staload Lst = "ats_list.sats"
staload Sym = "ats_symbol.sats"
staload "ats_namespace.sats"
staload "ats_reference.sats"
staload _ = "ats_reference.dats"
#define THIS_FILE "ats_namespace.dats"
typedef name = $Sym.symbol_t
typedef namelst = List name
typedef namelstlst = List namelst
typedef saved = @(namelst, namelstlst)
typedef savedlst = List saved
val the_namelst: ref namelst = ref_make_elt (list_nil ())
val the_namelstlst: ref namelstlst = ref_make_elt (list_nil ())
val the_savedlst: ref savedlst = ref_make_elt (list_nil ())
fn prerr_interror () = prerr "INTERNAL ERROR (ats_namespace)"
implement the_namespace_add name = begin
!the_namelst := list_cons (name, !the_namelst)
implement the_namespace_search {a} (f) = let
fun auxlst (f: !name -<cloptr1> Option_vt a, ns: namelst): Option_vt a =
case+ ns of
| list_cons (n, ns) => begin
case+ f (n) of ~None_vt () => auxlst (f, ns) | ans => ans
end | list_nil () => None_vt () fun auxlstlst (f: !name -<cloptr1> Option_vt a, nss: namelstlst): Option_vt a =
case+ nss of
| list_cons (ns, nss) => begin
case+ auxlst (f, ns) of ~None_vt () => auxlstlst (f, nss) | ans => ans
end | list_nil () => None_vt () in
case+ auxlst (f, !the_namelst) of
| ~None_vt () => auxlstlst (f, !the_namelstlst) | ans => ans
implement the_namespace_pop () = let
fn pop_err (): void = begin
prerr_interror ();
prerr ": pop_err: the_namlstlst is empty"; prerr_newline ();
exit (1)
case+ !the_namelstlst of
| list_cons (ns: namelst, nss: namelstlst) =>
(!the_namelst := ns; !the_namelstlst := nss)
| list_nil () => pop_err ()
implement the_namespace_push () = begin
!the_namelstlst := list_cons (!the_namelst, !the_namelstlst);
!the_namelst := list_nil ();
implement the_namespace_save () = let
val ns: namelst = !the_namelst
val () = !the_namelst := list_nil ()
val nss: namelstlst = !the_namelstlst
val () = !the_namelstlst := list_nil ()
!the_savedlst := list_cons (@(ns, nss), !the_savedlst)
implement the_namespace_restore () = let
fn err (): void = begin
prerr_interror ();
prerr ": the_namespace_restore: the_savedlst is empty"; prerr_newline ();
exit (1)
end in
case+ !the_savedlst of
| list_cons (x, xs) => begin
!the_savedlst := xs; !the_namelst := x.0; !the_namelstlst := x.1
end | list_nil () => err () end
implement the_namespace_localjoin () = let
fn err (): void = begin
prerr_interror ();
prerr ": the_namespace_localjoin: the_namelstlst is too short";
prerr_newline ();
exit (1)
end in
case+ !the_namelstlst of
| list_cons (_, list_cons (ns, nss)) => begin
!the_namelst := $Lst.list_append (!the_namelst, ns);
!the_namelstlst := nss
end | _ => err () end
implement the_namespace_initialize () = let
val () = !the_namelst := list_nil ()
val () = !the_namelstlst := list_nil ()
val () = !the_savedlst := list_nil ()