (linearity_check := 2)
p2at_as (loc0, 0, d2v, p1at_tr p1t)
end | P1Tchar c => p2at_char (loc0, c)
| P1Texist (s1as, p1t) => let
val (pf_s2expenv | ()) = the_s2expenv_push ()
val s2vs = s1arglst_var_tr s1as
val p2t = p1at_tr p1t
val () = the_s2expenv_pop (pf_s2expenv | )
val () = (linearity_check := 1)
p2at_exist (loc0, s2vs, p2t)
end | P1Tempty () => p2at_empty (loc0)
| P1Tfloat f => p2at_float (loc0, f)
| P1Tfree p1t => p1at_free_tr (loc0, p1t)
| P1Tint str => let
val int = $IntInf.intinf_make_string str
p2at_int (loc0, str, int)
end | P1Tqid (q, id) => begin case+ q.d0ynq_node of
| $Syn.D0YNQnone () => begin case+ the_d2expenv_find id of
| ~Some_vt d2i => begin case+ d2i of
| D2ITEMe1xp e1xp => begin
let val p1t = p1at_make_e1xp (loc0, e1xp) in p1at_tr p1t end
end | D2ITEMcst d2c => let
val sym = d2cst_sym_get d2c in case+ 0 of
| _ when sym = $Sym.symbol_TRUE => p2at_bool (loc0, true)
| _ when sym = $Sym.symbol_FALSE => p2at_bool (loc0, false)
| _ => p2at_var (loc0, 0, d2var_make (loc0, id))
end | _ => p2at_var (loc0, 0, d2var_make (loc0, id))
end | ~None_vt () => p2at_var (loc0, 0, d2var_make (loc0, id))
end | _ => begin
p1at_qid_app_dyn_tr (loc0, loc0, loc0, q, id, '[], 0, '[])
end end | P1Tlist (npf, p1ts) => begin case+ p1ts of
| cons _ => let
val p2ts = p1atlst_tr p1ts
linearity_check := 2; p2at_tup (loc0, 0, npf, p2ts)
end | nil _ => p2at_empty (loc0)
end | P1Tlst (p1ts) => begin
linearity_check := 2; p2at_lst (loc0, p1atlst_tr p1ts)
end | P1Trec (recknd, lp1ts) => let
val lp2ts = labp1atlst_tr lp1ts
val () = (linearity_check := 2)
p2at_rec (loc0, recknd, 0, lp2ts)
end | P1Tref (id) => let
val d2v = d2var_make (id.i0de_loc, id.i0de_sym)
p2at_var (loc0, 1, d2v)
end | P1Trefas (id, p1t) => let
val d2v = d2var_make (id.i0de_loc, id.i0de_sym)
val () = (linearity_check := 2)
p2at_as (loc0, 1, d2v, p1at_tr p1t)
end | P1Tstring str => p2at_string (loc0, str)
| P1Tsvararg _ => begin
prerr_loc_interror loc0;
prerr ": p1at_tr: P1Tsvararg"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {p2at} ()
end | P1Ttup (tupknd, npf, p1ts) => let
val () = (linearity_check := 2) in
p2at_tup (loc0, tupknd, npf, p1atlst_tr p1ts)
end ) : p2at in if linearity_check >= 1 then begin
s2varlstord_linearity_test (loc0, p2t0.p2at_svs);
if linearity_check >= 2 then begin
d2varlstord_linearity_test (loc0, p2t0.p2at_dvs);
p2t0 end
p1atlst_tr (p1ts) = $Lst.list_map_fun (p1ts, p1at_tr)
labp1atlst_tr (lp1ts) = begin
case+ lp1ts of
| LABP1ATLSTcons (l0, p1t, lp1ts) => begin
LABP2ATLSTcons (l0.l0ab_lab, p1at_tr p1t, labp1atlst_tr lp1ts)
end | LABP1ATLSTnil () => LABP2ATLSTnil ()
| LABP1ATLSTdot () => LABP2ATLSTdot ()
(p1t0, wths1es) =
case+ p1t0.p1at_node of
| P1Tann (p1t, s1e) => let
val p2t = p1at_tr p1t
val s2e = s1exp_arg_tr_dn_impredicative (s1e, wths1es)
p2at_ann (p1t0.p1at_loc, p2t, s2e)
end | P1Tlist (npf, p1ts) => let
val p2ts = p1atlst_arg_tr (p1ts, wths1es)
p2at_list (p1t0.p1at_loc, npf, p2ts)
end | _ => p1at_tr p1t0
(p1ts, wths1es) = case+ p1ts of
| list_cons (p1t, p1ts) => let
val p2t = p1at_arg_tr (p1t, wths1es)
val p2ts = p1atlst_arg_tr (p1ts, wths1es)
list_cons (p2t, p2ts)
end | list_nil () => list_nil ()
fn d2sym_lrbrackets
(loc: loc_t): d2sym = let
val id = $Sym.symbol_LRBRACKETS
var d2is0: d2itemlst = list_nil () and err: int = 0
val () = begin case+ the_d2expenv_find (id) of
| ~Some_vt d2i => begin
case+ d2i of D2ITEMsymdef d2is => d2is0 := d2is | _ => err := 1
end | ~None_vt () => (err := 1)
end val () = if err > 0 then begin prerr_loc_interror loc; prerr ": d2sym_lrbrackets"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end in
d2sym_make (loc, $Syn.d0ynq_none (), id, d2is0)
fn d1exp_arrsub_tr
(loc0: loc_t, d1e_arr: d1exp, loc_ind: loc_t, d1ess_ind: d1explstlst)
: d2exp = let
val d2s = d2sym_lrbrackets (loc0)
val d2e_arr = d1exp_tr d1e_arr
val d2ess_ind = d1explstlst_tr d1ess_ind
d2exp_arrsub (loc0, d2s, d2e_arr, loc_ind, d2ess_ind)
