staload Eff = "ats_effect.sats"
staload Lab = "ats_label.sats"
staload Loc = "ats_location.sats"
staload Sym = "ats_symbol.sats"
staload Syn = "ats_syntax.sats"
typedef efc = $Eff.effcst
typedef efcopt = Option efc
typedef lab_t = $Lab.label_t
typedef loc_t = $Loc.location_t
typedef sym_t = $Sym.symbol_t
typedef funclo = $Syn.funclo
typedef s0rtq = $Syn.s0rtq
typedef s0taq = $Syn.s0taq
typedef i0delst = $Syn.i0delst
datatype e1xp_node =
| E1XPapp of (e1xp, loc_t, e1xplst)
| E1XPchar of char
| E1XPfloat of string
| E1XPide of sym_t
| E1XPint of string
| E1XPlist of e1xplst
| E1XPnone of ()
| E1XPstring of (string, int)
| E1XPundef of ()
where e1xp: type = '{
e1xp_loc= loc_t, e1xp_node= e1xp_node
and e1xplst: type = List e1xp
fun fprint_e1xp {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, _: e1xp): void
overload fprint with fprint_e1xp
fun fprint_e1xplst {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, _: e1xplst): void
overload fprint with fprint_e1xplst
fun print_e1xp (_: e1xp): void
fun prerr_e1xp (_: e1xp): void
overload print with print_e1xp
overload prerr with prerr_e1xp
fun print_e1xplst (_: e1xplst): void
fun prerr_e1xplst (_: e1xplst): void
overload print with print_e1xplst
overload prerr with prerr_e1xplst
fun e1xp_app
(loc: loc_t, _fun: e1xp, loc_arg: loc_t, _arg: e1xplst): e1xp
fun e1xp_char (_: loc_t, _:char): e1xp
fun e1xp_float (_: loc_t, _:string): e1xp
fun e1xp_ide (_: loc_t, _: sym_t): e1xp
fun e1xp_int (_: loc_t, _: string): e1xp
fun e1xp_list (_: loc_t, _: e1xplst): e1xp
fun e1xp_none (_: loc_t): e1xp
fun e1xp_string (_: loc_t, _: string, _: int): e1xp
fun e1xp_undef (_: loc_t): e1xp
fun e1xp_true (): e1xp and e1xp_false (): e1xp
datatype v1al =
| V1ALchar of char
| V1ALfloat of double
| V1ALint of int
| V1ALstring of string
val v1al_true : v1al and v1al_false : v1al
datatype s1rt_node =
| S1RTapp of (s1rt, s1rtlst)
| S1RTlist of s1rtlst
| S1RTqid of (s0rtq, sym_t)
| S1RTtup of s1rtlst
where s1rt: type = '{
s1rt_loc= loc_t, s1rt_node= s1rt_node
and s1rtlst: type = List s1rt
and s1rtopt: type = Option s1rt
and s1rtlstlst: type = List s1rtlst
and s1rtlstopt: type = Option s1rtlst
typedef s1rtpol = '{
s1rtpol_loc= loc_t, s1rtpol_srt= s1rt, s1rtpol_pol= int
fun fprint_s1rt {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, _: s1rt): void
overload fprint with fprint_s1rt
fun fprint_s1rtlst {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, _: s1rtlst): void
overload fprint with fprint_s1rtlst
fun fprint_s1rtopt {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, _: s1rtopt): void
overload fprint with fprint_s1rtopt
fun print_s1rt (_: s1rt): void
fun prerr_s1rt (_: s1rt): void
overload print with print_s1rt
overload prerr with prerr_s1rt
fun print_s1rtlst (_: s1rtlst): void
fun prerr_s1rtlst (_: s1rtlst): void
overload print with print_s1rtlst
overload prerr with prerr_s1rtlst
fun s1rt_arrow (_: loc_t): s1rt
fun s1rt_is_arrow (s1t: s1rt): bool
fun s1rt_app (_: loc_t, _fun: s1rt, _arg: s1rtlst): s1rt
fun s1rt_fun (_: loc_t, arg: s1rt, res: s1rt): s1rt
