This package contains some common functions for creating/freeing and manipulating linear matrixptr-values, which are just pointers to matrices without dimension information attached.
stadef matrixptr = matrixptr_vt0ype_addr_int_int_vtype
vtypedef matrixptr (a:vt@ype, m: int, n: int) = [l:addr] matrixptr(a, l, m, n)
(a:vt@ype+, l: addr, m: int, n: int) = ptr
{l:addr}{m,n:int} (A: !matrixptr(a, l, m, n)): [m >= 0; n >= 0] void
} matrixptr_make_elt
(m: size_t m, n: size_t n, x: a):<!wrt> matrixptr(a, m, n)
overload matrixptr_get_at with matrixptr_get_at_int of 0
overload matrixptr_get_at with matrixptr_get_at_size of 0
fun{a:t0p} matrixptr_get_at_int {m,n:int} ( A: !matrixptr(INV(a), m, n), i: natLt (m), n: int n, j: natLt (n) ) :<> (a) // end of [matrixptr_get_at_int]
fun{a:t0p} matrixptr_get_at_size {m,n:int} ( A: !matrixptr(INV(a), m, n), i: sizeLt (m), n: size_t n, j: sizeLt (n) ) :<> (a) // end of [matrixptr_get_at_size]
overload matrixptr_set_at with matrixptr_set_at_int of 0
overload matrixptr_set_at with matrixptr_set_at_size of 0
fun{a:t0p} matrixptr_set_at_int {m,n:int} ( A: !matrixptr(INV(a), m, n), i: natLt (m), n: int n, j: natLt (n), x: a ) :<!wrt> void // end of [matrixptr_set_at_int]
fun{a:t0p} matrixptr_set_at_size {m,n:int} ( A: !matrixptr(INV(a), m, n), i: sizeLt (m), n: size_t n, j: sizeLt (n), x: a ) :<!wrt> void // end of [matrixptr_set_at_size]
overload matrixptr_exch_at with matrixptr_exch_at_int
overload matrixptr_exch_at with matrixptr_exch_at_size
fun{a:vt0p} matrixptr_exch_at_int {m,n:int} ( A: !matrixptr(INV(a), m, n) , i: natLt (m), n: int n, j: natLt (n), x: &a>>a ) :<!wrt> void // end of [matrixptr_exch_at_int]
fun{a:vt0p} matrixptr_exch_at_size {m,n:int} ( A: !matrixptr(INV(a), m, n) , i: sizeLt (m), n: size_t n, j: sizeLt (n), x: &a>>a ) :<!wrt> void // end of [matrixptr_exch_at_size]
fun{a:vt0p} fprint_matrixptr{m,n:int} ( out: FILEref , M: !matrixptr(INV(a), m, n), m: size_t m, n: size_t n ) : void // end of [fprint_matrixptr]
fun{a:vt0p} fprint_matrixptr_sep{m,n:int} ( out: FILEref , M: !matrixptr(INV(a), m, n), m: size_t (m), n: size_t (n) , sep1: NSH(string), sep2: NSH(string) ) : void // end of [fprint_matrixptr_sep]
{m,n:int} (nrow: size_t m, ncol: size_t n): matrixptr (a, m, n)
overload [] with matrixptr_get_at_int
overload [] with matrixptr_get_at_size
overload [] with matrixptr_set_at_int
overload [] with matrixptr_set_at_size
overload ptrcast with matrixptr2ptr
overload ptrcast with matrixptrout2ptr
overload fprint with fprint_matrixptr
overload fprint with fprint_matrixptr_sep
This page is created with ATS by Hongwei Xi and also maintained by Hongwei Xi. |