(*                                                                     *)
(*                         Applied Type System                         *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*                              Hongwei Xi                             *)
(*                                                                     *)

** ATS/Anairiats - Unleashing the Potential of Types!
** Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Hongwei Xi, Boston University
** All rights reserved
** ATS is free software;  you can  redistribute it and/or modify it under
** the terms of  the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL) as published by the
** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at  your  option)  any
** later version.
** ATS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
** WARRANTY; without  even  the  implied  warranty  of MERCHANTABILITY or
** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the  GNU General Public License
** for more details.
** You  should  have  received  a  copy of the GNU General Public License
** along  with  ATS;  see the  file COPYING.  If not, please write to the
** Free Software Foundation,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
** 02110-1301, USA.

(* ****** ****** *)
// Author: Hongwei Xi (hwxi AT cs DOT bu DOT edu)
// Time: April 2008
(* ****** ****** *)

staload Err = "ats_error.sats"
staload IntInf = "ats_intinf.sats"
staload Lab = "ats_label.sats"

staload Loc = "ats_location.sats"
typedef loc_t = $Loc.location_t

staload Lst = "ats_list.sats"
staload Map = "ats_map_lin.sats"

(* ****** ****** *)

staload "ats_staexp2.sats"
staload "ats_dynexp2.sats"
staload "ats_stadyncst2.sats"
staload "ats_trans2_env.sats"

(* ****** ****** *)

staload "ats_hiexp.sats"
staload "ats_trans4.sats"
staload "ats_ccomp.sats"
staload "ats_ccomp_env.sats"

(* ****** ****** *)

staload "ats_reference.sats"
staload _(*anonymous*) = "ats_reference.dats"

(* ****** ****** *)

staload _(*anonymous*) = "ats_map_lin.dats"

(* ****** ****** *)

fn prerr_loc_ccomp (loc: loc_t): void =
  ($Loc.prerr_location loc; prerr ": error(ccomp)")
// end of [prerr_loc_ccomp]

fn prerr_interror () = prerr "INTERNAL ERROR (ats_ccomp_trans)"
fn prerr_loc_interror (loc: loc_t) = begin
  $Loc.prerr_location loc; prerr ": INTERNAL ERROR (ats_ccomp_trans)"
end // end of [prerr_loc_interror]

(* ****** ****** *)

extern fun cloenv_make (): envmap_t
extern fun cloenv_make_dynctx (ctx: !dynctx_vt): envmap_t


assume envmap_t = ref ($Map.map_vt (d2var_t, valprim))

in // in of [local]

envmap_find (map, d2v) = let
  val (pfbox | p_map) = ref_get_view_ptr (map)
  prval vbox pf = pfbox
  $Map.map_search (!p_map, d2v)
end // end of [envmap_find]

cloenv_make_dynctx (ctx) = let
  viewtypedef map_vt = $Map.map_vt (d2var_t, valprim)
  var res: map_vt = $Map.map_make {d2var_t, valprim} (compare_d2var_d2var)
  typedef ptrres = ptr (res)
  fn f (pf: !map_vt @ res | d2v: d2var_t, vp: valprim, p_res: !ptrres): void =
    if d2var_lev_get (d2v) > 0 then begin
      // [d2v] is recorded only if it is not at the top level
      $Map.map_insert (!p_res, d2v, vp)
    end // end of [if]
  // end of [f]
  val () = dynctx_foreach_main {map_vt@res} {ptrres} (view@ res | ctx, f, &res)
  ref_make_elt<map_vt> (res)
end // end of [cloenv_make_dynctx]

end // end of [local]

(* ****** ****** *)


viewtypedef dynctx =
  $Map.map_vt (d2var_t, valprim)
// end of [dynctx]

assume dynctx_vt = dynctx

viewtypedef dynctxlst = List_vt (dynctx)

fn dynctx_nil ():<> dynctx =
  $Map.map_make (compare_d2var_d2var)
// end of [dynctx_nil]

val the_dynctx = ref_make_elt<dynctx> (dynctx_nil ())
val the_dynctxlst = ref_make_elt<dynctxlst> (list_vt_nil ())

dataviewtype dynmarklst =
  | DYNMARKLSTcons of (d2var_t, dynmarklst)
  | DYNMARKLSTmark of dynmarklst
// end of [dynmarklst]

assume dynctx_mark_token = unit_v
assume dynctx_push_token = unit_v

val the_dynmarklst = ref_make_elt<dynmarklst> (DYNMARKLSTnil ())

in // in of [local]

the_dynctx_add (d2v, vp) = let
  val () = let
    val (pfbox | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_dynctx)
    prval vbox pf = pfbox
    $Map.map_insert<d2var_t,valprim> (!p, d2v, vp)
  end // end of [val]
  val () = let
    val (pfbox | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_dynmarklst)
    prval vbox pf = pfbox
    !p := DYNMARKLSTcons (d2v, !p)
  end // end of [val]
  // empty
end // end of [the_dynctx_add]


the_dynctx_mark () = let
  val () = let
    val (pfbox | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_dynmarklst)
    prval vbox pf = pfbox
    !p := DYNMARKLSTmark (!p) // inserting a marker
  end // end of [val]
  (unit_v () | ())
end // end of [the_dynctx_mark]


fn the_dynctx_del (d2v: d2var_t): void = let
  val ans = let
    val (pfbox | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_dynctx)
    prval vbox pf = pfbox
    $Map.map_remove<d2var_t,valprim> (!p, d2v)
  end // end of [val]
  case+ ans of
  | ~Some_vt _ => () | ~None_vt () => begin
      prerr_interror ();
      prerr ": the_dynctx_del: d2v = "; prerr d2v; prerr_newline ();
      $Err.abort {void} ()
    end // end of [None_vt]
end // end of [the_dynctx_del]

the_dynctx_unmark (pf_mark | (*none*)) = let
  prval unit_v () = pf_mark
  fun aux (vms: dynmarklst): dynmarklst = begin case+ vms of
    | ~DYNMARKLSTcons (d2v, vms) =>
        (the_dynctx_del (d2v); aux (vms))
    | ~DYNMARKLSTmark (vms) => vms
    | ~DYNMARKLSTnil () => begin
        prerr_interror (); prerr ": the_dynctx_unmark: aux"; prerr_newline ();
        $Err.abort {dynmarklst} ()
      end // end of [DYNMARKLSTnil]
  end // end of [aux]
  val () = let
    val (pfbox | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_dynmarklst)
    prval vbox pf = pfbox
    !p := $effmask_all (aux (!p))
  end // end of [val]
  // empty  
end // end of [the_dynctx_unmark]


the_dynctx_free () = () where {
  fun aux (vms: dynmarklst): void = begin case+ vms of
    | ~DYNMARKLSTcons (d2v, vms) => (the_dynctx_del d2v; aux vms)
    | ~DYNMARKLSTmark (vms) => aux (vms)
    | ~DYNMARKLSTnil () => ()
  end // end of [aux]
  val () = let
    val (pfbox | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_dynmarklst)
    prval vbox pf = pfbox
    val () = $effmask_all (aux (!p))
    !p := DYNMARKLSTnil ()
  end // end of [val]
} (* end of [the_dynctx_free] *)


the_dynctx_find (d2v) = let
  val ans = let
    val (pfbox | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_dynctx)
    prval vbox pf = pfbox
    $Map.map_search<d2var_t,valprim> (!p, d2v)
  end // end of [val]
  case+ ans of
  | ~Some_vt vp => vp | ~None_vt () => begin
      prerr_loc_interror (d2var_loc_get d2v);
      prerr ": the_dynctx_find: d2v = "; prerr d2v; prerr_newline ();
      $Err.abort {valprim} ()
    end // end of [None_vt]
end (* end of [the_dynctx_find] *)


the_dynctx_pop (pf_push | (*none*)) = let
  prval unit_v () = pf_push
  var err: int = 0; val x = let
    val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_dynctxlst)
    case+ !p of
    | ~list_vt_cons (x, xs) => begin
        let val () = !p := (xs: dynctxlst) in x end
      end // end of [list_vt_cons]
    | list_vt_nil () => begin
        fold@ (!p); err := 1; dynctx_nil ()
      end // end of [list_vt_nil]
  end : dynctx // end of [val]
  val () = if err > 0 then begin // error checking
    prerr_interror (); prerr ": the_dynctx_pop"; prerr_newline ();
    $Err.abort {void} ()
  end // end of [val]
  val () = the_dynctx_unmark (unit_v () | (*none*))
  val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_dynctx)
  $Map.map_free (!p); !p := (x: dynctx)
end // end of [the_dynctx_pop]

the_dynctx_push () = let
  val x = let
    val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_dynctx)
    val x = !p
    !p := dynctx_nil (); x
  end // end of [val]
  val (pf_mark | ()) = the_dynctx_mark ()
  prval unit_v () = pf_mark
  val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_dynctxlst)
  val () = !p := list_vt_cons (x, !p)
  (unit_v () | ())
end // end of [the_dynctx_push]


  (pf | ctx, f, env) = $Map.map_foreach_inf (pf | ctx, f, env)
// end of [dynctx_foreach_main]

(* ****** ****** *)

cloenv_make () = let
  val (pfbox | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_dynctx)
  prval vbox pf = pfbox
  $effmask_ref (cloenv_make_dynctx (!p))
end // end of [cloenv_make]

end // end of [local]

(* ****** ****** *)


val the_glocstlst =
  ref_make_elt<glocstlst> (GLOCSTLSTnil ())
// end of [val]

fn glocstlst_reverse
  (xs: glocstlst): glocstlst = let
  fun aux (xs: glocstlst, ys: glocstlst)
    : glocstlst = begin case+ xs of
    | GLOCSTLSTcons_clo (_(*d2c*), !xs1) => let
        val xs1_v = !xs1; val () = (!xs1 := ys; fold@ (xs))
        aux (xs1_v, xs)
      end // end of [GLOCSTLSTcons_clo]
    | GLOCSTLSTcons_fun (_(*d2c*), !xs1) => let
        val xs1_v = !xs1; val () = (!xs1 := ys; fold@ (xs))
        aux (xs1_v, xs)
      end // end of [GLOCSTLSTcons_fun]
    | GLOCSTLSTcons_val (_(*d2c*), _(*vp*), !xs1) => let
        val xs1_v = !xs1; val () = (!xs1 := ys; fold@ (xs))
        aux (xs1_v, xs)
      end // end of [GLOCSTLSTcons_val]
    | ~GLOCSTLSTnil () => ys
  end // end of [aux]
  aux (xs, GLOCSTLSTnil ())
end (* end of [glocstlst_reverse] *)

in // in of [local]

the_glocstlst_get () = let
  val xs = let
    val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_glocstlst)
    val xs = !p
    !p := GLOCSTLSTnil (); xs
  end // end of [val]
  glocstlst_reverse (xs)
end // end of [the_glocstlst_get]

(* ****** ****** *)

the_glocstlst_add_clo (d2c) = let
  val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_glocstlst)
  !p := GLOCSTLSTcons_clo (d2c, !p)
end // end of [the_glocstlst_add_clo]

the_glocstlst_add_fun (d2c) = let
  val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_glocstlst)
  !p := GLOCSTLSTcons_fun (d2c, !p)
end // end of [the_glocstlst_add_fun]

the_glocstlst_add_val (d2c, vp) = let
  val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_glocstlst)
  !p := GLOCSTLSTcons_val (d2c, vp, !p)
end // end of [the_glocstlst_add_val]

end // end of [local]

(* ****** ****** *)


viewtypedef cstctx = $Map.map_vt (d2cst_t, valprim)

fn cstctx_nil ()
  : cstctx = $Map.map_make (compare_d2cst_d2cst)
// end of [cstctx]

val the_topcstctx = ref_make_elt<cstctx> (cstctx_nil ())

in // in of [local]

the_topcstctx_add (d2c, vp) = let
  val (pfbox | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_topcstctx)
  prval vbox pf = pfbox
  $Map.map_insert (!p, d2c, vp)
end // end of [the_topcstctx_add]

the_topcstctx_find (d2c) = let
  val (pfbox | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_topcstctx)
  prval vbox pf = pfbox
  $Map.map_search (!p, d2c)
end // end of [the_topcstctx_find]

end // end of [local]

(* ****** ****** *)


val the_valprimlst_free =
  ref_make_elt<valprimlst_vt> (list_vt_nil ())

in // in of [local]

the_valprimlst_free_add (vp) = let
  val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_valprimlst_free)
  !p := list_vt_cons (vp, !p)
end // end of [the_valprimlst_free_add]

the_valprimlst_free_get () = let
  val (vbox pf | p) = ref_get_view_ptr (the_valprimlst_free)
  val vps = !p; val () = !p := list_vt_nil ()
  $Lst.list_vt_reverse (vps)
end // end of [the_valprimlst_free_get]

instr_add_valprimlst_free (res, loc) = let
  fun aux_free (
    res: &instrlst_vt, loc: loc_t, vps: valprimlst_vt
  ) : void = begin case+ vps of
    | ~list_vt_cons (vp, vps) => let
        val () = instr_add_freeptr (res, loc, vp) in aux_free (res, loc, vps)
      end // end of [list_vt_cons]
    | ~list_vt_nil () => ()
  end // end of [aux_free]
  aux_free (res, loc, the_valprimlst_free_get ())
end // end of [instr_add_valprimlst_free]

end // end of [local]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun ccomp_patck_rec (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , vp: valprim
  , lhips: labhipatlst
  , hit_rec: hityp_t
  , fail: kont
  ) : void // end of [ccomp_patck_rec]

fun ccomp_patck_sum (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , vp: valprim
  , d2c: d2con_t
  , hips: hipatlst
  , hit_sum: hityp_t
  , fail: kont
  ) : void // end of [ccomp_patck_sum]