fn d1exp_assgn_tr
(loc0: loc_t, d1es: d1explst): d2exp = begin
case+ d1es of
| cons (d1e1, cons (d1e2, nil ())) => begin
d2exp_assgn (loc0, d1exp_tr d1e1, d1exp_tr d1e2)
| _ => begin
prerr_loc_interror loc0; prerr ": d1exp_assgn_tr"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2exp} ()
end end
fn d1exp_deref_tr (
loc0: loc_t, d1es: d1explst
) : d2exp = begin case+ d1es of
| cons (d1e, nil ()) => d2exp_deref (loc0, d1exp_tr d1e)
| _ => begin
prerr_loc_interror loc0; prerr ": d1exp_deref_tr"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2exp} ()
end end
fn macro_def_check
(loc0: loc_t, knd: int, id: sym_t): void = let
val level = macro_level_get ()
if level > 0 then begin
if knd > 0 then begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
prerr ": the identifier ["; prerr id;
prerr "] refers to a macro definition in long form";
prerr ", but one in short form is expected.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end else begin
if knd = 0 then begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
prerr ": the identifier ["; prerr id;
prerr "] refers to a macro definition in short form";
prerr ", but one in long form is expected.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end end
fn macro_var_check (
loc0: loc_t, id: sym_t
) : void = let
val level = macro_level_get ()
if level > 0 then begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
prerr ": the identifier ["; prerr id;
prerr "] incorrectly refers to a macro argument variable.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
specdynid = SPDIDassgn | SPDIDderef | SPDIDnone
fn specdynid_of_qid
(q: d0ynq, id: sym_t): specdynid = begin
case+ q.d0ynq_node of
| $Syn.D0YNQnone () => begin
if id = $Sym.symbol_COLONEQ then SPDIDassgn ()
else if id = $Sym.symbol_BANG then SPDIDderef ()
else SPDIDnone ()
end | _ => SPDIDnone ()
fn d1exp_qid_tr (
loc0: loc_t, q: $Syn.d0ynq, id: sym_t
) : d2exp = let
val ans = the_d2expenv_find_qua (q, id) in
case+ ans of
| ~Some_vt d2i => begin case+ d2i of
| D2ITEMcon d2cs => let
val d2cs = d2con_select_arity (d2cs, 0)
val d2c: d2con_t = case+ d2cs of
| D2CONLSTcons (d2c, d2cs) => begin case+ d2cs of
| D2CONLSTcons _ => begin
d2con_select_arity_err_some (loc0, q, id, 0)
end | _ => d2c
end | _ => begin
d2con_select_arity_err_none (loc0, q, id, 0)
end in
d2exp_con (loc0, d2c, nil (), 0, nil ())
end | D2ITEMcst d2c => let
val () = dyncstuseloc_posmark (loc0, d2c) in
d2exp_cst (loc0, d2c)
end | D2ITEMe1xp e1xp => d1exp_tr (d1exp_make_e1xp (loc0, e1xp))
| D2ITEMmacdef d2m => let
val knd = d2mac_kind_get d2m
val () = macro_def_check (loc0, knd, id)
d2exp_mac (loc0, d2m)
end | D2ITEMmacvar d2v => let
val () = macro_var_check (loc0, id)
d2exp_var (loc0, d2v)
end | D2ITEMsymdef d2is => let
val d2s = d2sym_make (loc0, q, id, d2is)
d2exp_sym (loc0, d2s)
end | D2ITEMvar d2v => d2exp_var (loc0, d2v)
end | ~None_vt () => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: d1exp_qid_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the dynamic identifier [";
prerr q; prerr id;
prerr "] is unrecognized.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2exp} ()
end end
fn d1exp_qid_app_sta_tr
(loc_sap: loc_t, loc_id: loc_t, q: d0ynq, id: sym_t, s1as: s1exparglst)
: d2exp = let
val s2as = s1exparglst_tr s1as
val od2i = the_d2expenv_find_qua (q, id)
case+ od2i of
| ~Some_vt d2i => begin case+ d2i of
| D2ITEMcon d2cs => let
val d2cs = d2con_select_arity (d2cs, 0)
val d2c = (case+ d2cs of
| D2CONLSTcons (d2c, d2cs) => begin case+ d2cs of
| D2CONLSTcons _ =>
d2con_select_arity_err_some (loc_id, q, id, 0)
| _ => d2c
end | D2CONLSTnil _ => d2con_select_arity_err_none (loc_id, q, id, 0)
) : d2con_t in
d2exp_con (loc_sap, d2c, s2as, 0, nil ())
end | D2ITEMcst d2c => let
val d2e_fun = d2exp_cst (loc_id, d2c)
d2exp_app_sta (loc_sap, d2e_fun, s2as)
end | D2ITEMvar d2v => let
val d2e_fun = d2exp_var (loc_id, d2v)
