#include "libc/CATS/stdio.cats"
#include "libc/CATS/stdlib.cats"
extern fun fopen_exn {m:file_mode}
(s: string, m: file_mode m): [l:addr] (FILE m @ l | ptr l)
= "atslib_fopen_exn"
extern fun fclose_exn {m:file_mode} {l:addr}
(pf: FILE m @ l | p: ptr l):<!exnref> void
= "atslib_fclose_exn"
extern fun fgetc_err {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, r) | f: &FILE m): int
= "atslib_fgetc_err"
extern fun fputc_exn {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | c: char, f: &FILE m): void
= "atslib_fputc_exn"
extern fun qsort {a:viewt@ype} {n:nat} {f:eff} (
base: &(@[a][n]), nmemb: size_t n, size: sizeof_t a, compar: (&a, &a) -<f> int
) : void = "#atslib_qsort"
staload Err = "ats_error.sats"
staload Fil = "ats_filename.sats"
staload Loc = "ats_location.sats"
staload Arr = "ats_array.sats"
staload _ = "ats_array.dats"
staload Lst = "ats_list.sats"
staload _ = "ats_list.dats"
staload "ats_posmark.sats"
staload "ats_reference.sats"
staload _ = "ats_reference.dats"
datatype posmark = | PMnone
| PMcomment of int
| PMextern of int
| PMkeyword of int
| PMneuexp of int
| PMstaexp of int
| PMprfexp of int
| PMstacstdec of (int, loc_t)
| PMstacstuse of (int, loc_t)
| PMdyncstdec of (int, loc_t)
| PMdyncstimp of (int, loc_t)
| PMdyncstuse of (int, loc_t)
#define NPOSMARK1 100
fn int_of_posmark (pm: posmark): int =
case+ pm of
| PMnone () => 0
| PMcomment i => if i > 0 then 1 else NPOSMARK1-1
| PMextern i => if i > 0 then 2 else NPOSMARK1-2
| PMkeyword i => if i > 0 then 3 else NPOSMARK1-3
| PMneuexp i => if i > 0 then 4 else NPOSMARK1-4
| PMstacstdec (i, _) => if i > 0 then 5 else NPOSMARK1-5
| PMstacstuse (i, _) => if i > 0 then 6 else NPOSMARK1-6
| PMstaexp i => if i > 0 then 7 else NPOSMARK1-7
| PMprfexp i => if i > 0 then 8 else NPOSMARK1-8
| PMdyncstdec (i, _) => if i > 0 then 20 else NPOSMARK1-20
| PMdyncstimp (i, _) => if i > 0 then 21 else NPOSMARK1-21
| PMdyncstuse (i, _) => if i > 0 then 22 else NPOSMARK1-22
fn compare_posmark_posmark
(pm1: posmark, pm2: posmark): Sgn =
compare (int_of_posmark pm1, int_of_posmark pm2)
typedef lintposmark = @(lint, posmark)
viewtypedef lintposmarklst = List_vt lintposmark
viewtypedef lintposmarklstlst = List_vt lintposmarklst
val the_posmark_flag = ref_make_elt<int> 0
val the_posmarklst =
ref_make_elt<lintposmarklst> (list_vt_nil ())
val the_posmarklstlst =
ref_make_elt<lintposmarklstlst> (list_vt_nil ())
implement posmark_enable () = (!the_posmark_flag := 1)
implement posmark_disable () = (!the_posmark_flag := 0)
implement posmark_pause_get () = let
val flag = !the_posmark_flag in !the_posmark_flag := 0; flag
implement posmark_resume_set
(flag) = !the_posmark_flag := flag
fn the_posmarklst_get (): lintposmarklst = let
val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_posmarklst)
val xs = !p
!p := list_vt_nil (); xs
fn the_posmarklst_insert
(p: lint, pm: posmark): void =
if !the_posmark_flag > 0 then let
val (vbox pf | p_ref) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_posmarklst) in
!p_ref := list_vt_cons ((p, pm), !p_ref)
implement posmark_pop () = let
val xs = let
val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_posmarklstlst)
case+ !p of
| ~list_vt_cons (xs, xss) => begin
!p := (xss: lintposmarklstlst); xs
end | ~list_vt_nil () => let
val xs = $effmask_ref begin
prerr "INTERNAL ERROR (ats_posmark)";
prerr ": posmark_pop: empty stack"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {lintposmarklst} ()
end in
!p := list_vt_nil (); xs
end end : lintposmarklst val () = let
val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_posmarklst)
val xs1 = !p; val () = !p := xs
$Lst.list_vt_free (xs1)
end in
implement posmark_push () = let
val xs = let
val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_posmarklst)
