staload Deb = "ats_debug.sats"
staload Err = "ats_error.sats"
staload Loc = "ats_location.sats"
staload Sym = "ats_symbol.sats"
staload Syn = "ats_syntax.sats"
staload "ats_staexp1.sats"
staload "ats_trans1_env.sats"
staload "ats_e1xp_eval.sats"
typedef loc_t = $Loc.location_t
typedef sym_t = $Sym.symbol_t
#define nil list_nil
#define cons list_cons
overload = with $Sym.eq_symbol_symbol
overload prerr with $Loc.prerr_location
fn is_debug (): bool = $Deb.debug_flag_get () > 0
v1al_is_true (v) = begin
case+ v of
| V1ALint i => i <> 0 | V1ALstring s => string_isnot_empty s | V1ALfloat f => f <> 0.0
| V1ALchar c => c <> '\000'
implement v1al_is_false (v) = ~v1al_is_true(v)
fn e1xp_eval_errmsg_app
(loc: loc_t): v1al = begin
prerr loc;
if is_debug () then prerr ": e1xp_eval";
prerr ": an identifier is expected here.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
fn e1xp_eval_errmsg_id
(loc: loc_t, id: sym_t): v1al = begin
prerr loc;
if is_debug () then prerr ": e1xp_eval";
prerr ": unrecognized identifier: ";
$Sym.prerr_symbol id;
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
fn e1xp_eval_errmsg_list
(loc: loc_t): v1al = begin
prerr loc;
if is_debug () then prerr ": e1xp_eval";
prerr ": illegal list expression is used here.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
fn e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity
(loc: loc_t, opr: sym_t): v1al = begin
prerr loc;
if is_debug () then prerr ": e1xp_eval_appid";
prerr ": the arity of [";
$Sym.prerr_symbol opr;
prerr "] is mismatched.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
fn e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_opr
(loc: loc_t, opr: sym_t): v1al = begin
prerr loc;
if is_debug () then prerr ": e1xp_eval_appid";
prerr ": unrecognized operation: [";
$Sym.prerr_symbol opr; prerr "]";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
fn e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg
(loc: loc_t, opr: sym_t): v1al = begin
prerr loc;
if is_debug () then prerr ": e1xp_eval";
prerr ": illegal argument(s) for [";
$Sym.prerr_symbol opr; prerr "]";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
fn e1xp_eval_errmsg_undef
(loc: loc_t): v1al = begin
prerr loc;
if is_debug () then prerr ": e1xp_eval";
prerr ": undefined expression is used here.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
fun e1xp_eval_int (s: string): int = let
val [n:int] s = string1_of_string (s) fun loop1 {i:nat | i <= n} .<n-i>.
(sgn: int, s: string n, i: size_t i): int =
if string_isnot_at_end (s, i) then let
val c0 = s[i]
if c0 <> '0' then begin
sgn * loop2 (10, s, i+1, c0 - '0') end else begin
if string_isnot_at_end (s, i+1) then let
val c1 = s[i+1]
if char_isdigit (c1) then
sgn * loop2 (8, s, i+2, c1 - '0') else
sgn * loop2 (16, s, i+2, 0) end else begin
0 end end end else begin
0 end and loop2 {i:nat | i <= n} .<n-i>. (
base: int, s: string n, i: size_t i, res: int
) : int =
if string_isnot_at_end (s, i) then let
val c = s[i]; val d = begin
if char_isdigit c then c - '0' else
10 + (if char_isupper c then c - 'A' else c - 'a' : int)
end : int
loop2 (base, s, i+1, res * base + d)
end else begin
end in
if string_isnot_at_end (s, 0) then let
val c0 = s[0]
if c0 <> '~' then loop1 (1, s, 0) else loop1 (~1, s, 1)
end else begin
0 end end
fun e1xp_eval_appid
(loc: loc_t, id: sym_t, es: e1xplst): v1al = let
if id = $Sym.symbol_DEFINED then begin case+ es of
| cons (e, nil ()) => e1xp_eval_defined (loc, e)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_UNDEFINED then begin case+ es of
| cons (e, nil ()) => e1xp_eval_undefined (loc, e)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_ADD then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_add (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_SUB then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_sub (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_MUL then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_mul (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_DIV then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_div (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_LT then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_lt (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_LTEQ then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_lte (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_GT then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_gt (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_GTEQ then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_gte (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_EQ then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_eq (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_EQEQ then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_eq (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_NEQ then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_neq (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_NEQEQ then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_neq (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_AND then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_and (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_OR then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_or (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_LTLT then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_asl (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else if id = $Sym.symbol_GTGT then begin case+ es of
| cons (e1, cons (e2, nil ())) => e1xp_eval_asr (loc, e1, e2)
| _ => e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_arity (loc, id)
end else begin
e1xp_eval_appid_errmsg_opr (loc, id)
end end
and e1xp_eval_defined
(loc: loc_t, e: e1xp): v1al = begin
case+ e.e1xp_node of
| E1XPide id => V1ALint (i) where {
val i = (case+ the_e1xpenv_find id of
| ~Some_vt e => (case+ e.e1xp_node of E1XPundef () => 0 | _ => 1)
| ~None_vt () => 0
) : int } | _ => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_DEFINED)
end end
and e1xp_eval_undefined
(loc: loc_t, e: e1xp): v1al = begin
case+ e.e1xp_node of
| E1XPide id => V1ALint (i) where {
val i = (case+ the_e1xpenv_find id of
| ~Some_vt e => (case+ e.e1xp_node of E1XPundef () => 1 | _ => 0)
| ~None_vt () => 1
) : int } | _ => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_UNDEFINED)
end end
and e1xp_eval_add (
loc: loc_t, e1: e1xp, e2: e1xp
) : v1al = let
val v1 = e1xp_eval e1; val v2 = e1xp_eval e2
case+ (v1, v2) of
| (V1ALfloat f1, V1ALfloat f2) => V1ALfloat (f1 + f2)
| (V1ALint i1, V1ALint i2) => V1ALint (i1 + i2)
| (V1ALstring s1, V1ALstring s2) => V1ALstring (s1 + s2)
| (_, _) => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_ADD)
end end
and e1xp_eval_sub (
loc: loc_t, e1: e1xp, e2: e1xp
) : v1al = let
val v1 = e1xp_eval e1; val v2 = e1xp_eval e2
case+ (v1, v2) of
| (V1ALfloat f1, V1ALfloat f2) => V1ALfloat (f1 - f2)
| (V1ALint i1, V1ALint i2) => V1ALint (i1 - i2)
| (_, _) => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_SUB)
end end
and e1xp_eval_mul (
loc: loc_t, e1: e1xp, e2: e1xp
) : v1al = let
val v1 = e1xp_eval e1; val v2 = e1xp_eval e2
case+ (v1, v2) of
| (V1ALfloat f1, V1ALfloat f2) => V1ALfloat (f1 * f2)
| (V1ALint i1, V1ALint i2) => V1ALint (i1 * i2)
| (_, _) => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_MUL)
end end
and e1xp_eval_div (
loc: loc_t, e1: e1xp, e2: e1xp
) : v1al = let
val v1 = e1xp_eval e1; val v2 = e1xp_eval e2
case+ (v1, v2) of
| (V1ALfloat f1, V1ALfloat f2) => V1ALfloat (f1 / f2)
| (V1ALint i1, V1ALint i2) => V1ALint (i1 / i2)
| (_, _) => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_DIV)
end end
and e1xp_eval_lt (
loc: loc_t, e1: e1xp, e2: e1xp
) : v1al = let
val v1 = e1xp_eval e1; val v2 = e1xp_eval e2
case+ (v1, v2) of
| (V1ALfloat f1, V1ALfloat f2) =>
if f1 < f2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (V1ALint i1, V1ALint i2) =>
if i1 < i2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (V1ALstring s1, V1ALstring s2) =>
if s1 < s2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (_, _) => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_LT)
end end
and e1xp_eval_lte (
loc: loc_t, e1: e1xp, e2: e1xp
) : v1al = let
val v1 = e1xp_eval e1; val v2 = e1xp_eval e2
case+ (v1, v2) of
| (V1ALfloat f1, V1ALfloat f2) =>
if f1 <= f2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (V1ALint i1, V1ALint i2) =>
if i1 <= i2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (V1ALstring s1, V1ALstring s2) =>
if s1 <= s2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (_, _) => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_LTEQ)
end end
and e1xp_eval_gt (
loc: loc_t, e1: e1xp, e2: e1xp
) : v1al = let
val v1 = e1xp_eval e1; val v2 = e1xp_eval e2
case+ (v1, v2) of
| (V1ALfloat f1, V1ALfloat f2) =>
if f1 > f2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (V1ALint i1, V1ALint i2) =>
if i1 > i2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (V1ALstring s1, V1ALstring s2) =>
if s1 > s2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (_, _) => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_GT)