  (res, vp_rec, lhips, hit_rec, fail) = let
  fun aux (res: &instrlst_vt, l: lab_t, hip: hipat)
    :<cloref1> void = let
    val loc = hip.hipat_loc
    case+ hip.hipat_node of
    | HIPann (hip, _(*ann*)) => aux (res, l, hip)
    | HIPany _ => ()
    | HIPas (_(*knd*), _(*d2v*), hip) => aux (res, l, hip)
    | HIPvar _ => ()
    | _ => let
        val d2v = (
          case+ hip.hipat_asvar of
          | D2VAROPTnone () => let
              val d2v = d2var_make_any (loc)
              val () = hipat_asvar_set (hip, D2VAROPTsome d2v)
            end // end of [D2VAROPTnone]
          | D2VAROPTsome d2v => d2v // may happen in template compilation
        ) : d2var_t
        val hit = hityp_normalize (hip.hipat_typ)
        val tmp = tmpvar_make (hit)
        val off = OFFSETlab (l, hit_rec)
        val () = instr_add_select (res, loc, tmp, vp_rec, '[off])
        val vp = valprim_tmp tmp
        val () = the_dynctx_add (d2v, vp)
        ccomp_patck (res, vp, hip, fail)
      end // end of [_]
  end // end of [aux]
  fun auxlst (
    res: &instrlst_vt, lhips: labhipatlst
  ) :<cloref1> void = begin case+ lhips of
    | LABHIPATLSTcons (l, hip, lhips) => let
        val () = aux (res, l, hip) in auxlst (res, lhips)
      end // end of [LABHIPATLSTcons]
    | _ => () // [LABHIPATLSTdot] and [LABHIPATLSTnil]
  end // end of [auxlst]
  auxlst (res, lhips)
end (* end of [ccomp_patck_rec] *)

ccomp_patck_sum (
  res, vp_sum, d2c, hips_arg, hit_sum, fail
) = let
  fun aux (
    res: &instrlst_vt, hip: hipat, i: int
  ) :<cloref1> void = let
    val loc = hip.hipat_loc
    case+ hip.hipat_node of
    | HIPann (hip, _(*ann*)) => aux (res, hip, i)
    | HIPany _ => ()
    | HIPas (_(*knd*), _(*d2v*), hip) => aux (res, hip, i)
    | HIPvar _ => ()
    | _ => let
        val d2v = (
          case+ hip.hipat_asvar of
          | D2VAROPTnone () => d2v where {
              val d2v = d2var_make_any (loc)
              val () = hipat_asvar_set (hip, D2VAROPTsome d2v)
            } // end of [D2VAROPTnone]
          | D2VAROPTsome d2v => d2v // may happen in template compilation
        ) : d2var_t
        val hit = hityp_normalize (hip.hipat_typ)
        val tmp = tmpvar_make (hit)
        val () = instr_add_selcon (res, loc, tmp, vp_sum, hit_sum, i)
        val vp = valprim_tmp tmp
        val () = the_dynctx_add (d2v, vp)
        ccomp_patck (res, vp, hip, fail)
      end // end of [_]
  end // end of [aux]
  fun auxlst
    (res: &instrlst_vt, hips: hipatlst, i: int)
    :<cloref1> void = begin case+ hips of
    | list_cons (hip, hips) =>
        (aux (res, hip, i); auxlst (res, hips, i+1))
    | list_nil () => ()
  end // end of [auxlst]
  auxlst (res, hips_arg, 0)
end (* end of [ccomp_patck_sum] *)

(* ****** ****** *)

ccomp_patck (res, vp0, hip0, fail) = let
  val () = begin
    print "ccomp_patck: vp0 = "; print vp0; print_newline ();
    print "ccomp_patck: vp0.typ = "; print vp0.valprim_typ; print_newline ();
    print "ccomp_patck: hip0 = "; print hip0; print_newline ();
    print "ccomp_patck: hip0.typ = "; print hip0.hipat_typ; print_newline ();
  end // end of [val]
  val loc0 = hip0.hipat_loc
  case+ hip0.hipat_node of
  | HIPann (hip, _(*ann*)) => begin
      ccomp_patck (res, vp0, hip, fail)
    end // end of [HIPann]
  | HIPany () => ()
  | HIPas (_(*knd*), _(*d2v*), hip) => ccomp_patck (res, vp0, hip, fail)
  | HIPbool b => begin
      instr_add_patck (res, loc0, vp0, PATCKbool b, fail)
    end // end of [HIPbool]
  | HIPchar c => begin
      instr_add_patck (res, loc0, vp0, PATCKchar c, fail)
    end // end of [HIPchar]
  | HIPcon (_(*freeknd*), d2c, hips_arg, hit_sum) => let
      val () = begin
        print "ccomp_patck: HIPcon: hit_sum = "; print hit_sum; print_newline ()
      end // end of [val]
      val () = the_dynconset_add d2c
      val isexn = d2con_is_exn d2c
      val patck = (if isexn then PATCKexn d2c else PATCKcon d2c): patck
      val () = instr_add_patck (res, loc0, vp0, patck, fail)
      val hit_sum = hityp_normalize hit_sum
      ccomp_patck_sum (res, vp0, d2c, hips_arg, hit_sum, fail)
    end // end of [HIPcon]
  | HIPcon_any (_(*freeknd*), d2c) => let
      val () = the_dynconset_add d2c
      val isexn = d2con_is_exn d2c
      val patck = (
        if isexn then PATCKexn d2c else PATCKcon d2c
      ) : patck
      instr_add_patck (res, loc0, vp0, patck, fail)
    end // end of [HIPcon_any]
  | HIPfloat f(*string*) => begin
      instr_add_patck (res, loc0, vp0, PATCKfloat f, fail)
    end // end of [HIPfloat]
  | HIPempty () => ()
  | HIPint (str, int) => begin
      instr_add_patck (res, loc0, vp0, PATCKint (int), fail)
    end // end of [HIPint]
  | HIPrec (_(*knd*), lhips, hit_rec) => let
      val hit_rec = hityp_normalize (hit_rec)
      ccomp_patck_rec (res, vp0, lhips, hit_rec, fail)
    end // end of [HIPrec]
  | HIPstring str => begin
      instr_add_patck (res, loc0, vp0, PATCKstring str, fail)
    end // end of [HIPstring]
  | HIPvar _ => ()
  | _ => begin
      prerr_loc_interror (loc0);
      prerr ": ccomp_patck: hip0 = "; prerr_hipat hip0; prerr_newline ();
      $Err.abort {void} ()
    end // end of [_]
end // end of [ccomp_patck]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_match_rec (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , level: int
  , vp_rec: valprim
  , lhips: labhipatlst
  , hit_rec: hityp_t
  ) : void = let
  fun aux (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , lhips: labhipatlst
    ) :<cloref1> void = begin case+ lhips of
    | LABHIPATLSTcons (l, hip, lhips) => let
        val vp = (
          case+ hip.hipat_asvar of
          | D2VAROPTnone () => let
              val loc = hip.hipat_loc
              val hit = hityp_normalize (hip.hipat_typ)
              val tmp = tmpvar_make (hit)
              val off = OFFSETlab (l, hit_rec)
              val () = instr_add_select (res, loc, tmp, vp_rec, '[off])
              valprim_tmp tmp
            end // end of [D2VAROPTnone]
          | D2VAROPTsome d2v => the_dynctx_find (d2v)
        ) : valprim
        val () = ccomp_match (res, level, vp, hip)
        aux (res, lhips)
      end // end of [LABHIPATLSTcons]
    | _ => () // [LABHIPATLSTnil] and [LABHIPATLSTdot]
  end // end of [aux]
  aux (res, lhips)
end // end of [ccomp_match_rec]

fn ccomp_match_sum (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , level: int
  , vp_sum: valprim
  , freeknd: int
  , d2c: d2con_t
  , hips_arg: hipatlst
  , hit_sum: hityp_t
  ) : void = let
  val () = begin
    print "ccomp_match_sum: level = "; print level; print_newline ();
    print "ccomp_match_sum: vp_sum = "; print vp_sum; print_newline ();
    print "ccomp_match_sum: d2c = "; print_d2con d2c; print_newline ();
    print "ccomp_match_sum: hips_arg = "; print_hipatlst hips_arg; print_newline ();
  end // end [val]
  fun aux_var (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , level: int
    , i: int
    , hip0: hipat
    , refknd: int
    , d2v: d2var_t
    ) :<cloref1> void = let
    val () = begin
      print "ccomp_match_sum: aux_var: hip0 = "; print_hipat hip0 ; print_newline ();
      print "ccomp_match_sum: aux_var: d2v = "; print_d2var d2v ; print_newline ();
    end // end of [val]
    val loc0 = hip0.hipat_loc
    val () = d2var_lev_set (d2v, level)
    case+ 0 of
    | _ when d2var_count_get d2v = 0 => () // [d2v] is unused
    | _ when refknd > 0 => let
        val hit = hityp_encode (hityp_ptr)
        val tmp_ptr = tmpvar_make (hit)
        val () = instr_add_selcon_ptr (res, loc0, tmp_ptr, vp_sum, hit_sum, i)
        val vp_ptr = valprim_tmp (tmp_ptr)
        val () = the_dynctx_add (d2v, vp_ptr)
        // empty
      end // end of [_ when refknd > 0]
    | _ => let
        val hit = hityp_normalize (hip0.hipat_typ)
        val tmp = tmpvar_make (hit)
        val () = instr_add_selcon (res, loc0, tmp, vp_sum, hit_sum, i)
        val vp = valprim_tmp tmp
        val () = the_dynctx_add (d2v, vp)
        // empty
      end // end of [_]
  end (* end of [aux_var] *)

  fun aux_pat
    (res: &instrlst_vt, level: int, i: int, hip0: hipat)
    :<cloref1> void = let
    val () = begin
      print "ccomp_match_sum: aux_pat: hip0 = "; print_hipat hip0 ; print_newline ();
    end // end of [val]
    case+ hip0.hipat_node of
    | HIPann (hip, _(*hit_ann*)) => aux_pat (res, level, i, hip)
    | HIPany () => ()
    | HIPas (refknd, d2v, hip) => let
        val () = aux_var (res, level, i, hip0, refknd, d2v)
        val vp0 = the_dynctx_find d2v
        val vp = begin case+ 0 of
          | _ when refknd > 0 => let
              val loc = hip0.hipat_loc
              val hit = hityp_normalize (hip0.hipat_typ)
              val tmp = tmpvar_make (hit)
              val () = instr_add_load_ptr (res, loc, tmp, vp0)
              valprim_tmp (tmp)
            end // end of [_ when refknd > 0]
          | _ => vp0
        end : valprim // end of [val]
        ccomp_match (res, level, vp, hip)
      end // end of [HIPas]
    | HIPvar (refknd, d2v) => aux_var (res, level, i, hip0, refknd, d2v)
    | _ => let
        val vp = (case+ hip0.hipat_asvar of
        | D2VAROPTsome d2v => the_dynctx_find d2v
        | D2VAROPTnone () => begin
            prerr_interror ();
            prerr ": ccomp_match_sum: aux_pat: hip0 = "; prerr_hipat hip0; prerr_newline ();
            $Err.abort {valprim} ()
          end // end of [D2VAROPTnone]
        ) : valprim // end of [val]
        ccomp_match (res, level, vp, hip0)
      end // end of [_]
  end (* end of [aux_pat] *)

  fun auxlst_pat (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , level: int, i: int, hips: hipatlst
    ) :<cloref1> void = begin case+ hips of
    | list_cons (hip, hips) => () where {
        val () = aux_pat (res, level, i, hip)
        val () = auxlst_pat (res, level, i+1, hips)
      } // end of [list_cons]
    | list_nil () => ()
  end (* end of [auxlst_pat] *)
  auxlst_pat (res, level, 0, hips_arg)
end (* end of [ccomp_match_sum] *)