val xs = !p
!p := list_vt_nil (); xs
end val () = let
val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_posmarklstlst)
!p := list_vt_cons (xs, !p)
end in
implement posmark_push_dup () = let
val xs = let
val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_posmarklst)
$Lst.list_vt_copy (!p)
end val () = let
val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_posmarklstlst)
!p := list_vt_cons (xs, !p)
end in
posmark_insert_comment_beg (p) = the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMcomment 0)
posmark_insert_comment_end (p) = the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMcomment 1)
posmark_insert_extern_beg (p) = the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMextern 0)
posmark_insert_extern_end (p) = the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMextern 1)
posmark_insert_keyword_beg (p) = let
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMkeyword 0)
posmark_insert_keyword_end (p) = let
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMkeyword 1)
implement posmark_insert_neuexp_beg (p) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMneuexp 0)
implement posmark_insert_neuexp_end (p) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMneuexp 1)
implement posmark_insert_staexp_beg (p) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMstaexp 0)
implement posmark_insert_staexp_end (p) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMstaexp 1)
implement posmark_insert_prfexp_beg (p) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMprfexp 0)
implement posmark_insert_prfexp_end (p) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMprfexp 1)
implement posmark_insert_stacstdec_beg (p, loc) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMstacstdec (0, loc))
implement posmark_insert_stacstdec_end (p, loc) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMstacstdec (1, loc))
implement posmark_insert_stacstuse_beg (p, loc) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMstacstuse (0, loc))
implement posmark_insert_stacstuse_end (p, loc) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMstacstuse (1, loc))
implement posmark_insert_dyncstdec_beg (p, loc) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMdyncstdec (0, loc))
implement posmark_insert_dyncstdec_end (p, loc) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMdyncstdec (1, loc))
implement posmark_insert_dyncstimp_beg (p, loc) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMdyncstimp (0, loc))
implement posmark_insert_dyncstimp_end (p, loc) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMdyncstimp (1, loc))
implement posmark_insert_dyncstuse_beg (p, loc) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMdyncstuse (0, loc))
implement posmark_insert_dyncstuse_end (p, loc) =
the_posmarklst_insert (p, PMdyncstuse (1, loc))
#define HTM_COMMENT_FONT_BEG "<span class=\"comment\">"
#define HTM_COMMENT_FONT_END "</span>"
#define HTM_EXTERN_FONT_BEG "<span class=\"extern\">"
#define HTM_EXTERN_FONT_END "</span>"
#define HTM_KEYWORD_FONT_BEG "<span class=\"keyword\">"
#define HTM_KEYWORD_FONT_END "</span>"
#define HTM_NEUEXP_FONT_BEG "<span class=\"neuexp\">"
#define HTM_NEUEXP_FONT_END "</span>"
#define HTM_STAEXP_FONT_BEG "<span class=\"staexp\">"
#define HTM_STAEXP_FONT_END "</span>"
#define HTM_DYNEXP_FONT_BEG "<span class=\"dynexp\">"
#define HTM_DYNEXP_FONT_END "</span>"
#define HTM_PRFEXP_FONT_BEG "<span class=\"prfexp\">"
#define HTM_PRFEXP_FONT_END "</span>"
#define HTM_STACSTDEC_FONT_BEG "<span class=\"stacstdec\">"
#define HTM_STACSTDEC_FONT_END "</span>"
#define HTM_STACSTUSE_FONT_BEG "<span class=\"stacstuse\">"
#define HTM_STACSTUSE_FONT_END "</span>"