fun s1rt_ide (_: loc_t, _: sym_t): s1rt
fun s1rt_list (_: loc_t, _: s1rtlst): s1rt
fun s1rt_qid (_: loc_t, q: s0rtq, id: sym_t): s1rt
fun s1rt_tup (_: loc_t, _: s1rtlst): s1rt
fun s1rtpol_make (_: loc_t, _: s1rt, pol: int): s1rtpol
datatype d1atarg_node =
| D1ATARGsrt of s1rtpol | D1ATARGidsrt of (sym_t, s1rtpol)
typedef d1atarg = '{
d1atarg_loc= loc_t, d1atarg_node= d1atarg_node
typedef d1atarglst = List d1atarg
typedef d1atarglstopt = Option d1atarglst
fun d1atarg_srt (_: loc_t, _: s1rtpol): d1atarg
fun d1atarg_idsrt (_: loc_t, _: sym_t, _: s1rtpol): d1atarg
typedef s1arg = '{
s1arg_loc= loc_t, s1arg_sym= sym_t, s1arg_srt= s1rtopt
typedef s1arglst = List s1arg
typedef s1arglstlst = List s1arglst
typedef s1var = '{
s1var_loc= loc_t, s1var_sym= sym_t, s1var_srt= s1rt
typedef s1varlst = List s1var
datatype sp1at_node =
| SP1Tcon of (s0taq, sym_t, s1arglst)
where sp1at = '{
sp1at_loc= loc_t, sp1at_node= sp1at_node
datatype s1exp_node =
| S1Eann of (s1exp, s1rt)
| S1Eany of
| S1Eapp of
(s1exp, loc_t, s1explst)
| S1Echar of
| S1Eexi of
(int, s1qualst, s1exp)
| S1Eextype of
(string, s1explstlst)
| S1Eimp of
(funclo, int , int , efcopt)
| S1Eint of
| S1Einvar of
(int, s1exp)
| S1Elam of
(s1arglst, s1rtopt, s1exp)
| S1Elist of
(int , s1explst)
| S1Eqid of
(s0taq, sym_t)
| S1Eread of
(s1exp, s1exp)
| S1Etop of
(int, s1exp)
| S1Etrans of
(s1exp, s1exp)
| S1Etyarr of
(s1exp , s1explstlst )
| S1Etyrec of
(int , labs1explst)
| S1Etyrec_ext of
(string , labs1explst) | S1Etytup of
(int , s1explst)
| S1Etytup2 of
(int , s1explst, s1explst)
| S1Euni of
(s1qualst, s1exp)
| S1Eunion of
(s1exp , labs1explst)
and labs1explst =
| LABS1EXPLSTnil | LABS1EXPLSTcons of (lab_t, s1exp, labs1explst)
and tmps1explstlst =
| TMPS1EXPLSTLSTcons of (loc_t, s1explst, tmps1explstlst)
and wths1explst = | WTHS1EXPLSTnil
| WTHS1EXPLSTcons_some of (int, s1exp, wths1explst)
| WTHS1EXPLSTcons_none of wths1explst
and s1rtext_node =
| S1TEsrt of s1rt
| S1TEsub of (sym_t, s1rtext, s1explst)
and s1qua_node =
| S1Qprop of s1exp | S1Qvars of (i0delst, s1rtext)
where s1exp : type = '{
s1exp_loc= loc_t, s1exp_node= s1exp_node
and s1explst = List s1exp
and s1expopt = Option s1exp
and s1explstlst = List s1explst
and s1explstopt = Option s1explst
and s1rtext = '{
s1rtext_loc= loc_t, s1rtext_node= s1rtext_node
and s1qua = '{
s1qua_loc= loc_t, s1qua_node= s1qua_node
and s1qualst = List s1qua
and s1qualstlst = List s1qualst
fun fprint_s1exp {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, _: s1exp): void
and fprint_s1explst {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, _: s1explst): void
and fprint_s1expopt {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, _: s1expopt): void
and fprint_s1explstlst {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, _: s1explstlst): void
overload fprint with fprint_s1exp
overload fprint with fprint_s1explst
overload fprint with fprint_s1expopt
overload fprint with fprint_s1explstlst
fun fprint_labs1explst {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, _: labs1explst): void
