(*                                                                     *)
(*                         Applied Type System                         *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*                              Hongwei Xi                             *)
(*                                                                     *)

** ATS/Anairiats - Unleashing the Potential of Types!
** Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Hongwei Xi, Boston University
** All rights reserved
** ATS is free software;  you can  redistribute it and/or modify it under
** the terms of  the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL) as published by the
** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at  your  option)  any
** later version.
** ATS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
** WARRANTY; without  even  the  implied  warranty  of MERCHANTABILITY or
** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the  GNU General Public License
** for more details.
** You  should  have  received  a  copy of the GNU General Public License
** along  with  ATS;  see the  file COPYING.  If not, please write to the
** Free Software Foundation,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
** 02110-1301, USA.

(* ****** ****** *)

// Author: Hongwei Xi (hwxi AT cs DOT bu DOT edu)
// Time: July 2007

(* ****** ****** *)

(* ats_fixity: for handing prefix, infix and postfix operators *)

(* ****** ****** *)

staload Err = "ats_error.sats"
staload Loc = "ats_location.sats"
staload Sym = "ats_symbol.sats"

(* ****** ****** *)

staload "ats_fixity.sats"

(* ****** ****** *)

assume prec_t: t@ype = int

implement prec_make_int (i: int) = i


datatype fxty =
  | FXTYnon
  | FXTYinf of (prec_t, assoc)
  | FXTYpre of prec_t
  | FXTYpos of prec_t
// end of [fxty]

assume fxty_t = fxty

(* ****** ****** *)

implement fprint_fxty
  (pf | out, fxty) = begin
  case+ fxty of
  | FXTYnon () => begin
      fprint1_string (pf | out, "FXTYnon()")
    end // end of [FXTYnon]
  | FXTYinf (p, a) => begin
      fprint1_string (pf | out, "FXTYinf(");
      fprint1_int (pf | out, p);
      fprint1_string (pf | out, ")")
    end // end of [FXTYinf]
  | FXTYpre (p) => begin
      fprint1_string (pf | out, "FXTYpre(");
      fprint1_int (pf | out, p);
      fprint1_string (pf | out, ")")
    end // end of [FXTYpre]
  | FXTYpos (p) => begin
      fprint1_string (pf | out, "FXTYpos(");
      fprint1_int (pf | out, p);
      fprint1_string (pf | out, ")")
    end // end of [FXTYpos]
end // end of [fprint_fxty]

implement print_fxty (fxty) = print_mac (fprint_fxty, fxty)
implement prerr_fxty (fxty) = prerr_mac (fprint_fxty, fxty)

(* ****** ****** *)

implement precedence_inc (p, i) = p + i
implement precedence_dec (p, i) = p - i

  (fxty) = case+ fxty of
  | FXTYnon () => None_vt ()
  | FXTYinf (p, _) => Some_vt (p)
  | FXTYpre p => Some_vt (p)
  | FXTYpos p => Some_vt (p)
// end of [fixity_get_prec]

implement fxty_non = FXTYnon ()
implement fxty_inf (p: prec_t, a: assoc) = FXTYinf (p, a)
implement fxty_pre (p: prec_t) = FXTYpre p
implement fxty_pos (p: prec_t) = FXTYpos p

(* ****** ****** *)

val app_prec = 70
and app_assoc = ASSOClft

val backslash_prec = app_prec + 1


implement select_prec = 80 (* .label is a postfix operator *)
implement selptr_fixity_dyn = FXTYinf (select_prec, ASSOClft)

implement exi_prec_sta = 0
implement uni_prec_sta = 0


implement delay_prec_dyn = 0
implement exist_prec_dyn = 0 (* for dynamic patterns *)


implement dynload_prec_dyn = app_prec + 1


// supporting [&p->lab] = &(p->lab)
implement ptrof_prec_dyn = select_prec - 1

// supporting [fold@ !p], [free@ !p] and [view@ !p]
implement foldat_prec_dyn = app_prec - 1
implement freeat_prec_dyn = app_prec - 1
implement viewat_prec_dyn = app_prec - 1


(* [invar_prec_sta] must be greater than [trans_prec_sta] *)
implement invar_prec_sta = 1
implement qmark_prec_sta = app_prec - 1
implement qmarkbang_prec_sta = app_prec - 1
implement r0ead_prec_sta = 100 (* highest *)
implement trans_prec_sta = 0


implement crypt_prec_dyn = 0


val deref_prec_dyn = 100
implement deref_fixity_dyn = FXTYpre (deref_prec_dyn)


implement item_app f = ITEMopr (OPERinf (app_prec, app_assoc, f))


implement oper_make_backslash {a} (locf, appf) = let
  fn f1 (x: a):<cloref1> item a = let
    fn f2 (x1: a, x2: a):<cloref1> item a = let
      val loc = $Loc.location_combine (locf x1, locf x2)
      ITEMatm (appf (loc, x, loc, '[x1, x2]))
    end // end of [f2]
    ITEMopr (OPERinf (0, ASSOCnon, f2))
  end // end of [f1]
  ITEMopr (OPERpre (backslash_prec, f1))
end // end of [oper_make_backslahsh]


implement oper_make
  {a:type} (locf, appf, opr, fx) = let
  val loc_opr = locf opr

