staload Eff = "ats_effect.sats"
staload Fil = "ats_filename.sats"
staload Lab = "ats_label.sats"
staload Loc = "ats_location.sats"
staload Sym = "ats_symbol.sats"
staload Syn = "ats_syntax.sats"
staload "ats_staexp1.sats"
typedef intlst = List (int)
typedef fil_t = $Fil.filename_t
typedef lab_t = $Lab.label_t
typedef loc_t = $Loc.location_t
typedef sym_t = $Sym.symbol_t
typedef i0de = $Syn.i0de
typedef l0ab = $Syn.l0ab
typedef d0ynq = $Syn.d0ynq
typedef dqi0de = $Syn.dqi0de
typedef sqi0de = $Syn.sqi0de
typedef i0deopt = $Syn.i0deopt
typedef i0delstlst = $Syn.i0delstlst
typedef abskind = $Syn.abskind
typedef dcstkind = $Syn.dcstkind
typedef datakind = $Syn.datakind
typedef funkind = $Syn.funkind
typedef intkind = $Syn.intkind
typedef valkind = $Syn.valkind
typedef dcstextdef = $Syn.dcstextdef
datatype p1at_node =
| P1Tann of (p1at, s1exp)
| P1Tany | P1Tanys | P1Tapp_dyn of (p1at, loc_t, int, p1atlst)
| P1Tapp_sta of (p1at, s1vararglst)
| P1Tas of (i0de, p1at)
| P1Tchar of char
| P1Tempty | P1Texist of (s1arglst, p1at)
| P1Tfloat of string
| P1Tfree of
| P1Tint of string
| P1Tlist of (int , p1atlst)
| P1Tlst of p1atlst
| P1Tqid of (d0ynq, sym_t)
| P1Trec of (int , labp1atlst)
| P1Tref of i0de
| P1Trefas of (i0de, p1at)
| P1Tstring of string
| P1Tsvararg of
| P1Ttup of
(int , int , p1atlst)
and labp1atlst =
| LABP1ATLSTcons of (l0ab, p1at, labp1atlst)
where p1at = '{ p1at_loc= loc_t, p1at_node= p1at_node }
and p1atlst: type = List p1at
and p1atopt: type = Option p1at
fun fprint_p1at {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, p1t: p1at): void
and fprint_p1atlst {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, p1ts: p1atlst): void
and fprint_labp1atlst {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, lp1ts: labp1atlst): void
overload fprint with fprint_p1at
overload fprint with fprint_p1atlst
overload fprint with fprint_labp1atlst
fun print_p1at (p1t: p1at): void
fun prerr_p1at (p1t: p1at): void
overload print with print_p1at
overload prerr with prerr_p1at
fun p1at_ann (_: loc_t, p1t: p1at, s1e: s1exp): p1at
fun p1at_any (_: loc_t): p1at
fun p1at_anys (_: loc_t): p1at
fun p1at_app_dyn
(loc: loc_t, p1t: p1at, loc_arg: loc_t, npf: int, p1ts: p1atlst): p1at
fun p1at_app_sta
(_: loc_t, p1t: p1at, s1as: s1vararglst): p1at
fun p1at_as (_: loc_t, id: i0de, p1t: p1at): p1at
fun p1at_char (_: loc_t, c: char): p1at
fun p1at_empty (_: loc_t): p1at
fun p1at_exist (_: loc_t, s1as: s1arglst, p1t: p1at): p1at
fun p1at_float (_: loc_t, _: string): p1at
fun p1at_free (_: loc_t, p1t: p1at): p1at
fun p1at_ide (_: loc_t, id: sym_t): p1at
fun p1at_int (_: loc_t, str: string): p1at
fun p1at_list (_: loc_t, p1ts: p1atlst): p1at
fun p1at_list2
