staload "contrib/cairo/SATS/cairo.sats"
staload "contrib/cairo/SATS/cairo_extra.sats"
fun draw_intarray
{l:agz} {n:pos} (
cr: !cairo_ref l, W: double, H: double, A: array (int, n), n: int n
) : void = () where {
val () = cairo_rectangle (cr, ~W/2, ~H/2, W, H)
val () = cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
val () = cairo_fill (cr)
val w = W / n
fun loop {i:nat | i <= n}
(cr: !cairo_ref l, x: double, i: int i):<cloref1> void =
if i < n then let
val () = cairo_move_to (cr, x, ~H/2)
val () = cairo_rel_line_to (cr, 0.0, H)
val () = cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
val () = cairo_stroke (cr)
val (pf | ()) = cairo_save (cr)
val () = cairo_translate (cr, x + w/2, 0.0)
val () = cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
val txt = sprintf ("%2.2i", @(A[i]))
val () = cairo_show_text_inbox (cr, w, H, txt)
val () = strptr_free (txt)
val () = cairo_restore (pf | cr)
loop (cr, x+w, i+1)
end else let
val () = cairo_move_to (cr, x, ~H/2)
val () = cairo_rel_line_to (cr, 0.0, H)
val () = cairo_stroke (cr)
val () = loop (cr, ~W/2, 0)
val () = cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
val () = cairo_stroke (cr)
array_copy {n:nat} (
A: array (a, n), n: size_t n
) : array (a, n) = B where {
val (vbox pf1_arr | p1) = array_get_view_ptr (A)
val (pf2_gc, pf2_arr | p2) = array_ptr_alloc_tsz {a} (n, sizeof<a>)
prval () = free_gc_elim (pf2_gc)
val () = array_ptr_copy_tsz (!p1, !p2, n, sizeof<a>)
val B = array_make_view_ptr {a} (pf2_arr | p2)
datatype trace =
TRACE of (int, int)
typedef tracelst = List (trace)
fun bsearch {n:nat} (
A: array (int, n), n: size_t n, x0: int
) : tracelst = let
fun aux
{i:nat;j:int | i <= j+1; j+1 <= n} .<j+1-i>.
(lb: int i, ub: int j):<cloref1> tracelst = let
val tr = TRACE (lb, ub)
val trs = (if lb <= ub then let
val m = (lb + ub) / 2
val x = A[m]
if x0 <= x then aux (lb, m-1) else aux (m+1, ub)
end else begin
list_nil ()
end) : tracelst
list_cons (tr, trs)
end val n = int1_of_size1 (n)
aux (0, n-1)
#define N 100
staload "libc/SATS/random.sats"
staload "libc/SATS/stdlib.sats"
staload _ = "prelude/DATS/array.dats"
staload _ = "prelude/DATS/list.dats"
staload _ = "prelude/DATS/reference.dats"
val () = srand48_with_time ()
#define ASZ 20
val key0 = randint (N)
val A0: array (int, ASZ) = let
val (pf_gc, pf_arr | p_arr) = array_ptr_alloc<int> (ASZ)
prval pf = unit_v ()
val () = array_ptr_initialize_fun_tsz
{int} {unit_v} (pf | !p_arr, ASZ, lam (pf | _, x) => x := $effmask_ref (randint (N)), sizeof<int>)
prval unit_v () = pf
val () = qsort {int} (!p_arr, ASZ, sizeof<int>, lam (x1, x2) => compare (x1, x2))
prval () = free_gc_elim (pf_gc)
array_make_view_ptr (pf_arr | p_arr)
val theTracelst = bsearch (A0, ASZ, key0)
val theTracelstRef = ref<tracelst> (list_nil)
fn update_theTracelstRef (): bool = let
val trs = !theTracelstRef
case+ trs of
| list_cons (tr, trs) => (!theTracelstRef := trs; true)
| _ => false
extern fun draw_trace {l:agz}
(cr: !cairo_ref l, w: double, h: double, n: int, tr: trace): void
(cr, w, h, n, tr) = let
val TRACE (lb, ub) = tr
val nw = w / n and nh = h / n
val x = lb * nw + nw / 2 and y = nh / 2
val () = cairo_move_to (cr, ~w/2+x, y)
val () = cairo_rel_line_to (cr, ~nw/6, nh/3)
val () = cairo_rel_line_to (cr, nw/3, 0.0)
val () = cairo_close_path (cr)
val () = cairo_fill (cr)
val x = ub * nw + nw / 2 and y = ~nh / 2
