(*                                                                     *)
(*                         Applied Type System                         *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*                              Hongwei Xi                             *)
(*                                                                     *)

** ATS/Anairiats - Unleashing the Potential of Types!
** Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Hongwei Xi, Boston University
** All rights reserved
** ATS is free software;  you can  redistribute it and/or modify it under
** the terms of  the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL) as published by the
** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at  your  option)  any
** later version.
** ATS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
** WARRANTY; without  even  the  implied  warranty  of MERCHANTABILITY or
** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the  GNU General Public License
** for more details.
** You  should  have  received  a  copy of the GNU General Public License
** along  with  ATS;  see the  file COPYING.  If not, please write to the
** Free Software Foundation,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
** 02110-1301, USA.

(* ****** ****** *)

// Author: Hongwei Xi (hwxi AT cs DOT bu DOT edu)
// Time: April 2008

(* ****** ****** *)

staload Map = "ats_map_lin.sats"

(* ****** ****** *)

staload "ats_hiexp.sats"
staload "ats_ccomp.sats"
staload "ats_ccomp_env.sats"

(* ****** ****** *)

staload _(*anonymous*)= "ats_map_lin.dats"

(* ****** ****** *)

viewtypedef tmpvarmap = $Map.map_vt (tmpvar_t, int)

fn tmpvarmap_add
  (m: &tmpvarmap, tmp: tmpvar_t): void = begin
  case+ $Map.map_search (m, tmp) of
  | ~Some_vt _ => () | ~None_vt () => $Map.map_insert (m, tmp, 0)
end // end of [tmpvarmap_add]

fn tmpvarmap_add_root
  (m: &tmpvarmap, tmp: tmpvar_t): void = let
  val tmp = (case+ tmpvar_root_get tmp of
    | TMPVAROPTsome tmp => tmp | TMPVAROPTnone () => tmp
  ) : tmpvar_t
  case+ $Map.map_search (m, tmp) of
  | ~Some_vt _ => () | ~None_vt () => $Map.map_insert (m, tmp, 0)
end // end of [tmpvarmap]

fun tmpvarmap_addlst
  (m: &tmpvarmap, tmps: tmpvarlst): void = begin
  case+ tmps of
  | list_cons (tmp, tmps) => begin
      tmpvarmap_add (m, tmp); tmpvarmap_addlst (m, tmps)
    end // end of [list_cons]
  | list_nil () => ()
end // end of [tmpvarmap_addlst]

(* ****** ****** *)


(* ****** ****** *)

assume tmpvarmap_vt = tmpvarmap

(* ****** ****** *)

dataviewtype ENV
  (l:addr, i:addr) = ENVcon (l, i) of (ptr l, ptr i, int)
// end of [ENV]

fn _emit_tmpvarmap_dec {m:file_mode} {l:addr} (
    pf_mod: file_mode_lte (m, w)
  , pf_fil: !FILE m @ l
  | l: ptr l, knd: int (*local/static*)
  , tmps: !tmpvarmap_vt
  ) : int = let
  var i: int = 0
  viewdef V = (FILE m @ l, int @ i)
  viewtypedef VT = ENV (l, i)
  fn f (pf: !V | tmp: tmpvar_t, _: int, env: !VT): void = let
    prval @(pf_fil, pf_int) = pf
    val+ ENVcon (p_l, p_i, knd)= env
    extern fun tmpvar_top_set
      (tmp: tmpvar_t, top: int): void = "atsccomp_tmpvar_top_set"
    val () = if knd = 1 then tmpvar_top_set (tmp, 1) // static tmpvar
    val () = (!p_i := !p_i + 1)
    case+ 0 of
    | _ when tmpvar_is_void (tmp) => let
        val () = if knd = 0 then
          fprint1_string (pf_mod | !p_l, "ATSlocal_void (")
        val () = if knd = 1 then
          fprint1_string (pf_mod | !p_l, "ATSstatic_void (")
        val () = emit_tmpvar (pf_mod | !p_l, tmp)
        val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | !p_l, ") ;\n")
        pf := @(pf_fil, pf_int); fold@ env
      end // end of [tmpvar_is_void]
    | _ => let
        val () = if knd = 0 then
          fprint1_string (pf_mod | !p_l, "ATSlocal (")
        val () = if knd = 1 then
          fprint1_string (pf_mod | !p_l, "ATSstatic (")
        val () = emit_hityp (pf_mod | !p_l, tmpvar_typ_get tmp)
        val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | !p_l, ", ")
        val () = emit_tmpvar (pf_mod | !p_l, tmp)
        val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | !p_l, ") ;\n")
        pf := @(pf_fil, pf_int); fold@ env
      end // end of [_]
  end // end of [f]
  val env = ENVcon (l, &i, knd)
  prval pf = @(pf_fil, view@ i)
  val () = $Map.map_foreach_inf {V} {VT} (pf | tmps, f, env)
  prval () = (pf_fil := pf.0; view@ i := pf.1)
  val+ ~ENVcon (_, _, _) = env
  i // the number of tmpvars
end // end of [_emit_tmpvarmap_dec]