(* ****** ****** *)

ccomp_match (res, level, vp0, hip0) = let
  val () = begin
    print "ccomp_match: level = "; print level; print_newline ();
    print "ccomp_match: vp0 = "; print vp0; print_newline ();
    print "ccomp_match: hip0 = "; print_hipat hip0; print_newline ();
  end // end [val]
  val loc0 = hip0.hipat_loc
  fun aux_var (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , loc0: loc_t
    , level: int
    , vp0: valprim
    , d2v: d2var_t
    ) : void = let
    val () = begin
      print "ccomp_match: aux_var: vp0 = "; print vp0; print_newline ();
      print "ccomp_match: aux_var: d2v = "; print d2v; print_newline ();
    end // end of [val]
    val () = d2var_lev_set (d2v, level)
    case+ d2v of
    | _ when d2var_count_get d2v > 0 => let
        val ismove = (
          case+ vp0.valprim_node of
          | VPclo _ => true
          | _ when d2var_is_mutable d2v => false
          | _ => valprim_is_mutable vp0
        ) : bool
        if ismove then let
          val tmp = tmpvar_make (vp0.valprim_typ)
          val () = instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp, vp0)
          val () = the_dynctx_add (d2v, valprim_tmp tmp)
          // empty
        end else let
          val () = the_dynctx_add (d2v, vp0)
          // empty
        end // end of [ismove]
      end // end of [d2var_count_get (d2v) > 0]
    | _ => () // the variable [d2v] is unused
  end // end of [aux_var]
  case+ hip0.hipat_node of
  | HIPann (hip, _(*ann*)) =>
      ccomp_match (res, level, vp0, hip)
    // end of [HIPann]
  | HIPany _ => ()
  | HIPas (_(*refknd*), d2v, hip) => let
      val () = aux_var (res, loc0, level, vp0, d2v)
      ccomp_match (res, level, vp0, hip)
    end // end of [HIPas]
  | HIPbool _ => ()
  | HIPchar _ => ()
  | HIPcon (freeknd, d2c, hips_arg, hit_sum) => let
      val hit_sum = hityp_normalize (hit_sum)
      val () = ccomp_match_sum
        (res, level, vp0, freeknd, d2c, hips_arg, hit_sum)
      // end of [val]
      if freeknd < 0 then the_valprimlst_free_add vp0
    end // end of [HIPcon]
  | HIPcon_any (freeknd, d2c) => begin
      if freeknd < 0 then the_valprimlst_free_add vp0
    end // end of [HIPcon_any]
  | HIPempty _ => ()
  | HIPint _ => ()
  | HIPfloat _ => ()
  | HIPrec (_(*knd*), lhips, hit_rec) => let
      val hit_rec = hityp_normalize (hit_rec)
      ccomp_match_rec (res, level, vp0, lhips, hit_rec)
    end // end of [HIPrec]
  | HIPstring _ => ()
  | HIPvar (_(*refknd*), d2v) => aux_var (res, loc0, level, vp0, d2v)
  | _ => begin
      prerr_loc_interror (loc0);
      prerr ": ccomp_match: hip0 = "; prerr_hipat hip0; prerr_newline ();
      $Err.abort {void} ()
    end // end of [_]
end (* end of [ccomp_match] *)

(* ****** ****** *)

extern fun ccomp_explstlst
  (res: &instrlst_vt, hies: hiexplstlst): valprimlstlst

extern fun ccomp_labexplst
  (res: &instrlst_vt, lhies: labhiexplst): labvalprimlst

(* ****** ****** *)

extern fun ccomp_exp_var (d2v: d2var_t): valprim

(* ****** ****** *)

extern fun ccomp_hilab (res: &instrlst_vt, hil: hilab): offset
extern fun ccomp_hilablst (res: &instrlst_vt, hils: hilablst): offsetlst

(* ****** ****** *)

extern fun ccomp_dec (res: &instrlst_vt, hid: hidec): void

(* ****** ****** *)

fn hiexp_refarg_tr (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , level: int
  , vps_free: &valprimlst_vt
  , hie0: hiexp
  ) : hiexp = begin case+ hie0.hiexp_node of
  | HIErefarg (refval, freeknd, hie) when freeknd > 0 => let
      val loc = hie.hiexp_loc
      val d2v_any = d2v_any where {
        val d2v_any = d2var_make_any (loc)
        val d2v_any_view = d2var_make_any (loc)
        val () = d2var_lev_set (d2v_any, level)
        val () = begin
          d2var_view_set (d2v_any, D2VAROPTsome d2v_any_view)
        end (* end of [val] *)
      } // end of [val]
      val hit = hie.hiexp_typ
      val tmp = tmpvar_make (hityp_normalize hit)
      val () = instr_add_vardec (res, loc, tmp)
      val vp = valprim_tmpref (tmp)
      val () = (vps_free := list_vt_cons (vp, vps_free))
      val () = the_dynctx_add (d2v_any, vp)
      val hie_assgn = hiexp_assgn_var
        (loc, hityp_void, d2v_any, list_nil (), hie)
      val hie_var = hiexp_var (loc, hit, d2v_any)
      val hie_res = hiexp_refarg (loc, hit, refval, freeknd, hie_var)
      hiexp_seq (loc, hit, '[hie_assgn, hie_res])
    end // end of [HIErefarg]
  | _ => hie0
end (* end of [hiexp_refarg_tr] *)

fun hiexplst_refarg_tr (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , level: int
  , vps_free: &valprimlst_vt
  , hies: hiexplst
  ) : hiexplst = begin case+ hies of
  | list_cons (hie, hies) => let
      val hie = begin
        hiexp_refarg_tr (res, level, vps_free, hie)
      end // end of [val]
      val hies = begin
        hiexplst_refarg_tr (res, level, vps_free, hies)
      end // end of [val]
      list_cons (hie, hies)
    end (* end of [list_cons] *)
  | list_nil () => list_nil ()
end (* end of [hiexplst_refarg_tr] *)

(* ****** ****** *)

valprim_funclo_make (fl) = let
  val fc = funlab_funclo_get (fl) in case+ fc of
  | $Syn.FUNCLOclo knd => valprim_clo (knd, fl, cloenv_make ())
  | $Syn.FUNCLOfun () => valprim_fun (fl)
end // end of [valprim_funclo_make]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_exp_assgn_ptr (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , loc0: loc_t
  , hie_ptr: hiexp
  , hils: hilablst
  , hie_val: hiexp)
  : void = let
  val vp_ptr = ccomp_exp (res, hie_ptr)
  val offs = ccomp_hilablst (res, hils)
  val vp_val = ccomp_exp (res, hie_val)
  instr_add_store_ptr_offs (res, loc0, vp_ptr, offs, vp_val)
end // end of [ccomp_exp_assgn_ptr]

fn ccomp_exp_assgn_var (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , loc0: loc_t
  , d2v_mut: d2var_t
  , hils: hilablst
  , hie_val: hiexp)
  : void = let
  val vp_mut = ccomp_exp_var (d2v_mut)
  val offs = ccomp_hilablst (res, hils)
  val vp_val = ccomp_exp (res, hie_val)
  instr_add_store_var_offs (res, loc0, vp_mut, offs, vp_val)
end // end of [ccomp_exp_assgn_var] 

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_exp_freeat
  (res: &instrlst_vt, hie: hiexp): void = let
  val loc = hie.hiexp_loc
  instr_add_freeptr (res, loc, ccomp_exp (res, hie))
end // end of [ats_ccomp_trans]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn funarg_valprim_make
  (n: int, hit0: hityp): valprim = begin
  case+ hit0.hityp_node of
  | HITrefarg (refval, hit) => let
      val hit = hityp_normalize (hit)
      if refval > 0 then valprim_argref (n, hit) else valprim_arg (n, hit)
    end // end of [HITrefarg]
  | _ => valprim_arg (n, hityp_normalize hit0)
end // end of [funarg_valprim_make]

fn ccomp_funarg (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , level: int
  , loc_fun: loc_t
  , hips_arg: hipatlst
  , fl: funlab_t
  ) : void = let
  fun aux_patck {n:nat} (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , i: int
    , hips: list (hipat, n)
    , fail: kont
    ) : list_vt (valprim, n) = begin case+ hips of
    | list_cons (hip, hips) => let
        val hit = hip.hipat_typ
        val () = begin
          print "ccomp_funarg: aux_patck: hip = "; print hip; print_newline ();
          print "ccomp_funarg: aux_patck: hit = "; print hit; print_newline ();
        end // end of [val]
        val vp = funarg_valprim_make (i, hit)
        val () = ccomp_patck (res, vp, hip, fail)
        list_vt_cons (vp, aux_patck (res, i+1, hips, fail))
      end // end of [list_cons]
    | list_nil () => list_vt_nil ()
  end // end of [aux_patck]
  fun aux_match {n:nat} (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , level: int
    , vps: list_vt (valprim, n)
    , hips: list (hipat, n)
    ) : void = begin case+ vps of
    | ~list_vt_cons (vp, vps) => let
        val+ list_cons (hip, hips) = hips
        val () = ccomp_match (res, level, vp, hip)
        aux_match (res, level, vps, hips)
      end // end of [list_vt_cons]
    | ~list_vt_nil () => ()
  end // end of [aux_match]
  val fail = KONTfunarg_fail (loc_fun, fl)
  val vps_arg = aux_patck (res, 0, hips_arg, fail)
  aux_match (res, level, vps_arg, hips_arg)
end // end of [ccomp_funarg]

  (loc_fun, prolog, hips_arg, hie_body, fl) = let
  val () = begin
    print "ccomp_exp_arg_body_funlab: fl = "; print_funlab fl; print_newline ()
  end // end of [val]
  var res: instrlst_vt = list_vt_nil ()
  val () = aux (res, prolog) where {
    fun aux (res: &instrlst_vt, inss: instrlst)
      : void = begin case+ inss of
      | list_cons (ins, inss) => begin
          res := list_vt_cons (ins, res); aux (res, inss)
        end // end of [list_cons]
      | list_nil () => ()
    end // end of [aux]
  } // end of [where]
  val (pf_level | level) = d2var_current_level_inc_and_get ()
  val () = the_funlabset_push () and () = the_vartypset_push ()
  val (pf_dynctx_mark | ()) = the_dynctx_mark ()
  val () = ccomp_funarg (res, level, loc_fun, hips_arg, fl)
  val hit_body = hityp_normalize (hie_body.hiexp_typ)
  val tmp_ret = tmpvar_make_ret (hit_body)
  val (pf_funlab_mark | ()) = funlab_push (fl)
  val () = ccomp_exp_tmpvar (res, hie_body, tmp_ret)
  val () = funlab_pop (pf_funlab_mark | (*none*))
  val () = the_dynctx_unmark (pf_dynctx_mark | (*none*))
  val fls = the_funlabset_pop () and vtps = the_vartypset_pop ()
  val level = d2var_current_level_dec_and_get (pf_level | (*none*))
  // function label propogation
  val () = funlabset_foreach_cloptr (fls, aux) where {
    fun aux (fl: funlab_t):<cloptr1> void = begin
      if funlab_lev_get fl < level then the_funlabset_add fl
  } // end of [where]
  // environment variable propogation
  val () = vartypset_foreach_cloptr (vtps, aux) where {
    fun aux (vtp: vartyp_t):<cloptr1> void = let
      val d2v = vartyp_var_get (vtp)
      if d2var_lev_get d2v < level then the_vartypset_add vtp
  } // end of [where]
  val res = $Lst.list_vt_reverse_list (res)
  val () = begin
    print "ccomp_exp_arg_body_funlab: fls = "; print_funlabset fls; print_newline ();
    print "ccomp_exp_arg_body_funlab: body = "; print_instrlst res; print_newline ();
  end // end of [val]
  val entry = begin
    funentry_make (loc_fun, fl, level, fls, vtps, tmp_ret, res)
  end // end of [val]
  funentry_lablst_add (fl); funentry_associate (entry); entry
end // end of [ccomp_exp_arg_body_funlab]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_exp_lam (
    loc0: loc_t
  , hit0: hityp
  , hips_arg: hipatlst
  , hie_body: hiexp
  , ovpr: Option_vt (valprimref) // HX: for tail-call optimization
  ) : valprim = let
  val hit0 = hityp_normalize hit0
  val fl = funlab_make_typ (hit0)
  val () = (case+ ovpr of
    | ~Some_vt (vpr) => !vpr := valprim_fun (fl) | ~None_vt () => ()
  ) : void // end of [val]
  val (pf_tailcallst_mark | ()) = the_tailcallst_mark ()
  val () = the_tailcallst_add (fl, list_nil ())
  val _(*funentry*) = let
    val ins = instr_funlab (fl); val prolog = '[ins]
    ccomp_exp_arg_body_funlab (loc0, prolog, hips_arg, hie_body, fl)
  end // end of [val]
  val () = the_tailcallst_unmark (pf_tailcallst_mark | (*none*))
  valprim_funclo_make (fl)
end // end of [ccomp_exp_lam]

fn ccomp_exp_fixdef (
  res: &instrlst_vt, hie_def: hiexp, vpr: valprimref
) : valprim = let
  val vp_def = ccomp_exp (res, hie_def) in !vpr := vp_def; vp_def
end // end of [ccomp_exp_fixdef]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_exp_lazy_delay
  (loc0: loc_t, hie_eval: hiexp): valprim = let
  val funclo = $Syn.FUNCLOclo (~1) // cloref
  val hit_fun = hityp_fun (funclo, '[], hie_eval.hiexp_typ)
  ccomp_exp_lam (loc0, hit_fun, '[], hie_eval)
end // end of [ccomp_exp_lazy_delay]

fn ccomp_exp_lazy_vt_delay
  (loc0: loc_t, hie_eval: hiexp, hie_free: hiexp): valprim = let
  val funclo = $Syn.FUNCLOclo ( 1) // cloptr
  val hit_eval = hie_eval.hiexp_typ
  val d2v_arg = d2var_make_any (loc0)
  val () = d2var_count_inc (d2v_arg)
  val hie_cond = hiexp_var (loc0, hityp_bool, d2v_arg)
  val hie_if = hiexp_if (loc0, hit_eval, hie_cond, hie_eval, hie_free)
  val hip_arg = hipat_var (loc0, hityp_bool, 0(*refknd*), d2v_arg)
  val hit_fun = hityp_fun (funclo, '[hityp_bool], hit_eval)
  ccomp_exp_lam (loc0, hit_fun, '[hip_arg], hie_if)
end // end of [ccomp_exp_lazy_vt_delay]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_exp_ptrof_ptr
  (res: &instrlst_vt, hie_ptr: hiexp, hils: hilablst)
  : valprim = let
  val () = begin
    print "ccomp_exp_ptrof_ptr: hie_ptr = "; print_hiexp hie_ptr;
    print_newline ()
  end // end of [val]
  val vp_ptr = ccomp_exp (res, hie_ptr)
  val offs = ccomp_hilablst (res, hils)
  case+ offs of
  | list_cons _ => valprim_ptrof_ptr_offs (vp_ptr, offs)
  | list_nil () => vp_ptr
end // end of [ccomp_exp_ptrof_ptr]

fn ccomp_exp_ptrof_var (
  res: &instrlst_vt, d2v_mut: d2var_t, hils: hilablst
) : valprim = let
  var vp_mut: valprim = the_dynctx_find (d2v_mut)
vp_mut.valprim_node of
| VPfix _ => vp_mut // HX: this is solely for handling @fix
| _ => let  
  val () = let
    val lev_d2v = d2var_lev_get (d2v_mut)
    val level = d2var_current_level_get ()
    val () = begin
      printf ("ccomp_exp_ptrof_var: lev_d2v = %i\n", @(lev_d2v));
      print "ccomp_exp_ptrof_var: level = "; print level; print_newline ();
    end // end of [val]
    case+ 0 of
    | _ when lev_d2v < level => begin
        if lev_d2v > 0 then let
          val hit = vp_mut.valprim_typ
          val vtp = vartyp_make (d2v_mut, hit)
          val () = the_vartypset_add vtp
          vp_mut := valprim_env (vtp, hit)
        end else begin
          () // [d2v_mut] is at the top level
        end (* end of [if] *)
      end // end of [_ when ...]
    | _ => () // [d2v_mut] is at the current level
  end // end of [val ()]
  val offs = ccomp_hilablst (res, hils)
  valprim_ptrof_var_offs (vp_mut, offs)
end // end of [_]
end (* end of [ccomp_exp_ptrof_var] *)