d2exp_app_sta (loc_sap, d2e_fun, s2as)
end | D2ITEMmacdef _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_id;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: d1exp_qid_app_sta_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the identifier refers to a macro definition";
prerr ", which cannot be applied to static arguments.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2exp} ()
end | D2ITEMmacvar _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_id;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: d1exp_qid_app_sta_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the identifier refers to a macro argument variable";
prerr ", which cannot be applied.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2exp} ()
end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_id;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: d1exp_qid_app_sta_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the identifier refers to a dynamic term that cannot be applied.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2exp} ()
end end
| ~None_vt () => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_id;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: d1exp_qid_app_sta_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": unrecognized dynamic identifier [";
prerr q; prerr id;
prerr "]";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2exp} ()
end end
fn d1exp_qid_app_dyn_tr (
loc_dap: loc_t
, loc_sap: loc_t
, loc_qid: loc_t
, q: d0ynq, id: sym_t , sarg: s1exparglst
, loc_arg: loc_t
, npf: int, darg: d1explst
) : d2exp = let
val sarg = s1exparglst_tr sarg
val darg = d1explst_tr darg
val od2i = the_d2expenv_find_qua (q, id)
case+ od2i of
| ~Some_vt d2i => begin case+ d2i of
| D2ITEMcon d2cs => let
val n = $Lst.list_length darg
val d2cs = d2con_select_arity (d2cs, n)
val d2c = (case+ d2cs of
| D2CONLSTcons (d2c, D2CONLSTnil ()) => d2c
| D2CONLSTcons (d2c, _) => begin
d2con_select_arity_err_some (loc_qid, q, id, n)
end | D2CONLSTnil () => begin
d2con_select_arity_err_none (loc_qid, q, id, n)
end ) : d2con_t in
d2exp_con (loc_dap, d2c, sarg, npf, darg)
end | D2ITEMcst d2c => let
val () = dyncstuseloc_posmark (loc_qid, d2c)
val d2e_fun = d2exp_cst (loc_qid, d2c) in
d2exp_app_sta_dyn (loc_dap, loc_sap, d2e_fun, sarg, loc_arg, npf, darg)
end | D2ITEMe1xp _ => begin
prerr_loc_interror loc_qid;
prerr ": d1exp_qid_app_dyn_tr: D2ITEMe1xp"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2exp} ()
end | D2ITEMmacdef d2m => let
val knd = d2mac_kind_get d2m
val () = macro_def_check (loc_qid, knd, id)
val d2e_fun = d2exp_mac (loc_qid, d2m)
d2exp_app_sta_dyn (loc_dap, loc_sap, d2e_fun, sarg, loc_arg, npf, darg)
end | D2ITEMmacvar _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_qid;
prerr ": the identifer refers to a macro argument variable";
prerr ", which cannot be applied.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2exp} ()
end | D2ITEMsymdef d2is => let
val d2s =
d2sym_make (loc_qid, q, id, d2is)
val d2e_fun = d2exp_sym (loc_qid, d2s) in
d2exp_app_sta_dyn (loc_dap, loc_sap, d2e_fun, sarg, loc_arg, npf, darg)
end | D2ITEMvar d2v => let
val d2e_fun = d2exp_var (loc_qid, d2v) in
d2exp_app_sta_dyn (loc_dap, loc_sap, d2e_fun, sarg, loc_arg, npf, darg)
end end
| ~None_vt () => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc_qid;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: d1exp_qid_app_dyn_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the dynamic identifier [";
prerr q; prerr id;
prerr "] is unrecognized.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2exp} ()
end end
fun d1exp_idextapp_tr (
loc0: loc_t, id: sym_t, d1es: d1explst
) : d2exp = begin
case+ 0 of
| _ => let
val () = prerr_loc_error2 (loc0)
val () = (
prerr ": the external id ["; prerr id; prerr "] cannot be handled."
) val () = prerr_newline ()
$Err.abort {d2exp} ()
end end