#define HTM_DYNCSTDEC_FONT_BEG "<span class=\"dyncstdec\">"
#define HTM_DYNCSTDEC_FONT_END "</span>"
#define HTM_DYNCSTIMP_FONT_BEG "<span class=\"dyncstimp\">"
#define HTM_DYNCSTIMP_FONT_END "</span>"
#define HTM_DYNCSTUSE_FONT_BEG "<span class=\"dyncstuse\">"
#define HTM_DYNCSTUSE_FONT_END "</span>"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\"\n\
<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n\
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\"/>\n\
<style type=\"text/css\">\n\
span.comment {color:#787878;font-style:italic}\n\
span.extern {color:#A52A2A}\n\
span.keyword {color:#000000;font-weight:bold}\n\
span.neuexp {color:#800080}\n\
span.staexp {color:#0000FF}\n\
span.dynexp {color:#E80000}\n\
span.prfexp {color:#009000}\n\
span.stacstdec {text-decoration:none}\n\
span.stacstuse {color:#0000CF;text-decoration:underline}\n\
span.dyncstdec {text-decoration:none}\n\
span.dyncstimp {color:#B80000;text-decoration:underline}\n\
span.dyncstuse {color:#B80000;text-decoration:underline}\n\
body {color:#E80000;background-color:#E0E0E0}\n\
fn posmarklst_sort
(ppms: lintposmarklst): lintposmarklst = let
typedef ppm = lintposmark
fn cmp
(x1: &ppm, x2: &ppm): Sgn = let
val x10 = x1.0 and x20 = x2.0 in
if x10 < x20 then ~1 else begin
(if x10 > x20 then 1 else compare_posmark_posmark (x1.1, x2.1))
end end fun loop {n,i:int | 0 <= i + 1; i + 1 <= n}
(A: &(@[ppm][n]), i: int i, res: list_vt (ppm, n-i-1))
: list_vt (ppm, n) =
if i >= 0 then begin
loop (A, i-1, list_vt_cons (A.[i], res))
end else begin
res end val n = $Lst.list_vt_length<ppm> (ppms)
val (pf_gc, pf_arr | p_arr) =
$Arr.array_ptr_make_lst_vt<ppm> (n, ppms)
val () = qsort {ppm} (!p_arr, size1_of_int1 n, sizeof<ppm>, cmp)
val res = loop (!p_arr, n-1, list_vt_nil ())
val () = array_ptr_free {ppm} (pf_gc, pf_arr | p_arr)
fn posmark_file_file (
proc: (&FILE w, lint, posmark) -<fun1> void
, fputchr: (char, &FILE w) -<fun1> void
, fil_s: &FILE r, fil_d: &FILE w
) : void = let
typedef ppm = lintposmark
fun lpfin1 (
fil_s: &FILE r
, fil_d: &FILE w
, p: lint, pm: posmark
, ppms: List_vt ppm
) :<cloref1> void = let
val () = proc (fil_d, p, pm)
case+ ppms of
| ~list_vt_cons (ppm, ppms) =>
lpfin1 (fil_s, fil_d, ppm.0, ppm.1, ppms)
| ~list_vt_nil () => ()
end fun lpfin2 (fil_s: &FILE r, fil_d: &FILE w):<cloref1> void = let
val c = fgetc_err (file_mode_lte_r_r | fil_s)
if (c >= 0) then begin
fputchr (char_of_int c, fil_d); lpfin2 (fil_s, fil_d)
end end fn* loop1
(fil_s: &FILE r, fil_d: &FILE w,
i: lint, p: lint, pm: posmark, ppms: List_vt ppm)
:<cloref1> void = let
val c = fgetc_err (file_mode_lte_r_r | fil_s)
if (c >= 0) then begin
loop2 (fil_s, fil_d, i, p, pm, ppms, c)
end else begin
lpfin1 (fil_s, fil_d, p, pm, ppms)
end end
and loop2
(fil_s: &FILE r, fil_d: &FILE w,
i: lint, p: lint, pm: posmark, ppms: List_vt ppm, c: int)
:<cloref1> void = begin
if i < p then let
val () = fputchr (char_of_int c, fil_d)
loop1 (fil_s, fil_d, succ i, p, pm, ppms)
end else let
val () = proc (fil_d, p, pm)
case+ ppms of
| ~list_vt_cons (ppm, ppms) => begin
loop2 (fil_s, fil_d, i, ppm.0, ppm.1, ppms, c)
end | ~list_vt_nil () => begin
fputchr (char_of_int c, fil_d); lpfin2 (fil_s, fil_d)
end end end
val lint0 = lint_of_int 0 val ppms = posmarklst_sort (the_posmarklst_get ())
prval pf_mod = file_mode_lte_w_w
val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_POSMARK_FILE_BEG);
val () = loop1 (fil_s, fil_d, lint0, lint0, PMnone (), ppms)
val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_POSMARK_FILE_END);
fn posmark_process_htm
(fil_d: &FILE w, p: lint, pm: posmark): void = let
fn fprint_stadyncstpos (
pf_mod: file_mode_lte (w, w) | fil_d: &FILE w, name: string
) : void = let
val name = string1_of_string (name)
fun loop {n,i:nat | i <= n} .<n-i>.
