absviewtype linstacklst_vt
(a:viewt@ype , n:int )
stadef stack = linstacklst_vt
extern fun{} linstacklst_nil {a:viewt@ype} ():<> stack (a, 0)
extern fun{} linstacklst_is_nil {a:viewt@ype}
{n:nat} (xs: !stack (a, n)):<> bool (n==0)
extern fun{} linstacklst_is_cons {a:viewt@ype}
{n:nat} (xs: !stack (a, n)):<> bool (n > 0)
extern fun{a:viewt@ype} linstacklst_push {n:nat} (xs: &stack (a, n) >> stack (a, n+1), x: a):<> void
extern fun{a:viewt@ype} linstacklst_pop {n:pos} (xs: &stack (a, n) >> stack (a, n-1)):<> a
extern fun{a:t@ype} linstacklst_top {n:pos} (xs: &stack (a, n)):<> a
extern fun{a:viewt@ype} linstacklst_size {n:nat} (xs: !stack (a, n)):<> int n
extern fun{a:viewt@ype}
linstacklst_foreach_clo {v:view} {n:nat}
(pf: !v | xs: !stack (a, n), f: &(!v | &a) -<clo1> void): void
extern fun{a:viewt@ype}
linstacklst_foreach_cloref {v:view} {n:nat} {f:eff}
(pf: !v | xs: !stack (a, n), f: !(!v | &a) -<cloref1> void): void
assume linstacklst_vt (a: viewt@ype, n: int) = list_vt (a, n)
implement{} linstacklst_nil () = list_vt_nil ()
implement{} linstacklst_is_nil (xs) = begin case+ xs of
| list_vt_cons _ => (fold@ xs; false) | list_vt_nil _ => (fold@ xs; true)
implement{} linstacklst_is_cons (xs) = begin case+ xs of
| list_vt_cons _ => (fold@ xs; true) | list_vt_nil _ => (fold@ xs; false)
implement{a} linstacklst_size (xs) = loop (xs, 0) where {
fun loop {i,j:nat} .<i>.
(xs: !list_vt (a, i), j: int j):<> int (i+j) =
case+ xs of
| list_vt_cons (_, !xs1) => let
val n = loop (!xs1, j+1) in fold@ xs; n
end | list_vt_nil () => (fold@ xs; j)
implement{a} linstacklst_push (xs, x) = begin
let val () = xs := list_vt_cons (x, xs) in () end
implement{a} linstacklst_pop (xs) = let
val+ ~list_vt_cons (x, xs1) = xs; val () = xs := xs1 in x
implement{a} linstacklst_top (xs) = let
val+ list_vt_cons (x, _) = xs in fold@ xs; x
implement{a} linstacklst_foreach_clo {v}
{n} (pf | xs, f) = loop (pf | xs, f) where {
fun loop {i:nat} .<i>.
(pf: !v | xs: !list_vt (a, i), f: &(!v | &a) -<clo1> void): void =
case+ xs of
| list_vt_cons (!x, !xs1) => (f (pf | !x); loop (pf | !xs1, f); fold@ xs)
| list_vt_nil () => fold@ xs
linstacklst_foreach_cloref {v} {n} (pf0 | tbl, f) = let
typedef clo_type = (!v | &a) -<clo1> void
val (vbox pf_f | p_f) = cloref_get_view_ptr {clo_type} (f)
$effmask_ref (linstacklst_foreach_clo<a> {v} (pf0 | tbl, !p_f))