fun d1exp_wths1explst_tr
(d1e0: d1exp, wths1es: wths1explst): d2exp = begin
case+ d1e0.d1exp_node of
| D1Eann_type (d1e, s1e) => let
val d2e = d1exp_tr d1e
val s2e = s1exp_res_tr_dn_impredicative (s1e, wths1es)
d2exp_ann_type (d1e0.d1exp_loc, d2e, s2e)
end | D1Eann_effc (d1e, efc) => let
val d2e = d1exp_wths1explst_tr (d1e, wths1es)
val s2fe = effcst_tr (efc)
d2exp_ann_seff (d1e0.d1exp_loc, d2e, s2fe)
end | D1Eann_funclo (d1e, fc) => let
val d2e = d1exp_wths1explst_tr (d1e, wths1es)
d2exp_ann_funclo (d1e0.d1exp_loc, d2e, fc)
end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 d1e0.d1exp_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: d1exp_wths1explst_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the dynamic expression is expected to be ascribed a type but it is not.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2exp} ()
end end
fun i1nvarglst_tr
(xs: i1nvarglst): i2nvarglst = begin case+ xs of
| cons (x, xs) => begin
case+ the_d2expenv_find x.i1nvarg_sym of
| ~Some_vt d2i => begin case+ d2i of
| D2ITEMvar d2v => let
val os2e = (case+ x.i1nvarg_typ of
| Some s1e => Some (s1exp_tr_dn_impredicative s1e)
| None () => None ()
) : s2expopt
val arg = i2nvarg_make (d2v, os2e)
cons (arg, i1nvarglst_tr xs)
end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 x.i1nvarg_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: i1nvarglst_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the dynamic identifier [";
prerr x.i1nvarg_sym;
prerr "] does not refer to a variable.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end end
| ~None_vt () => begin
prerr_loc_error2 x.i1nvarg_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: i1nvarglst_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": the dynamic identifier [";
prerr x.i1nvarg_sym;
prerr "] is unrecognized.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end end
| nil () => nil ()
fn i1nvresstate_tr
(r1es: i1nvresstate): i2nvresstate = let
val @(s2vs, s2ps) = s1qualst_tr (r1es.i1nvresstate_qua)
val body = i1nvarglst_tr r1es.i1nvresstate_arg
i2nvresstate_make (s2vs, s2ps, body)
fn loopi1nv_tr (inv: loopi1nv): loopi2nv = let
val @(s2vs, s2ps) = s1qualst_tr (inv.loopi1nv_qua)
val met = (case+ inv.loopi1nv_met of
| Some s1es => Some (s1explst_tr_dn_int s1es) | None () => None ()
) : s2explstopt
val arg = i1nvarglst_tr inv.loopi1nv_arg
val res = i1nvresstate_tr inv.loopi1nv_res
loopi2nv_make (inv.loopi1nv_loc, s2vs, s2ps, met, arg, res)
fn m1atch_tr
(m1at: m1atch): m2atch = let
val d2e = d1exp_tr (m1at.m1atch_exp)
val op2t = (case+ m1at.m1atch_pat of
| Some p1t => let
val p2t = p1at_tr p1t
val s2vs = s2varlst_of_s2varlstord (p2t.p2at_svs)
val () = the_s2expenv_add_svarlst s2vs
val d2vs = d2varlst_of_d2varlstord (p2t.p2at_dvs)
val () = the_d2expenv_add_dvarlst d2vs
Some p2t
end | None () => None ()
) : p2atopt in
m2atch_make (m1at.m1atch_loc, d2e, op2t)
fn m1atchlst_tr (m1ats: m1atchlst)
: m2atchlst = $Lst.list_map_fun (m1ats, m1atch_tr)
fn c1lau_tr {n:nat} (n: int n, c1l: c1lau): c2lau n = let
val p1t = c1l.c1lau_pat
val p1ts = (
case+ p1t.p1at_node of
| P1Tlist (_, p1ts) => p1ts | _ => cons (p1t, nil ())
) : p1atlst
val p2ts: p2atlst = p1atlst_tr p1ts
stavar np2ts: int
val np2ts: int np2ts = $Lst.list_length p2ts
val () = (if np2ts <> n then begin
prerr_loc_error2 c1l.c1lau_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: c1lau_tr", @(THISFILENAME));
if np2ts < n then prerr ": this clause should contain more patterns.";
if np2ts > n then prerr ": this clause should contain less patterns.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ();
assert (np2ts = n) end else begin
() end) : [np2ts==n] void val (pf_env2 | ()) = trans2_env_push ()
val () = let
val s2vs = s2varlst_of_s2varlstord (p2atlst_svs_union p2ts)
the_s2expenv_add_svarlst s2vs
end val () = let
val d2vs = d2varlst_of_d2varlstord (p2atlst_dvs_union p2ts)