val () = cairo_move_to (cr, ~w/2+x, y)
val () = cairo_rel_line_to (cr, ~nw/6, ~nh/3)
val () = cairo_rel_line_to (cr, nw/3, 0.0)
val () = cairo_close_path (cr)
val () = cairo_fill (cr)
val () = if lb <= ub then let
val m = (lb+ub) / 2
val x = ~w/2+m*nw and y = ~nh/2
val () = cairo_rectangle (cr, x, y, nw, nh)
val () = cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) val () = cairo_fill (cr)
val m = int1_of_int (m)
val () = assert (m >= 0 && m < ASZ)
val m = size1_of_int1 (m)
val (pf | ()) = cairo_save (cr)
val () = cairo_translate (cr, x + nw/2, 0.0)
val () = cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
val txt = sprintf ("%2.2i", @(A0[m]))
val () = cairo_show_text_inbox (cr, nw, nh, txt)
val () = strptr_free (txt)
val () = cairo_restore (pf | cr)
end in
extern fun draw_main {l:agz}
(cr: !cairo_ref l, width: int, height: int): void
implement draw_main
(cr, width, height) = () where {
val n = ASZ
val w0 = double_of (width)
val w = n*w0/(n+2)
val h = double_of (height)
val (pf | ()) = cairo_save (cr)
val () = cairo_translate (cr, w0/2, h/3)
val txt = sprintf ("searching for key = %i", @(key0))
val () = cairo_show_text_inbox (cr, w0/2, 2*h/3, txt)
val () = strptr_free (txt)
val () = cairo_restore (pf | cr)
val (pf | ()) = cairo_save (cr)
val () = cairo_translate (cr, w0/2, h/2)
val () = draw_intarray (cr, w, h/n, A0, n)
val trs = !theTracelstRef
val () = (
case+ trs of
| list_cons (tr, _) => let
val () = cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
draw_trace (cr, w, h, n, tr)
end | list_nil () => ()
) : void val () = cairo_restore (pf | cr)
staload "contrib/glib/SATS/glib.sats"
staload "contrib/glib/SATS/glib-object.sats"
staload "contrib/GTK/SATS/gdk.sats"
staload "contrib/GTK/SATS/gtk.sats"
staload "contrib/GTK/SATS/gtkclassdec.sats"
GtkWidget *the_drawingarea = NULL;
the_drawingarea_get () {
if (the_drawingarea == NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "exit(the_drawingarea_get): not initialized yet\n"); exit(1);
} // end of [if]
return the_drawingarea ;
} // end of [the_drawingarea_get]
the_drawingarea_initset (ats_ptr_type x) {
static int the_drawingarea_initset_flag = 0 ;
if (the_drawingarea_initset_flag) {
fprintf (stderr, "exit(the_drawingarea_initset): already initialized\n"); exit(1);
} // end of [if]
the_drawingarea_initset_flag = 1 ; the_drawingarea = x ; return ;
} // end of [the_drawingarea_initset]
%} extern
fun the_drawingarea_get (): [l:agz]
(gobjref (GtkDrawingArea, l) -<lin,prf> void | gobjref (GtkDrawingArea, l))
= "the_drawingarea_get"
fun the_drawingarea_initset
(x: GtkDrawingArea_ref1): void = "the_drawingarea_initset"
mainats (ats_int_type argc, ats_ptr_type argv) ;
fn fnext (): void = let
val ans = update_theTracelstRef ()
val () = if ~ans then !theTracelstRef := theTracelst
val (fpf_darea | darea) = the_drawingarea_get ()
val (pf, fpf | p) = gtk_widget_getref_allocation (darea)
val () = gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (darea, (gint)0, (gint)0, p->width, p->height)
prval () = minus_addback (fpf, pf | darea)
prval () = fpf_darea (darea)
fn fexpose
{c:cls | c <= GtkDrawingArea} {l:agz}
(darea: !gobjref (c, l), event: &GdkEvent): gboolean = let
prval () = clstrans {c,GtkDrawingArea,GtkWidget} ()
val (fpf_win | win) = gtk_widget_get_window (darea)
val () = assert_errmsg (g_object_isnot_null (win), #LOCATION)