  fn aux_inf
    (opr: a, p: prec_t, a: assoc):<cloref1> item a = let
    fn f (x1: a, x2: a):<cloref1> item a = let
      val loc = $Loc.location_combine (locf x1, locf x2)
      ITEMatm (appf (loc, opr, loc, '[x1, x2]))
    end // end of [f]
    ITEMopr (OPERinf (p, a, f))
  end // end of [aux_inf]
  fn aux_pre (opr: a, p: prec_t):<cloref1> item a = let
    fn f (x: a):<cloref1> item a = let
      val loc_x = locf x
      val loc = $Loc.location_combine (loc_opr, loc_x)
      ITEMatm (appf (loc, opr, loc_x, '[x]))
    end // end of [f]
    ITEMopr (OPERpre (p, f))
  end // end of [aux_pre]

  fn aux_pos (opr: a, p: prec_t):<cloref1> item a = let
    fn f (x: a):<cloref1> item a = let
      val loc_x = locf x
      val loc = $Loc.location_combine (loc_x, loc_opr)
      ITEMatm (appf (loc, opr, loc_x, '[x]))
    end // end of [f]
    ITEMopr (OPERpos (p, f))
  end // end of [aux_pos]
  case+ fx of
  | FXTYnon () => ITEMatm (opr)
  | FXTYinf (p, a) => aux_inf (opr, p, a)
  | FXTYpre p => aux_pre (opr, p)
  | FXTYpos p => aux_pos (opr, p)
end // end of [oper_make]

(* ****** ****** *)

implement oper_associativity opr = begin
  case+ opr of OPERinf (_, a, _) => a | _ => ASSOCnon ()
end // end of [oper_associativity]
implement oper_precedence opr = begin case+ opr of
  | OPERinf (p, _, _) => p | OPERpre (p, _) => p | OPERpos (p, _) => p
end // end of [oper_precedence]

(* ****** ****** *)

#define nil list_nil
#define :: list_cons

implement fixity_resolve
  {a:type} (loc0, app, xs) = let

fn err (loc: $Loc.location_t): a = begin
  $Loc.prerr_location loc; prerr ": error(1)";
  prerr ": fixity cannot be resolved";
  prerr_newline ();
  $Err.abort {a} ()
end // end of [err]

typedef I = item a and IS = List (item a)

** [fn*] for mutual tail-recursion
fn* resolve (xs: IS, m: I, ys: IS)
  :<cloref1> a = begin case+ (xs, m, ys) of
  | (_, ITEMatm _, _) => begin case+ ys of
    | ITEMatm _ :: _ => resolve_app (xs, m, ys)
    | _ => next (xs, m :: ys)
    end // end of [begin]
  | (_, ITEMopr opr, _) => begin case+ (opr, ys) of
    | (OPERpre _, _) => next (xs, m :: ys)
    | (OPERinf _, _ :: nil ()) => next (xs, m :: ys)
    | (OPERinf _, _ :: ITEMopr opr1 :: _) => let
        val p = oper_precedence opr and p1 = oper_precedence opr1
        case+ compare (p, p1) of
        |  1 => next (xs, m :: ys) | ~1 => reduce (m :: xs, ys)
        |  _ (* 0 *) => let
             val assoc = oper_associativity opr
             and assoc1 = oper_associativity opr1
             case+ (assoc, assoc1) of
             | (ASSOClft (), ASSOClft ()) => reduce (m :: xs, ys)
             | (ASSOCrgt (), ASSOCrgt ()) => next (xs, m :: ys)
             | (_, _) => err (loc0)
           end // end of [_ (* 0 *)]
      end // end of [let]
    | (OPERpos _, _ :: ITEMopr opr1 :: _) => let
        val p = oper_precedence opr and p1 = oper_precedence opr1
        case+ compare (p, p1) of
        |  1 => reduce (xs, m :: ys) | ~1 => reduce (m :: xs, ys)
        |  _ (* 0 *) => err (loc0)
      end // end of [let]
    | (OPERpos _, _ :: nil ()) => reduce (xs, m :: ys)
    | (_, _) => err (loc0)
    end // end of [_, ITEMopr, _]
end // end of [resolve]

and resolve_app
  (xs: IS, m: I, ys: IS):<cloref1> a = case+ ys of
  | _ :: ITEMopr opr1 :: _ => let
      val p1 = oper_precedence opr1
      val sgn = compare (app_prec, p1): Sgn
      case+ sgn of
      | 1 => next (xs, m :: app :: ys) | ~1 => reduce (m :: xs, ys)
      | _ (*0*) => let
           val assoc1 = oper_associativity opr1 in case+ assoc1 of
             | ASSOClft () => reduce (m :: xs, ys) | _ => err (loc0)
         end // end of [_]
    end // end of [_ :: ITERMopr :: _]
  | _ :: nil () => next (xs, m :: app :: ys)
  | _ => err (loc0)
// end of [resolve_app]
and reduce
  (xs: IS, ys: IS):<cloref1> a = case+ ys of
  | ITEMatm t :: ITEMopr (OPERpre (_, f)) :: ys =>
    next (f t :: xs, ys)
  | ITEMatm t1 :: ITEMopr (OPERinf (_, _, f)) :: ITEMatm t2 :: ys =>
    next (f (t2, t1) :: xs, ys)
  | ITEMopr (OPERpos (_, f)) :: ITEMatm t :: ys =>
    next (xs, f t :: ys)
  | _ => err (loc0)
// end of [reduce]
and next (xs: IS, ys: IS):<cloref1> a = case+ (xs, ys) of
  | (nil (), ITEMatm t :: nil ()) => t
  | (nil (), ys) => reduce (nil (), ys)
  | (x :: xs, ys) => resolve (xs, x, ys)
// end of [next]


next (xs, nil ())

end // end of [fixity_resolve]

(* ****** ****** *)

(* end of [ats_fixity.dats] *)