end end
and e1xp_eval_gte (
loc: loc_t, e1: e1xp, e2: e1xp
) : v1al = let
val v1 = e1xp_eval e1; val v2 = e1xp_eval e2
case+ (v1, v2) of
| (V1ALfloat f1, V1ALfloat f2) =>
if f1 >= f2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (V1ALint i1, V1ALint i2) =>
if i1 >= i2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (V1ALstring s1, V1ALstring s2) =>
if s1 >= s2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (_, _) => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_GTEQ)
end end
and e1xp_eval_eq (
loc: loc_t, e1: e1xp, e2: e1xp
) : v1al = let
val v1 = e1xp_eval e1; val v2 = e1xp_eval e2
case+ (v1, v2) of
| (V1ALint i1, V1ALint i2) =>
if i1 = i2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (V1ALstring s1, V1ALstring s2) =>
if s1 = s2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (_, _) => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_EQ)
end end
and e1xp_eval_neq (
loc: loc_t, e1: e1xp, e2: e1xp
) : v1al = let
val v1 = e1xp_eval e1; val v2 = e1xp_eval e2
case+ (v1, v2) of
| (V1ALint i1, V1ALint i2) =>
if i1 <> i2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (V1ALstring s1, V1ALstring s2) =>
if s1 <> s2 then V1ALint 1 else V1ALint 0
| (_, _) => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_NEQ)
end end
and e1xp_eval_and (
loc: loc_t, e1: e1xp, e2: e1xp
) : v1al = let
val v1 = e1xp_eval e1; val v2 = e1xp_eval e2
case+ (v1, v2) of
| (V1ALint i1, V1ALint i2) => begin
if i1 = 0 then V1ALint 0
else if i2 = 0 then V1ALint 0
else V1ALint 1
end | (V1ALstring s1, V1ALstring s2) => let
val s1 = string1_of_string s1 and s2 = string1_of_string s2
if string_is_empty s1 then V1ALint 0
else if string_is_empty s1 then V1ALint 0
else V1ALint 1
end | (_, _) => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_AND)
end end
and e1xp_eval_or (
loc: loc_t, e1: e1xp, e2: e1xp
) : v1al = let
val v1 = e1xp_eval e1; val v2 = e1xp_eval e2
case+ (v1, v2) of
| (V1ALint i1, V1ALint i2) => begin
if i1 <> 0 then V1ALint 1
else if i2 <> 0 then V1ALint 1
else V1ALint 0
end | (V1ALstring s1, V1ALstring s2) => let
val s1 = string1_of_string s1 and s2 = string1_of_string s2
if string_isnot_empty s1 then V1ALint 1
else if string_isnot_empty s2 then V1ALint 1
else V1ALint 0
end | (_, _) => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_OR)
end end
and e1xp_eval_asl (
loc: loc_t, e1: e1xp, e2: e1xp
) : v1al = let
val v1 = e1xp_eval e1; val v2 = e1xp_eval e2
case+ (v1, v2) of
| (V1ALint i1, V1ALint i2) => let
val i2 = int1_of_int i2
val () = if (i2 < 0) then begin
$Loc.prerr_location (loc);
if is_debug () then prerr ": e1xp_eval";
prerr ": the second argument of [<<] must be a natural number.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end val () = assert (i2 >= 0) in
V1ALint (i1 << i2)
end | (_, _) => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_LTLT)
end end
and e1xp_eval_asr (
loc: loc_t, e1: e1xp, e2: e1xp
) : v1al = let
val v1 = e1xp_eval e1; val v2 = e1xp_eval e2
case+ (v1, v2) of
| (V1ALint i1, V1ALint i2) => let
val i2 = int1_of_int i2
val () = if (i2 < 0) then begin
$Loc.prerr_location (loc);
if is_debug () then prerr ": e1xp_eval";
prerr ": the second argument of [<<] must be a natural number.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end val () = assert (i2 >= 0) in
V1ALint (i1 >> i2)
end | (_, _) => begin
e1xp_eval_opr_errmsg (loc, $Sym.symbol_GTGT)
end end
e1xp_eval (e0) = let
case+ e0.e1xp_node of
| E1XPapp (e, _, es) => (
case+ e.e1xp_node of
| E1XPide id =>
e1xp_eval_appid (e.e1xp_loc, id, es)
| _ => e1xp_eval_errmsg_app e.e1xp_loc
) | E1XPchar c => V1ALchar c
| E1XPfloat f => V1ALfloat (double_of f)
| E1XPint (int: string) => V1ALint (e1xp_eval_int int)
| E1XPide id => begin case+ the_e1xpenv_find id of
| ~Some_vt e => e1xp_eval e
| ~None_vt () => e1xp_eval_errmsg_id (e0.e1xp_loc, id)
end | E1XPlist es => begin case+ es of
| cons (e, nil ()) => e1xp_eval e
| _ => e1xp_eval_errmsg_list (e0.e1xp_loc)
end | E1XPnone () => V1ALint 0
| E1XPstring (s, _) => V1ALstring s
| E1XPundef () => e1xp_eval_errmsg_undef (e0.e1xp_loc)
e1xp_eval_if (knd, e) = begin
case+ knd of $Syn.SRPIFKINDif _ => e1xp_eval (e)
| $Syn.SRPIFKINDifdef _ => e1xp_eval_defined (e.e1xp_loc, e)
| $Syn.SRPIFKINDifndef _ => e1xp_eval_undefined (e.e1xp_loc, e)
e1xp_make_v1al (loc, v) = case+ v of
| V1ALchar c => e1xp_char (loc, c)
| V1ALfloat f =>
let val s = tostring_double f in e1xp_float (loc, s) end
| V1ALint i => let val s = tostring_int i in e1xp_int (loc, s) end
| V1ALstring s => let
val n = int_of_size (string_length s) in e1xp_string (loc, s, n)