the_d2expenv_add_dvarlst d2vs
end val gua = m1atchlst_tr (c1l.c1lau_gua)
val d2e = d1exp_tr (c1l.c1lau_exp)
val () = trans2_env_pop (pf_env2 | )
c2lau_make (c1l.c1lau_loc, p2ts, gua, c1l.c1lau_seq, c1l.c1lau_neg, d2e)
fun c1laulst_tr {n:nat}
(n: int n, c1ls: c1laulst): c2laulst n = begin case+ c1ls of
| cons (c1l, c1ls) => cons (c1lau_tr (n, c1l), c1laulst_tr (n, c1ls))
| nil () => nil ()
fn sc1lau_tr_dn
(sc1l: sc1lau, s2t_pat: s2rt): sc2lau = let
val (pf_s2expenv | ()) = the_s2expenv_push ()
val sp2t = sp1at_tr_dn (sc1l.sc1lau_pat, s2t_pat)
val d2e = d1exp_tr (sc1l.sc1lau_exp)
val () = the_s2expenv_pop (pf_s2expenv | )
sc2lau_make (sc1l.sc1lau_loc, sp2t, d2e)
fun sc1laulst_tr_dn
(sc1ls: sc1laulst, s2t_pat: s2rt): sc2laulst =
case+ sc1ls of
| list_cons (sc1l, sc1ls) => let
val sc2l = sc1lau_tr_dn (sc1l, s2t_pat)
val sc2ls = sc1laulst_tr_dn (sc1ls, s2t_pat)
list_cons (sc2l, sc2ls)
end | list_nil () => list_nil ()
fn sc2laulst_covercheck
(loc0: loc_t, sc2ls: sc2laulst, s2t_pat: s2rt): void = let
val s2tb_pat = (case+ s2t_pat of
| S2RTbas s2tb => s2tb | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
prerr ": the static expression being analyzed is of the sort [";
prerr s2t_pat; prerr "], which is not a base sort as is required.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2rtbas} ()
end ) : s2rtbas val s2tdat_pat = (case+ s2tb_pat of
| S2RTBASdef s2td => s2td | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
prerr ": the static expression being analyzed is of the sort [";
prerr s2t_pat; prerr "], which is not a datasort as is required.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {s2rtdat_t} ()
end ) : s2rtdat_t val s2cs = s2rtdat_conlst_get (s2tdat_pat)
val ns2cs = s2cstlst_length (s2cs)
val (pf_gc, pf_arr | A) = $Arr.array_ptr_make_elt<int> (ns2cs, 0)
val () = check (pf_arr | A, ns2cs, sc2ls) where {
fun check {n:nat} {l:addr} (
pf: !array_v (int, n, l) | p: ptr l, n: int n, sc2ls: sc2laulst
) : void = case+ sc2ls of
| list_cons (sc2l, sc2ls) => let
val sp2t = sc2l.sc2lau_pat
val+ SP2Tcon (s2c, _) = sp2t.sp2at_node
val tag = s2cst_tag_get (s2c); val tag = int1_of_int tag
val () = assert (tag >= 0); val () = assert (tag < n)
val () = (p->[tag] := p->[tag] + 1) in
check (pf | p, n, sc2ls)
end | list_nil () => ()
} val err = loop_errmsg
(pf_arr | loc0, A, ns2cs, s2cs, 0, 0) where {
fun loop_errmsg {n,i:nat | i <= n} {l:addr} .<n-i>. (
pf: !array_v (int, n, l)
| loc0: loc_t, p: ptr l, n: int n, s2cs: s2cstlst, i: int i, err: int
) : int =
if i < n then let
val times = p->[i] in case+ s2cs of
| S2CSTLSTcons (s2c, s2cs) => begin case+ 0 of
| _ when times = 1 => loop_errmsg (pf | loc0, p, n, s2cs, i+1, err)
| _ when times = 0 => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
prerr ": ill-formed static case-expression";
prerr ": the constructor ["; prerr s2c; prerr "] is missing.";
prerr_newline ();
loop_errmsg (pf | loc0, p, n, s2cs, i+1, err+1)
end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
prerr ": ill-formed static case-expression";
prerr ": the constructor ["; prerr s2c; prerr "] occurs repeatedly.";
prerr_newline ();
loop_errmsg (pf | loc0, p, n, s2cs, i+1, err+1)
end end
| S2CSTLSTnil () => err end else begin
err end
val () = $Arr.array_ptr_free {int} (pf_gc, pf_arr | A)
val () = if err > 0 then $Err.abort {void} ()
fn lamvararg_proc
(p2ts: p2atlst): p2atlst = let
fun proc (p2ts: p2atlst, flag: &int): p2atlst =
case+ p2ts of
| list_cons (p2t, p2ts1) => begin case+ p2t.p2at_node of
| P2Tann (p2t1, s2e1) => (case+ 0 of
| _ when s2exp_is_types (s2e1) => begin case+ p2ts1 of
| list_nil () => let
val p2t = p2at_ann (p2t.p2at_loc, p2t1, s2exp_vararg s2e1)
val () = flag := flag + 1
list_cons (p2t, list_nil ())
end | list_cons _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 p2t.p2at_loc;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: lamvararg_proc: proc", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": this function argument must be the last one.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end end | _ => let
