Input and Output

The I/O is done in ATS/Anairiats by providing interfaces for various I/O functions in C. In particular, most functions declared in <stdio.h> have their counterparts declared in libc/SATS/stdio.sats.

There is a datasort file_mode and an abstract type constructor FILE in ATS that are declared as follows:

datasort file_mode =
  | file_mode_r | file_mode_w | file_mode_rw

absviewt@ype FILE (file_mode) = $extype "ats_FILE_type"
where the external type ats_FILE_type is an alias of the type FILE in C. We now use r, w and rw for file_mode_r, file_mode_w and file_mode_rw in the following presentation. If a file is assigned the type FILE(r), then it is read-only; if it is assigned the type FILE(w), then it is write-only; it is assigned the type FILE(rw), then it can be read from and also written to.

There is also an abstract type constructorfile_mode declared as follows:

abst@ype file_mode (file_mode)
Note that file_mode is overloaded: it refers to a type constructor as well as a datasort. The following values are available that represent various file modes:
val file_mode_r : file_mode (r) // = "r"
val file_mode_rr : file_mode (rw) // = "r+"
val file_mode_w : file_mode (w) // = "w"
val file_mode_ww : file_mode (rw) // = "w+"
val file_mode_a : file_mode (w) // = "a"
val file_mode_aa : file_mode (rw) // = "a+"

Opening a File

The function fopen in C is for opening a file of a given name. In ATS, there is a function fopen_exn that is assigned the following type:
fun fopen_exn {m:file_mode}
  (path: string, m: file_mode m): [l:addr] (FILE m @ l | ptr l)
Note that we use _exn in the name of fopen_exn as a convention to indicate that an exception is raised if a call to this function results in an error. There is another function fopen_err in ATS that is assigned the following type:
fun fopen_err {m:file_mode}
  (path: string, m: file_mode m): [l:addr] (FILE_opt_v (m, l) | ptr l)
where FILE_opt_v (m, l) is defined as follows:
viewdef FILE_opt_v (m:file_mode, l:addr) = option_v (FILE m @ l, l <> null)
The function fopen_err exactly corresponds to fopen in C: It returns a null pointer in case of error.

Closing a File

The function fclose in C is for closing an opened file. In ATS, there is a function fclose_exn that is assigned the following type:
fun fclose_exn {m:file_mode} {l:addr} (pf: FILE m @ l | p: ptr l): void
The function fclose_exn raises an exception if a call to it results in an error. There is another function fclose_err that is assigned the following type:
fun fclose_exn {m:file_mode} {l:addr} (pf: FILE m @ l | p: ptr l): int
The function fclose_err exactly corresponds to fclose in C: It returns 0 in case of success and EOF in case of error.

Reading from a File

The function fgetc in C is for reading a character from an opened file. In ATS, there is a function fget_err that is assigned the following type:
fun fgetc_err {m:file_mode}
  (pf: file_mode_lte (m, r) | f: &FILE m): [i:int | i <= UCHAR_MAX] int i
where UCHAR_MAX is defined to be 255. This function exactly corresponds to fgetc in C: It returns the obtained character (cast into unsigned char) if successful, or it returns EOF in case of failure. The file argument of the function fgets_err, i.e., its first non-proof argument, is passed as a reference (call-by-reference).

Note that file_mode_lte is a prop constructor. Given two file modes m1 and m2, if a proof of the prop file_mode_lte (m1, m2) can be formed, then m1 is less than or equal to m2. The following proofs are available:

prval file_mode_lte_r_r : file_mode_lte (r, r)
prval file_mode_lte_rw_r : file_mode_lte (rw, r)
prval file_mode_lte_w_w : file_mode_lte (w, w)
prval file_mode_lte_rw_w : file_mode_lte (rw, w)
prval file_mode_lte_rw_rw : file_mode_lte (rw, rw)
In order to read from a file of the type FILE (m), it is necessary to prove that m is less than or equal to r.

There is currently no function fget_exn, which would be given the following type if defined:

fun fgetc_exn {m:file_mode}
  (pf: file_mode_lte (m, r) | f: &FILE m): [i:nat | i <= UCHAR_MAX] int i
The problem with fgetc_exn is that it is not a function of much use. If implemented, this function should probably be called on a file after it is made certain (e.g., by calling feof) that the file has not reached its end.