val cr = gdk_cairo_create (win)
prval () = minus_addback (fpf_win, win | darea)
val (pf, fpf | p) = gtk_widget_getref_allocation (darea)
val () = draw_main (cr, (int_of)p->width, (int_of)p->height)
prval () = minus_addback (fpf, pf | darea)
val () = cairo_destroy (cr)
fn ftimeout
(_: gpointer): gboolean = let
val (fpf_darea | darea) = the_drawingarea_get ()
val (fpf_win | win) = gtk_widget_get_window (darea)
val res = update_theTracelstRef ()
val () = if res then (
if g_object_isnot_null (win) then let
val (pf, fpf | p) = gtk_widget_getref_allocation (darea)
val () = gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (darea, (gint)0, (gint)0, p->width, p->height)
prval () = minus_addback (fpf, pf | darea)
end ) prval () = minus_addback (fpf_win, win | darea)
prval () = fpf_darea (darea)
macdef gs = gstring_of_string
val theTimeInterval = 1000
extern fun main1 (): void = "main1"
implement main1 () = () where {
val () = srand48_with_time ()
val window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
val () =
gtk_window_set_default_size (window, (gint)400, (gint)400)
val (fpf_x | x) = (gs)"cairo: binary search"
val () = gtk_window_set_title (window, x)
prval () = fpf_x (x)
val (fpf_window | window_) = g_object_vref (window)
val _sid = g_signal_connect0
(window_, (gsignal)"delete-event", G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_destroy), (gpointer)null)
val _sid = g_signal_connect1
(window, (gsignal)"destroy", G_CALLBACK (gtk_main_quit), (gpointer)null)
val vbox0 = gtk_vbox_new (GFALSE, (gint)10)
val () = gtk_container_add (window, vbox0)
val hbox1 = gtk_hbox_new (GFALSE, (gint)0)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox0, hbox1, GFALSE, GFALSE, (guint)0)
val () = g_object_unref (hbox1)
val darea = gtk_drawing_area_new ()
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox0, darea, GTRUE, GTRUE, (guint)0)
val _sid = g_signal_connect
(darea, (gsignal)"expose-event", G_CALLBACK (fexpose), (gpointer)null)
val () = the_drawingarea_initset (darea)
val hsep = gtk_hseparator_new ()
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox0, hsep, GFALSE, GFALSE, (guint)0)
val () = g_object_unref (hsep)
val hbox1 = gtk_hbox_new (GFALSE, (gint)5)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox0, hbox1, GFALSE, GTRUE, (guint)10)
val (fpf_x | x) = (gs)"_Close"
val btn_close = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic (x)
prval () = fpf_x (x)
val _sid = g_signal_connect
(btn_close, (gsignal)"clicked", G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit), (gpointer_vt)window)
val () = gtk_box_pack_end (hbox1, btn_close, GFALSE, GFALSE, (guint)4)
val () = g_object_unref (btn_close)
val (fpf_x | x) = (gs)"_Next"
val btn_next = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic (x)
prval () = fpf_x (x)
val _sid = g_signal_connect
(btn_next, (gsignal)"clicked", G_CALLBACK(fnext), (gpointer)null)
val () = gtk_box_pack_end (hbox1, btn_next, GFALSE, GFALSE, (guint)4)
val () = g_object_unref (btn_next)
val () = g_object_unref (hbox1)
val () = g_object_unref (vbox0)
val () = gtk_widget_show_all (window)
prval () = fpf_window (window)
val () = gtk_main ()
implement main_dummy () = ()
mainats (
ats_int_type argc, ats_ptr_type argv
) {
gtk_init ((int*)&argc, (char***)&argv) ; main1 () ; return ;
} // end of [mainats]