(fil_d: &FILE w, name: string n, i: size_t i): void =
if string_isnot_at_end (name, i) then let
val c = name[i]; val () = case+ c of
| _ when char_isalnum c => fprint_char (pf_mod | fil_d, c)
| _ => let
val () = fprint_char (pf_mod | fil_d, '_')
val u = uint_of_char c
val () = fprintf1_exn (pf_mod | fil_d, "%2x", @(u))
end in
loop (fil_d, name, i + 1)
end else begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, ".html")
end val () = () where {
val flag = posmark_xref_flag_get () where { extern fun
posmark_xref_flag_get (): Stropt = "ats_posmark_xref_flag_get"
} val () = if stropt_is_some flag then let
val flag = stropt_unsome (flag) in fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, flag)
end } val () = loop (fil_d, name, 0)
end prval pf_mod = file_mode_lte_w_w
case+ pm of
| PMnone () => ()
| PMcomment i => if i = 0 then begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_COMMENT_FONT_BEG)
end else begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_COMMENT_FONT_END)
end | PMextern i => if i = 0 then begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_EXTERN_FONT_BEG)
end else begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_EXTERN_FONT_END)
end | PMkeyword i => if i = 0 then begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_KEYWORD_FONT_BEG)
end else begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_KEYWORD_FONT_END)
end | PMneuexp i => if i = 0 then begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_NEUEXP_FONT_BEG)
end else begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_NEUEXP_FONT_END)
end | PMstaexp i => if i = 0 then begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_STAEXP_FONT_BEG)
end else begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_STAEXP_FONT_END)
end | PMprfexp i => if i = 0 then begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_PRFEXP_FONT_BEG)
end else begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_PRFEXP_FONT_END)
end | PMstacstdec (i, loc) => if i = 0 then let
val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "<a name=\"")
val () = fprint1_lint (pf_mod | fil_d, ofs) where {
val ofs = $Loc.location_begpos_toff (loc)
} val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "\">")
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_STACSTDEC_FONT_BEG)
end else begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_STACSTDEC_FONT_END);
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "</a>")
end | PMstacstuse (i, loc) => if i = 0 then let
val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "<a href=\"")
val () = fprint_stadyncstpos (pf_mod | fil_d, name) where {
val fil = $Loc.location_get_filename loc
val name = $Fil.filename_full (fil)
} val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "#")
val () = fprint1_lint (pf_mod | fil_d, ofs) where {
val ofs = $Loc.location_begpos_toff (loc)
} val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "\">")
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_STACSTUSE_FONT_BEG)
end else begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_STACSTUSE_FONT_END);
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "</a>")
end | PMdyncstdec (i, loc) => if i = 0 then let
val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "<a name=\"")
val () = fprint1_lint (pf_mod | fil_d, ofs) where {
val ofs = $Loc.location_begpos_toff (loc)
} val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "\">")
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_DYNCSTDEC_FONT_BEG)
end else begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_DYNCSTDEC_FONT_END);
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "</a>")
end | PMdyncstimp (i, loc) => if i = 0 then let
val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "<a href=\"")
val () = fprint_stadyncstpos (pf_mod | fil_d, name) where {
val fil = $Loc.location_get_filename loc
val name = $Fil.filename_full (fil)
} val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "#")
val ofs = $Loc.location_begpos_toff (loc)
val () = fprint1_lint (pf_mod | fil_d, ofs)
val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "\">")