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_exp_refarg (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , refval: int
  , hie: hiexp
  ) : valprim = begin case+ 0 of
  | _ when refval = 0 => ccomp_exp (res, hie)
  | _ (*call-by-ref*) => begin case+ hie.hiexp_node of
    | HIEvar d2v_mut =>
        ccomp_exp_ptrof_var (res, d2v_mut, list_nil ())
    | HIEsel_ptr (hie_ptr, hils) =>
        ccomp_exp_ptrof_ptr (res, hie_ptr, hils)
    | HIEsel_var (d2v_mut, hils) =>
        ccomp_exp_ptrof_var (res, d2v_mut, hils)
    | _ => begin
        prerr_loc_interror (hie.hiexp_loc);
        prerr ": ccomp_exp_refarg: hie = "; prerr_hiexp hie; prerr_newline ();
        $Err.abort {valprim} ()
      end // end of [_]
  end // end of [_]
end (* end of [ccomp_exp_refarg] *)

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_exp_seq
  (res: &instrlst_vt, hies: hiexplst): valprim = let
  fun aux (res: &instrlst_vt, hie0: hiexp, hies: hiexplst)
    : valprim = begin case+ hies of
    | list_cons (hie, hies) => let
        val _(*void*) = ccomp_exp (res, hie0)
        aux (res, hie, hies)
      end // end of [list_cons]
    | list_nil () => ccomp_exp (res, hie0)
  end (* end of [aux] *)
  case+ hies of
  | list_cons (hie, hies) => aux (res, hie, hies)
  | list_nil () => valprim_void ()
end // end of [ccomp_exp_seq]

(* ****** ****** *)

ccomp_exp_var (d2v) = vp where {
  var vp: valprim = the_dynctx_find (d2v)
  val d2v_lev = d2var_lev_get (d2v)
  val level = d2var_current_level_get ()
  val () = begin
    print "ccomp_exp_var: d2v = "; print d2v; print_newline ();
    print "ccomp_exp_var: d2v_lev = "; print d2v_lev; print_newline ();
    print "ccomp_exp_var: level = "; print level; print_newline ();
  end // end of [val]
  val () = case+ 0 of
    | _ when d2v_lev < level => begin
        if d2v_lev > 0 then begin case+ vp.valprim_node of
          | _ when valprim_is_const vp => ()
          | VPclo (_(*knd*), fl, _(*env*)) => the_funlabset_add fl
          | _ => let
              val hit = vp.valprim_typ
              val vtp = vartyp_make (d2v, hit)
              val () = the_vartypset_add vtp
              vp := valprim_env (vtp, hit)
        end else begin
          () // [d2v] is at the top level
        end (* end of [if] *)
      end // end of [_ when ...]
    | _ => () // [d2v] is at the current level
  // end of [val]
} // end of [ccomp_exp_var]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_exp_loop (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , loc0: loc_t
  , ohie_init: hiexpopt
  , hie_test: hiexp
  , ohie_post: hiexpopt
  , hie_body: hiexp
  ) : void = let
  var res_init : instrlst_vt = list_vt_nil ()
  val () = begin case+ ohie_init of
    | Some hie => begin
        let val _(*void*) = ccomp_exp (res_init, hie) in () end
      end // end of [Some]
    | None () => ()
  end // end of [val]
  val res_init = $Lst.list_vt_reverse_list res_init where {
    val res_init = (res_init: instrlst_vt) // handling a complaint by [ATS/Geizella]
  } // end of [where]
  val lab_init = tmplab_make () and lab_fini = tmplab_make ()
  val lab_cont = (
    case+ ohie_post of | Some _ => tmplab_make () | _ => lab_init
  ) : tmplab_t
  val () = loopexnlablst_push (lab_init, lab_fini, lab_cont)
  var res_test : instrlst_vt = list_vt_nil ()
  val vp_test = ccomp_exp (res_test, hie_test)
  val res_test = $Lst.list_vt_reverse_list res_test
  var res_post : instrlst_vt = list_vt_nil ()
  val () = begin case+ ohie_post of
    | Some hie => begin
        let val _(*void*) = ccomp_exp (res_post, hie) in () end
      end // end of [Some]
    | None () => ()
  end // end of [val]
  val res_post = $Lst.list_vt_reverse_list res_post where {
    val res_post = (res_post: instrlst_vt) // handling a complaint by [ATS/Geizella]
  } // end of [where]
  var res_body : instrlst_vt = list_vt_nil ()
  val _(*void*) = ccomp_exp (res_body, hie_body)
  val res_body = $Lst.list_vt_reverse_list res_body
  val () = loopexnlablst_pop ()
  instr_add_loop (
  , loc0
  , lab_init, lab_fini, lab_cont
  , res_init, vp_test, res_test, res_post, res_body
  ) // end of [instr_add_loop]
end // end of [ccomp_exp_loop]

(* ****** ****** *)

ccomp_exp (res, hie0) = let
  val () = begin
    print "ccomp_exp: hie0 = "; print_hiexp hie0; print_newline ();
    print "ccomp_exp: hit0 = "; print_hityp hie0.hiexp_typ; print_newline ();
  end // end of [val]
  val loc0 = hie0.hiexp_loc
  case+ hie0.hiexp_node of
  | HIEassgn_ptr (hie_ptr, hils, hie_val) => let
      val () = ccomp_exp_assgn_ptr (res, loc0, hie_ptr, hils, hie_val)
      valprim_void ()
    end // end of [HIEassgn_ptr]
  | HIEassgn_var (d2v_mut, hils, hie_val) => let
      val () = ccomp_exp_assgn_var (res, loc0, d2v_mut, hils, hie_val)
      valprim_void ()
    end // end of [HIEassgn_var]
  | HIEbool b => valprim_bool b
  | HIEcastfn (d2c, hie) => let
      val vp = ccomp_exp (res, hie)
      val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      valprim_castfn (d2c, vp, hit0)
    end // end of [HIEcastfn]
  | HIEchar c => valprim_char c
  | HIEcst d2c => begin case+ 0 of
    | _ when d2cst_is_proof d2c => begin
        prerr_loc_ccomp (loc0);
        prerr ": ["; prerr d2c; prerr "] is a proof constant";
        prerr ", which must not occur at run-time.";
        prerr_newline ();
        $Err.abort {valprim} ()
      end // end of [_ when ...]
    | _ => let
        val () = the_dyncstset_add_if (d2c) // this is moved to [d3exp_tr]
        val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
        valprim_cst (d2c, hit0)
      end // end of [_]
    end // end of [HIEcst]
  | HIEcstsp cst => let
      val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      valprim_cstsp (loc0, cst, hit0)
    end // end of [HIEcstsp]
  | HIEdynload fil => let
      val () = instr_add_dynload_file (res, loc0, fil)
      valprim_void ()
    end // end of [HIEdynload]
  | HIEempty () => valprim_void ()
  | HIEextval code => let
      val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      valprim_ext (code, hit0)
    end // end of [HIEextval]
  | HIEfix (knd, d2v_fix, hie_def) => let
      val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      val vp_void = valprim_void ()
      val vpr = ref_make_elt<valprim> (vp_void)
      val vp_fix = valprim_fix (vpr, hit0)
      val (pf_dynctx_mark | ()) = the_dynctx_mark ()
      val () = the_dynctx_add (d2v_fix, vp_fix)
      val vp_def = ccomp_exp_fixdef (res, hie_def, vpr)
      val () = the_dynctx_unmark (pf_dynctx_mark | (*none*))
    end // end of [HIEfix]
  | HIEfloat f(*string*) => valprim_float f
  | HIEfloatsp f(*string*) => let
      val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      valprim_floatsp (f, hit0)
    end // end of [HIEfloatsp]
  | HIEfreeat hie => let
      val () = ccomp_exp_freeat (res, hie)
      valprim_void ()
    end // end of [HIEfreeat]
  | HIEint (_(*str*), int) => valprim_int (int)
  | HIEintsp (str, int) => let
      val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      valprim_intsp (str, int, hit0)
    end // end of [HIEintsp]
  | HIElam (hips_arg, hie_body) => begin
      ccomp_exp_lam (loc0, hie0.hiexp_typ, hips_arg, hie_body)
    end // end if [HIElam]
  | HIElet (hids, hie) => let
      val (pf_mark | ()) = the_dynctx_mark ()
      val () = ccomp_declst (res, hids)
      val vp = ccomp_exp (res, hie)
      val () = the_dynctx_unmark (pf_mark | (*none*))
      vp // the return value
    end // end of [HIElet]
  | HIEloopexn (knd) => valprim_void () where {
      val () = instr_add_loopexn (res, loc0, knd, loopexnlablst_get knd)
    } // end of [HIEloopexn]
  | HIEptrof_ptr (hie_ptr, hils) => begin
      ccomp_exp_ptrof_ptr (res, hie_ptr, hils)
    end // end of [HIEptrof_ptr]
  | HIEptrof_var (d2v_mut, hils) => begin
      ccomp_exp_ptrof_var (res, d2v_mut, hils)
    end // end of [HIEptrof_var]
  | HIErefarg
      (refval, _(*freeknd*), hie) => ccomp_exp_refarg (res, refval, hie)
    // end of [HIErefarg]
  | HIEseq hies => ccomp_exp_seq (res, hies)
  | HIEsizeof hit => begin
      valprim_sizeof (hityp_normalize hit)
    end // end of [HIEsizeof]
  | HIEstring (str, len)=> valprim_string (str, len)
  | HIEtmpcst (d2c, hitss) => let
      val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      ccomp_exp_template_cst (res, loc0, hit0, d2c, hitss)
    end // end of [HIEtmpcst]
  | HIEtmpvar (d2v, hitss) => let
      val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      ccomp_exp_template_var (res, loc0, hit0, d2v, hitss)
    end // end of [HIEtmpvar]
  | HIEtop () => let
      val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      valprim_top (hit0)
    end // end of [HIEtop]
  | HIEvar d2v => begin case+ 0 of
    | _ when d2var_isprf_get d2v => begin
        prerr_loc_ccomp (loc0);
        prerr ": ["; prerr d2v; prerr "] is a proof variable";
        prerr ", which must not occur at run-time.";
        prerr_newline ();
        $Err.abort {valprim} ()
      end // end of [_ when ...]
    | _ => ccomp_exp_var (d2v)
    end // end of [HIEvar]
  | HIEloop (ohie_init, hie_test, ohie_post, hie_body) => let
      val () = ccomp_exp_loop
        (res, loc0, ohie_init, hie_test, ohie_post, hie_body)
      valprim_void ()
    end // end of [HIEloop]
  | _ => let
      val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      val () = begin
        print "ccomp_exp: hit0 = "; print hit0; print_newline ();
        print "ccomp_exp: hie0 = "; print hie0; print_newline ();
      end // end of [val]
      val tmp_res = tmpvar_make (hit0)
      val () = begin
        print "ccomp_exp: tmp_res = "; print tmp_res; print_newline ();
      end // end of [val]
      val () = ccomp_exp_tmpvar (res, hie0, tmp_res)
      valprim_tmp tmp_res
    end (* end of [_] *)
end // end of [ccomp_exp]

