#include "ats_intinf.cats"
staload Err = "ats_error.sats"
staload IntInf = "ats_intinf.sats"
staload Lst = "ats_list.sats"
staload SDC = "ats_stadyncst2.sats"
staload "ats_staexp2.sats"
staload "ats_dynexp2.sats"
staload "ats_patcst2.sats"
#define nil list_nil
#define :: list_cons
#define cons list_cons
macdef singleton (x) = cons (,(x), nil ())
overload < with $IntInf.lt_intinf_intinf
overload = with $IntInf.eq_intinf_intinf
macdef fprint_label = $Lab.fprint_label
fn prerr_interror () = prerr "INTERNAL ERROR (ats_patcst2)"
assume intinfset_t = List intinf_t
implement intinflst_of_intinfset (xs) = xs
fun intinfset_add
(xs0: intinfset_t, x0: intinf_t, err: &int): intinfset_t =
case+ xs0 of
| cons (x, xs) => begin
if x < x0 then x :: intinfset_add (xs, x0, err)
else begin
if x0 < x then x0 :: xs0 else (err := 1; xs0)
| nil () => cons (x0, nil ())
fun intinfset_sing (x: intinf_t): intinfset_t = cons (x, nil ())
fn p2atcst_lst (p2tcs0: p2atcstlst): p2atcst = let
fun aux
(d2c_cons: d2con_t, d2c_nil: d2con_t, p2tcs: p2atcstlst)
: p2atcst = case+ p2tcs of
| p2tc_elt :: p2tcs => let
val p2tc_lst = aux (d2c_cons, d2c_nil, p2tcs)
P2TCcon (d2c_cons, '[p2tc_elt, p2tc_lst])
| nil () => P2TCcon (d2c_nil, '[])
val d2c_nil = $SDC.d2conref_con_get ($SDC.List_nil)
val d2c_cons = $SDC.d2conref_con_get ($SDC.List_cons)
val p2tcs1 = aux (d2c_cons, d2c_nil, p2tcs0)
fun labp2atcstlst_of_labp2atlst (lp2ts: labp2atlst): labp2atcstlst =
case+ lp2ts of
| LABP2ATLSTcons (l, p2t, lp2ts) => let
val p2tc = p2atcst_of_p2at p2t
val lp2tcs = labp2atcstlst_of_labp2atlst lp2ts
LABP2ATCSTLSTcons (l, p2tc, lp2tcs)
| _ => LABP2ATCSTLSTnil ()
implement p2atcst_of_p2at p2t0 = begin
case+ p2t0.p2at_node of
| P2Tann (p2t, _) => p2atcst_of_p2at p2t
| P2Tany () => P2TCany ()
| P2Tas (_, _, p2t) => p2atcst_of_p2at p2t
| P2Tbool b => P2TCbool b
| P2Tchar c => P2TCchar c
| P2Tcon (_, d2c, _, _, _, p2ts) => begin
P2TCcon (d2c, p2atcstlst_of_p2atlst p2ts)
| P2Tempty () => P2TCempty ()
| P2Texist (_, p2t) => p2atcst_of_p2at p2t
| P2Tfloat f => P2TCfloat f
| P2Tint (s, i) => P2TCint i
| P2Tlist _ => begin
prerr_interror ();
prerr ": p2atcst_of_p2at: p2t0 = "; prerr p2t0; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {p2atcst} ()
end | P2Tlst p2ts => p2atcst_lst (p2atcstlst_of_p2atlst p2ts)
| P2Trec (recknd, _, lp2ts) => begin
P2TCrec (recknd, labp2atcstlst_of_labp2atlst lp2ts)
end | P2Tstring s => P2TCstring s
| P2Tvar _ => P2TCany ()
| P2Tvbox _ => P2TCany ()
implement p2atcstlst_of_p2atlst (p2ts) = case+ p2ts of
| cons (p2t, p2ts) => begin
cons (p2atcst_of_p2at p2t, p2atcstlst_of_p2atlst p2ts)
end | nil () => nil ()
fun fprint_intinfset {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, xs: intinfset_t)
: void = let
fun aux (out: &FILE m, i: int, xs: intinfset_t)
: void = begin case+ xs of
| x :: xs => begin
if i > 0 then fprint1_string (pf | out, ", ");
$IntInf.fprint_intinf (pf | out, x); aux (out, i+1, xs)
end | nil () => () end in
aux (out, 0, xs)