(_: loc_t, p1ts1: p1atlst, p1ts2: p1atlst): p1at
fun p1at_lst (_: loc_t, p1ts: p1atlst): p1at
fun p1at_qid (_: loc_t, d0q: d0ynq, id: sym_t): p1at
fun p1at_rec (_: loc_t, recknd: int, lp1ts: labp1atlst): p1at
fun p1at_ref (_: loc_t, id: i0de): p1at
fun p1at_refas (_: loc_t, id: i0de, p1t: p1at): p1at
fun p1at_string (_: loc_t, str: string): p1at
fun p1at_svararg (_: loc_t, s1arg: s1vararg): p1at
fun p1at_tup
(_: loc_t, tupknd: int, p1ts: p1atlst): p1at
fun p1at_tup2
(_: loc_t, tupknd: int, p1ts1: p1atlst, p1ts2: p1atlst): p1at
fun p1at_make_e1xp (_: loc_t, e: e1xp): p1at
datatype d1ec_node =
| D1Cnone
| D1Clist of d1eclst
| D1Cinclude of d1eclst
| D1Csymintr of
| D1Csymelim of
| D1Ce1xpdef of (sym_t, e1xp)
| D1Cdatsrts of
(int, d1atsrtdeclst)
| D1Csrtdefs of
| D1Cstacons of
(abskind, s1taconlst)
| D1Cstacsts of
| D1Cstavars of
| D1Csexpdefs of
(s1rtopt, s1expdeflst)
| D1Csaspdec of
| D1Cdcstdecs of
(dcstkind, s1qualstlst, d1cstdeclst)
| D1Cdatdecs of
(datakind, d1atdeclst, s1expdeflst)
| D1Cexndecs of
| D1Cclassdec of (i0de, s1expopt)
| D1Coverload of (i0de, dqi0de) | D1Cextype of
(string , s1exp )
| D1Cextval of
(string , d1exp )
| D1Cextcode of
(int , string )
| D1Cvaldecs of
(valkind, v1aldeclst)
| D1Cvaldecs_par of
| D1Cvaldecs_rec of
| D1Cfundecs of
(funkind, s1qualstlst, f1undeclst)
| D1Cvardecs of
| D1Cmacdefs of
(int , m1acdeflst)
| D1Cimpdec of
(s1arglstlst, i1mpdec)
| D1Clocal of
(d1eclst, d1eclst)
| D1Cdynload of
| D1Cstaload of
(Option sym_t, fil_t, int , int , d1eclst)
and d1exp_node =
| D1Eann_effc of
(d1exp, $Eff.effcst)
| D1Eann_funclo of
(d1exp, funclo)
| D1Eann_type of
(d1exp, s1exp)
| D1Eapp_dyn of
(d1exp, loc_t, int , d1explst)
| D1Eapp_sta of
(d1exp, s1exparglst)
| D1Earrinit of
(s1exp , d1expopt , d1explst )
| D1Earrsize of
(s1expopt , d1explst )
| D1Earrsub of
(d1exp, loc_t, d1explstlst)
| D1Ebool of bool | D1Ecaseof of
(int, i1nvresstate, d1explst, c1laulst)
| D1Echar of char | D1Ecstsp of $Syn.cstsp | D1Ecrypt of
(int, d1exp)
| D1Edecseq of d1eclst
| D1Edynload of
| D1Eeffmask of
($Syn.effectlst, d1exp)
| D1Eempty
| D1Eexist of
(s1exparg, d1exp)
| D1Eextval of
(s1exp , string )
| D1Efix of (int, $Syn.i0de, d1exp)
| D1Efloat of
| D1Efloatsp of
| D1Efoldat of
(s1exparglst, d1exp)
| D1Efor of ( loopi1nv
, d1exp
, d1exp
, d1exp
, d1exp
) | D1Efreeat of
(s1exparglst, d1exp)
| D1Eidextapp of
(sym_t, intlst, d1explst) | D1Eif of
(i1nvresstate, d1exp, d1exp, d1expopt)
| D1Eint of
| D1Eintsp of
| D1Elam_dyn of
(int , p1at, d1exp)
| D1Elaminit_dyn of
(int , p1at, d1exp)
| D1Elam_met of
(loc_t , s1explst, d1exp)
| D1Elam_sta_ana of
(loc_t , s1arglst, d1exp)
| D1Elam_sta_syn of
(loc_t , s1qualst, d1exp)
| D1Elazy_delay of
(int, d1exp)
| D1Elet of
(d1eclst, d1exp)
