abstype funbinheap_t (elt:t@ype+ , n:int )
typedef fbinhp (elt: t@ype, n: int) = funbinheap_t (elt, n) typedef fbinhp (elt: t@ype) = [n:nat] funbinheap_t (elt, n)
typedef cmp (elt:t@ype) = (elt, elt) -<cloref> Sgn
extern fun{elt:t@ype}
compare_elt_elt (x1: elt, x2: elt, cmp: cmp elt):<> Sgn
implement{elt} compare_elt_elt (x1, x2, cmp) = cmp (x1, x2)
datatype brauntree (a:t@ype+, int) =
| {n1,n2:nat | n2 <= n1; n1 <= n2+1}
B (a, n1+n2+1) of (a, brauntree (a, n1), brauntree (a, n2))
| E (a, 0) of ()
stadef bt = brauntree
assume funbinheap_t (elt:t@ype, n:int) = brauntree (elt, n)
extern fun{} funbinheap_empty {elt:t@ype} (): fbinhp (elt, 0)
implement{} funbinheap_empty () = E ()
extern fun{elt:t@ype}
funbinheap_size {n:nat} (t: fbinhp (elt, n)):<> int n
implement{elt} funbinheap_size (t) = size (t) where {
fun diff {nl,nr:nat | nr <= nl && nl <= nr+1} .<nr>.
(nr: int nr, t: bt (elt, nl)):<> int (nl-nr) = begin case+ t of
| B (_, tl, tr) => begin
if nr > 0 then let
val nr2 = nr / 2
if nr > nr2 + nr2 then diff (nr2, tl) else diff (nr2-1, tr)
end else begin
1 end end | E () => 0
fun size {n:nat} .<n>. (t: bt (elt, n)):<> int n = begin
case+ t of
| B (_, tl, tr) => begin
let val nr = size tr in 1 + nr + nr + diff (nr, tl) end
end | E () => 0
end }
extern fun{elt:t@ype} funbinheap_insert
{n:nat} (t: fbinhp (elt, n), x: elt, cmp: cmp elt):<> fbinhp (elt, n+1)
implement{elt} funbinheap_insert (t, x, cmp) = insert (t, x) where {
fun insert {n:nat} .<n>.
(t: fbinhp (elt, n), x: elt):<cloref> fbinhp (elt, n+1) =
case+ t of
| E () => B (x, E (), E ())
| B (x0, t1, t2) => begin
if compare_elt_elt (x0, x, cmp) >= 0 then
B (x, insert (t2, x0), t1) else B (x0, insert (t2, x), t1)
end }
fun{elt:t@ype} brauntree_leftrem {n:pos} .<n>.
(t: brauntree (elt, n), x_r: &elt? >> elt):<> brauntree (elt, n-1) = let
val+ B (x, t1, t2) = t
case+ t1 of
| B _ => let
val t1 = brauntree_leftrem (t1, x_r) in B (x, t2, t1)
end | E () => (x_r := x; E ())
fun{elt:t@ype} brauntree_siftdn
{nl,nr:nat | nr <= nl; nl <= nr+1} .<nl>. (
x: elt
, tl: brauntree (elt, nl), tr: brauntree (elt, nr)
, cmp: cmp elt
) :<> brauntree (elt, nl+nr+1) = siftdn (x, tl, tr) where {
fun siftdn {nl,nr:nat | nr <= nl; nl <= nr+1} .<nl+nr>.
(x: elt, tl: brauntree (elt, nl), tr: brauntree (elt, nr))
:<cloref> brauntree (elt, nl+nr+1) = case+ (tl, tr) of
| (B (xl, tll, tlr), B (xr, trl, trr)) => begin
if compare_elt_elt (xl, x, cmp) >= 0 then begin if compare_elt_elt (xr, x, cmp) >= 0 then B (x, tl, tr)
else B (xr, tl, siftdn (x, trl, trr))
end else begin if compare_elt_elt (xr, x, cmp) >= 0 then B (xl, siftdn (x, tll, tlr), tr)
else begin if compare_elt_elt (xl, xr, cmp) >= 0 then B (xr, tl, siftdn (x, trl, trr))
else B (xl, siftdn (x, tll, tlr), tr)
end end
| (_, _) =>> begin case+ tl of
| B (xl, _, _) =>
if compare_elt_elt (xl, x, cmp) >= 0 then B (x, tl, E) else B (xl, B (x, E, E), E)
| E () => B (x, E (), E ())
end }
extern fun{elt:t@ype} funbinheap_delmin
{n:pos} (t: fbinhp (elt, n), x_r: &elt? >> elt, cmp: cmp elt):<> fbinhp (elt, n-1)
implement{elt} funbinheap_delmin
(t, x_r, cmp) = delmin (t, x_r) where {
fn delmin {n:pos}
(t: fbinhp (elt, n), x_r: &elt? >> elt)
:<cloref> fbinhp (elt, n-1) = let
val+ B (x, t1, t2) = t; val () = x_r := x in
case+ t1 of
| B _ => let
var x_lrm: elt val t1 = brauntree_leftrem<elt> (t1, x_lrm) in
brauntree_siftdn<elt> (x_lrm, t2, t1, cmp)
end | E () => E ()
end }