
The feature of dataviewtype in ATS is an advanced one.

A viewtype is just a linear type. The name viewtype is chosen as a viewtype often consists of a view and a type. A dataviewtype is similar to a datatype, but it is linear. With a dataviewtype, the programmer is allowed to explicitly free (or deallocate) in a safe manner the memory used for storing constructors associated with the dataviewtype. This is particularly important in a situation where garbage collection needs to be significantly reduced or even completely avoided.

An an example, the following dataviewtype list_vt is declared to model singly-linked lists in ATS:

// [list_vt] is declared to model singly-linked lists
dataviewtype list_vt (a:viewt@ype+, int) =
  | list_vt_nil (a, 0)
  | {n:nat} list_vt_cons (a, n+1) of (a, list_vt (a, n))
Given a viewtype VT and an integer I, the viewtype list_vt(VT, I) is for singly-linked lists of length I in which each element is of viewtype VT. Let us define List_vt as follows:
viewtypedef List_vt (a:viewt@ype) = [n:nat] list_vt (a, n)
Then roughly speaking, the viewtype List_vt(VT) corresponds to the following struct type in C:
typedef struct sllist_struct {
  VT head ;
  sllist_struct *tail ;
} *sllist ;
where VT refers to some type in C.

We now assume that nil and cons have been introduced as shorthands for list_vt_nil and list_vt_cons, respectively.

Computing the length of a singly-linked list

The following code implements a function that computes the length of a given linked-list in ATS:
// An implementation of the length function on singly-linked lists
  list_vt_length {n:nat} (xs0: !list_vt (a, n)): int n = let
  fun loop {i,j:nat} .< i >.
    (xs: !list_vt (a, i), j: int j): int (i+j) =
    case+ xs of
    | cons (_, !p_xs1) => begin
        let val n = loop (!p_xs1, j+1) in fold@ xs; n end
    | nil () => (fold@ xs; j)
  loop (xs0, 0)
end // end of [list_vt_length]
The function list_vt_length approximately corresponds to the following function sllist_length implemented in C:
int sllist_length (sllist xs) {
  int i = 0 ;
  while (xs != NULL) { i += 1 ; xs = xs->tail ; }
  return i ;

Appending two singly-linked lists

// An implementation of the append function on singly-linked lists
fun{a:viewt@ype} list_vt_append {m,n:nat}
  (xs0: &list_vt (a, m) >> list_vt (a, m+n), ys: list_vt (a, n)): void =
  case+ : (xs0: list_vt (a, m+n)) => xs0 of
  | cons (_, !p_xs) => (list_vt_append (!p_xs, ys); fold@ xs0)
  | ~nil () => (xs0 := ys)
// end of [list_vt_append]
The function list_vt_append approximately corresponds to the following function sllist_append implemented in C:
void sllist_append (sllist *p_xs, sllist ys) {
  sllist xs ;
  xs = *p_xs ;
  while (xs != NULL) { p_xs = &xs->tail ; xs = *p_xs ; }
  *p_xs = ys ;
  return ;
} /* end of [sllist_append] */

Reversing a singly-linked lists

// An implementation of the reverse function on singly-linked lists
fn{a:viewt@ype} list_vt_reverse {n:nat} (xs: &list_vt (a, n)): void = let
  fun revapp {m,n:nat} .< m >.
    (xs: list_vt (a, m), ys: list_vt (a, n)): list_vt (a, m+n) =
    case+ xs of
    | cons (_, !p_xs1) => begin
        let val xs1 = !p_xs1 in !p_xs1 := ys; fold@ xs; revapp (xs1, xs) end
    | ~nil () => ys
  xs := revapp (xs, nil ())    
end // end of [list_vt_reverse]
The function list_vt_reverse approximately corresponds to the following function sllist_reverse implemented in C:
void sllist_reverse (sllist *p_xs) {
  sllist xs, ys, *p_xs1, xs1 ;
  xs = !p_xs ; ys = NULL ;
  while (xs != NULL) {
    p_xs1 = &xs->tail ; xs1 = *p_xs1 ; *p_xs1 = ys ; ys = xs ; xs = xs1
  *p_xs = xs ;
  return ;
} /* end of [sllist_reverse] */

Sorting a singly-linked list

The following code implements quicksort on a singly-linked list in ATS. Note that there is no memory allocation/deallocation, either implicit or explict, involved in this code.
// An implementation of quicksort on singly-linked lists
  list_vt_qsort {n:nat} .< n, 0 >.
  (lte: (!a, !a) -> bool, xs: list_vt (a, n)): list_vt (a, n) =
  case+ xs of
  | cons (!p_x1, !p_xs1) =>
    let val xs1 = !p_xs1 in
      list_vt_par<a> (
        view@ (!p_x1), view@ (!p_xs1) | lte, xs, p_xs1, p_x1, xs1, nil (), nil ()
  | nil () => (fold@ xs; xs)
// end of [list_vt_qsort]

and // [list_vt_par] for partition
  list_vt_par {l0,l1:addr} {p,q,r:nat} .< p+q+r, p+1 >.
  (pf0: a @ l0, pf1: List_vt a? @ l1 |
   lte: (!a, !a) -> bool,
   node: list_vt_cons_unfold (l0, l1), node1: ptr l1,
   p_x0: ptr l0, xs: list_vt (a, p), l: list_vt (a, q), r: list_vt (a, r))
  : list_vt (a, p+q+r+1) = case+ xs of
  | cons (!p_x1, !p_xs1) => let
      val xs1 = !p_xs1
      if lte (!p_x1, !p_x0) then begin
        !p_xs1 := l; fold@ xs;
        list_vt_par<a> (pf0, pf1 | lte, node, node1, p_x0, xs1, xs, r)
      end else begin
        !p_xs1 := r; fold@ xs;
        list_vt_par<a> (pf0, pf1 | lte, node, node1, p_x0, xs1, l, xs)
      end // end of [if]
    end // end of [cons]
  | ~nil () => let
      var l = list_vt_qsort<a> (lte, l) and r = list_vt_qsort<a> (lte, r)
      !node1 := r; fold@ node; r := node; list_vt_append<a> (l, r); l
    end // end of [nil]
// end of [list_vt_par]

The code used for illustration is available here.