| D1Elist of
(int, d1explst)
| D1Eloopexn of
| D1Elst of
(int , s1expopt, d1explst)
| D1Emacsyn of
($Syn.macsynkind, d1exp)
| D1Eptrof of
| D1Eqid of
(d0ynq, sym_t)
| D1Eraise of
| D1Erec of
(int , labd1explst)
| D1Escaseof of
(i1nvresstate, s1exp, sc1laulst)
| D1Esel of
(int , d1exp, d1lab)
| D1Eseq of
| D1Esexparg of
| D1Esif of
(i1nvresstate, s1exp, d1exp, d1exp)
| D1Estring of
(string, int)
| D1Estruct of
| D1Etmpid of
($Syn.tmpqi0de, tmps1explstlst)
| D1Etop
| D1Etrywith of
(i1nvresstate, d1exp, c1laulst)
| D1Etup of
(int , int , d1explst)
| D1Eviewat of
| D1Ewhere of
(d1exp, d1eclst)
| D1Ewhile of
(loopi1nv, d1exp, d1exp)
and labd1explst =
| LABD1EXPLSTnil | LABD1EXPLSTcons of (l0ab, d1exp, labd1explst)
and d1lab_node =
| D1LABlab of lab_t | D1LABind of d1explstlst
where d1ec = '{
d1ec_loc= loc_t, d1ec_node= d1ec_node
and d1eclst = List d1ec
and d1exp = '{ d1exp_loc= loc_t, d1exp_node= d1exp_node }
and d1explst = List d1exp
and d1expopt = Option d1exp
and d1explstlst = List d1explst
and d1lab = '{
d1lab_loc= loc_t, d1lab_node= d1lab_node
and m1atch = '{
m1atch_loc= loc_t, m1atch_exp= d1exp, m1atch_pat= p1atopt
and m1atchlst = List m1atch
and c1lau = '{
c1lau_loc= loc_t
, c1lau_pat= p1at
, c1lau_gua= m1atchlst
, c1lau_seq= int
, c1lau_neg= int
, c1lau_exp= d1exp
and c1laulst = List c1lau
and sc1lau = '{
sc1lau_loc= loc_t
, sc1lau_pat= sp1at
, sc1lau_exp= d1exp
and sc1laulst = List sc1lau
and i1nvarg = '{
i1nvarg_loc= loc_t
, i1nvarg_sym= sym_t
, i1nvarg_typ= s1expopt
and i1nvarglst = List i1nvarg
and i1nvresstate = '{
i1nvresstate_qua= s1qualst, i1nvresstate_arg= i1nvarglst
and loopi1nv = '{
loopi1nv_loc= loc_t
, loopi1nv_qua= s1qualst
, loopi1nv_met= s1explstopt
, loopi1nv_arg= i1nvarglst
, loopi1nv_res= i1nvresstate
and s1rtdef = '{ s1rtdef_loc= loc_t
, s1rtdef_sym= sym_t
, s1rtdef_def= s1rtext
and s1rtdeflst = List s1rtdef
and d1atsrtcon = '{
d1atsrtcon_loc= loc_t
, d1atsrtcon_sym= sym_t
, d1atsrtcon_arg= s1rtlst
and d1atsrtconlst = List d1atsrtcon
and d1atsrtdec = '{
d1atsrtdec_loc= loc_t
, d1atsrtdec_sym= sym_t
, d1atsrtdec_con= d1atsrtconlst
and d1atsrtdeclst = List d1atsrtdec
and s1tacon = '{ s1tacon_loc= loc_t
, s1tacon_sym= sym_t
, s1tacon_arg= d1atarglstopt
, s1tacon_def= s1expopt
and s1taconlst = List s1tacon
and s1tacst = '{ s1tacst_loc= loc_t
, s1tacst_sym= sym_t
, s1tacst_arg= s1rtlstopt
, s1tacst_res= s1rt
and s1tacstlst = List s1tacst
and s1tavar = '{ s1tavar_loc= loc_t
, s1tavar_sym= sym_t
, s1tavar_srt= s1rt
and s1tavarlst = List s1tavar
and s1expdef = '{
s1expdef_loc= loc_t
, s1expdef_sym= sym_t
, s1expdef_arg= s1arglstlst
, s1expdef_res= s1rtopt
, s1expdef_def= s1exp
and s1expdeflst = List s1expdef
and s1aspdec = '{
s1aspdec_loc= loc_t