implement fprint_p2atcst (pf | out, p2tc) = let
macdef prstr (s) = fprint1_string (pf | out, ,(s))
case+ p2tc of
| P2TCany () => fprint1_char (pf | out, '_')
| P2TCbool b => let
val name = (if b then "true" else "false"): string
fprint1_string (pf | out, name)
end | P2TCchar c => fprintf1_exn (pf | out, "'%c'", @(c))
| P2TCcon (d2c, p2tcs) => begin
fprint_d2con (pf | out, d2c);
prstr "(";
fprint_p2atcstlst (pf | out, p2tcs);
prstr ")"
end | P2TCempty () => fprint1_string (pf | out, "()")
| P2TCfloat f => fprint1_string (pf | out, f)
| P2TCint int => $IntInf.fprint_intinf (pf | out, int)
| P2TCintc ints => begin
prstr "[^";
fprint_intinfset (pf | out, ints);
prstr "]"
| P2TCrec (recknd, lp2tcs) => begin
if recknd > 0 then begin
fprint1_char (pf | out, '\'')
end else begin
fprint1_char (pf | out, '@')
prstr "{";
fprint_labp2atcstlst (pf | out, lp2tcs);
prstr "}"
end | P2TCstring s => fprintf1_exn (pf | out, "\"%s\"", @(s))
implement fprint_p2atcstlst {m} (pf | out, p2tcs) = let
fun aux (out: &FILE m, i: int, p2tcs: p2atcstlst)
: void = begin case+ p2tcs of
| cons (p2tc, p2tcs) => begin
if i > 0 then fprint1_string (pf | out, ", ");
fprint_p2atcst (pf | out, p2tc); aux (out, i+1, p2tcs)
| nil () => ()
end in
aux (out, 0, p2tcs)
implement fprint_labp2atcstlst {m} (pf | out, lp2tcs) = let
fun aux (out: &FILE m, i: int, lp2tcs: labp2atcstlst): void =
case+ lp2tcs of
| LABP2ATCSTLSTcons (l, p2tc, lp2tcs) => begin
if i > 0 then fprint1_string (pf | out, ", ");
fprint_label (pf | out, l); fprint1_string (pf | out, "= ");
fprint_p2atcst (pf | out, p2tc);
aux (out, i + 1, lp2tcs)
| LABP2ATCSTLSTnil () => ()
aux (out, 0, lp2tcs)
implement fprint_p2atcstlstlst {m} (pf | out, p2tcss) = let
fun aux (out: &FILE m, p2tcss: p2atcstlstlst): void =
case+ p2tcss of
| cons (p2tcs, p2tcss) => begin
fprint_p2atcstlst (pf | out, p2tcs); fprint_newline (pf | out);
aux (out, p2tcss)
| nil () => ()
aux (out, p2tcss)
implement print_p2atcst (p2tc) = print_mac (fprint_p2atcst, p2tc)
implement prerr_p2atcst (p2tc) = prerr_mac (fprint_p2atcst, p2tc)
implement print_p2atcstlst (p2tcs) = print_mac (fprint_p2atcstlst, p2tcs)
implement prerr_p2atcstlst (p2tcs) = prerr_mac (fprint_p2atcstlst, p2tcs)
implement print_p2atcstlstlst (p2tcss) = print_mac (fprint_p2atcstlstlst, p2tcss)
implement prerr_p2atcstlstlst (p2tcss) = prerr_mac (fprint_p2atcstlstlst, p2tcss)
fn p2atcst_con_complement
(d2c0: d2con_t, d2cs: d2conlst, p2tcs: p2atcstlst)
: p2atcstlst = let
fun aux (d2cs: d2conlst, res: p2atcstlst_vt):<cloref1> p2atcstlst = begin
case+ d2cs of
| D2CONLSTcons (d2c, d2cs) => begin
if d2c0 = d2c then let
val res =
aux1 (d2c, p2atcstlst_complement p2tcs, res) where {
fun aux1
(d2c: d2con_t, p2tcss: p2atcstlstlst, res: p2atcstlst_vt)
: p2atcstlst_vt = case+ p2tcss of
| p2tcs :: p2tcss => begin
aux1 (d2c, p2tcss, list_vt_cons (P2TCcon (d2c, p2tcs), res))
| nil () => res
} in
aux (d2cs, res)
end else let
val p2tcs_any =
aux2 (d2con_arity_full_get d2c, nil ()) where {