val flag0 = flag; val p2ts1 = proc (p2ts1, flag)
if flag > flag0 then list_cons (p2t, p2ts1) else p2ts
end ) | _ => let
val flag0 = flag; val p2ts1 = proc (p2ts1, flag)
if flag > flag0 then list_cons (p2t, p2ts1) else p2ts
end end | list_nil () => list_nil ()
var flag: int = 0
proc (p2ts, flag)
fn d1exp_arg_body_tr
(p1t_arg: p1at, d1e_body: d1exp)
: @(int, p2atlst, d2exp) = let
var wths1es = WTHS1EXPLSTnil ()
val p2t_arg = p1at_arg_tr (p1t_arg, wths1es)
val () = wths1es := wths1explst_reverse wths1es
var npf: int = 0
val p2ts_arg = (
case+ p2t_arg.p2at_node of
| P2Tlist (npf1, p2ts) => (npf := npf1; p2ts)
| _ => cons (p2t_arg, nil ())
) : p2atlst
val (pf_env | ()) = trans2_env_push ()
val () = let
val s2vs = s2varlst_of_s2varlstord p2t_arg.p2at_svs
the_s2expenv_add_svarlst s2vs
end val () = let
val d2vs = d2varlst_of_d2varlstord p2t_arg.p2at_dvs
the_d2expenv_add_dvarlst d2vs
end val (pf_level | ()) = d2var_current_level_inc ()
val d2e_body = begin
if wths1explst_is_none wths1es then begin
d1exp_tr d1e_body end else begin
d1exp_wths1explst_tr (d1e_body, wths1es)
end end : d2exp val () = d2var_current_level_dec (pf_level | )
val () = trans2_env_pop (pf_env | )
val p2ts_arg = lamvararg_proc (p2ts_arg) in
@(npf, p2ts_arg, d2e_body)
d1exp_tr (d1e0) = let
val loc0 = d1e0.d1exp_loc
case+ d1e0.d1exp_node of
| D1Eann_type (d1e, s1e) => let
val d2e = d1exp_tr d1e
val s2e = s1exp_tr_dn_impredicative (s1e)
d2exp_ann_type (loc0, d2e, s2e)
end | D1Eann_effc (d1e, efc) => let
val d2e = d1exp_tr d1e; val s2fe = effcst_tr (efc)
d2exp_ann_seff (loc0, d2e, s2fe)
end | D1Eann_funclo (d1e, fc) => let
val d2e = d1exp_tr d1e in d2exp_ann_funclo (loc0, d2e, fc)
end | D1Eapp_dyn (
d1e_fun, loc_arg, npf, darg
) => let
val loc1 = d1e_fun.d1exp_loc
val d1e_fun = d1exp_make_d1exp d1e_fun
case+ d1e_fun.d1exp_node of
| D1Eqid (q, id) => let
val spdid = specdynid_of_qid (q, id)
case+ spdid of
| ~SPDIDnone () => d1exp_qid_app_dyn_tr (
loc0, loc1, loc1, q, id, '[], loc_arg, npf, darg
) | ~SPDIDassgn () => d1exp_assgn_tr (loc0, darg)
| ~SPDIDderef () => d1exp_deref_tr (loc0, darg)
end | D1Eapp_sta (d1e_fun, sarg) => let
val d1e_fun = d1exp_make_d1exp d1e_fun
case+ d1e_fun.d1exp_node of
| D1Eqid (q, id) => let
val loc_qid = d1e_fun.d1exp_loc
d1exp_qid_app_dyn_tr (
loc0, loc1, loc_qid, q, id, sarg, loc_arg, npf, darg
) end | _ => let
val d2e_fun = d1exp_tr d1e_fun
val sarg = s1exparglst_tr sarg
val darg = d1explst_tr darg
d2exp_app_sta_dyn (
loc0, loc1, d2e_fun, sarg, loc_arg, npf, darg
) end end | _ => let
val d2e_fun = d1exp_tr d1e_fun
val darg = d1explst_tr darg
d2exp_app_dyn (loc0, d2e_fun, loc_arg, npf, darg)
end end | D1Eapp_sta (d1e_fun, sarg) => let
val d1e_fun = d1exp_make_d1exp d1e_fun
case+ d1e_fun.d1exp_node of
| D1Eqid (q, id) => begin
d1exp_qid_app_sta_tr (loc0, d1e_fun.d1exp_loc, q, id, sarg)
end | _ => let
val d2e_fun = d1exp_tr d1e_fun
val sarg = s1exparglst_tr sarg
d2exp_app_sta (loc0, d2e_fun, sarg)
end end | D1Earrinit (s1e_elt, od1e_asz, d1es_elt) => let
val s2t_elt = (case+ od1e_asz of
| Some _ => begin case+ d1es_elt of
| list_cons _ => s2rt_t0ype | list_nil () => s2rt_viewt0ype end | None () => s2rt_viewt0ype ) : s2rt val s2e_elt = s1exp_tr_dn (s1e_elt, s2t_elt)
val od2e_asz = d1expopt_tr od1e_asz; val d2es_elt = d1explst_tr d1es_elt
d2exp_arrinit (loc0, s2e_elt, od2e_asz, d2es_elt)
end | D1Earrsize (os1e_elt, d1es_elt) => let
val os2e_elt = (case+ os1e_elt of
| Some s1e => Some (s1exp_tr_dn (s1e, s2rt_viewt0ype))
| None () => None ()
) : s2expopt val d2es_elt = d1explst_tr d1es_elt
d2exp_arrsize (loc0, os2e_elt, d2es_elt)
end | D1Earrsub (d1e_arr, loc_ind, d1ess_ind) => begin
d1exp_arrsub_tr (loc0, d1e_arr, loc_ind, d1ess_ind)
end | D1Ebool tf => d2exp_bool (loc0, tf)