, s1aspdec_qid= sqi0de
, s1aspdec_arg= s1arglstlst
, s1aspdec_res= s1rtopt
, s1aspdec_def= s1exp
and s1aspdeclst = List s1aspdec
and d1cstdec = '{
d1cstdec_loc= loc_t
, d1cstdec_fil= fil_t
, d1cstdec_sym= sym_t
, d1cstdec_typ= s1exp
, d1cstdec_extdef= dcstextdef
and d1cstdeclst = List d1cstdec
and d1atcon = '{
d1atcon_loc= loc_t
, d1atcon_sym= sym_t
, d1atcon_qua= s1qualstlst
, d1atcon_npf= int
, d1atcon_arg= s1explst
, d1atcon_ind= s1explstopt
and d1atconlst = List d1atcon
and d1atdec = '{
d1atdec_loc= loc_t
, d1atdec_fil= fil_t
, d1atdec_sym= sym_t
, d1atdec_arg= d1atarglstopt
, d1atdec_con= d1atconlst
and d1atdeclst = List d1atdec
and e1xndec = '{
e1xndec_loc= loc_t
, e1xndec_fil= fil_t
, e1xndec_sym= sym_t
, e1xndec_qua= s1qualstlst
, e1xndec_npf= int
, e1xndec_arg= s1explst
and e1xndeclst = List e1xndec
and v1aldec = '{
v1aldec_loc= loc_t
, v1aldec_pat= p1at
, v1aldec_def= d1exp
, v1aldec_ann= witht1ype
and v1aldeclst = List v1aldec
and f1undec = '{
f1undec_loc= loc_t
, f1undec_sym= sym_t
, f1undec_sym_loc= loc_t
, f1undec_def= d1exp
, f1undec_ann= witht1ype
and f1undeclst = List f1undec
and v1ardec = '{
v1ardec_loc= loc_t
, v1ardec_knd= int
, v1ardec_sym= sym_t
, v1ardec_sym_loc= loc_t
, v1ardec_typ= s1expopt
, v1ardec_wth= i0deopt
, v1ardec_ini= d1expopt
and v1ardeclst = List v1ardec
and m1acdef = '{
m1acdef_loc= loc_t
, m1acdef_sym= sym_t
, m1acdef_arg= $Syn.m0acarglst
, m1acdef_def= d1exp
and m1acdeflst = List m1acdef
and i1mpdec = '{
i1mpdec_loc= loc_t
, i1mpdec_qid= $Syn.impqi0de
, i1mpdec_tmparg= s1explstlst
, i1mpdec_def= d1exp
fun fprint_d1exp {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, d1e: d1exp): void
and fprint_d1explst {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, d1es: d1explst): void
and fprint_d1explstlst {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, d1ess: d1explstlst): void
and fprint_labd1explst {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, ld1es: labd1explst): void
overload fprint with fprint_d1exp
overload fprint with fprint_d1explst
overload fprint with fprint_d1explstlst
overload fprint with fprint_labd1explst
fun print_d1exp (d1e: d1exp): void
fun prerr_d1exp (d1e: d1exp): void
overload print with print_d1exp
overload prerr with prerr_d1exp
fun fprint_d1lab {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, d1l: d1lab): void
overload fprint with fprint_d1lab
fun d1exp_ann_effc (_: loc_t, d1e: d1exp, efc: $Eff.effcst): d1exp
fun d1exp_ann_funclo (_: loc_t, d1e: d1exp, fc: funclo): d1exp
fun d1exp_ann_funclo_opt (_: loc_t, d1e: d1exp, fc: funclo): d1exp
fun d1exp_ann_type (_: loc_t, d1e: d1exp, s1e: s1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_app_dyn (