(* ****** ****** *)

dataviewtype ENV
  (l:addr, i:addr) = ENVcon (l, i) of (ptr l, ptr i)
// end of [ENV]

fn _emit_tmpvarmap_markroot {m:file_mode} {l:addr} (
    pf_mod: file_mode_lte (m, w), pf_fil: !FILE m @ l
  | l: ptr l, tmps: !tmpvarmap_vt
  ) : int = let
  var i: int = 0
  viewdef V = (FILE m @ l, int @ i)
  viewtypedef VT = ENV (l, i)
  fn f (pf: !V | tmp: tmpvar_t, _: int, env: !VT): void = let
    prval @(pf_fil, pf_int) = pf
    val+ ENVcon (p_l, p_i)= env
    val () = (!p_i := !p_i + 1)
    val () = (case+ 0 of
      | _ when tmpvar_is_void (tmp) => () | _ => let
          val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | !p_l, "ATS_GC_MARKROOT(&")
          val () = emit_tmpvar (pf_mod | !p_l, tmp)
          val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | !p_l, ", sizeof(")
          val () = emit_hityp (pf_mod | !p_l, tmpvar_typ_get tmp)
          val () = fprint1_string (pf_mod | !p_l, ")) ;\n")
          // empty
        end // end of [_]
    ) : void // end of [val]
    pf := @(pf_fil, pf_int); fold@ env
  end // end of [f]
  val env = ENVcon (l, &i)
  prval pf = @(pf_fil, view@ i)
  val () = $Map.map_foreach_inf {V} {VT} (pf | tmps, f, env)
  prval () = (pf_fil := pf.0; view@ i := pf.1)
  val+ ~ENVcon (_, _) = env
  i // the number of tmpvars
end // end of [_emit_tmpvarmap_markroot]

(* ****** ****** *)

in (* in of [local] *)

(* ****** ****** *)

implement tmpvarmap_nil () =
  $Map.map_make {tmpvar_t,int} (compare_tmpvar_tmpvar)
// end of [tmpvarmap_nil]

implement tmpvarmap_free (tmps) = $Map.map_free (tmps)

(* ****** ****** *)