(* ****** ****** *)

ccomp_explst (res, hies) = begin
  case+ hies of
  | list_cons (hie, hies) => let
      val vp = ccomp_exp (res, hie)
      list_cons (vp, ccomp_explst (res, hies))
    end // end of [list_cons]
  | list_nil () => list_nil ()
end // end of [ccomp_explst]

ccomp_explstlst (res, hiess) = begin
  case+ hiess of
  | list_cons (hies, hiess) => let
      val vps = ccomp_explst (res, hies)
      list_cons (vps, ccomp_explstlst (res, hiess))
    end // end of [list_cons]
  | list_nil () => list_nil ()
end // end of [ccomp_explstlst]

ccomp_labexplst (res, lhies) = begin
  case+ lhies of
  | LABHIEXPLSTcons (l, hie, lhies) => let
      val vp = ccomp_exp (res, hie)
      LABVALPRIMLSTcons (l, vp, ccomp_labexplst (res, lhies))
    end // end of [LABHIEXPLSTcons]
end // end of [ccomp_labexplst]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun instrlst_add_freeptr (
  res: &instrlst_vt, loc: loc_t, vps: valprimlst_vt
) : void = begin
  case+ vps of
  | ~list_vt_cons (vp, vps) => begin
      instr_add_freeptr (res, loc, vp); instrlst_add_freeptr (res, loc, vps)
    end // end of [list_vt_cons]
  | ~list_vt_nil () => ()
end // end of [instrlst_add_freeptr]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn tailcall_arg_move (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , loc0: loc_t
  , knd: int // 0/1: self/other
  , tmps_arg: tmpvarlst
  , vps_arg: valprimlst
  ) : void = let
  val () = begin
    print "tailcall_arg_move: tmps_arg = ";
    print_tmpvarlst tmps_arg; print_newline ();
    print "tailcall_arg_move: vps_arg = ";
    print_valprimlst vps_arg; print_newline ();
  end // end of [val]
  fun valprim_mov (
    res: &instrlst_vt, loc0: loc_t, vp: valprim
  ) : valprim = let
    val tmp = tmpvar_make (vp.valprim_typ)
    val () = instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp, vp)
    valprim_tmp (tmp)
  end // end of [valmov]
  fun aux1_arg (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , loc0: loc_t, i: int, vps: valprimlst
    ) : valprimlst_vt = begin case+ vps of
    | list_cons (vp, vps) => let
        val vp = (case+ vp.valprim_node of
          | VParg i_arg when i_arg < i => valprim_mov (res, loc0, vp)
          | VPptrof vp1 => begin case+ vp1.valprim_node of
              | VPargref i_arg when i_arg < i => valprim_mov (res, loc0, vp) | _ => vp
            end // end of [VPptrof]
          | VPclo _ => valprim_mov (res, loc0, vp)
          | _ => vp
        ) : valprim
        list_vt_cons (vp, aux1_arg (res, loc0, i+1, vps))
      end // end of [list_vt_cons]
    | list_nil () => list_vt_nil ()
  end // end of [aux1_arg]
  fun aux2_arg (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , loc0: loc_t
    , vps: valprimlst
    ) : valprimlst_vt = begin case+ vps of
    | list_cons (vp, vps) => begin
        list_vt_cons (vp, aux2_arg (res, loc0, vps))
      end // end of [list_cons]
    | list_nil () => list_vt_nil ()
  end // end of [aux2_arg]
  val vps_arg = (
    case+ knd of
    | 0 => aux1_arg (res, loc0, 0, vps_arg) // a call to self
    | _ => aux2_arg (res, loc0, vps_arg)
  ) : valprimlst_vt
  fun aux1_mov (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , loc0: loc_t
    , i: int
    , vps: valprimlst_vt
    ) : void = begin case+ vps of
    | ~list_vt_cons (vp, vps) => let
        val () = instr_add_move_arg (res, loc0, i, vp)
        aux1_mov (res, loc0, i+1, vps)
      end // end of [list_vt_cons]
    | ~list_vt_nil () => ()
  end // end of [aux1_mov]
  fun aux2_mov (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , loc0: loc_t
    , tmps: tmpvarlst
    , vps: valprimlst_vt
    ) : void = begin case+ vps of
    | ~list_vt_cons (vp, vps) => begin case+ tmps of
      | list_cons (tmp, tmps) => let
          val () = instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp, vp)
          aux2_mov (res, loc0, tmps, vps)
        end // end of [list_cons]
      | list_nil () => aux2_mov (res, loc0, tmps, vps) // deadcode
      end // end of [list_vt_cons]
    | ~list_vt_nil () => ()
  end // end of [aux2_mov]
  case+ tmps_arg of
  | list_cons _ =>
      aux2_mov (res, loc0, tmps_arg, vps_arg)
  | list_nil () => aux1_mov (res, loc0, 0, vps_arg)
end // end of [tailcall_arg_move]


fn ccomp_exp_app_tmpvar (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , loc0: loc_t
  , level: int
  , hit_fun: hityp_t
  , hie_fun: hiexp
  , hies_arg: hiexplst
  , tmp_res: tmpvar_t
  ) : void = let
  var vps_free: valprimlst_vt = list_vt_nil {valprim} ()
  val vp_fun = (
    case+ hie_fun.hiexp_node of
    | HIErefarg
       (refval, freeknd, hie) when freeknd > 0 => vp
      where {
        val vp = ccomp_exp (res, hie)
        val () = case+ vp.valprim_node of
          | VPclo _ => ()
          | VPfun _ => ()
          | VPfix _ => ()
          | _ => (
              vps_free := list_vt_cons (vp, vps_free)
      } // end of [where]
    | _ => ccomp_exp (res, hie_fun)
  ) : valprim // end of [val]
  val () = begin
    print "ccomp_exp_app_tmpvar: vp_fun = "; print vp_fun; print_newline ()
  end // end of [val]
  val vps_arg = ccomp_explst (res, hies_arg) where {
    val hies_arg = hiexplst_refarg_tr (res, level, vps_free, hies_arg)
  } // end of [where]
  val vps_free = $Lst.list_vt_reverse {valprim} (vps_free)
  val ofl = (case+ vp_fun.valprim_node of
    | VPfun fl => Some_vt fl
    | VPclo (_(*knd*), fl, _(*env*)) => Some_vt fl
    | VPcst d2c => let
        val ovp = the_topcstctx_find (d2c)
        case+ ovp of
        | ~Some_vt vp => begin
          case+ vp.valprim_node of
          | VPfun fl => Some_vt fl | _ => None_vt ()
          end // end of [Some_vt]
        | ~None_vt () => None_vt ()
      end // end of [VPcst]
    | VPfix vpr => let
        val vp = !vpr in
        case+ vp.valprim_node of VPfun fl => Some_vt (fl) | _ => None_vt ()
      end // end of [VPfix]
    | _ => None_vt ()
  ) : Option_vt (funlab_t)
  var istail: int = 0
  var tmps_arg: tmpvarlst = list_nil ()
  val () = begin
    case+ ofl of // handling tail-call
    | ~Some_vt (fl) => let
        val () = begin
          print "ccomp_exp_app_tmpvar: fl = "; print fl; print_newline ()
        end // end of [val]
        val () = case+ vps_free of
          | list_vt_nil _ => let
              val () = if tmpvar_ret_get tmp_res > 0 then istail := 1
              val () = fold@ vps_free
              // nothing
            end // end of [list_vt_nil]
          | list_vt_cons _ => (fold@ vps_free)
        // end of [val]
        val () = begin
          print "ccomp_exp_app_tmpvar: istail = "; print istail; print_newline ()
        end // end of [val]
        val () =
          if istail > 0 then let
            val otmps = the_tailcallst_find (fl)
            case+ otmps of
            | ~Some_vt (tmps) => (tmps_arg := tmps)
            | ~None_vt () => (istail := 0)
          end // end of [if]
        // end of [val]
        val () = begin
          print "ccomp_exp_app_tmpvar: istail = "; print istail; print_newline ()
        end // end of [val]
        if istail > 0 then let
          val fl0 = funlab_top (); val knd =
            (if eq_funlab_funlab (fl, fl0) then 0 else 1): int
          val () = tailcall_arg_move (res, loc0, knd, tmps_arg, vps_arg)
          instr_add_call_tail (res, loc0, fl)
        end // end of [list_vt_cons]
      end // end of [Some_vt]
    | ~None_vt () => ()
  end // end of [val]
  val () = // handling non-tail-call
    if istail = 0 then begin
      instr_add_call (res, loc0, tmp_res, hit_fun, vp_fun, vps_arg)
    end // end of [if]
  val () = instrlst_add_freeptr (res, loc0, vps_free)
  // empty
end // end of [ccomp_exp_app_tmpvar]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_exp_assgn_arr (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , vp_arr: valprim, hit_elt: hityp_t
  , hies_elt: hiexplst
  ) : void = let
  fun aux (
    res: &instrlst_vt, i: int, hies: hiexplst
  ) :<cloref1> void =
    case+ hies of
    | list_cons (hie, hies) => let
        val loc = hie.hiexp_loc
        val vp = ccomp_exp (res, hie)
        macdef list_sing (x) = list_cons (,(x), list_nil ())
        val int = $IntInf.intinf_make_int (i)
        val ind = list_sing (list_sing (valprim_int int))
        val off = OFFSETind (ind, hit_elt)
        val () = instr_add_store_ptr_offs (res, loc, vp_arr, '[off], vp)
        aux (res, i+1, hies)
      end // end of [aux]
    | list_nil () => ()
  // end of [aux]
  aux (res, 0, hies_elt)
end // end of [ccomp_exp_assgn_arr]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_exp_arrinit_tmpvar (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , loc0: loc_t
  , level: int
  , hit_elt: hityp_t
  , ohie_asz: hiexpopt
  , hies_elt: hiexplst
  , tmp_arr: tmpvar_t
  ) : void = let
  val vp_arr = valprim_tmp (tmp_arr)
  val vp_asz = (case+ ohie_asz of
    | Some hie_asz => ccomp_exp (res, hie_asz)
    | None () => let
        val n = $Lst.list_length (hies_elt)
        valprim_int ($IntInf.intinf_make_int n)
      end // end of [None]
  ) : valprim // end of [val]
  val () = instr_add_arr_stack
    (res, loc0, tmp_arr, level, vp_asz, hit_elt)
  // end of [val]
  case+ ohie_asz of
  | Some _ => begin case+ hies_elt of
    | list_cons (hie_elt, _(*list_nil*)) => let
        val tmp_elt = tmpvar_make (hit_elt)
        val () = ccomp_exp_tmpvar (res, hie_elt, tmp_elt)
        val vp_tsz = valprim_sizeof (hit_elt)
        instr_add_assgn_arr (res, loc0, vp_arr, vp_asz, tmp_elt, vp_tsz)
      end // end of [list_cons]
    | list_nil () => ()
    end // end of [Some]
  | None () => ccomp_exp_assgn_arr (res, vp_arr, hit_elt, hies_elt)
end // end of [ccomp_exp_arrinit_tmpvar]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_exp_arrsize_tmpvar (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , loc0: loc_t
  , hit_elt: hityp_t
  , hies_elt: hiexplst
  , tmp_res: tmpvar_t
  ) : void = let
  val asz = $Lst.list_length hies_elt
  val () = instr_add_arr_heap (res, loc0, tmp_res, asz, hit_elt)
  val tmp_arr = tmpvar_make (hityp_encode hityp_ptr)
  val vp_arr = valprim_tmp (tmp_arr)
  val () = let
    val vp_res = valprim_tmp (tmp_res)
    val hit_arrsz = tmpvar_typ_get tmp_res
  (a: viewt@ype, n:int) = [l:addr | l > null]
  (free_gc_v (a, n, l), @[a][n] @ l | ptr l(*arr*), int n(*size*))
    val off = OFFSETlab
      ($Lab.label_make_int 2(*arr*), hit_arrsz)
    // end of [val]
    instr_add_load_var_offs (res, loc0, tmp_arr, vp_res, '[off])
  end // end of [var]
  ccomp_exp_assgn_arr (res, vp_arr, hit_elt, hies_elt)
end // end of [ccomp_exp_arrsize_tmpvar]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun ccomp_exp_lst_tmpvar_rest (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , loc0: loc_t
  , d2c_nil: d2con_t
  , hit_nil: hityp_t
  , d2c_cons: d2con_t
  , hit_cons: hityp_t
  , hies: hiexplst
  , vp_top: valprim
  , offs: offsetlst
  , tmp_fst: tmpvar_t
  , vp_fst: valprim
  , tmp_nxt: tmpvar_t
  , vp_nxt: valprim
  ) : void = begin case+ hies of
  | list_cons (hie, hies) => let
      val loc = hie.hiexp_loc
      val vp = ccomp_exp (res, hie)
      val () = instr_add_move_con
        (res, loc, tmp_nxt, hit_cons, d2c_cons, '[vp, vp_top])
      val () = instr_add_store_ptr_offs (res, loc, vp_fst, '[], vp_nxt)
      val () = instr_add_move_val
        (res, loc, tmp_fst, valprim_ptrof_ptr_offs (vp_nxt, offs))
      ccomp_exp_lst_tmpvar_rest (
      , loc0
      , d2c_nil, hit_nil, d2c_cons, hit_cons
      , hies, vp_top, offs
      , tmp_fst, vp_fst, tmp_nxt, vp_nxt
    end // end of [list_cons]
  | list_nil () => let
      val () = instr_add_move_con
        (res, loc0, tmp_nxt, hit_nil, d2c_nil, '[])
      val () = instr_add_store_ptr_offs (res, loc0, vp_fst, '[], vp_nxt)
      // empty
    end // end of [list_nil]
end // end of [ccomp_exp_lst_tmpvar_rest]

