staload _ = "prelude/DATS/list.dats"
staload _ = "prelude/DATS/list_vt.dats"
staload _ = "prelude/DATS/reference.dats"
staload MATH = "libc/SATS/math.sats"
staload RAND = "libc/SATS/random.sats"
staload "contrib/glib/SATS/glib.sats"
staload "contrib/glib/SATS/glib-object.sats"
staload "contrib/GTK/SATS/gdk.sats"
staload "contrib/GTK/SATS/gtkclassdec.sats"
staload "contrib/GTK/SATS/gtk.sats"
datatype exp =
| Num of double
| Add of (exp, exp)
| Sub of (exp, exp)
| Mul of (exp, exp)
| Div of (exp, exp)
fun eq_exp_exp (x1: exp, x2: exp):<> bool
overload = with eq_exp_exp
implement eq_exp_exp (x1, x2) =
case+ (x1, x2) of
| (Num d1, Num d2) => (d1 = d2)
| (Add (x11, x12), Add (x21, x22)) =>
(x11 = x21 andalso x12 = x22) orelse (x11 = x22 andalso x12 = x21)
| (Sub (x11, x12), Sub (x21, x22)) => (x11 = x21) andalso (x12 = x22)
| (Mul (x11, x12), Mul (x21, x22)) =>
(x11 = x21 andalso x12 = x22) orelse (x11 = x22 andalso x12 = x21)
| (Div (x11, x12), Div (x21, x22)) => (x11 = x21) andalso (x12 = x22)
| (_, _) => false
fun explst_remdup
(xs: List exp): List exp = case+ xs of
| list_cons (x, xs) => let
var !p_clo = @lam (pf: !unit_v | x1: exp): bool =<clo> ~(x = x1)
prval pf = unit_v ()
val xs = list_filter_clo<exp> {unit_v} (pf | xs, !p_clo)
prval unit_v () = pf
val xs = list_of_list_vt (xs)
list_cons (x, explst_remdup xs)
end | list_nil () => list_nil ()
fun eval_exp
(e: exp): double = case+ e of
| Num (a) => a
| Add (e1, e2) => eval_exp e1 + eval_exp e2
| Sub (e1, e2) => eval_exp e1 - eval_exp e2
| Mul (e1, e2) => eval_exp e1 * eval_exp e2
| Div (e1, e2) => eval_exp e1 / eval_exp e2
fun priority_mac (e: exp): Nat = (case+ e of
| Num _ => 0 | Add _ => 2 | Sub _ => 2 | Mul _ => 1 | Div _ => 1
) : Nat
fun g_print_exp {l:agz}
(gs: !GString_ptr l, e: exp): void = begin
case+ e of
| Num r => g_string_append_printf (gs, "%.0f", @(r))
| Add (e1, e2) => let
val p1 = priority_mac e1 and p2 = priority_mac e2
val () = g_print_exp_ (gs, 2, p1, e1)
val _ = g_string_append_c (gs, (gchar)'+')
val () = g_print_exp_ (gs, 2, p2, e2)
end | Sub (e1, e2) => let
val p1 = priority_mac e1 and p2 = priority_mac e2
val () = g_print_exp_ (gs, 2, p1, e1)
val _ = g_string_append_c (gs, (gchar)'-')
val () = g_print_exp_ (gs, 2, p2, e2)
end | Mul (e1, e2) => let
val p1 = priority_mac e1 and p2 = priority_mac e2
val () = g_print_exp_ (gs, 1, p1, e1)
val _ = g_string_append_c (gs, (gchar)'*')
val () = g_print_exp_ (gs, 1, p2, e2)
end | Div (e1, e2) => let
val p1 = priority_mac e1 and p2 = priority_mac e2
val () = g_print_exp_ (gs, 1, p1, e1)
val _ = g_string_append_c (gs, (gchar)'/')
val () = g_print_exp_ (gs, 1, p2, e2)
end end
and g_print_exp_ {l:agz}
(gs: !GString_ptr l, p0: Nat, p: Nat, e: exp): void =
if p < p0 then g_print_exp (gs, e) else let
val _ = g_string_append_c (gs, (gchar)'\(')
val () = g_print_exp (gs, e)
val _ = g_string_append_c (gs, (gchar)')')
fun print_exp (e: exp): void = let
val gs = g_string_new ()
val () = g_print_exp (gs, e)
val ptr = g_string_get_str (gs)
val () = print (string) where {
val string = __cast (ptr) where { extern castfn __cast (x: ptr): string }
} in
g_string_free_true (gs)
typedef explst (n:int) = list (exp, n)
#define EPSILON 0.000001
fn iseq
(a1: double, a2: double): bool = abs (a1 - a2) < EPSILON
fn explst_add_exp_exp (
ans: double, res: List exp, x1: exp, x2: exp
) : List exp = res where {
var res: List exp = res
val a1 = eval_exp x1 and a2 = eval_exp x2
val () = if iseq (a1 + a2, ans) then res := list_cons (Add (x1, x2), res)
val () = if iseq (a1 - a2, ans) then res := list_cons (Sub (x1, x2), res)
val () = if iseq (a2 - a1, ans) then res := list_cons (Sub (x2, x1), res)