fun aux2 (n: int, res: p2atcstlst): p2atcstlst =
if n > 0 then aux2 (n-1, cons (P2TCany (), res))
else res
} val res = list_vt_cons (P2TCcon (d2c, p2tcs_any), res)
aux (d2cs, res)
end | D2CONLSTnil () => $Lst.list_vt_reverse_list (res)
end in
aux (d2cs, list_vt_nil ())
implement p2atcst_complement (p2tc0) = begin case+ p2tc0 of
| P2TCany () => nil ()
| P2TCbool b => cons (P2TCbool ~b, nil ())
| P2TCchar _ => singleton (P2TCany ()) | P2TCcon (d2c0, p2tcs) => let
val tag = d2con_tag_get d2c0
if tag >= 0 then let
val s2c0 = d2con_scst_get d2c0
val d2cs = (case+ s2cst_conlst_get s2c0 of
| Some d2cs => d2cs | None _ => begin
prerr_interror ();
prerr ": p2atcst_complement: s2c0 = "; prerr s2c0; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {d2conlst} ()
end ) : d2conlst in
p2atcst_con_complement (d2c0, d2cs, p2tcs)
end else begin singleton (P2TCany ())
end end | P2TCempty () => nil ()
| P2TCfloat _ => singleton (P2TCany ()) | P2TCint x => singleton (P2TCintc (intinfset_sing x))
| P2TCintc xs => aux xs where {
fun aux (xs: List intinf_t): p2atcstlst = case+ xs of
cons (x, xs) => P2TCint x :: aux (xs) | nil () => nil ()
} | P2TCrec (knd, lp2tcs) => let
val lp2tcss = labp2atcstlst_complement lp2tcs
$Lst.list_map_cloptr (lp2tcss, lam lp2tcs =<cloptr> P2TCrec (knd, lp2tcs))
| P2TCstring _ => singleton (P2TCany ())
implement p2atcstlst_complement {n} (p2tcs0) = begin
case+ p2tcs0 of
| p2tc1 :: p2tcs1 => let
val p2tcs1_any = aux p2tcs1 where {
fun aux {n:nat} (p2tcs: p2atcstlst n): p2atcstlst n =
case+ p2tcs of
| _ :: p2tcs => cons (P2TCany (), aux p2tcs) | nil () => nil ()
} val p2tcss = aux (p2atcstlst_complement p2tcs1) where {
fun aux {n:nat}
(p2tcss: p2atcstlstlst n):<cloref1> p2atcstlstlst (n+1) =
case+ p2tcss of
| p2tcs :: p2tcss => cons (p2tc1 :: p2tcs, aux p2tcss)
| nil () => nil ()
} val p2tcss = aux (p2atcst_complement p2tc1) where {
fun aux (p2tcs: p2atcstlst):<cloref1> p2atcstlstlst (n) =
case+ p2tcs of
| p2tc :: p2tcs => cons (p2tc :: p2tcs1_any, aux p2tcs)
| nil () => p2tcss
} in
end | nil () => nil () end
implement labp2atcstlst_complement (lp2tcs0) = begin
case+ lp2tcs0 of
| LABP2ATCSTLSTcons (l1, p2tc1, lp2tcs1) => let
val lp2tcs1_any = aux lp2tcs1 where {
fun aux (lp2tcs: labp2atcstlst): labp2atcstlst =
case+ lp2tcs of
| LABP2ATCSTLSTcons (l, _, lp2tcs) => begin
LABP2ATCSTLSTcons (l, P2TCany (), aux lp2tcs)
} val lp2tcss = aux (labp2atcstlst_complement lp2tcs1) where {
fun aux (lp2tcss: labp2atcstlstlst):<cloref1> labp2atcstlstlst =
case+ lp2tcss of
| lp2tcs :: lp2tcss => begin
cons (LABP2ATCSTLSTcons (l1, p2tc1, lp2tcs), aux lp2tcss)
| nil () => nil ()
} val lp2tcss = aux (p2atcst_complement p2tc1) where {
fun aux (p2tcs: p2atcstlst):<cloref1> labp2atcstlstlst =
case+ p2tcs of
| cons (p2tc, p2tcs) => begin
cons (LABP2ATCSTLSTcons (l1, p2tc, lp2tcs1_any), aux p2tcs)
| nil () => lp2tcss
} in
| LABP2ATCSTLSTnil () => nil ()
implement c2lau_pat_complement (c2l) = begin
case+ c2l.c2lau_gua of
| list_cons _ => let fun aux {i,j:nat} .<i>.