fn ccomp_exp_lst_tmpvar (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , loc0: loc_t
  , knd: int
  , hit_elt: hityp_t
  , hies: hiexplst
  , tmp_res: tmpvar_t
  ) : void = let
  val d2conref_nil = (
    if knd > 0 then List_vt_nil else List_nil
  ) : d2conref_t
  val d2c_nil = d2conref_con_get (d2conref_nil)
  val () = the_dynconset_add d2c_nil
  val hit_nil = hityp_tysum_make (d2c_nil, '[])
  case+ hies of
  | list_cons (hie, hies) => let
      val loc = hie.hiexp_loc
      val d2conref_cons = (
        if knd > 0 then List_vt_cons else List_cons
      ) : d2conref_t
      val d2c_cons = d2conref_con_get (d2conref_cons)
      val () = the_dynconset_add d2c_cons
      val hit_elt = hityp_decode (hit_elt)
      val hit_cons = hityp_tysum_make (d2c_cons, '[hit_elt, hityp_ptr])
      val vp = ccomp_exp (res, hie)
      val hityp_t_ptr = hityp_encode hityp_ptr
      val vp_top = valprim_top (hityp_t_ptr)
      val () = instr_add_move_con
        (res, loc, tmp_res, hit_cons, d2c_cons, '[vp, vp_top])
      val vp_res = valprim_tmp tmp_res
      val hit_cons_flt = let
        val hit_cons = hityp_decode hit_cons
        val HITNAM (_(*knd=1*), name) = hit_cons.hityp_name
        hityp_encode (hityp_extype_nil name)
      end // end of [val]
      val off = OFFSETlab ($Lab.label_make_int 1(*tail*), hit_cons_flt)
      val offs = '[off]
      val tmp_fst = tmpvar_make hityp_t_ptr; val vp_fst = valprim_tmp tmp_fst
      val () = instr_add_move_val (
        res, loc, tmp_fst, valprim_ptrof_ptr_offs (vp_res, offs)
      val tmp_nxt = tmpvar_make hityp_t_ptr; val vp_nxt = valprim_tmp tmp_nxt
      ccomp_exp_lst_tmpvar_rest (
      , loc0
      , d2c_nil, hit_nil, d2c_cons, hit_cons
      , hies, vp_top, offs
      , tmp_fst, vp_fst, tmp_nxt, vp_nxt
    end // end of [list_cons]
  | list_nil () => begin
      instr_add_move_con (res, loc0, tmp_res, hit_nil, d2c_nil, '[])
    end // end of [list_nil]
end // end of [ccomp_exp_lst_with_tmpvar]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_exp_seq_tmpvar (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , hies: hiexplst
  , tmp_res: tmpvar_t
  ) : void = let
  fun aux (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , hie0: hiexp
    , hies: hiexplst
    , tmp_res: tmpvar_t
    ) : void = begin case+ hies of
    | list_cons (hie, hies) => let
        val _(*void*) = ccomp_exp (res, hie0)
        aux (res, hie, hies, tmp_res)
    | list_nil () => begin
        ccomp_exp_tmpvar (res, hie0, tmp_res)
  end // end of [aux]
  case+ hies of
  | list_cons (hie, hies) => aux (res, hie, hies, tmp_res)
  | list_nil () => ()
end // end of [ccomp_exp_seq_tmpvar]

(* ****** ****** *)

  (res, hie0, tmp_res) = let
  val () = begin
    print "ccomp_exp_tmpvar: hie0 = "; print hie0; print_newline ();
    print "ccomp_exp_tmpvar: hit0 = "; print hie0.hiexp_typ; print_newline ();
    print "ccomp_exp_tmpvar: tmp_res = "; print tmp_res; print_newline ();
  end // end of [val]
  val loc0 = hie0.hiexp_loc
  case+ hie0.hiexp_node of
  | HIEapp (hit_fun, hie_fun, hies_arg) => let
      val level = d2var_current_level_get ()
      val hit_fun = hityp_normalize (hit_fun)
      ccomp_exp_app_tmpvar (
        res, loc0, level, hit_fun, hie_fun, hies_arg, tmp_res
      ) // end of [ccomp_exp_app_tmpvar]
    end // end of [HIEapp]
  | HIEarrsize (hit_elt, hies) => let
      val hit_elt = hityp_normalize (hit_elt)
      ccomp_exp_arrsize_tmpvar (res, loc0, hit_elt, hies, tmp_res)
    end // end of [HIElst]
  | HIEassgn_ptr (hie_ptr, hils, hie_val) =>
      ccomp_exp_assgn_ptr (res, loc0, hie_ptr, hils, hie_val)
  | HIEassgn_var (d2v_mut, hils, hie_val) =>
      ccomp_exp_assgn_var (res, loc0, d2v_mut, hils, hie_val)
  | HIEbool b => instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, valprim_bool b)
  | HIEcastfn _ => begin
      instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, ccomp_exp (res, hie0))
    end // end of [HIEcastfn]
  | HIEchar c => instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, valprim_char c)
  | HIEcaseof (knd, hies, hicls) => let
      val level = d2var_current_level_get ()
      val vps = ccomp_explst (res, hies)
      val fail = (
        if knd > 0 then KONTnone () else KONTcaseof_fail (loc0)
      ) : kont
      val (pf_mark | ()) = the_dynctx_mark ()
      val branchlst = begin
        ccomp_hiclaulst (level, vps, hicls, tmp_res, fail)
      end // end of [val]
      val () = the_dynctx_unmark (pf_mark | (*none*))
      instr_add_switch (res, loc0, branchlst)
    end // end of [HIEcaseof]
  | HIEcon (hit_sum, d2c, hies_arg) => let
      val () = begin
        print "ccomp_exp_tmpvar: HIEcon: hit_sum = "; print hit_sum;
        print_newline ()
      end // end of [val]
      val () = if (d2con_is_proof d2c) then begin
        prerr_loc_ccomp (loc0);
        prerr ": ["; prerr d2c; prerr "] is a proof constructor";
        prerr ", which must not occur at run-time.";
        prerr_newline ();
        $Err.abort {void} ()
      end // end of [val]
      val () = the_dynconset_add d2c
      val hit_sum = hityp_normalize (hit_sum)
      val vps = ccomp_explst (res, hies_arg)
      instr_add_move_con (res, loc0, tmp_res, hit_sum, d2c, vps)
    end // end of [HIEcon]
  | HIEcst _ => begin
      instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, ccomp_exp (res, hie0))
    end // end of [HIEcst]
  | HIEdynload fil => instr_add_dynload_file (res, loc0, fil)
  | HIEempty () => ()
  | HIEextval code => let
      val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, valprim_ext (code, hit0))
    end // end of [HIEextval]
  | HIEfloat f(*string*) => begin
      instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, valprim_float f)
    end // end of [HIEfloat]
  | HIEfloatsp f(*string*) => let
      val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, valprim_floatsp (f, hit0))
    end // end of [HIEfloatsp]
  | HIEif (hie_cond, hie_then, hie_else) => let
      val vp_cond = ccomp_exp (res, hie_cond)
      val tmp_res_then = tmpvar_make_root (tmp_res)
      var res_then: instrlst_vt = list_vt_nil ()
      val () = ccomp_exp_tmpvar (res_then, hie_then, tmp_res_then)
      val tmp_res_else = tmpvar_make_root (tmp_res)
      var res_else: instrlst_vt = list_vt_nil ()
      val () = ccomp_exp_tmpvar (res_else, hie_else, tmp_res_else)
      val res_then = $Lst.list_vt_reverse_list res_then
      val res_else = $Lst.list_vt_reverse_list res_else
      val ins = instr_cond (loc0, vp_cond, res_then, res_else)
      res := list_vt_cons (ins, res)
    end // end of [HIEif]
  | HIEint (_(*str*), int) => begin
      instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, valprim_int int)
    end // end of [HIEint]
  | HIEintsp (str, int) => let
      val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, valprim_intsp (str, int, hit0))
    end // end of [HIEintsp]
  | HIElam (hips_arg, hie_body) => let
      val vp_lam = ccomp_exp_lam
        (loc0, hie0.hiexp_typ, hips_arg, hie_body)
      instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, vp_lam)
    end // end of [HIElam]
  | HIElazy_delay (hie_eval) => let
      val hit_eval =
        hityp_normalize (hie_eval.hiexp_typ)
      val vp_clo = ccomp_exp_lazy_delay (loc0, hie_eval)
      instr_add_move_lazy_delay (
        res, loc0, tmp_res, 0(*lin*), hit_eval, vp_clo
      ) // end of [instr_add_move_lazy_delay]
    end // end of [HIElazy_delay]
  | HIElazy_vt_delay (hie_eval, hie_free) => let
      val hit_eval = hityp_normalize (hie_eval.hiexp_typ)
      val vp_clo = ccomp_exp_lazy_vt_delay (loc0, hie_eval, hie_free)
      instr_add_move_lazy_delay (
        res, loc0, tmp_res, 1(*lin*), hit_eval, vp_clo
      ) // end of [instr_add_move_lazy_delay]
    end // end of [HIElazy_vt_delay]
  | HIElazy_force (lin, hie) => let
      val vp_lazy = ccomp_exp (res, hie)
      val hit_val = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      instr_add_move_lazy_force (
        res, loc0, tmp_res, lin, hit_val, vp_lazy
      ) // end of [instr_add_move_lazy_force]
    end // end of [HIElazy_force]
  | HIElet (hids, hie) => let
      val (pf_mark | ()) = the_dynctx_mark ()
      val () = ccomp_declst (res, hids)
      val () = ccomp_exp_tmpvar (res, hie, tmp_res)
      val () = the_dynctx_unmark (pf_mark | (*none*))
      // empty
    end // end of [HIElet]
  | HIEloop (ohie_init, hie_test, ohie_post, hie_body) => begin
      ccomp_exp_loop (res, loc0, ohie_init, hie_test, ohie_post, hie_body)
    end // end of [HIEloop]
  | HIEloopexn (knd) => begin
      instr_add_loopexn (res, loc0, knd, loopexnlablst_get knd)
    end // end of [HIEloopexn]
  | HIElst (knd, hit_elt, hies) => let
      val hit_elt = hityp_normalize (hit_elt)
      ccomp_exp_lst_tmpvar (res, loc0, knd, hit_elt, hies, tmp_res)
    end // end of [HIElst]
  | HIEptrof_ptr (hie_ptr, hils) => let
      val vp_ptr = ccomp_exp_ptrof_ptr (res, hie_ptr, hils)
      instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, vp_ptr)
    end // end of [HIEptrof_ptr]
  | HIEptrof_var (d2v_mut, hils) => let
      val vp_ptr = ccomp_exp_ptrof_var (res, d2v_mut, hils)
      instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, vp_ptr)
    end // end of [HIEptrof_var]
  | HIEraise hie_exn => let
      val vp_exn = ccomp_exp (res, hie_exn)
      instr_add_raise (res, loc0, tmp_res, vp_exn)
    end // end of [HIEraise]
  | HIErec (recknd, hit_rec, lhies) => let
      val hit_rec = hityp_normalize (hit_rec)
      case+ lhies of
      | LABHIEXPLSTcons (
          l, hie, LABHIEXPLSTnil ()
        ) when hityp_t_is_tyrecsin hit_rec =>
          ccomp_exp_tmpvar (res, hie, tmp_res)
        // end of [LABHIEXPLSTcons (_, LABHIEXPLSTnil ())
      | _ => let
          val lvps = ccomp_labexplst (res, lhies)
          instr_add_move_rec (res, loc0, tmp_res, recknd, hit_rec, lvps)
        end // end of [_]
    end // end of [HIErec]
  | HIErefarg
      (refval, _(*freeknd*), hie) => let
      val vp_refarg = ccomp_exp_refarg (res, refval, hie)
      instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, vp_refarg)
    end // end of [HIErefarg]
  | HIEsel (hie, hils) => let
      val vp = ccomp_exp (res, hie)
      val offs = ccomp_hilablst (res, hils)
      instr_add_select (res, loc0, tmp_res, vp, offs)
    end // end of [HIEsel]
  | HIEsel_ptr (hie_ptr, hils) => let
      val vp_ptr = ccomp_exp (res, hie_ptr)
      val offs = ccomp_hilablst (res, hils)
      instr_add_load_ptr_offs (res, loc0, tmp_res, vp_ptr, offs)
    end // end of [HIEsel_ptr]
  | HIEsel_var (d2v_mut, hils) => let
      val vp_mut = ccomp_exp_var (d2v_mut)
      val offs = ccomp_hilablst (res, hils)
      instr_add_load_var_offs (res, loc0, tmp_res, vp_mut, offs)
    end // end of [HIEsel_var]
  | HIEseq (hies) => ccomp_exp_seq_tmpvar (res, hies, tmp_res)      
  | HIEstring (str, len) => begin
      instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, valprim_string (str, len))
    end // end of [HIEstring]
  | HIEtop () => let
      val hit0 = hityp_normalize (hie0.hiexp_typ)
      instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, valprim_top (hit0))
    end // end of [HIEtop]
  | HIEtrywith (hie_try, hicls) => let
      val level = d2var_current_level_get ()
      var res_try: instrlst_vt = list_vt_nil ()
      val () = ccomp_exp_tmpvar (res_try, hie_try, tmp_res)
      val res_try: instrlst = $Lst.list_vt_reverse_list res_try
      val hit_exn = hityp_encode (hityp_ptr)
      val tmp_exn = tmpvar_make hit_exn; val vp_exn = valprim_tmp tmp_exn
      val vps = '[vp_exn]; val fail = KONTraise vp_exn
      val brs = ccomp_hiclaulst (level, vps, hicls, tmp_res, fail)
      instr_add_trywith (res, loc0, res_try, tmp_exn, brs)
    end // end of [HIEtrywith]
  | HIEvar d2v => begin
      instr_add_move_val (res, loc0, tmp_res, ccomp_exp_var (d2v))
    end // end of [HIEvar]
  | _ => begin
      prerr_loc_interror (loc0);
      prerr ": ccomp_exp_tmpvar: hie0 = "; prerr_hiexp hie0; prerr_newline ();
      $Err.abort {void} ()
    end // end of [_]
end // end of [ccomp_exp_tmpvar]