val () = if iseq (a1 * a2, ans) then res := list_cons (Mul (x1, x2), res)
val () = if iseq (a1 / a2, ans) then res := list_cons (Div (x1, x2), res)
val () = if iseq (a2 / a1, ans) then res := list_cons (Div (x2, x1), res)
macdef list_revapp = list_reverse_append
fun play {n:int | n >= 2} (
ans: double, n: int n, xs: explst n, res: List exp
) : List exp =
if n > 2 then let
fun aux {n1,n3,n4:nat | n1+1+n3+n4 == n} .<n3+n4,n4>. (
xs1: explst n1
, x2: exp, xs2: explst (n3+n4)
, xs3: explst n3, xs4: explst n4
, res: List exp
) :<cloref1> List exp =
case+ xs4 of
| list_cons (x4, xs4) => let
val ys = list_revapp (xs3, xs4)
val ys = list_revapp (xs1, ys)
val ys1 = list_cons (Add (x2, x4), ys)
val res = play (ans, n-1, ys1, res)
val ys1 = list_cons (Sub (x2, x4), ys)
val res = play (ans, n-1, ys1, res)
val ys1 = list_cons (Sub (x4, x2), ys)
val res = play (ans, n-1, ys1, res)
val ys1 = list_cons (Mul (x2, x4), ys)
val res = play (ans, n-1, ys1, res)
val ys1 = list_cons (Div (x2, x4), ys)
val res = play (ans, n-1, ys1, res)
val ys1 = list_cons (Div (x4, x2), ys)
val res = play (ans, n-1, ys1, res)
aux (xs1, x2, xs2, list_cons (x4, xs3), xs4, res)
end | list_nil () => begin case+ xs2 of
| list_cons (x21, xs21) => let
val xs1 = list_cons (x2, xs1) in aux (xs1, x21, xs21, list_nil, xs21, res)
end | list_nil () => res
end val+ list_cons (x, xs) = xs
aux (list_nil, x, xs, list_nil, xs, res)
end else let val+ list_cons (x1, xs) = xs
val+ list_cons (x2, xs) = xs
explst_add_exp_exp (ans, res, x1, x2)
macdef gs = gstring_of_string
overload gint with gint_of_GtkResponseType
fun answering
{c:cls | c <= GtkWindow} {l:agz}
(parent: !gobjref (c, l), xs: List exp): void = () where {
val dialog = gtk_dialog_new ()
val () = gtk_window_set_transient_for (dialog, parent)
val (fpf_win | win) = gtk_dialog_get_window (dialog)
val (fpf_x | x) = (gs)"Game-of-24 Answer Dialog"
val () = gtk_window_set_title (dialog, x)
prval () = fpf_x (x)
prval () = minus_addback (fpf_win, win | dialog)
val (fpf_x | x) = (gs)"_Close"
val (fpf_button | button) = gtk_dialog_add_button (dialog, x, (GtkResponseType)0)
prval () = fpf_x (x)
prval () = minus_addback (fpf_button, button | dialog)
val (fpf_vbox0 | vbox0) = gtk_dialog_get_vbox (dialog)
val hbox1 = gtk_hbox_new (GFALSE, (gint)0)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox0, hbox1, GTRUE, GTRUE, guint(10))
val () = (case+ xs of
| list_cons _ => let
val (fpf_x | x) = (gs)"Solution(s) found:"
val frame = gtk_frame_new (x)
prval () = fpf_x (x)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (hbox1, frame, GTRUE, GFALSE, guint(10))
val [l_box:addr] vbox2 = gtk_vbox_new (GTRUE, gint(2))
val () = gtk_container_add (frame, vbox2)
val [l_str:addr] gs = g_string_new ()
val () = loop (vbox2, gs, xs) where {
fun loop (
vbox2: !gobjref (GtkVBox, l_box), gs: !GString_ptr l_str, xs: List exp
) : void = case+ xs of
| list_cons (x, xs) => let
val _ptr = g_string_truncate (gs, gsize(0))
val () = g_print_exp (gs , x)
val () = g_string_append_printf (gs, " = 24", @())
val ptr = g_string_get_str (gs)
extern castfn __cast (x: ptr): [l:agz] (gstring l -<lin,prf> void | gstring l)
val (fpf_x | x) = __cast (ptr)
val label_msg = gtk_label_new (x)
prval () = fpf_x (x)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox2, label_msg, GFALSE, GTRUE, guint(0))
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (label_msg)
loop (vbox2, gs, xs)
end | list_nil () => ()
val () = g_string_free_true (gs)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (vbox2)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (frame)
end | list_nil _ => let
val (fpf_x | x) = (gs)"No solution found!"