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_DYNCSTIMP_FONT_BEG)
end else begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_DYNCSTIMP_FONT_END);
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "</a>")
end | PMdyncstuse (i, loc) => if i = 0 then let
val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "<a href=\"")
val () = fprint_stadyncstpos (pf_mod | fil_d, name) where {
val fil = $Loc.location_get_filename loc
val name = $Fil.filename_full (fil)
} val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "#")
val () = fprint1_lint (pf_mod | fil_d, ofs) where {
val ofs = $Loc.location_begpos_toff (loc)
} val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "\">")
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_DYNCSTUSE_FONT_BEG)
end else begin
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, HTM_DYNCSTUSE_FONT_END);
fprint1_string (pf_mod | fil_d, "</a>")
end end
fn fputchr_htm
(c: char, out: &FILE w): void = let
prval pf_mod = file_mode_lte_w_w in case+ c of
| '<' => fprint1_string (pf_mod | out, "<")
| '>' => fprint1_string (pf_mod | out, ">")
| '&' => fprint1_string (pf_mod | out, "&")
| _ => fputc_exn (pf_mod | c, out)
extern fun posmark_htmlfilename_make (basename: string): string
= "posmark_htmlfilename_make"
implement posmark_file_make_htm (in_name, out_name) = let
val file_mode_r = $extval (file_mode r, "\"r\"")
val (pf_in | p_in) = fopen_exn (in_name, file_mode_r)
val file_mode_w = $extval (file_mode w, "\"w\"")
val () = if stropt_is_some out_name then let
val out_name = stropt_unsome (out_name)
val (pf_out | p_out) = fopen_exn (out_name, file_mode_w)
val () = posmark_file_file (posmark_process_htm, fputchr_htm, !p_in, !p_out)
fclose_exn (pf_out | p_out)
end else let
val (pf_out | p_out) = stdout_get ()
val () = posmark_file_file (posmark_process_htm, fputchr_htm, !p_in, !p_out)
stdout_view_set (pf_out | )
val () = fclose_exn (pf_in | p_in)
staload "ats_charlst.sats"
fn char_of_xdigit (i: int): char = let
val i = (if i >= 10 then let
val a = int_of_char 'a' in int_of_char 'a' + i - 10
end else begin
int_of_char '0' + i
end) : int in
char_of_int (i)
fun posmark_xref_testnot
(flag: string, name: string): Stropt = let
fun loop {n,i:nat | i <= n} .<n-i>.
(name: string n, i: size_t i, cs: Charlst_vt): Charlst_vt =
if string_isnot_at_end (name, i) then let
val c = name[i]
val cs = (case+ c of
| _ when char_isalnum c => CHARLSTcons (c, cs)
| _ => let
val cs = CHARLSTcons ('_', cs)
val i = int_of_char (c)
val i1 = i / 16 and i2 = i mod 16
val c1 = char_of_xdigit i1 and c2 = char_of_xdigit i2
CHARLSTcons (c2, CHARLSTcons (c1, cs))
end ) : Charlst_vt
loop (name, i+1, cs)
end else begin
charlst_add_string (cs, ".html") end
val flag = string1_of_string (flag)
val cs = charlst_add_string (CHARLSTnil (), flag) val name = string1_of_string (name)
val cs = loop (name, 0, cs)
val name1 = string_make_charlst_rev (cs)
if test_file_exists (name1) then stropt_none else stropt_some (name1)
extern fun posmark_xref_flag_get (): Stropt = "ats_posmark_xref_flag_get"
implement posmark_xref_testnot_if (name) = let
val flag = posmark_xref_flag_get ()
if stropt_is_some flag then let
val flag = stropt_unsome (flag) in posmark_xref_testnot (flag, name)
end else stropt_none
val () = ats_posmark_initialize () where {
extern fun ats_posmark_initialize (): void = "ats_posmark_initialize"
posmark_htmlfilename_make (ats_ptr_type basename) {
int n ; char c, *s ;
n = strlen((char *)basename) ;
s = (char*)ATS_MALLOC (n+6) ;
s[n+5] = '\000' ;
s[n+4] = 'l'; s[n+3] = 'm' ; s[n+2] = 't' ; s[n+1] = 'h' ;
s[n] = '.' ; --n ;
while (n >= 0) {
c = ((char *)basename)[n] ;
if (c == '.') { s[n] = '_' ; --n ; break ; }
s[n] = c ; --n ;
while (n >= 0) { s[n] = ((char *)basename)[n] ; --n ; }
return s ;
} /* posmark_htmlfilename_make */
/* ****** ****** */
static char* the_ats_posmark_xref_flag = 0 ;
ats_posmark_xref_flag_get () { return the_ats_posmark_xref_flag ; }
(ats_ptr_type flag) {
the_ats_posmark_xref_flag = flag ; return ;
} // end of [ats_posmark_xref_flag_set]
ats_posmark_initialize () {
ATS_GC_MARKROOT (&the_ats_posmark_xref_flag, sizeof(ats_ptr_type)) ;
return ;
} // end of [ats_posmark_initialize]