loc: loc_t, d1e: d1exp, loc_arg: loc_t, npf: int, d1es: d1explst
) : d1exp
fun d1exp_app_sta (_: loc_t, d1e: d1exp, s1as: s1exparglst): d1exp
fun d1exp_arrinit (
_: loc_t, s1e_elt: s1exp, od1e_asz: d1expopt, d1es_elt: d1explst
) : d1exp
fun d1exp_arrsize
(_: loc_t, os1e_elt: s1expopt, d1es_elt: d1explst): d1exp
fun d1exp_arrsub
(_: loc_t, arr: d1exp, ind: loc_t, ind: d1explstlst): d1exp
fun d1exp_bool (loc: loc_t, tf: bool): d1exp
fun d1exp_caseof (
_: loc_t, k: int, res: i1nvresstate, d1es: d1explst, c1ls: c1laulst
) : d1exp
fun d1exp_char (_: loc_t, c: char): d1exp
fun d1exp_cstsp (_: loc_t, _: $Syn.cstsp): d1exp
fun d1exp_crypt (_: loc_t, knd: int, _: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_decseq (_: loc_t, _: d1eclst): d1exp
fun d1exp_dynload (_: loc_t, _: fil_t): d1exp
fun d1exp_effmask
(_: loc_t, effs: $Syn.effectlst, d1e: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_empty (_: loc_t): d1exp
fun d1exp_exist (_: loc_t, s1a: s1exparg, d1e: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_extval (_: loc_t, s1e: s1exp, code: string): d1exp
fun d1exp_fix
(_: loc_t, knd: int, id: $Syn.i0de, d1e: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_float (_: loc_t, f: string): d1exp
fun d1exp_floatsp (_: loc_t, f: string): d1exp
fun d1exp_foldat (_: loc_t, _: s1exparglst, _: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_for (
loc: loc_t
, inv: loopi1nv
, init: d1exp
, test: d1exp
, post: d1exp
, body: d1exp
) : d1exp
fun d1exp_freeat (_: loc_t, _: s1exparglst, _: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_ide (_: loc_t, _: sym_t): d1exp
fun d1exp_idextapp (
_: loc_t, _: sym_t, ns: intlst, d1es: d1explst
) : d1exp
fun d1exp_if (
loc: loc_t
, inv: i1nvresstate
, _cond: d1exp
, _then: d1exp
, _else: d1expopt
) : d1exp
fun d1exp_int (_: loc_t, int: string): d1exp
fun d1exp_intsp (_: loc_t, int: string): d1exp
fun d1exp_lam_dyn
(_: loc_t, lin: int, arg: p1at, _: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_laminit_dyn
(_: loc_t, lin: int, arg: p1at, _: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_lam_met
(_: loc_t, _arg: loc_t, _: s1explst, _: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_lam_sta_ana
(_: loc_t, _arg: loc_t, _: s1arglst, _: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_lam_sta_syn
(_: loc_t, _arg: loc_t, _: s1qualst, _: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_lazy_delay (_: loc_t, lin: int, _: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_let (_: loc_t, _: d1eclst, _: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_list (_: loc_t, _: d1explst): d1exp
fun d1exp_list2 (_: loc_t, _1: d1explst, _2: d1explst): d1exp
fun d1exp_loopexn (_: loc_t, kind: int ): d1exp