val label_ans = gtk_label_new (x)
prval () = fpf_x (x)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (hbox1, label_ans, GTRUE, GFALSE, guint(10))
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (label_ans)
end ) : void val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (hbox1)
prval () = minus_addback (fpf_vbox0, vbox0 | dialog)
val () = while (true) let
val response = gtk_dialog_run (dialog)
case+ 0 of
| _ when response = (gint)0 => break
| _ when response = (gint)GTK_RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT => break
| _ => ()
end val () = gtk_widget_destroy (dialog)
fun play24
{c:cls | c <= GtkWindow} {l:agz} {n:nat}
(parent: !gobjref (c, l), ns: list_vt (int, n)): void = let
val xs = loop (ns, list_nil) where {
fun loop {i,j:nat} .<i>.
(ns: list_vt (int, i), xs: explst j): explst (i+j) =
case+ ns of
| ~list_vt_cons (n, ns) => let
val x = Num (double_of(n)) in loop (ns, list_cons (x, xs))
end | ~list_vt_nil () => xs
} val n = list_length (xs)
val () = assert_errmsg (n >= 2, #LOCATION)
val ans = 24.0
val res = play (ans, n, xs, list_nil)
val res = explst_remdup (res)
val () = answering (parent, res)
fun suit_spinner_gen
(): GtkSpinButton_ref1 = let
val adj = gtk_adjustment_new
(1.0, 1.0, 13.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
val spinner = gtk_spin_button_new (adj, (gdouble)0.0, (guint)0)
val () = gtk_spin_button_set_numeric (spinner, GTRUE)
val () = gtk_spin_button_set_wrap (spinner, GTRUE)
val () = g_object_unref (adj)
suitSpinnerLst = List_vt (GtkSpinButton_ref1)
val theSuitSpinnerLst =
ref_make_elt<suitSpinnerLst> (list_vt_nil)
fun theSuitSpinnerLst_add
(x: !GtkSpinButton_ref1): void = () where {
val (vbox pf_xs | p_xs) = ref_get_view_ptr (theSuitSpinnerLst)
val x1 = $effmask_ref (g_object_ref (x))
val () = !p_xs := list_vt_cons (x1, !p_xs)
fun inputapp (): void = () where {
fun loop (xs: !suitSpinnerLst): void =
case+ xs of
| list_vt_cons (!p_x, !p_xs) => let
var min: gdouble and max: gdouble
val () = gtk_spin_button_get_range (!p_x, min, max)
val max = double_of(max) and min = double_of(min)
val v = $MATH.floor (min + (max + 1 - min) * $RAND.drand48 ())
val v = gtk_spin_button_set_value (!p_x, (gdouble)v)
val () = loop (!p_xs)
prval () = fold@ (xs)
end | list_vt_nil () => (fold@ xs)
val () = $effmask_ref (loop (!p_xs)) where {
val (vbox pf_xs | p_xs) = ref_get_view_ptr (theSuitSpinnerLst)
fun evalapp
{c:cls | c <= GtkWindow} {l:agz}
(parent: !gobjref (c, l)): void = let
fun loop (xs: !suitSpinnerLst): List_vt int =
case+ xs of
| list_vt_cons (!p_x, !p_xs) => let
val v = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (!p_x)
val v = int_of(v)
val vs = loop (!p_xs)
val () = fold@ (xs)
list_vt_cons (v, vs)
end | list_vt_nil () => (fold@ xs; list_vt_nil)
val (vbox pf_xs | p_xs) = ref_get_view_ptr (theSuitSpinnerLst)
val vs = $effmask_ref (loop (!p_xs))
val () = $effmask_ref (play24 (parent, vs))
staload PRINTF = "libc/SATS/printf.sats"
fun suit_spinnerlst_hbox_gen
{n:nat} (n: int n): GtkHBox_ref1 = let
val hbox = gtk_hbox_new (GTRUE, (gint)10)
val () = loop (hbox, n, 1) where {
fun loop
{c:cls | c <= GtkBox}
{l:agz} {n:nat} .<n>. (
box: !gobjref (c, l), n: int n, i: int
) : void =
if n > 0 then let
val vbox = gtk_vbox_new (GFALSE, (gint)0)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (box, vbox, GTRUE, GTRUE, (guint)20)
val name = g_strdup_printf ("Card %d:", @(i))
val label = gtk_label_new (name)
val () = gstring_free (name)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox, label, GFALSE, GTRUE, (guint)2)
val spinner = suit_spinner_gen ()
val () = theSuitSpinnerLst_add (spinner)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox, spinner, GFALSE, GTRUE, (guint)2)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (label)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (spinner)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (vbox)