Writing to a File

The function fputc in C is for writing a character into a file. In ATS, there is a function fputc_err that is assigned the following type:
fun fputc_err {m:file_mode}
  (pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | c: char, f: &FILE m): [i:int | i <= UCHAR_MAX] int i
This function exactly corresponds to fputc in C: It returns the charater being written in case of success, or EOF in case of failure. There is another function fputc_exn that is assigned the following type:
fun fputc_exn {m:file_mode} (pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | c: char, f: &FILE m): void
In case of failure, fputs_exn raises an exception.

An Example: Concatenating Files

The following function filecopy_exn copies a file into another one:
#define i2c char_of_int1

fn filecopy_exn {m1,m2:file_mode} (
    pf1: file_mode_lte (m1, r)
  , pf2: file_mode_lte (m2, w)
  | fil_s: &FILE m1, fil_d: &FILE m2
  ) : void = let
  fun loop
    (fil_s: &FILE m1, fil_d: &FILE m2): void = let
    val c = fgetc_err (pf1 | fil_s)
    if c >= 0 then begin
      fputc_exn (pf2 | i2c c, fil_d); loop (fil_s, fil_d)
    end // end of [if]
  end // end of [loop]
  loop (fil_s, fil_d)
end // end of [filecopy_exn]
In case of error, filecopy_exn raises an exception. The following function filecopy_err is a variant of filecopy_exn. Instead of raising an exception in case of error, filecopy_err returns EOF.
fn filecopy_err {m1,m2:file_mode} (
    pf1: file_mode_lte (m1, r)
  , pf2: file_mode_lte (m2, w)
  | fil_s: &FILE m1, fil_d: &FILE m2
  ) : int = let
  fun loop
    (fil_s: &FILE m1, fil_d: &FILE m2): void = let
    val c = fgetc_err (pf1 | fil_s)
    if c >= 0 then let
      val err = fputc_err (pf2 | i2c c, fil_d)
      loop (fil_s, fil_d)
    end // end of [if]
  end // end of [loop]
  val () = loop (fil_s, fil_d)
  if ferror (fil_d) = 0 then ~1 else 0
end // end of [filecopy_err]
We now use filecopy_err to implement as follows the functionality of concatenating a list of files into a single one:
// concatenation of a list of files
implement main {n} (argc, argv) = let
  val () = case+ argc of
  | 1 => let
      val (pf_stdin | p_stdin) = stdin_get ()
      val (pf_stdout | p_stdout) = stdout_get ()
      val _(*err*) = filecopy_err
        (file_mode_lte_r_r, file_mode_lte_w_w | !p_stdin, !p_stdout)
      val () = stdout_view_set (pf_stdout | (*none*))
      val () = stdin_view_set (pf_stdin | (*none*))
      // empty
    end // end of [1]
  | _ (*argc >= 2*) => loop (argc, argv, 1) where {
      fun loop {i:nat | i <= n}
        (argc: int n, argv: &(@[string][n]), i: int i): void =
        if i < argc then let
          val name = argv.[i]
          val (pfopt | p_ifp) = fopen_err (name, file_mode_r)
          if p_ifp <> null then let
            prval Some_v (pf) = pfopt
            val (pf_stdout | p_stdout) = stdout_get ()
            val _(*err*) = filecopy_err
              (file_mode_lte_r_r, file_mode_lte_w_w | !p_ifp, !p_stdout)
            val () = stdout_view_set (pf_stdout | (*none*))
            val () = fclose_exn (pf | p_ifp)
            loop (argc, argv, i+1)
          end else let
            prval None_v () = pfopt
            val () = prerrf ("%s: can't open [%s]\n", @(argv.[0], name))
            exit {void} (1)
          end // end of [if]
        end // end of [if]
    } // end of [_]
  // end of [val]
  val (pf_stdout | p_stdout) = stdout_get ()
  val err = ferror (!p_stdout)
  val () = stdout_view_set (pf_stdout | (*none*))
  if (err <> 0) then begin
    prerrf ("%s: error writing stdout\n", @(argv.[0])); exit {void} (2)
  end else begin
    exit {void} (0) // exit normally
  end // end of [if]
end // end of [main]

The code used for illustration is available here.