fun d1exp_lst (_: loc_t, lin: int, elt: s1expopt, elts: d1explst): d1exp
fun d1exp_macsyn (_: loc_t, knd: $Syn.macsynkind, d1e: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_ptrof (_: loc_t, _: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_qid (_: loc_t, q: d0ynq, id: sym_t): d1exp
fun d1exp_raise (_: loc_t, _: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_rec (_: loc_t, kind: int, _: labd1explst): d1exp
fun d1exp_scaseof
(_: loc_t, res: i1nvresstate, s1e: s1exp, sc1ls: sc1laulst): d1exp
fun d1exp_sel (_: loc_t, kind: int, root: d1exp, lab: d1lab): d1exp
fun d1exp_seq (_: loc_t, seq: d1explst): d1exp
fun d1exp_sexparg (_: loc_t, _: s1exparg): d1exp
fun d1exp_sif
(_: loc_t, res: i1nvresstate, _cond: s1exp, _then: d1exp, _else: d1exp)
: d1exp
fun d1exp_string (_: loc_t, _: string, _: int): d1exp
fun d1exp_struct (_: loc_t, _: labd1explst): d1exp
fun d1exp_tmpid
(_: loc_t, qid: $Syn.tmpqi0de, decarg: tmps1explstlst): d1exp
fun d1exp_top (_: loc_t): d1exp
fun d1exp_trywith (_: loc_t, _: i1nvresstate, _: d1exp, _: c1laulst): d1exp
fun d1exp_tup (_: loc_t, kind: int, _: d1explst): d1exp
fun d1exp_tup2 (_: loc_t, kind: int, _1: d1explst, _2: d1explst): d1exp
fun d1exp_viewat (_: loc_t, _: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_where (_: loc_t, _: d1exp, _: d1eclst): d1exp
fun d1exp_while (_: loc_t, _: loopi1nv, test: d1exp, body: d1exp): d1exp
fun d1exp_make_e1xp (_: loc_t, _: e1xp): d1exp
fun d1lab_lab (_: loc_t, lab: lab_t): d1lab
fun d1lab_ind (_: loc_t, ind: d1explstlst): d1lab
fun d1exp_is_metric (_: d1exp): bool
fun m1atch_make (_: loc_t, d1e: d1exp, op1t: p1atopt): m1atch
fun c1lau_make
(_: loc_t, _: p1at, gua: m1atchlst, seq: int, neg: int, body: d1exp)
: c1lau
fun sc1lau_make (_: loc_t, _: sp1at, body: d1exp): sc1lau
fun i1nvarg_make
(_: loc_t, id: sym_t, os1e: s1expopt): i1nvarg
fun i1nvresstate_make (s1qs: s1qualst, arg: i1nvarglst): i1nvresstate
val i1nvresstate_nil: i1nvresstate
fun loopi1nv_make (
_: loc_t, _: s1qualst, met: s1explstopt, _: i1nvarglst, _: i1nvresstate
) : loopi1nv
fun loopi1nv_nil (loc0: loc_t): loopi1nv
fun d1ec_none (_: loc_t): d1ec
fun d1ec_list (_: loc_t, ds: d1eclst): d1ec
fun d1ec_include (_: loc_t, ds: d1eclst): d1ec
fun d1ec_symelim (_: loc_t, ids: i0delst): d1ec
fun d1ec_symintr (_: loc_t, ids: i0delst): d1ec
fun d1ec_e1xpdef (_: loc_t, id: sym_t, def: e1xp): d1ec
fun d1ec_datsrts (_: loc_t, para: int, ds: d1atsrtdeclst): d1ec
fun d1ec_srtdefs (_: loc_t, ds: s1rtdeflst): d1ec
fun d1ec_stacons (_: loc_t, _: abskind, ds: s1taconlst): d1ec
fun d1ec_stacsts (_: loc_t, ds: s1tacstlst): d1ec
fun d1ec_stavars (_: loc_t, ds: s1tavarlst): d1ec
fun d1ec_sexpdefs (_: loc_t, res: s1rtopt, ds: s1expdeflst): d1ec