(* ****** ****** *)

ccomp_hilab (res, hil) = begin
  case+ hil.hilab_node of
  | HILind (hiess_ind, hit_elt) => let
      val hit_elt = hityp_normalize (hit_elt)
      val vpss_ind = ccomp_explstlst (res, hiess_ind)
      OFFSETind (vpss_ind, hit_elt)
    end // end of [HILind]
  | HILlab (l, hit_rec) => let
      val hit_rec = hityp_normalize hit_rec
      OFFSETlab (l, hit_rec)
    end // end of [HILlab]
end // end of [ccomp_hilab]

ccomp_hilablst (res, hils) = begin
  case+ hils of
  | list_cons (hil, hils) => let
      val off = ccomp_hilab (res, hil)
      list_cons (off, ccomp_hilablst (res, hils))
  | list_nil () => list_nil ()
end // end of [ccomp_hilablst]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn d2var_typ_ptr_get
  (d2v: d2var_t): s2exp = s2e_elt where {
  val d2v_view = (
    case+ d2var_view_get d2v of
    | D2VAROPTsome d2v_view => d2v_view
    | D2VAROPTnone () => begin
        prerr_interror ();
        prerr ": d2var_typ_ptr_get: d2v = "; prerr d2v; prerr_newline ();
        $Err.abort {d2var_t} ()
      end // end of [D2VAROPTnone]
  ) : d2var_t // end of [val d2v_view]
  val s2e_view = (
    case+ d2var_mastyp_get (d2v_view) of
    | Some s2e_view => s2e_view | None () => begin
        prerr_interror ();
        prerr ": d2var_typ_ptr_get: d2v_view = "; prerr d2v_view; prerr_newline ();
        $Err.abort {s2exp} ()
      end // end of [None]
  ) : s2exp // end of [val s2e_view]
  val s2e_elt = (
    case+ un_s2exp_at_viewt0ype_addr_view (s2e_view) of
    | ~Some_vt (s2es2e) => s2es2e.0 | ~None_vt () => begin
        prerr_interror ();
        prerr ": d2var_typ_ptr_get: s2e_view = "; prerr s2e_view; prerr_newline ();
        $Err.abort {s2exp} ()
      end // end of [None_vt]
  ) : s2exp // end of [val s2e_elt]
} (* end of [d2var_typ_ptr_get] *)

(* ****** ****** *)

fun ccomp_fundeclst_init {n:nat}
  (level: int, fundecs: list (hifundec, n))
  : list_vt (funlab_t, n) = begin
  case+ fundecs of
  | list_cons (fundec, fundecs) => let
      val loc = fundec.hifundec_loc
      val d2v = fundec.hifundec_var
      val () = d2var_lev_set (d2v, level)
      val s2e = d2var_mastyp_get_some (fundec.hifundec_loc, d2v)
      val hit = hityp_normalize (s2exp_tr (loc, 1(*deep*), s2e))
      val fl = funlab_make_var_typ (d2v, hit)
      val vp = valprim_funclo_make (fl)
      val () = the_dynctx_add (d2v, vp)
      list_vt_cons (fl, ccomp_fundeclst_init (level, fundecs))
    end // end of [list_cons]
  | list_nil () => list_vt_nil ()
end (* end of [ccomp_fundeclst_init] *)


fn ccomp_fntdeclst_main {n:nat} (
    loc0: loc_t
  , fundecs: list (hifundec, n)
  , fls: list_vt (funlab_t, n)
  ) : void = let
  val (pf_tailcallst_mark | ()) = the_tailcallst_mark ()
  val () = auxlst_push (fls) where {
    fn aux_push (fl: funlab_t): void = let
      val () = begin
        print "ccomp_fntdeclst_main: aux_push: fl = "; print_funlab fl;
        print_newline ()
      end // end of [val]
      val tmps = tmpvarlst_make (funlab_typ_arg_get fl)
      val () = begin
        print "ccomp_fntdeclst_main: aux_push: tmps = "; print_tmpvarlst tmps;
        print_newline ()
      end // end of [val]
      val () = funlab_tailjoined_set (fl, tmps)
      the_tailcallst_add (fl, tmps)
    end (* end of [aux_push] *)
    fun auxlst_push {n:nat}
      (fls: !list_vt (funlab_t, n)): void = begin
      case+ fls of
      | list_vt_cons (fl, !fls1) => begin
          aux_push fl; auxlst_push (!fls1); fold@ fls
        end // end of [list_vt_cons]
      | list_vt_nil () => fold@ fls
    end (* end of [auxlst_push] *)
  } // end of [val]
  val entrylst = auxlst_ccomp (fundecs, fls) where {
    fn aux_ccomp (fundec: hifundec, fl: funlab_t): funentry_t = let
      val loc_dec = fundec.hifundec_loc
      val ins = instr_funlab fl; val prolog = '[ins]
      val hie_def = fundec.hifundec_def
      case+ hie_def.hiexp_node of
      | HIElam (hips_arg, hie_body) => begin
          ccomp_exp_arg_body_funlab (loc_dec, prolog, hips_arg, hie_body, fl)
        end // end of [HIElam]
      | _ => begin
          prerr_interror ();
          prerr ": ccomp_fntdeclst_main; aux_ccomp: hie_def = "; prerr_hiexp hie_def;
          prerr_newline ();
          $Err.abort {funentry_t} ()
        end // end of [_]
    end // end of [aux_ccomp]
    fun auxlst_ccomp {n:nat} .<n>. (
        fundecs: list (hifundec, n), fls: list_vt (funlab_t, n)
      ) : list (funentry_t, n) = case+ fls of
      | ~list_vt_cons (fl, fls) => let
          val+ list_cons (fundec, fundecs) = fundecs
          val entry = aux_ccomp (fundec, fl)
          list_cons (entry, auxlst_ccomp (fundecs, fls))
        end // end of [list_vt_cons]
      | ~list_vt_nil () => list_nil ()
    // end of [auxlst_ccomp]
  } // end of [val entrylst]
  val () = the_tailcallst_unmark (pf_tailcallst_mark | (*none*))
  ccomp_tailjoin_funentrylst (loc0, entrylst)
end // end of [ccomp_fntdeclst_main]


fun ccomp_fundeclst_main {n:nat} (
    fundecs: list (hifundec, n), fls: list_vt (funlab_t, n)
  ) : void = begin case+ fls of
  | ~list_vt_cons (fl, fls) => let
      val+ list_cons (fundec, fundecs) = fundecs
      val hie_def = fundec.hifundec_def
      val () = begin case+ hie_def.hiexp_node of
        | HIElam (hips_arg, hie_body) => let
            val ins = instr_funlab (fl); val prolog = '[ins]
            val (pf_tailcallst_mark | ()) = the_tailcallst_mark ()
            val () = the_tailcallst_add (fl, list_nil ())
            val _(*funentry*) = ccomp_exp_arg_body_funlab
              (fundec.hifundec_loc, prolog, hips_arg, hie_body, fl)
            // end of [val]
            val () = the_tailcallst_unmark (pf_tailcallst_mark | (*none*))
            // empty
          end // end of [HIElam]
        | _ => begin
            prerr_interror ();
            prerr ": ccomp_fundeclst_main: hie_def = "; prerr_hiexp hie_def;
            prerr_newline ();
            $Err.abort {void} ();
          end // end of [_]
      end // end of [val]
      ccomp_fundeclst_main (fundecs, fls)
    end // end of [list_vt_cons]
  | ~list_vt_nil () => ()
end // end of [ccomp_fundeclst_main]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_valdeclst (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , level: int
  , valknd: $Syn.valkind
  , valdecs: hivaldeclst
  ) : void = let
  fun aux (res: &instrlst_vt, valdecs: hivaldeclst)
    :<cloref1> void = begin case+ valdecs of
    | list_cons (valdec, valdecs) => let
        val loc0 = valdec.hivaldec_loc
        val vp = ccomp_exp (res, valdec.hivaldec_def)
        val hip = valdec.hivaldec_pat
        val fail = (case+ valknd of
          | $Syn.VALKINDvalplus _ => KONTnone ()
          | _ => KONTcaseof_fail (valdec.hivaldec_loc)
        ) : kont
        val () = ccomp_patck (res, vp, hip, fail)
        val () = ccomp_match (res, level, vp, hip)
        val () = instr_add_valprimlst_free (res, loc0)
        aux (res, valdecs)
      end // end of [list_cons]
    | list_nil () => ()
  end // end of [aux]
  aux (res, valdecs)
end // end of [ccomp_valdeclst]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_valdeclst_rec (
  res: &instrlst_vt, level: int, valdecs: hivaldeclst
) : void = () where {
  val tmps = aux1 (res, valdecs) where {
    fun aux1 {n:nat} .<n>.
      (res: &instrlst_vt, valdecs: list (hivaldec, n))
      :<cloref1> list (tmpvar_t, n) = case+ valdecs of
      | list_cons (valdec, valdecs) => let
          val hip = valdec.hivaldec_pat
          val hit = hityp_normalize (hip.hipat_typ)
          val tmp = tmpvar_make (hit)
          val vp = valprim_tmp (tmp)
          val () = ccomp_match (res, level, vp, hip)
          list_cons (tmp, aux1 (res, valdecs))
        end // end of [list_cons]
      | list_nil () => list_nil ()
    // end of [aux1]
  } // end of [val]
  val () = aux2 (res, valdecs, tmps) where {
    fun aux2 {n:nat} (
        res: &instrlst_vt
      , valdecs: list (hivaldec, n)
      , tmps: list (tmpvar_t, n)
      ) : void = case+ valdecs of
      | list_cons (valdec, valdecs) => let
          val+ list_cons (tmp, tmps) = tmps
          val () = ccomp_exp_tmpvar (res, valdec.hivaldec_def, tmp)
          aux2 (res, valdecs, tmps)
        end // end of [list_cons]
      | list_nil () => ()
    // end of [aux]
  } // end of [va;]
} // end of [ccomp_valdeclst_rec]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_vardec_sta
  (res: &instrlst_vt, level: int, vardec: hivardec)
  : void = let
  val loc = vardec.hivardec_loc
  val d2v = vardec.hivardec_ptr
  val () = d2var_lev_set (d2v, level)
  val s2e = d2var_typ_ptr_get d2v
  val hit = s2exp_tr (loc, 0(*deep*), s2e)
  val tmp = tmpvar_make (hityp_normalize hit)
  val () = instr_add_vardec (res, loc, tmp)
  val () = the_dynctx_add (d2v, valprim_tmpref (tmp))
  case+ vardec.hivardec_ini of
  | Some hie => ccomp_exp_tmpvar (res, hie, tmp) | None () => ()
end // end of [ccomp_vardec_sta]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun hiexp_is_laminit
  (hie: hiexp): bool =
  case+ hie.hiexp_node of
  | HIElaminit _ => true
  | HIEfix (_(*knd*), _(*d2v*), hie_def) => hiexp_is_laminit (hie_def)
  | _ => false
// end of [hiexp_is_laminit]

