#include "contrib/glib/CATS/glib/gbasics.cats"
macdef GTRUE = $extval (gboolean, "TRUE")
macdef GFALSE = $extval (gboolean, "FALSE")
castfn bool_of_gboolean {b:bool} (b: gboolean b):<> bool b
overload bool_of with bool_of_gboolean
symintr gboolean
castfn gboolean_of_bool0 (b: bool):<> gboolean
overload gboolean with gboolean_of_bool0
castfn gboolean_of_bool1 {b:bool} (b: bool b):<> gboolean b
overload gboolean with gboolean_of_bool1
castfn char_of_gchar {c:char} (c: gchar c):<> char c
overload char_of with char_of_gchar
symintr gchar
castfn gchar_of_char0 (c: char):<> gchar
overload gchar with gchar_of_char0
castfn gchar_of_char1 {c:char} (c: char c):<> gchar c
overload gchar with gchar_of_char1
castfn int_of_gint {i:int} (i: gint i):<> int i
overload int_of with int_of_gint
symintr gint
castfn gint_of_int0 (i: int):<> gint
overload gint with gint_of_int0
castfn gint_of_int1 {i:int} (i: int i):<> gint i
overload gint with gint_of_int1
castfn uint_of_guint {i:nat} (i: guint i):<> uint i
overload uint_of with uint_of_guint
symintr guint
castfn guint_of_uint0 (i: uint):<> guint
overload guint with guint_of_uint0
castfn guint_of_uint1 {i:nat} (i: uint i):<> guint i
overload guint with guint_of_uint1
castfn guint_of_int1 {i:nat} (i: int i):<> guint i
overload guint with guint_of_int1
symintr guint8
castfn guint8_of_uint (i: uint):<> guint8
overload guint8 with guint8_of_uint
castfn guint8_of_int {i:nat} (i: int i):<> guint8
overload guint8 with guint8_of_int
symintr guint16
castfn guint16_of_uint (i: uint):<> guint16
overload guint16 with guint16_of_uint
castfn guint16_of_int {i:nat} (i: int i):<> guint16
overload guint16 with guint16_of_int
symintr guint32
castfn guint32_of_uint (i: uint):<> guint32
overload guint32 with guint32_of_uint
castfn guint32_of_int {i:nat} (i: int i):<> guint32
overload guint32 with guint32_of_int
symintr glong
castfn glong_of_int {i:nat} (i: int i): glong i
overload glong with glong_of_int
castfn glong_of_lint {i:nat} (i: lint i): glong i
overload glong with glong_of_lint
symintr gulong
castfn gulong_of_int {i:nat} (i: int i): gulong i
overload gulong with gulong_of_int
castfn gulong_of_uint {i:nat} (i: uint i): gulong i
overload gulong with gulong_of_uint
castfn gulong_of_ulint {i:nat} (i: ulint i): gulong i
overload gulong with gulong_of_ulint
castfn float_of_gfloat (x: gfloat):<> float
overload float_of with float_of_gfloat
symintr gfloat
castfn gfloat_of_float (x: float):<> gfloat
overload gfloat with gfloat_of_float
castfn gfloat_of_double (x: double):<> gfloat
overload gfloat with gfloat_of_double
castfn gfloat_of_int (x: int):<> gfloat
overload gfloat with gfloat_of_int
castfn double_of_gdouble (x: gdouble):<> double
overload double_of with double_of_gdouble
symintr gdouble
castfn gdouble_of_double (x: double):<> gdouble
overload gdouble with gdouble_of_double
castfn gdouble_of_int (x: int):<> gdouble
overload gdouble with gdouble_of_int
typedef add (a:t@ype) = (a, a) -<> a
typedef sub (a:t@ype) = (a, a) -<> a
typedef mul (a:t@ype) = (a, a) -<> a
typedef div (a:t@ype) = (a, a) -<> a
typedef lt (a:t@ype) = (a, a) -<> bool
typedef lte (a:t@ype) = (a, a) -<> bool
typedef gt (a:t@ype) = (a, a) -<> bool
typedef gte (a:t@ype) = (a, a) -<> bool
typedef eq (a:t@ype) = (a, a) -<> bool
typedef neq (a:t@ype) = (a, a) -<> bool
fun add_gint_gint {i,j:int}
(x: gint i, y: gint j): gint (i+j) = "atsctrb_add_gint_gint"
overload + with add_gint_gint
fun sub_gint_gint {i,j:int}
(x: gint i, y: gint j): gint (i+j) = "atsctrb_sub_gint_gint"
overload - with sub_gint_gint
fun mul_gint_gint : mul (gint) = "atsctrb_mul_gint_gint"
overload * with mul_gint_gint
fun div_gint_gint : div (gint) = "atsctrb_div_gint_gint"
overload / with div_gint_gint
fun lt_gint_gint {i,j:int}
(x: gint i, y: gint j): bool (i < j) = "atsctrb_lt_gint_gint"
overload < with lt_gint_gint
fun lte_gint_gint {i,j:int}
(x: gint i, y: gint j): bool (i <= j) = "atsctrb_lte_gint_gint"
overload <= with lte_gint_gint
fun gt_gint_gint {i,j:int}
(x: gint i, y: gint j): bool (i > j) = "atsctrb_gt_gint_gint"
overload > with gt_gint_gint