loop (box, n-1, i+1)
end } in
fun quitapp
{c:cls | c <= GtkWidget} {l:agz}
(widget: !gobjref (c, l), event: &GdkEvent, _: gpointer): gboolean = let
val () = gtk_main_quit ()
mainats (ats_int_type argc, ats_ptr_type argv) ;
extern fun main1 (): void = "main1"
implement main1 () = () where {
val () = $RAND.srand48_with_time ()
val window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
val (fpf_window | window_) = g_object_vref (window)
val _sig = g_signal_connect0
(window_, (gsignal)"destroy", G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_destroy), (gpointer)null)
val _sig = g_signal_connect1
(window, (gsignal)"delete_event", G_CALLBACK(quitapp), (gpointer)null)
val (fpf_x | x) = (gs)"Game-of-24"
val () = gtk_window_set_title (window, x)
prval () = fpf_x (x)
val vbox0 = gtk_vbox_new (GFALSE, (gint)0)
val (fpf_x | x) = (gs)"Game-of-24"
val label_title = gtk_label_new (x)
prval () = fpf_x (x)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox0, label_title, GTRUE, GTRUE, (guint)10)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (label_title)
val hsep = gtk_hseparator_new ()
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox0, hsep, GTRUE, GTRUE, (guint)0)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (hsep)
val hbox_suits = suit_spinnerlst_hbox_gen (4)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox0, hbox_suits, GTRUE, GTRUE, (guint)10)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (hbox_suits)
val hsep = gtk_hseparator_new ()
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox0, hsep, GTRUE, GTRUE, (guint)0)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (hsep)
val hbox = gtk_hbox_new (GFALSE, (gint)0)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox0, hbox, GTRUE, GTRUE, (guint)10)
val () = () where { val (fpf_x | x) = (gs)"Random Input"
val button = gtk_button_new_with_label (x)
prval () = fpf_x (x)
val _sid = g_signal_connect
(button, (gsignal)"clicked", G_CALLBACK(inputapp), (gpointer)null)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (hbox, button, GTRUE, GTRUE, (guint)10)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (button)
} val () = () where { val (fpf_x | x) = (gs)"Eval"
val button = gtk_button_new_with_label (x)
prval () = fpf_x (x)
val _sid = g_signal_connect_swapped1
(button, (gsignal)"clicked", G_CALLBACK(evalapp), window)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (hbox, button, GTRUE, GTRUE, (guint)10)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (button)
} val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (hbox)
val hsep = gtk_hseparator_new ()
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox0, hsep, GTRUE, GTRUE, (guint)0)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (hsep)
val hbox = gtk_hbox_new (GFALSE, (gint)0)
val (fpf_x | x) = (gs)"_Quit"
val button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic (x)
prval () = fpf_x (x)
val _sid = g_signal_connect_swapped
(button, (gsignal)"clicked", G_CALLBACK(quitapp), window)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (hbox, button, GTRUE, GTRUE, (guint)10)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (button)
val () = gtk_box_pack_start (vbox0, hbox, GTRUE, GTRUE, (guint)10)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (hbox)
val () = gtk_container_add (window, vbox0)
val () = gtk_widget_show_unref (vbox0)
val () = gtk_widget_show (window)
prval () = fpf_window (window)
val () = gtk_main ()
implement main_dummy () = ()
mainats (
ats_int_type argc, ats_ptr_type argv
) {
gtk_init ((int*)&argc, (char***)&argv) ; main1 () ; return ;
} // end of [mainats]