fn ccomp_vardec_dyn (
  res: &instrlst_vt, level: int, vardec: hivardec
) : void = let
  val loc_var = vardec.hivardec_loc
  val d2v = vardec.hivardec_ptr
  val () = d2var_lev_set (d2v, level)
  val hit_ptr =
    s2exp_tr (loc_var, 0(*deep*), s2e) where {
    // [s2e] must a pointer type
    val s2e = d2var_typ_get_some (d2var_loc_get d2v, d2v)
  } // end of [val]
  val tmp_ptr =
    tmpvar_make (hityp_normalize hit_ptr)
  val () = instr_add_vardec (res, loc_var, tmp_ptr)
  val () = the_dynctx_add (d2v, valprim_tmp tmp_ptr)
  val hie_ini = (
    case+ vardec.hivardec_ini of
    | Some hie => hie | None => begin
        prerr_loc_interror (loc_var);
        prerr ": ccomp_vardec_dyn: no initialization."; prerr_newline ();
        $Err.abort {hiexp} ()
      end // end of [None]
  ) : hiexp // end of [val]
  fn aux_laminit (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , tmp_ptr: tmpvar_t, hie: hiexp
    , ovpr: Option_vt (valprimref) // HX: for tail-call optimization
    ) : void =
    case+ hie.hiexp_node of
    | HIElaminit (hips_arg, hie_body) => let
        val loc = hie.hiexp_loc
        val hit = hityp_normalize (hie.hiexp_typ)
        val fl = funlab_make_typ (hit)
        val () = (case+ ovpr of
          | ~Some_vt vpr => !vpr := valprim_fun (fl) | ~None_vt () => ()
        ) : void // end of [val]
        val (pf_tailcallst_mark | ()) = the_tailcallst_mark ()
        val () = the_tailcallst_add (fl, list_nil ())
        val _(*funentry*) = let
          val ins = instr_funlab (fl); val prolog = '[ins]
          ccomp_exp_arg_body_funlab (loc, prolog, hips_arg, hie_body, fl)
        end // end of [val]
        val () = the_tailcallst_unmark (pf_tailcallst_mark | (*none*))
        val vp_clo = valprim_tmp (tmp_ptr)
        val env = cloenv_make ()
        val () = instr_add_assgn_clo (res, loc, vp_clo, fl, env)
        // nothing
      end // end of [HIElaminit]
    | _ => let
        val () = (
          case+ ovpr of ~Some_vt _ => () | ~None_vt () => ()
        ) : void // end of [val]
        val () = prerr_interror ()
        val () = prerr ": aux_laminit: match failure"
        val () = prerr_newline ()
        $Err.abort () // HX: deadcode
      end // end of [_]
  // end of [aux_laminit]
  fn aux_lamfixinit (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , tmp_ptr: tmpvar_t, hie: hiexp
    ) : void = case+ hie.hiexp_node of
    | HIElaminit _ =>
        aux_laminit (res, tmp_ptr, hie, None_vt ())
      // end of [HIElaminit]
    | HIEfix (
        knd, d2v_fix, hie_def
      ) => let // knd = 0/1: fixinit/fix
        val vp_void = valprim_void ()
        val vpr = ref_make_elt<valprim> (vp_void)
        val vp_fix = valprim_fix (vpr, hityp_t_ptr)
        val (pf_dynctx_mark | ()) = the_dynctx_mark ()
        val () = the_dynctx_add (d2v_fix, vp_fix)
        val () = aux_laminit (res, tmp_ptr, hie_def, Some_vt (vpr))
        val () = the_dynctx_unmark (pf_dynctx_mark | (*none*))
        // nothing
      end // end of [HIEfix]
    | _ => let
        val () = prerr_interror ()
        val () = prerr ": aux_lamfixinit: match failure"
        val () = prerr_newline ()
        $Err.abort () // HX: deadcode
      end // end of [_]
  // end of [aux_lamfixinit]
  case+ hie_ini.hiexp_node of
  | HIEarrinit
      (hit_elt, ohie_asz, hies_elt) => let
      val loc_ini = hie_ini.hiexp_loc
      val hit_elt = hityp_normalize hit_elt
      ccomp_exp_arrinit_tmpvar (
        res, loc_ini, level, hit_elt, ohie_asz, hies_elt, tmp_ptr
      ) // end of [ccomp_exp_arrinit_tmpvar]
    end // end of [HIEarrinit]
  |  _ when hiexp_is_laminit (hie_ini) => aux_lamfixinit (res, tmp_ptr, hie_ini)
  | _ => let
      val () = prerr_interror ()
      val () = prerr ": ccomp_vardec_dyn: hie_ini = "
      val () = prerr_hiexp hie_ini
      val () = prerr_newline ()
      $Err.abort {void} ()
    end // end of [_]
end // end of [ccomp_vardec_dyn]

fn ccomp_vardec (
  res: &instrlst_vt, level: int, vardec: hivardec
) : void = let
  val knd = vardec.hivardec_knd
  case+ 0 of
  | _ when (knd = 0) => ccomp_vardec_sta (res, level, vardec)
  | _ (* dynamic allocation *) => ccomp_vardec_dyn (res, level, vardec)
end // end of [ccomp_vardec]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_vardeclst (
    res: &instrlst_vt
  , level: int
  , vardecs: hivardeclst
  ) : void = let
  fun aux (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , vardecs: hivardeclst
    ) :<cloref1> void = case+ vardecs of
    | list_cons (vardec, vardecs) => let
        val () = ccomp_vardec (res, level, vardec) in aux (res, vardecs)
      end // end of [list_cons]
    | list_nil () => ()
  // end of [aux]
  aux (res, vardecs)
end // end of [ccomp_vardeclst]

(* ****** ****** *)

fn ccomp_impdec
  (res: &instrlst_vt, impdec: hiimpdec): void = let
  fun aux (
      res: &instrlst_vt
    , loc0: loc_t
    , d2c: d2cst_t
    , tmparg: hityplstlst (* not yet normalized *)
    , hie: hiexp
    ) : void = begin
    case+ hie.hiexp_node of
    | HIElam (
        hips_arg, hie_body
      ) when d2cst_is_fun (d2c) => let
        val hit = hityp_normalize (hie.hiexp_typ)
        val fl = funlab_make_cst_typ (d2c, tmparg, hit)
        val fc = funlab_funclo_get (fl)
        val () = begin
          print "ccomp_impdec: aux: fl = "; print fl; print_newline ()
        end // end of [val]
        val vp_lam = valprim_funclo_make (fl)
        val () = the_topcstctx_add (d2c, vp_lam)
        val (pf_tailcallst_mark | ()) = the_tailcallst_mark ()
        val () = the_tailcallst_add (fl, list_nil ())
        val _(*funentry*) =
          ccomp_exp_arg_body_funlab (
            loc, prolog, hips_arg, hie_body, fl
          ) where {
            val loc = hie.hiexp_loc
            val ins = instr_funlab (fl); val prolog = '[ins]
          } // end of [where]
        // end of [val]
        val () = the_tailcallst_unmark (pf_tailcallst_mark | (*none*))
        val () = (case+ 0 of
          | _ when $Lst.list_is_cons tmparg => let
              val name = funlab_name_get fl in tmpnamtbl_add (name, vp_lam)
            end // end of [_ when ...]
          | _ => begin case+ d2cst_kind_get d2c of
            | $Syn.DCSTKINDval () => begin case+ fc of
              | $Syn.FUNCLOfun () => let
                  val () = the_glocstlst_add_fun (d2c)
                  instr_add_define_fun (res, loc0, d2c, fl)
                end // end of [FUNCLOfun]
              | $Syn.FUNCLOclo _(*knd*) => let // knd <> 0 as 0 is for clo
                  val () = the_glocstlst_add_clo (d2c)
                  instr_add_define_clo (res, loc0, d2c, fl)
                end // end of [FUNCLOclo]
              end // end of [DCSTKINDval]
            | _ => () // end of [_]
            end // end of [_]
         ) : void // end of [val]
        // empty
      end // end of [HIElam]
    | HIEfix (
        knd, d2v_fix, hie_def
      ) when hiexp_is_lam (hie_def) => let
// HX: should we enforce [tmparg] being empty? this is ignore currently
        val hit = hityp_normalize (hie.hiexp_typ)
        val vp_cst = valprim_cst (d2c, hit)
        val () = the_dynctx_add (d2v_fix, vp_cst)
        aux (res, loc0, d2c, tmparg, hie_def)
      end // end of [HIEfix]
    | _ => let
        val vp = ccomp_exp (res, hie)
        val () = the_topcstctx_add (d2c, vp)
        val () = the_glocstlst_add_val (d2c, vp)
        instr_add_define_val (res, loc0, d2c, vp)
      end // end of [_]
  end // end of [aux]
  val d2c = impdec.hiimpdec_cst // [d2c] must not be a proof cst!
  val () = begin
    print "ccomp_impdec: d2c = "; print d2c; print_newline ()
  end // end of [val]
  case+ 0 of
  | _ when d2cst_is_castfn d2c => () // checking is needed!!!
  | _ => begin case+ impdec.hiimpdec_decarg of
    | list_cons _ => () // template is not compiled
    | list_nil () => let
        val loc0 = impdec.hiimpdec_loc
        aux (res, loc0, d2c, impdec.hiimpdec_tmparg, impdec.hiimpdec_def)
      end // end of [list_nil]
  end // end of [if]
end // end of [ccomp_impdec]

(* ****** ****** *)

// [d2c] is a terminating constant
fn ccomp_impdec_prfck
  (loc: loc_t, d2c: d2cst_t, d2cs: dyncstset_t): void = let
  val () = begin
    print "ccomp_impdec_prfck: d2c = "; print d2c; print_newline ()
  end // end of [val]
  val fl = funlab_make_cst_prfck (d2c)
  val vp_fun = valprim_funclo_make (fl)
  val (pf_funlab_mark | ()) = funlab_push (fl)
  val () = funentry_lablst_add (fl)
  val entry = funentry_make (loc, fl,
    0(*level*), $Set.set_nil (*fls*), $Set.set_nil(*vtps*), tmp_ret, inss
  ) where {
    val tmp_ret = tmpvar_make_ret (hityp_t_void)
    var res: instrlst_vt = list_vt_nil ()
    val () = res := list_vt_cons (instr_prfck_beg d2c, res)
    val () = dyncstset_foreach_main
      {V} {T} (view@ res | d2cs, f, &res) where {
      viewdef V = instrlst_vt @ res; typedef T = ptr res
      fn f (pf: !V | d2c: d2cst_t, p_res: !T):<> void =
        case+ 0 of
        | _ when d2cst_is_praxi d2c => ()
        | _ when d2cst_is_prfun d2c => begin
            !p_res := list_vt_cons (instr_prfck_tst d2c, !p_res)
          end // end of [_ when ...]
        | _ when d2cst_is_prval d2c => begin
            !p_res := list_vt_cons (instr_prfck_tst d2c, !p_res)
          end // end of [_ when ...]
        | _ => ()
    } // end of [val]
    val () = res := list_vt_cons (instr_prfck_end d2c, res)
    val inss = $Lst.list_vt_reverse_list (res)
  } // end of [val]
  val () = funentry_associate (entry)
  val () = funlab_pop (pf_funlab_mark | (*none*))
  val () = the_topcstctx_add (d2c, vp_fun)
  // empty
end // end of [ccomp_impdec_prfck]

(* ****** ****** *)

ccomp_dec (res, hid0) = let
  val () = (print "ccomp_dec: enter"; print_newline ())
  val loc0 = hid0.hidec_loc
  case+ hid0.hidec_node of
  | HIDsaspdec _(*s2aspdec*) => () // run-time checking?
  | HIDdcstdec (knd, d2cs) => begin case+ 0 of
    | _ when $Syn.dcstkind_is_proof knd => ()
    | _ => $Lst.list_foreach_fun (d2cs, the_dyncstset_add_if)
    end // end of [HIDdcstdec]
  | HIDdatdec (datknd, s2cs) => begin case+ 0 of
    | _ when $Syn.datakind_is_proof (datknd) => ()
    | _ => the_datcstlst_adds (s2cs)
    end // end of [HIDdatdec]
  | HIDexndec (d2cs) => the_exnconlst_adds (d2cs)
  | HIDextype (name, hit_def) => let
      val hit_def = hityp_normalize (hit_def)
      the_extypelst_add (name, hit_def)
    end // end of [HIDextype]
  | HIDextval (name, hie_def) => let
      val vp_def = ccomp_exp (res, hie_def)
      val () = the_extvallst_add (name, vp_def)
      val () = instr_add_extval (res, loc0, name, vp_def)
      // empty
    end // end of [extval]
  | HIDextern (pos, code) =>
      the_extcodelst_add (loc0, pos, code) // HX: external code
    // end of [HIDextern]
  | HIDfundecs (decarg, knd, fundecs) => let
      val level = d2var_current_level_get () in case+ decarg of
      | list_nil () => let
          val fls = ccomp_fundeclst_init (level, fundecs)
          case+ fundecs of
          | list_cons (_, list_cons (_, _)) // mutual recursion
              when $Syn.funkind_is_tailrecur knd => begin
              ccomp_fntdeclst_main (loc0, fundecs, fls)
            end (* end of [list_cons (_, list_cons (_, _))] *)
          | _ => ccomp_fundeclst_main (fundecs, fls)
        end // end of [list_nil]
      | list_cons _ => () // template
    end // end of [HIDfundecs]
  | HIDvaldecs (valknd, valdecs) => let
      val level = d2var_current_level_get () in
      ccomp_valdeclst (res, level, valknd, valdecs)
    end // end of [HIDvaldecs]
  | HIDvaldecs_rec (valdecs) => let
      val level = d2var_current_level_get ()
      ccomp_valdeclst_rec (res, level, valdecs)
    end // end of [HIDvaldecs_rec]
  | HIDvardecs (vardecs) => let
      val level = d2var_current_level_get ()
      ccomp_vardeclst (res, level, vardecs)
    end // end of [HIDvardecs]
  | HIDimpdec (impdec) => let
      val d2c = impdec.hiimpdec_cst
      // should this be done now?
      val d2cs = impdec.hiimpdec_cstset
      val () = ccomp_impdec_prfck (loc0, d2c, d2cs)
      ccomp_impdec (res, impdec)
    end // end of [HiDimpdec]
  | HIDimpdec_prf (impdec_prf) => let
      val d2c = impdec_prf.hiimpdec_prf_cst
      val d2cs = impdec_prf.hiimpdec_prf_cstset
      val () = ccomp_impdec_prfck (loc0, d2c, d2cs)
      // empty
    end // end of [HIDimpdec_prf]
  | HIDlocal (hids_head, hids_body) => let
      val () = ccomp_declst (res, hids_head)
      ccomp_declst (res, hids_body)
    end // end of [HIDlocal]
  | HIDdynload fil => let
      val () = the_dynfilelst_add (fil)
      instr_add_dynload_file (res, loc0, fil)
    end // end of [HIDdynload]
  | HIDstaload (fil, loadflag) => begin
      the_stafilelst_add (fil, loadflag)
    end // end of [HIDstaload]
  | HIDlist hids => ccomp_declst (res, hids)
  | _ => begin
      prerr_loc_interror (loc0);
      prerr ": ccomp_dec: not implemented yet."; prerr_newline ();
      $Err.abort {void} ()
    end // end of [_]
end // end of [ccomp_dec]

  (res, hids) = case+ hids of
  | list_cons (hid, hids) => begin
      ccomp_dec (res, hid); ccomp_declst (res, hids)
    end // end of [list_cons]
  | list_nil () => ()
(* end of [ccomp_declst] *)

(* ****** ****** *)

(* end of [ats_ccomp_trans.dats] *)