overload fprint with fprint_labs1explst
fun fprint_tmps1explstlst {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, _: tmps1explstlst): void
overload fprint with fprint_tmps1explstlst
fun fprint_s1rtext {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, _: s1rtext): void
overload fprint with fprint_s1rtext
fun print_s1exp (_: s1exp): void
fun prerr_s1exp (_: s1exp): void
overload print with print_s1exp
overload prerr with prerr_s1exp
fun print_s1explst (_: s1explst): void
fun prerr_s1explst (_: s1explst): void
overload print with print_s1explst
overload prerr with prerr_s1explst
datatype s1vararg =
| S1VARARGseq of s1arglst
typedef s1vararglst = List s1vararg
datatype s1exparg_node =
| S1EXPARGseq of s1explst
typedef s1exparg = '{
s1exparg_loc= loc_t, s1exparg_node= s1exparg_node
typedef s1exparglst = List s1exparg
fun s1arg_make (_: loc_t, _: sym_t, _: s1rtopt): s1arg
fun sp1at_arg (_: loc_t, arg: s1arg): sp1at
fun sp1at_con (_: loc_t, q: s0taq, id: sym_t, args: s1arglst): sp1at
fun s1exp_ann (_: loc_t, _: s1exp, _: s1rt): s1exp
fun s1exp_any (_: loc_t): s1exp
fun s1exp_app
(loc: loc_t, _fun: s1exp, loc_arg: loc_t, _arg: s1explst): s1exp
fun s1exp_char (_: loc_t, _: char): s1exp
fun s1exp_exi (_: loc_t, knd: int, qua: s1qualst, body: s1exp): s1exp
fun s1exp_extype (_: loc_t, name: string, arg: s1explstlst): s1exp
fun s1exp_ide (_: loc_t, _: sym_t): s1exp
fun s1exp_imp
(_: loc_t, fc: funclo, lin: int, prf: int, _: efcopt): s1exp
fun s1exp_int (_: loc_t, int: string): s1exp
fun s1exp_invar (_: loc_t, refval: int, arg: s1exp): s1exp
fun s1exp_lam
(_: loc_t, arg: s1arglst, res: s1rtopt, body: s1exp): s1exp
fun s1exp_list (_: loc_t, _: s1explst): s1exp
fun s1exp_list2 (_: loc_t, _1: s1explst, _2: s1explst): s1exp
fun s1exp_qid (_: loc_t, q: s0taq, id: sym_t): s1exp
fun s1exp_read (_: loc_t, s1e: s1exp): s1exp
fun s1exp_top (_: loc_t, knd: int, arg: s1exp): s1exp
fun s1exp_trans (_: loc_t, arg1: s1exp, arg2: s1exp): s1exp
fun s1exp_tyarr (_: loc_t, elt: s1exp, dim: s1explstlst): s1exp
fun s1exp_tyrec (_: loc_t, kind: int, _: labs1explst): s1exp
fun s1exp_tyrec_ext (_: loc_t, name: string, _: labs1explst): s1exp
fun s1exp_tytup (_: loc_t, kind: int, _: s1explst): s1exp
fun s1exp_tytup2
(_: loc_t, kind: int, _1: s1explst, _2: s1explst): s1exp
fun s1exp_uni (_: loc_t, qua: s1qualst, body: s1exp): s1exp
fun s1exp_union (_: loc_t, ind: s1exp, _: labs1explst): s1exp
fun s1exparg_one (_: loc_t): s1exparg
fun s1exparg_all (_: loc_t): s1exparg
fun s1exparg_seq (_: loc_t, seq: s1explst): s1exparg
fun s1rtext_srt (_: loc_t, _: s1rt): s1rtext
fun s1rtext_sub
(_: loc_t, _: sym_t, _: s1rtext, s1ps: s1explst)
: s1rtext
fun s1qua_prop (_: loc_t, _: s1exp): s1qua
fun s1qua_vars (_: loc_t, _: i0delst, _: s1rtext): s1qua
fun s1exp_make_e1xp (_: loc_t, _: e1xp): s1exp
fun wths1explst_is_none (_: wths1explst): bool
fun wths1explst_reverse (_: wths1explst): wths1explst
datatype witht1ype =
| WITHT1YPEprop of s1exp
| WITHT1YPEtype of s1exp
| WITHT1YPEview of s1exp
| WITHT1YPEviewtype of s1exp