| D1Echar chr => d2exp_char (loc0, chr)
| D1Ecstsp cst => d2exp_cstsp (loc0, cst)
| D1Ecaseof (knd, r1es, d1es, c1ls) => let
val r2es = i1nvresstate_tr r1es
val d2es = d1explst_tr d1es
val nd2es = $Lst.list_length d2es
val c2ls = c1laulst_tr (nd2es, c1ls)
d2exp_caseof (loc0, knd, r2es, nd2es, d2es, c2ls)
end | D1Ecrypt (knd, d1e) => begin
d2exp_crypt (loc0, knd, d1exp_tr d1e)
end | D1Edecseq (d1cs) => let
val (pf_env | ()) = trans2_env_push ()
val d2cs = d1eclst_tr (d1cs)
val () = trans2_env_pop (pf_env | )
val d2e = d2exp_empty (loc0)
d2exp_let (loc0, d2cs, d2e)
end | D1Edynload fil => d2exp_dynload (loc0, fil)
| D1Eeffmask (effs, d1e) => begin
d2exp_effmask (loc0, effs, d1exp_tr d1e)
end | D1Eempty () => d2exp_empty (loc0)
| D1Eexist (s1a, d1e) =>
d2exp_exist (loc0, s1exparg_tr s1a, d1exp_tr d1e)
| D1Eextval (s1e, code) =>
d2exp_extval (loc0, s1exp_tr_dn_viewt0ype s1e, code)
| D1Efix (knd, id, d1e_def) => let
val d2v = d2var_make (id.i0de_loc, id.i0de_sym)
val () = d2var_isfix_set (d2v, true)
val (pf_d2expenv | ()) = the_d2expenv_push ()
val () = the_d2expenv_add_dvar d2v
val d2e_def = d1exp_tr (d1e_def)
val () = the_d2expenv_pop (pf_d2expenv | )
d2exp_fix (loc0, knd, d2v, d2e_def)
end | D1Efloat f => d2exp_float (d1e0.d1exp_loc, f)
| D1Efloatsp f => d2exp_floatsp (d1e0.d1exp_loc, f)
| D1Efoldat (s1as, d1e) => begin
d2exp_foldat (loc0, s1exparglst_tr s1as, d1exp_tr d1e)
end | D1Efor (
inv, ini, test, post, body
) => let
val ini = d1exp_tr ini
val (pf_s2expenv | ()) = the_s2expenv_push ()
val inv = loopi1nv_tr inv
val test = (case+ test.d1exp_node of
| D1Eempty () => d2exp_bool (loc0, true) | _ => d1exp_tr test
) : d2exp val post = d1exp_tr post
val body = d1exp_tr body
val () = the_s2expenv_pop (pf_s2expenv | )
d2exp_for (loc0, inv, ini, test, post, body)
end | D1Efreeat (s1as, d1e) => begin
d2exp_freeat (loc0, s1exparglst_tr s1as, d1exp_tr d1e)
end | D1Eidextapp (id, _, d1es) => d1exp_idextapp_tr (loc0, id, d1es)
| D1Eif (
r1es, d1e_cond, d1e_then, od1e_else
) => let
val r2es = i1nvresstate_tr r1es
val d2e_cond = d1exp_tr d1e_cond
val d2e_then = d1exp_tr d1e_then
val od2e_else = d1expopt_tr od1e_else
d2exp_if (loc0, r2es, d2e_cond, d2e_then, od2e_else)
end | D1Eint str => begin
d2exp_int (loc0, str, $IntInf.intinf_make_string str)
end | D1Eintsp str => begin
d2exp_intsp (loc0, str, $IntInf.intinf_make_stringsp str)
end | D1Elam_dyn (lin, p1t_arg, d1e_body) => let
val @(npf, p2ts_arg, d2e_body) = d1exp_arg_body_tr (p1t_arg, d1e_body)
d2exp_lam_dyn (loc0, lin, npf, p2ts_arg, d2e_body)
end | D1Elaminit_dyn (lin, p1t_arg, d1e_body) => let
val @(npf, p2ts_arg, d2e_body) = d1exp_arg_body_tr (p1t_arg, d1e_body)
d2exp_laminit_dyn (loc0, lin, npf, p2ts_arg, d2e_body)
end | D1Elam_met (_, met, body) => let
val met = s1explst_tr_up met; val body = d1exp_tr body
d2exp_lam_met_new (loc0, met, body)
end | D1Elam_sta_ana _ => begin
prerr_loc_error2 loc0;
$Deb.debug_prerrf (": %s: d1exp_tr: D1Elam_sta_ana: ", @(THISFILENAME));
prerr ": illegal use of static lambda-abstraction in analysis form.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2exp} ()
end | D1Elam_sta_syn (_, s1qs, d1e) => let
val (pf_s2expenv | ()) = the_s2expenv_push ()
val @(s2vs, s2ps) = s1qualst_tr (s1qs)
val d2e = d1exp_tr d1e
val () = the_s2expenv_pop (pf_s2expenv | )
d2exp_lam_sta (loc0, s2vs, s2ps, d2e)
end | D1Elazy_delay (lin, d1e) => begin case+ 0 of
| _ when lin = 0 => let
val d2e = d1exp_tr d1e in d2exp_lazy_delay (loc0, d2e)
end | _ => begin case+ d1e.d1exp_node of
| D1Elist (_, d1es) => begin case+ d1es of
| cons (d1e1, cons (d1e2, nil ())) => let
val d2e1 = d1exp_tr d1e1 and d2e2 = d1exp_tr d1e2
d2exp_lazy_vt_delay (loc0, d2e1, d2e2)
end | _ => $Err.abort {d2exp} () where {
val n = $Lst.list_length d1es
val () = prerr_loc_error2 loc0
val () = if n > 2 then prerr ": less argumnets should be given."
val () = if n < 2 then prerr ": more argumnets should be given."
