In ATS, the programmer is allowed to supply termination metrics for verifing the termination of recursively defined functions. This is really an indispensable feature for supporting programming with theorem proving as proof functions, namely, functions representing proofs, must be proven to be pure and terminating.
A termination metric is a tuple (M1, ..., Mn) of natural numbers, where n >= 0 . We use the standard well-founded lexicographical ordering on natural numbers to order such tuples.
// [fact] implements the factorial function
fun fact {n:nat} .< n >. (n: int n): Int = if n > 0 then n * fact (n-1) else 1
The syntax .< n >. indicates that the metric supplied for verifying
the termination of the defined function is a singleton tuple (n). In
the definition of fact, the metric for the recursive call to
fact is (n-1), which is strictly less than (n). So the
function fact is terminating.
// [gcd] computes the greates common divisors of two positive integers
fun gcd {m,n:int | m > 0; n > 0} .< m+n >.
(m: int m, n: int n): [r:nat | 1 <= r; r <= min(m, n)] int r =
if m > n then gcd (m - n, n)
else if m < n then gcd (m, n - m)
else m
The syntax .< m+n >. indicates that the termination metric
(m+n) should be used to verify that the defined function gcd
is terminating. In the definition of gcd, the termination metric for
the first recursive call to gcd is (m-n)+n=m, which is
strictly less than the original termination metri m+n (as n
is positive); the termination metric for the second recursive call to
gcd is m+(n-m)=n, which is also strictly less than the
original termination metric m+n (as m is positive). Thus,
gcd is a terminating function.
As another example, we implement as follows the Ackermann's function:
// [ack] implements the Ackermann's function
fun ack {m,n:nat} .< m, n >.
(m: int m, n: int n): Nat =
if m > 0 then
if n > 0 then ack (m-1, ack (m, n-1)) else ack (m-1, 1)
else n+1
The syntax .< m, n >. indicates that the termination metric is
a pair of natural numbers: (m, n). We use the lexicographical
ordering on natural numbers to compare such metrics.
To verify that ack is terminating, we need to solve the
following constraints:
// mutually recursive functions
fun isEven {n:nat} .< 2*n+2 >. (n: int n): bool =
if n > 0 then ~(isOdd n) else true
and isOdd {n:nat} .< 2*n+1 >. (n: int n): bool =
if n > 0 then isEven (n-1) else false
Clearly, we may also verify the termination of these two functions by using
the metrics
.< n, 1 >.
.< n, 0 >.
for isEven and isOdd, respectively.
fun foo ():<> void and bar ():<> voidMoreover, suppose that the following implementation of foo is given in a file named foo.dats:
implement foo () = $ ()while the following implementation of bar is given in another file named bar.dats:
implement bar () = $ ()Clearly, neither foo nor bar is terminating. In practice, it is difficult resolve this issue of calling cycles among terminating functions by solely relying on termination metrics. Instead, atscc can generate run-time code for detecting calling cycles among terminating functions if the flag -D_ATS_TERMINATION_CHECK is present. For instance, if foo.dats and bar.dats are compiled as follows:
atscc -D_ATS_TERMINATION_CHECK foo.dats and bar.datsthen a run-time error is to be reported to indicate a calling cycle when either foo.dats or bar.dats is loaded dynamically.
The code used for illustration is available here.