fun d1ec_saspdec (_: loc_t, d: s1aspdec): d1ec
fun d1ec_dcstdecs
(_: loc_t, _: dcstkind, decarg: s1qualstlst, ds: d1cstdeclst): d1ec
fun d1ec_datdecs
(_: loc_t, _: datakind, ds_dat: d1atdeclst, ds_def: s1expdeflst): d1ec
fun d1ec_exndecs (_: loc_t, ds: e1xndeclst): d1ec
fun d1ec_classdec (_: loc_t, id: i0de, sup: s1expopt): d1ec
fun d1ec_overload (_: loc_t, id: i0de, qid: dqi0de): d1ec
fun d1ec_extype (_: loc_t, name: string, def: s1exp): d1ec
fun d1ec_extval (_: loc_t, name: string, def: d1exp): d1ec
fun d1ec_extcode (_: loc_t, position: int, code: string): d1ec
fun d1ec_valdecs (_: loc_t, _: valkind, ds: v1aldeclst): d1ec
fun d1ec_valdecs_par (_: loc_t, ds: v1aldeclst): d1ec
fun d1ec_valdecs_rec (_: loc_t, ds: v1aldeclst): d1ec
fun d1ec_fundecs
(_: loc_t, _: funkind, decarg: s1qualstlst, ds: f1undeclst): d1ec
fun d1ec_vardecs (_: loc_t, ds: v1ardeclst): d1ec
fun d1ec_macdefs (_: loc_t, kind: int, ds: m1acdeflst): d1ec
fun d1ec_impdec (_: loc_t, decarg: s1arglstlst, d: i1mpdec): d1ec
fun d1ec_local (_: loc_t, head: d1eclst, body: d1eclst): d1ec
fun d1ec_dynload (_: loc_t, _: fil_t): d1ec
fun d1ec_staload (
loc: loc_t
, id: Option sym_t
, fil: fil_t
, loaded: int
, loadflag: int
, d1cs: d1eclst
) : d1ec
fun d1atsrtcon_make
(_: loc_t, id: sym_t, arg: s1rtlst): d1atsrtcon
fun d1atsrtdec_make
(_: loc_t, id: sym_t, con: d1atsrtconlst): d1atsrtdec
fun s1rtdef_make (_: loc_t, id: sym_t, def: s1rtext): s1rtdef
fun s1tacon_make
(_: loc_t, id: sym_t, arg: d1atarglstopt, def: s1expopt): s1tacon
fun s1tacst_make
(_: loc_t, id: sym_t, arg: s1rtlstopt, res: s1rt): s1tacst
fun s1tavar_make (_: loc_t, id: sym_t, s1t: s1rt): s1tavar
fun s1expdef_make (
loc: loc_t
, id: sym_t
, arg: s1arglstlst
, res: s1rtopt
, def: s1exp
) : s1expdef
fun s1aspdec_make
(loc: loc_t, qid: sqi0de, arg: s1arglstlst, res: s1rtopt, def: s1exp)
: s1aspdec
fun d1cstdec_make
(loc: loc_t, fil: fil_t, id: sym_t, typ: s1exp, extdef: dcstextdef)
: d1cstdec
fun d1atcon_make
(_: loc_t, id: sym_t,
qua: s1qualstlst, npf: int, arg: s1explst, ind: s1explstopt)
: d1atcon
fun d1atdec_make
(_: loc_t, fil: fil_t, id: sym_t, _: d1atarglstopt, _: d1atconlst)
: d1atdec
fun e1xndec_make
(_: loc_t, fil: fil_t, id: sym_t, qua: s1qualstlst, npf: int, arg: s1explst)
: e1xndec
fun v1aldec_make
(_: loc_t, pat: p1at, def: d1exp, typ: witht1ype): v1aldec
fun f1undec_make
(_: loc_t, id: sym_t, loc_id: loc_t, def: d1exp, typ: witht1ype)
: f1undec
fun v1ardec_make (
_: loc_t
, knd: int
, id: sym_t
, loc_id: loc_t
, typ: s1expopt
, wth: i0deopt
, def: d1expopt
) : v1ardec
fun m1acdef_make
(_: loc_t, id: sym_t, arg: $Syn.m0acarglst, def: d1exp): m1acdef
fun i1mpdec_make
(_: loc_t, qid: $Syn.impqi0de, _: s1explstlst, _: d1exp): i1mpdec