staload CS = "ats_charlst.sats"
staload Err = "ats_error.sats"
staload IntInf = "ats_intinf.sats"
staload Loc = "ats_location.sats"
typedef loc_t = $Loc.location_t
staload Lst = "ats_list.sats"
staload "ats_hiexp.sats"
staload "ats_ccomp.sats"
staload "ats_ccomp_env.sats"
staload "ats_reference.sats"
staload _ = "ats_reference.dats"
fn prerr_interror () = prerr "INTERNAL ERROR (ats_ccomp_trans_tailcal)"
fn tailjoin_name_make
(f0: funentry_t, fs: funentrylst): string = let
viewtypedef T = $CS.Charlst_vt
fun aux_char (cs: &T, c: char): void = (cs := $CS.CHARLSTcons (c, cs))
fun aux_string {n,i:nat | i <= n}
(cs: &T, i: size_t i, s: string n): void = begin
if string_is_at_end (s, i) then () else begin
cs := $CS.CHARLSTcons (s[i], cs); aux_string (cs, i+1, s)
end end
fun aux_entry (cs: &T, f: funentry_t): void = let
val name = funlab_name_get (funentry_lab_get (f))
aux_string (cs, 0, string1_of_string name)
fun aux_entrylst
(cs: &T, fs: funentrylst): void = case+ fs of
| list_cons (f, fs) => begin
aux_char (cs, '$'); aux_entry (cs, f); aux_entrylst (cs, fs)
end | list_nil () => ()
var cs: T = $CS.CHARLSTnil ()
val () = aux_entry (cs, f0); val () = aux_entrylst (cs, fs)
$CS.string_make_charlst_rev (cs)
fn tailjoin_retyp_check (hit0: hityp_t, fs: funentrylst): void = let
fun aux (
name0: string
, fs: funentrylst
) : void = begin case+ fs of
| list_cons (f, fs) => let
val hit = tmpvar_typ_get (funentry_ret_get f)
val HITNAM (knd, name) = hityp_t_name_get (hit)
case+ 0 of
| _ when name0 = name => aux (name0, fs)
| _ => begin
$Loc.prerr_location (funentry_loc_get f);
prerr ": error(ccomp)";
prerr ": the return type of this function is inconsistent.";
prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort {void} ()
end end | list_nil () => ()
end val HITNAM (knd0, name0) = hityp_t_name_get (hit0)
aux (name0, fs)
fn tailjoin_funentry_update (
loc_all: loc_t
, fl_all: funlab_t
, hit_fun_all: hityp_t
, tmp_ret_all: tmpvar_t
, f: funentry_t
, tag: int
) : @(int, funlab_t, tmpvarlst, instr) = let
val fl = funentry_lab_get (f)
val hits_arg = funlab_typ_arg_get (fl)
val tmps_arg = funlab_tailjoined_get (fl)
val tmp_ret = funentry_ret_get (f)
val ins_fun = let
val vps = $Lst.list_map_fun (tmps_arg, valprim_tmp)
val body = funentry_body_get (f)
instr_function (loc_all, tmp_ret_all, vps, body, tmp_ret)
end val vp_tag = valprim_int ($IntInf.intinf_make_int tag)
val vps_arg = aux
(0, hityplst_decode hits_arg) where {
fun aux (i: int, hits: hityplst): valprimlst =
case+ hits of
| list_cons (hit, hits) => let
val hit_arg = (
case+ hit.hityp_node of
| HITrefarg _ => hityp_ptr | _ => hit
) : hityp
val vp_arg = valprim_arg (i, hityp_encode hit_arg)
list_cons (vp_arg, aux (i+1, hits))
end | list_nil () => list_nil ()
} val loc_f = funentry_loc_get (f)
val vp_fun = valprim_funclo_make (fl_all)
val tmp_ret_new = tmpvar_make_ret (tmpvar_typ_get tmp_ret)
val ins_call = instr_call
(loc_f, tmp_ret_new, hit_fun_all, vp_fun, list_cons (vp_tag, vps_arg))
val f_new = let
val level = funentry_lev_get (f)
val vtps = begin let val () = the_vartypset_push () in the_vartypset_pop () end
end val fls = the_funlabset_pop () where { val () = the_funlabset_push (); val () = the_funlabset_add (fl_all)
} val body = '[ins_call]
funentry_make (loc_f, fl, level, fls, vtps, tmp_ret_new, body)
val () = funentry_associate (f_new) in
@(tag, fl, tmps_arg, ins_fun)
fun tailjoin_funentrylst_update (
loc_all: loc_t
, fl_all: funlab_t
, hit_fun_all: hityp_t
, tmp_ret_all: tmpvar_t
, inss_fun: &instrlst_vt
, fs: funentrylst
, tag: int
) : tailjoinlst = begin case+ fs of
| list_cons (f, fs) => let
val x = tailjoin_funentry_update
(loc_all, fl_all, hit_fun_all, tmp_ret_all, f, tag)
val () = inss_fun := list_vt_cons (x.3, inss_fun)
val tjs = tailjoin_funentrylst_update
(loc_all, fl_all, hit_fun_all, tmp_ret_all, inss_fun, fs, tag+1)
TAILJOINLSTcons (x.0, x.1, x.2, tjs)
end | list_nil () => TAILJOINLSTnil ()
ccomp_tailjoin_funentrylst (loc_all, fs0) = let
val @(f0, fs) = (case+ fs0 of
| list_cons (f0, fs) => @(f0, fs) | list_nil () => begin
prerr_interror ();
prerr ": tailjoin_funentrylst: empty funentrylst"; prerr_newline ();