fun gte_gint_gint {i,j:int}
(x: gint i, y: gint j): bool (i >= j) = "atsctrb_gte_gint_gint"
overload >= with gte_gint_gint
fun eq_gint_gint {i,j:int}
(x: gint i, y: gint j): bool (i == j) = "atsctrb_eq_gint_gint"
overload = with eq_gint_gint
fun neq_gint_gint {i,j:int}
(x: gint i, y: gint j): bool (i <> j) = "atsctrb_neq_gint_gint"
overload <> with neq_gint_gint
fun lt_gint32_gint32 : lt (gint32) = "atsctrb_lt_gint32_gint32"
overload < with lt_gint32_gint32
fun lte_gint32_gint32 : lte (gint32) = "atsctrb_lte_gint32_gint32"
overload <= with lte_gint32_gint32
fun gt_gint32_gint32 : gt (gint32) = "atsctrb_gt_gint32_gint32"
overload > with gt_gint32_gint32
fun gte_gint32_gint32 : gte (gint32) = "atsctrb_gte_gint32_gint32"
overload >= with gte_gint32_gint32
fun eq_gint32_gint32 : eq (gint32) = "atsctrb_eq_gint32_gint32"
overload = with eq_gint32_gint32
fun neq_gint32_gint32 : neq (gint32) = "atsctrb_neq_gint32_gint32"
overload <> with neq_gint32_gint32
fun lt_guint32_guint32 : lt (guint32) = "atsctrb_lt_guint32_guint32"
overload < with lt_guint32_guint32
fun lte_guint32_guint32 : lte (guint32) = "atsctrb_lte_guint32_guint32"
overload <= with lte_guint32_guint32
fun gt_guint32_guint32 : gt (guint32) = "atsctrb_gt_guint32_guint32"
overload > with gt_guint32_guint32
fun gte_guint32_guint32 : gte (guint32) = "atsctrb_gte_guint32_guint32"
overload >= with gte_guint32_guint32
fun eq_guint32_guint32 : eq (guint32) = "atsctrb_eq_guint32_guint32"
overload = with eq_guint32_guint32
fun neq_guint32_guint32 : neq (guint32) = "atsctrb_neq_guint32_guint32"
overload <> with neq_guint32_guint32
symintr gsize
castfn gsize_of_int1 {i:nat} (i: int i):<> gsize i
overload gsize with gsize_of_int1
castfn gsize_of_uint0 (i: uint):<> gsize
overload gsize with gsize_of_uint0
castfn gsize_of_uint1 {i:nat} (i: uint i):<> gsize i
overload gsize with gsize_of_uint1
castfn gsize_of_size0 (i: size_t):<> gsize
overload gsize with gsize_of_size0
castfn gsize_of_size1 {i:nat} (i: size_t i):<> gsize i
overload gsize with gsize_of_size1
symintr gssize
castfn gssize_of_int0 (i: int):<> gssize
overload gssize with gssize_of_int0
castfn gssize_of_int1 {i:int} (i: int i):<> gssize i
overload gssize with gssize_of_int1
castfn gssize_of_size0 (i: size_t):<> gssize
overload gssize with gssize_of_size0
castfn gssize_of_size1 {i:nat} (i: size_t i):<> gssize i
overload gssize with gssize_of_size1
castfn gssize_of_ssize0 (i: ssize_t):<> gssize
overload gssize with gssize_of_ssize0
castfn gssize_of_ssize1 {i:int} (i: ssize_t i):<> gssize i
overload gssize with gssize_of_ssize1
symintr gpointer
castfn gpointer_of_type {a:type} (x: a):<> gpointer
overload gpointer with gpointer_of_type
symintr gpointer_vt
castfn gpointer_of_viewtype {a:viewtype} (x: !a):<> gpointer
overload gpointer_vt with gpointer_of_viewtype
(x: gpointer): gint = "#atsctrb_GPOINTER_TO_INT"
(x: gint): gpointer = "#atsctrb_GINT_TO_POINTER"
absviewtype gstring (l:addr)
viewtypedef gstring0 = [l:agez] gstring l
viewtypedef gstring1 = [l:addr | l > null] gstring l
castfn ptr_of_gstring {l:addr} (x: !gstring l):<> ptr l
overload ptr_of with ptr_of_gstring
absview gstring_v (l:addr)
castfn gstring_of_viewptr {l:addr} (pf: gstring_v l | p: ptr l): gstring l
castfn gstring_make_null (x: ptr null): gstring (null)
castfn gstring_of_string
(x: string): [l:agz] (gstring l -<lin,prf> void | gstring l)
castfn gstring_of_stropt
(x: Stropt): [l:addr] (gstring l -<lin,prf> void | gstring l)
fun compare_gstring_gstring
{l1,l2:agz} (x1: !gstring l1, x2: !gstring l2): Sgn
= "atsctrb_compare_gstring_gstring"
fun compare_gstring0_gstring0
{l1,l2:addr} (x1: !gstring l1, x2: !gstring l2): Sgn
= "atsctrb_compare_gstring0_gstring0"
fun g_strdup {l:agz} (x: !gstring l): gstring1
= "#atsctrb_g_strdup"
fun g_strdup0 {l:addr} (x: !gstring l): gstring0
= "#atsctrb_g_strdup"
fun g_strndup {l:agz} (x: !gstring l): gstring1
= "#atsctrb_g_strndup"
fun g_strdup_printf {ts:types}
(fmt: printf_c ts, arg: ts): gstring1 = "#atsctrb_g_strdup_printf"
fun g_strnfill (n: gsize, c: gchar): gstring1 = "#atsctrb_g_strnfill"