(p2ts: p2atlst i, res: p2atcstlst j): p2atcstlst (i+j) =
case+ p2ts of
| cons (_, p2ts) => aux (p2ts, cons (P2TCany (), res))
| nil () => res
val p2tcs = aux (c2l.c2lau_pat, nil ())
cons (p2tcs, nil ())
| list_nil _ => begin
p2atcstlst_complement (p2atcstlst_of_p2atlst c2l.c2lau_pat)
implement p2atcst_intersect_test (p2tc1, p2tc2) = begin
case+ (p2tc1, p2tc2) of
| (P2TCany (), _) => true
| (_, P2TCany ()) => true
| (P2TCbool b1, P2TCbool b2) => b1 = b2
| (P2TCchar c1, P2TCchar c2) => c1 = c2
| (P2TCcon (d2c1, p2tcs1), P2TCcon (d2c2, p2tcs2)) => begin
if d2c1 = d2c2 then let
val sgn = $Lst.list_length_compare (p2tcs1, p2tcs2)
val () = assert_errmsg_bool1 (sgn = 0, "p2atcst_intersect_test")
p2atcstlst_intersect_test (p2tcs1, p2tcs2)
end else false
end | (P2TCempty (), P2TCempty ()) => true
| (P2TCint i1, P2TCint i2) => i1 = i2
| (P2TCint i, P2TCintc xs) => aux (i, xs) where {
fun aux (i: intinf_t, xs: intinfset_t): bool = case+ xs of
| list_cons (x, xs) => begin
if i < x then true else (if x < i then aux (i, xs) else false)
| list_nil () => true
} | (P2TCintc xs, P2TCint i) => aux (xs, i) where {
fun aux (xs: intinfset_t, i: intinf_t): bool = case+ xs of
| list_cons (x, xs) => begin
if i < x then true else (if x < i then aux (xs, i) else false)
| list_nil () => true
} | (P2TCintc _, P2TCintc _) => true
| (P2TCrec (_, lp2atcs1), P2TCrec (_, lp2atcs2)) =>
labp2atcstlst_intersect_test (lp2atcs1, lp2atcs2)
| (_, _) => false
implement p2atcstlst_intersect_test (p2tcs1, p2tcs2) =
case+ p2tcs1 of
| cons (p2tc1, p2tcs1) => let
val+ cons (p2tc2, p2tcs2) = p2tcs2
if p2atcst_intersect_test (p2tc1, p2tc2) then
p2atcstlst_intersect_test (p2tcs1, p2tcs2)
else false
end | nil () => true
implement labp2atcstlst_intersect_test (lp2tcs1, lp2tcs2) =
case+ (lp2tcs1, lp2tcs2) of
| (LABP2ATCSTLSTcons (l1, p2tc1, lp2tcs1),
LABP2ATCSTLSTcons (l2, p2tc2, lp2tcs2)) =>
if p2atcst_intersect_test (p2tc1, p2tc2) then
labp2atcstlst_intersect_test (lp2tcs1, lp2tcs2)
else false
| (_, _) => true
implement p2atcst_difference (p2tc1, p2tc2) =
case+ (p2tc1, p2tc2) of
| (_, P2TCany ()) => nil ()
| (P2TCany (), _) => p2atcst_complement p2tc2
| (P2TCbool b1, P2TCbool b2) => begin
if b1 = b2 then nil () else cons (p2tc1, nil ())
end | (P2TCchar c1, P2TCchar c2) => begin
if c1 = c2 then nil () else cons (p2tc1, nil ())
end | (P2TCcon (d2c1, p2tcs1), P2TCcon (d2c2, p2tcs2)) =>
if d2c1 = d2c2 then let
fun aux (d2c: d2con_t, p2tcss: p2atcstlstlst): p2atcstlst =
case+ p2tcss of
