staload "ats_staexp2.sats"
staload "ats_trans3_env.sats"
datatype s3aexp =
| S3AEcst of
| S3AEexp of
| S3AEvar of
| S3AEnull
| S3AEpadd of
(s3aexp, s3iexp)
and s3bexp =
| S3BEcst of s2cst_t
| S3BEexp of s2exp
| S3BEvar of s2var_t
| S3BEbool of bool
| S3BEbadd of (s3bexp, s3bexp)
| S3BEbmul of (s3bexp, s3bexp)
| S3BEbneg of s3bexp
| S3BEiexp of (int, s3iexp)
and s3iexp =
| S3IEcst of s2cst_t
| S3IEexp of s2exp
| S3IEint of int
| S3IEintinf of intinf_t
| S3IEvar of s2var_t
| S3IEineg of s3iexp
| S3IEiadd of (s3iexp, s3iexp)
| S3IEisub of (s3iexp, s3iexp)
| S3IEimul of (s3iexp, s3iexp)
| S3IEpdiff of (s3aexp, s3aexp)
viewtypedef s3aexpopt_vt = Option_vt s3aexp
typedef s3bexplst = List s3bexp
typedef s3bexpopt = Option s3bexp
viewtypedef s3bexpopt_vt = Option_vt s3bexp
viewtypedef s3iexpopt_vt = Option_vt s3iexp
fun fprint_s3aexp {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, s3ae: s3aexp): void
overload fprint with fprint_s3aexp
fun fprint_s3bexp {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, s3be: s3bexp): void
overload fprint with fprint_s3bexp
fun fprint_s3bexplst {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, s3bes: s3bexplst): void
overload fprint with fprint_s3bexplst
fun fprint_s3iexp {m:file_mode}
(pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, s3ie: s3iexp): void
overload fprint with fprint_s3iexp
fun print_s3aexp (_: s3aexp): void
fun print_s3bexp (_: s3bexp): void
fun print_s3bexplst (_: s3bexplst): void
fun print_s3iexp (_: s3iexp): void
overload print with print_s3aexp
overload print with print_s3bexp
overload print with print_s3bexplst
overload print with print_s3iexp
fun prerr_s3aexp (_: s3aexp): void
fun prerr_s3bexp (_: s3bexp): void
fun prerr_s3bexplst (_: s3bexplst): void
fun prerr_s3iexp (_: s3iexp): void
overload prerr with prerr_s3aexp
overload prerr with prerr_s3bexp
overload prerr with prerr_s3bexplst
overload prerr with prerr_s3iexp
val s3aexp_null : s3aexp
fun s3aexp_cst (s2c: s2cst_t): s3aexp
fun s3aexp_var (s2v: s2var_t): s3aexp
fun s3aexp_padd (s3ae1: s3aexp, s3ie2: s3iexp): s3aexp
fun s3aexp_psub (s3ae1: s3aexp, s3ie2: s3iexp): s3aexp
fun s3aexp_psucc (s3ae: s3aexp): s3aexp
fun s3aexp_ppred (s3ae: s3aexp): s3aexp
val s3bexp_true: s3bexp
val s3bexp_false: s3bexp
fun s3bexp_cst (s2c: s2cst_t): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_var (s2v: s2var_t): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_bneg (s3be: s3bexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_beq (s3be1: s3bexp, s3be2: s3bexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_bneq (s3be1: s3bexp, s3be2: s3bexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_badd (s3be1: s3bexp, s3be2: s3bexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_bmul (s3be1: s3bexp, s3be2: s3bexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_iexp (knd: int, s3ie: s3iexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_igt (s3ie1: s3iexp, s3ie2: s3iexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_igte (s3ie1: s3iexp, s3ie2: s3iexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_ilt (s3ie1: s3iexp, s3ie2: s3iexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_ilte (s3ie1: s3iexp, s3ie2: s3iexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_ieq (s3ie1: s3iexp, s3ie2: s3iexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_ineq (s3ie1: s3iexp, s3ie2: s3iexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_pgt (s3ae1: s3aexp, s3ae2: s3aexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_pgte (s3ae1: s3aexp, s3ae2: s3aexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_plt (s3ae1: s3aexp, s3ae2: s3aexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_plte (s3ae1: s3aexp, s3ae2: s3aexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_peq (s3ae1: s3aexp, s3ae2: s3aexp): s3bexp
fun s3bexp_pneq (s3ae1: s3aexp, s3ae2: s3aexp): s3bexp
val s3iexp_0 : s3iexp
val s3iexp_1 : s3iexp
val s3iexp_neg_1 : s3iexp
fun s3iexp_cst (s2c: s2cst_t): s3iexp
fun s3iexp_int (i: int): s3iexp
fun s3iexp_intinf (i: intinf_t): s3iexp
fun s3iexp_var (s2v: s2var_t): s3iexp
fun s3iexp_ineg (s3ie: s3iexp): s3iexp
fun s3iexp_iadd (s3ie1: s3iexp, s3ie2: s3iexp): s3iexp
fun s3iexp_isub (s3ie1: s3iexp, s3ie2: s3iexp): s3iexp
fun s3iexp_imul (s3ie1: s3iexp, s3ie2: s3iexp): s3iexp
fun s3iexp_isucc (s3ie: s3iexp): s3iexp
fun s3iexp_ipred (s3ie: s3iexp): s3iexp
fun s3iexp_pdiff (s3ae1: s3aexp, s3ae2: s3aexp): s3iexp
dataviewtype s2cfdeflst_vt =
| S2CFDEFLSTcons of (
s2cst_t, s2explst, s2var_t, s3bexpopt_vt, s2cfdeflst_vt
) | S2CFDEFLSTmark of s2cfdeflst_vt
fun s3aexp_make_s2exp
(s2e: s2exp, s2cs: &s2cstlst, fds: &s2cfdeflst_vt): s3aexpopt_vt
fun s3bexp_make_s2exp
(s2e: s2exp, s2cs: &s2cstlst, fds: &s2cfdeflst_vt): s3bexpopt_vt
fun s3bexp_make_h3ypo
(h3p: h3ypo, s2cs: &s2cstlst, fds: &s2cfdeflst_vt): s3bexpopt_vt
fun s3iexp_make_s2exp
(s2e: s2exp, s2cs: &s2cstlst, fds: &s2cfdeflst_vt): s3iexpopt_vt
fun c3str_solve (c3t: c3str): void