instr_tmpvarmap_add (m, ins) = let
  fun aux_branchlst (m: &tmpvarmap, brs: branchlst)
    : void = begin case+ brs of
    | list_cons (br, brs) => let
        val () = instrlst_tmpvarmap_add (m, br.branch_inss)
        aux_branchlst (m, brs)
      end // end of [list_cons]
    | list_nil () => ()
  end // end of [aux_branchlst]
  case+ ins.instr_node of
  | INSTRarr_heap (tmp, _, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRarr_stack (tmp, _, _, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRcall (tmp, _, _, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRcall_tail fl => ()
  | INSTRcond (_, inss_then, inss_else) => begin
      instrlst_tmpvarmap_add (m, inss_then);
      instrlst_tmpvarmap_add (m, inss_else);
  | INSTRfunction (tmp_ret_all, vps_arg, inss_body, tmp_ret) => begin
      tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp_ret_all);
      instrlst_tmpvarmap_add (m, inss_body);
      tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp_ret);
    end // end of [INSTRfunction]
  | INSTRload_ptr (tmp, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRload_ptr_offs (tmp, _, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRload_var (tmp, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRload_var_offs (tmp, _, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRloop (
      _(*lab*), _(*lab*), _(*lab*)
    , inss_init, _, inss_test, inss_post, inss_body
    ) => begin
      instrlst_tmpvarmap_add (m, inss_init);
      instrlst_tmpvarmap_add (m, inss_test);
      instrlst_tmpvarmap_add (m, inss_post);
      instrlst_tmpvarmap_add (m, inss_body);
    end // end of [INSTRloop]
  | INSTRmove_con (tmp, _, _, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRmove_lazy_delay (tmp, _, _, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRmove_lazy_force (tmp, _, _, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRmove_rec_box (tmp, _, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRmove_rec_flt (tmp, _, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRmove_ref (tmp, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRmove_val (tmp, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRraise (tmp(*uninitialized*), _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRselect (tmp, _, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRselcon (tmp, _, _, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRselcon_ptr (tmp, _, _, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRpar_spawn (tmp, _) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRpar_synch (tmp) => tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp)
  | INSTRswitch (brs) => aux_branchlst (m, brs)
  | INSTRtrywith (inss_try, tmp_exn, brs) => let
      val () = instrlst_tmpvarmap_add (m, inss_try)
      tmpvarmap_add_root (m, tmp_exn); aux_branchlst (m, brs)
    end // end of [INSTRtrywith]
  | INSTRvardec (tmp) => tmpvarmap_add (m, tmp)
  | _ => ()
end // end of [instr_tmpvarmap_add]

instrlst_tmpvarmap_add (m, inss) = case+ inss of
  | list_cons (ins, inss) => begin
      instr_tmpvarmap_add (m, ins); instrlst_tmpvarmap_add (m, inss)
    end // end of [list_cons]
  | list_nil () => ()
// end of [instrlst_tmpvarmap_add]

(* ****** ****** *)

emit_tmpvarmap_dec_local (pf | out, tmps) =
  _emit_tmpvarmap_dec (pf, view@ out | &out, 0(*local*), tmps)
// end of [emit_tmpvarmap_dec_local]

emit_tmpvarmap_dec_static (pf | out, tmps) =
  _emit_tmpvarmap_dec (pf, view@ out | &out, 1(*static*), tmps)
// end of [emit_tmpvarmap_dec_static]

(* ****** ****** *)

emit_tmpvarmap_markroot (pf | out, tmps) =
  _emit_tmpvarmap_markroot (pf, view@ out | &out, tmps)
// end of [emit_tmpvarmap_markroot]

(* ****** ****** *)

implement funentry_tmpvarmap_add (tmps, entry) = () where {
  val () = instrlst_tmpvarmap_add (tmps, funentry_body_get entry)
  val () = tmpvarmap_add_root (tmps, funentry_ret_get entry)
} // end of [funentry_tmpvarmap_add]

(* ****** ****** *)

implement tailjoinlst_tmpvarmap_add
  (tmps, tjs) = loop (tmps, tjs) where {
  fun loop (tmps: &tmpvarmap_vt, tjs: tailjoinlst): void =
    case+ tjs of
    | TAILJOINLSTcons (_(*tag*), _(*fl*), tvs(*arg*), tjs) =>
        let val () = tmpvarmap_addlst (tmps, tvs) in loop (tmps, tjs) end
      // end of [TAILJOINTLSTcons]
    | TAILJOINLSTnil () => ()
  // end of [loop]
} // end of [tailjoinlst_tmpvarmap_add]

(* ****** ****** *)

end (* end of [local] *)

(* ****** ****** *)

(* end of [ats_ccomp_util.dats] *)