This package contains various basic types for the ATSLIB-libats-ML library.
stadef list0(a:t@ype) = list0_t0ype_type(a)
datatype list0_t0ype_type ( a: t@ype+ ) = | list0_nil of ((*void*)) | list0_cons of (a, list0_t0ype_type(a))
stadef option0(a:t@ype) = option0_t0ype_type(a)
datatype option0_t0ype_type (a: t@ype+) = | None0 of ((*void*)) | Some0 of (a)
stadef array0(a:vt@ype) = array0_vt0ype_type(a)
typedef strarr = strarr_type
This page is created with ATS by Hongwei Xi and also maintained by Hongwei Xi. |