| p2tcs :: p2tcss => cons (P2TCcon (d2c, p2tcs), aux (d2c, p2tcss))
| nil () => nil ()
val sgn = $Lst.list_length_compare (p2tcs1, p2tcs2)
val () = assert_errmsg_bool1 (sgn = 0, "p2atcst_difference: P2TCcon")
aux (d2c1, p2atcstlst_difference (p2tcs1, p2tcs2))
end else begin
cons (p2tc1, nil ())
end | (P2TCempty (), P2TCempty ()) => nil ()
| (P2TCint i1, P2TCint i2) => begin
if i1 = i2 then nil () else cons (p2tc1, nil ())
end | (P2TCstring s1, P2TCstring s2) => begin
if s1 = s2 then nil () else cons (p2tc1, nil ())
end | (P2TCintc xs, P2TCint x) => let
var err: int = 0
val xs = intinfset_add (xs, x, err)
if err > 0 then cons (p2tc1, nil ()) else cons (P2TCintc xs, nil ())
end | (P2TCrec (knd1, lp2tcs1),
P2TCrec (knd2, lp2tcs2)) => let
val lp2tcss = labp2atcstlst_difference (lp2tcs1, lp2tcs2)
$Lst.list_map_cloptr {labp2atcstlst,p2atcst}
(lp2tcss, lam (lp2tcs) =<cloptr> P2TCrec (knd1, lp2tcs))
end | (_, _) => begin
prerr_interror ();
prerr ": p2atcst_difference: failed"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {p2atcstlst} ()
implement p2atcstlst_difference {n} (p2tcs1, p2tcs2) = begin
case+ p2tcs1 of
| cons (p2tc1, p2tcs1) => let
val+ cons (p2tc2, p2tcs2) = p2tcs2
val p2tcss: List (list (p2atcst, n)) =
aux (p2atcstlst_difference (p2tcs1, p2tcs2)) where {
fun aux (p2tcss: List (list (p2atcst, n-1)))
:<cloref1> List (list (p2atcst, n)) = case+ p2tcss of
| cons (p2tcs, p2tcss) => cons (p2tc1 :: p2tcs, aux p2tcss)
| nil () => nil ()
} val p2tcss: List (list (p2atcst, n)) =
aux (p2atcst_difference (p2tc1, p2tc2)) where {
fun aux (p2tcs: p2atcstlst)
:<cloref1> List (list (p2atcst, n)) = case+ p2tcs of
| cons (p2tc, p2tcs) => cons (p2tc :: p2tcs1, aux p2tcs)
| nil () => p2tcss
} in
end | nil () => nil ()
implement labp2atcstlst_difference (lp2tcs1, lp2tcs2) = begin
case+ (lp2tcs1, lp2tcs2) of
| (LABP2ATCSTLSTcons (l1, p2tc1, lp2tcs1),
LABP2ATCSTLSTcons (l2, p2tc2, lp2tcs2)) => let
val lp2tcss: List (labp2atcstlst) =
aux (labp2atcstlst_difference (lp2tcs1, lp2tcs2)) where {
fun aux (lp2tcss: List (labp2atcstlst))
:<cloref1> List (labp2atcstlst) = case+ lp2tcss of
| cons (lp2tcs, lp2tcss) => begin
cons (LABP2ATCSTLSTcons (l1, p2tc1, lp2tcs), aux lp2tcss)
end | nil () => nil ()
} val lp2tcss: List (labp2atcstlst) =
aux (p2atcst_difference (p2tc1, p2tc2)) where {
fun aux (p2tcs: p2atcstlst)
:<cloref1> List (labp2atcstlst) = case+ p2tcs of
| cons (p2tc, p2tcs) => begin
cons (LABP2ATCSTLSTcons (l1, p2tc, lp2tcs1), aux p2tcs)
end | nil () => lp2tcss
} in
end | (_, _) => nil ()