val () = prerr_newline ()
} end | _ => let
val d2e1 = d1exp_tr d1e and d2e2 = d2exp_empty (d1e.d1exp_loc)
d2exp_lazy_vt_delay (loc0, d2e1, d2e2)
end end end
| D1Elet (d1cs, d1e) => let
val (pf_env | ()) = trans2_env_push ()
val d2cs = d1eclst_tr d1cs; val d2e = d1exp_tr d1e
val () = trans2_env_pop (pf_env | )
d2exp_let (loc0, d2cs, d2e)
end | D1Elist (npf, d1es) => begin case+ d1es of
| cons _ => let
val d2es = d1explst_tr d1es in d2exp_tup (loc0, 0, npf, d2es)
end | nil () => d2exp_empty (loc0)
end | D1Eloopexn flag => d2exp_loopexn (loc0, flag)
| D1Elst (lin, os1e_elt, d1es_elt) => let
val s2t_elt: s2rt =
if lin > 0 then s2rt_viewt0ype else s2rt_t0ype
val os2e_elt = (
case+ os1e_elt of
| Some s1e_elt => Some (s1exp_tr_dn (s1e_elt, s2t_elt))
| None () => None ()
) : s2expopt
val d2es_elt = d1explst_tr d1es_elt
d2exp_lst (loc0, lin, os2e_elt, d2es_elt)
end | D1Emacsyn (knd, d1e) => let
case+ knd of
| $Syn.MACSYNKINDcross () => let
val () = macro_level_dec (loc0)
val d2e0 = d2exp_macsyn (loc0, knd, d1exp_tr d1e)
val () = macro_level_inc (loc0)
d2e0 end | $Syn.MACSYNKINDdecode () => let
val () = macro_level_dec (loc0)
val d2e0 = d2exp_macsyn (loc0, knd, d1exp_tr d1e)
val () = macro_level_inc (loc0)
d2e0 end | $Syn.MACSYNKINDencode () => let
val () = macro_level_inc (loc0)
val d2e0 = d2exp_macsyn (loc0, knd, d1exp_tr d1e)
val () = macro_level_dec (loc0)
end end
| D1Eqid (q, id) => d1exp_qid_tr (loc0, q, id)
| D1Eptrof d1e => d2exp_ptrof (loc0, d1exp_tr d1e)
| D1Eraise (d1e) => begin
d2exp_raise (loc0, d1exp_tr d1e)
end | D1Erec (recknd, ld1es) => begin
d2exp_rec (loc0, recknd, 0, labd1explst_tr ld1es)
end | D1Escaseof (r1es, s1e, sc1ls) => let
val r2es = i1nvresstate_tr r1es
val s2e = s1exp_tr_up s1e; val s2t_pat = s2e.s2exp_srt
val sc2ls = sc1laulst_tr_dn (sc1ls, s2t_pat)
val () = sc2laulst_covercheck (loc0, sc2ls, s2t_pat)
d2exp_scaseof (loc0, r2es, s2e, sc2ls)
end | D1Esel (ptr, d1e, d1l) => let
val d2e = d1exp_tr d1e; val d2l = d1lab_tr d1l
if ptr > 0 then d2exp_sel_ptr (loc0, d2e, d2l)
else begin case+ d2e.d2exp_node of
| D2Esel (d2e_root, d2ls) => begin
d2exp_sel (loc0, d2e_root, $Lst.list_extend (d2ls, d2l))
| _ => begin
d2exp_sel (loc0, d2e, cons (d2l, nil ()))
end end end
| D1Eseq d1es => d2exp_seq (d1e0.d1exp_loc, d1explst_tr d1es)
| D1Esif (r1es, s1e_cond, d1e_then, d1e_else) => let
val r2es = i1nvresstate_tr r1es
val s2e_cond = s1exp_tr_dn_bool s1e_cond
val d2e_then = d1exp_tr d1e_then
val d2e_else = d1exp_tr d1e_else
d2exp_sif (loc0, r2es, s2e_cond, d2e_then, d2e_else)
end | D1Estring (str, len) => d2exp_string (loc0, str, len)
| D1Estruct ld1es => d2exp_struct (loc0, labd1explst_tr ld1es)
| D1Etmpid (qid, ts1ess) => let
val loc_id = qid.tmpqi0de_loc
val q = qid.tmpqi0de_qua and id = qid.tmpqi0de_sym
val d2e_qid = d1exp_qid_tr (loc_id, q, id)
val ts2ess = tmps1explstlst_tr_up ts1ess
d2exp_tmpid (loc0, d2e_qid, ts2ess)
end | D1Etop () => d2exp_top (loc0)
| D1Etrywith (r1es, d1e, c1ls) => let
val r2es = i1nvresstate_tr r1es
val d2e = d1exp_tr d1e; val c2ls = c1laulst_tr (1, c1ls)
d2exp_trywith (loc0, r2es, d2e, c2ls)
end | D1Etup (tupknd, npf, d1es) => begin
d2exp_tup (loc0, tupknd, npf, d1explst_tr d1es)
end | D1Eviewat d1e => d2exp_viewat (loc0, d1exp_tr d1e)
| D1Ewhere (d1e, d1cs) => let
val (pf_env | ()) = trans2_env_push ()
val d2cs = d1eclst_tr d1cs; val d2e = d1exp_tr d1e
val () = trans2_env_pop (pf_env | )
d2exp_where (loc0, d2e, d2cs)
end | D1Ewhile (inv, test, body) => let
val (pf_s2expenv | ()) = the_s2expenv_push ()
val inv = loopi1nv_tr inv
val test = d1exp_tr test
val body = d1exp_tr body
val () = the_s2expenv_pop (pf_s2expenv | )
d2exp_while (loc0, inv, test, body)
end | _ => begin
prerr_loc_interror loc0;
prerr ": d1exp_tr: d1e0 = "; prerr_d1exp d1e0; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2exp} ()
end end
d1explst_tr (d1es) = $Lst.list_map_fun (d1es, d1exp_tr)
d1explstlst_tr (d1ess) = $Lst.list_map_fun (d1ess, d1explst_tr)
d1expopt_tr (od1e) = case+ od1e of
| Some d1e => Some (d1exp_tr d1e) | None () => None ()
labd1explst_tr (ld1es) = case+ ld1es of
| LABD1EXPLSTcons (l0, d1e, ld1es) =>
LABD2EXPLSTcons (l0.l0ab_lab, d1exp_tr d1e, labd1explst_tr ld1es)
| LABD1EXPLSTnil () => LABD2EXPLSTnil ()
d1lab_tr (d1l) = case+ d1l.d1lab_node of
| D1LABlab lab => d2lab_lab (d1l.d1lab_loc, lab)
| D1LABind ind => d2lab_ind (d1l.d1lab_loc, d1explstlst_tr ind)