$Err.abort ()
end ) : @(funentry_t, funentrylst)
val name_all = tailjoin_name_make (f0, fs)
val hit0_ret = tmpvar_typ_get (funentry_ret_get (f0))
val () = tailjoin_retyp_check (hit0_ret, fs)
val tmp_ret_all = tmpvar_make_ret (hit0_ret)
val fl_all = let
val fc0 = funlab_funclo_get (funentry_lab_get f0)
val hits_arg = '[hityp_int, hityp_vararg]
val hit_fun = hityp_fun (fc0, hits_arg, hityp_decode hit0_ret)
funlab_make_nam_typ (name_all, hityp_encode hit_fun)
end : funlab_t val vtps_all = aux_vtps (vtps0, fs) where {
val vtps0 = funentry_vtps_get_all f0
fun aux_vtps
(vtps0: vartypset, fs: funentrylst): vartypset = begin
case+ fs of
| list_cons (f, fs) => let
val vtps0 = vartypset_union (vtps0, funentry_vtps_get_all f)
aux_vtps (vtps0, fs)
end | list_nil () => vtps0
end } val () = funentry_vtps_set (f0, vtps_all)
val () = funentry_vtps_flag_set (f0)
val hit_fun_all = funlab_typ_get (fl_all)
var inss_fun: instrlst_vt = list_vt_nil ()
val tjs = tailjoin_funentrylst_update
(loc_all, fl_all, hit_fun_all, tmp_ret_all, inss_fun, fs0, 0)
val inss_fun = $Lst.list_vt_reverse_list inss_fun
val f_all = let
val level = funentry_lev_get (f0)
val () = the_funlabset_push (); val fls = the_funlabset_pop ()
funentry_make (
loc_all, fl_all, level, fls, vtps_all, tmp_ret_all, inss_fun
) end val () = funentry_vtps_flag_set (f_all)
val () = funentry_tailjoin_set (f_all, tjs)
val () = funentry_lablst_add (fl_all)
val () = funentry_associate (f_all) in
assume tailcallst_token = unit_v
val the_tailcallst = ref_make_elt<tailcallst> (TAILCALLSTnil ())
implement the_tailcallst_add (fl, tmps) = let
val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_tailcallst)
!p := TAILCALLSTcons (fl, tmps, !p)
implement the_tailcallst_find (fl0) = let
fun aux (fl0: funlab_t, tcs: !tailcallst)
: Option_vt (tmpvarlst) = begin case+ tcs of
| TAILCALLSTcons (fl, tmps, !tcs1) => let
val ans = (
if fl0 = fl then Some_vt (tmps) else aux (fl0, !tcs1)
) : Option_vt tmpvarlst
fold@ tcs; ans
| TAILCALLSTmark _ => (fold@ tcs; None_vt ())
| TAILCALLSTnil () => (fold@ tcs; None_vt ())
end val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_tailcallst)
$effmask_ref (aux (fl0, !p))
implement the_tailcallst_mark () = let
val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_tailcallst)
!p := TAILCALLSTmark (!p); (unit_v () | ())
implement the_tailcallst_unmark
(pf_token | ): void = let
prval unit_v () = pf_token
fun aux (tcs: tailcallst): tailcallst = begin
case+ tcs of
| ~TAILCALLSTcons (_, _, tcs) => aux (tcs)
| ~TAILCALLSTmark (tcs) => tcs
end val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_tailcallst)
!p := $effmask_ref (aux (!p))
#define FUNTAGNAME "arg0"
fn emit_tailjoin_case {m:file_mode} (
pf: file_mode_lte (m, w)
| out: &FILE m
, tag: int
, fl: funlab_t
, tmps: tmpvarlst
) : void = let
val () = fprintf1_exn (pf | out, "case %i:\n", @(tag))
val () = begin
fprint1_string (pf | out, "va_start(funarg, ");
fprint1_string (pf | out, FUNTAGNAME);
fprint1_string (pf | out, ") ;\n")
val () = aux (out, tmps) where {
fun aux (out: &FILE m, tmps: tmpvarlst)
: void = begin case+ tmps of
| list_cons (tmp, tmps) => let
val () = emit_valprim_tmpvar (pf | out, tmp)
val () = fprint1_string (pf | out, " = va_arg(funarg, ")
val () = emit_hityp (pf | out, tmpvar_typ_get tmp)
val () = fprint1_string (pf | out, ") ;\n")
aux (out, tmps)
end | list_nil () => ()
end }
val () = fprint1_string (pf | out, "va_end(funarg) ;\n")
val () = begin
fprint1_string (pf | out, "goto __ats_lab_");
emit_funlab (pf | out, fl);
fprint1_string (pf | out, " ;\n\n")
end in
implement emit_tailjoinlst {m} (pf | out, tjs) = let
val () = fprint1_string (pf | out, "va_list funarg ;\n\n")
val () = begin
fprint1_string (pf | out, "switch (");
fprint1_string (pf | out, FUNTAGNAME);
fprint1_string (pf | out, ") {\n")
end val () = aux (out, tjs) where {
fun aux (out: &FILE m, tjs: tailjoinlst): void = case+ tjs of
| TAILJOINLSTcons (tag, fl, tmps, tjs) => begin
emit_tailjoin_case (pf | out, tag, fl, tmps); aux (out, tjs)
end | TAILJOINLSTnil () => ()
} val () = fprint1_string (
pf | out, "default: exit(1) ; /* deadcode */\n} /* end of switch */\n\n"
) in