staload "ats_staexp2.sats"
staload "ats_trans3_env.sats"
implement fprint_s3item (pf | out, s3i) = let
macdef prstr (s) = fprint1_string (pf | out, ,(s))
case+ s3i of
| S3ITEMcstr c3t => begin
prstr "S3ITEMcstr("; fprint_c3str (pf | out, c3t); prstr ")"
end | S3ITEMcstr_ref _ => begin
fprint1_string (pf | out, "S3ITEMcstr_ref(...)")
end | S3ITEMdisj s3iss => begin
fprint1_string (pf | out, "S3ITEMdisj(...)")
end | S3ITEMhypo h3p => begin
prstr "S3ITEMhypo("; fprint_h3ypo (pf | out, h3p); prstr ")"
end | S3ITEMsvar s2v => begin
prstr "S3ITEMsvar("; fprint_s2var (pf | out, s2v); prstr ")"
end | S3ITEMsVar s2V => let
val () = prstr "S3ITEMsVar("
val () = fprint_s2Var (pf | out, s2V)
val () = case+ s2Var_link_get (s2V) of
| Some s2e => begin
prstr "= "; fprint_s2exp (pf | out, s2e)
| None () => ()
val () = prstr ")"
end end
implement fprint_s3itemlst {m} (pf | out, s3is) = let
fun aux (out: &FILE m, i: int, s3is: s3itemlst): void =
case+ s3is of
| list_cons (s3i, s3is) => begin
if i > 0 then fprint1_string (pf | out, ", ");
fprint_s3item (pf | out, s3i); aux (out, i + 1, s3is)
end | list_nil () => ()
aux (out, 0, s3is)
implement fprint_s3itemlstlst {m} (pf | out, s3iss) = let
fun aux (out: &FILE m, i: int, s3iss: s3itemlstlst): void =
case+ s3iss of
| list_cons (s3is, s3iss) => begin
if i > 0 then fprint1_string (pf | out, "; ");
fprint_s3itemlst (pf | out, s3is); aux (out, i + 1, s3iss)
end | list_nil () => ()
aux (out, 0, s3iss)
implement print_s3itemlst (s3is) = print_mac (fprint_s3itemlst, s3is)
implement prerr_s3itemlst (s3is) = prerr_mac (fprint_s3itemlst, s3is)
implement print_s3itemlstlst (s3iss) = print_mac (fprint_s3itemlstlst, s3iss)
implement prerr_s3itemlstlst (s3iss) = prerr_mac (fprint_s3itemlstlst, s3iss)
implement fprint_c3strkind (pf | out, knd) = let
macdef prstr (s) = fprint1_string (pf | out, ,(s))
case+ knd of
| C3STRKINDnone () => prstr "none"
| C3STRKINDmetric_nat () => prstr "metric_nat"
| C3STRKINDmetric_dec () => prstr "metric_dec"
| C3STRKINDpattern_match_exhaustiveness _ => prstr "pattern"
| C3STRKINDvarfin _ => prstr "varfin"
| C3STRKINDloop (knd) => begin
prstr "loop("; fprint1_int (pf | out, knd); prstr ")"
implement fprint_c3str (pf | out, c3t) = let
macdef prstr (s) = fprint1_string (pf | out, ,(s))
case+ c3t.c3str_node of
| C3STRprop s2p => begin
prstr "C3STRprop(";
fprint_c3strkind (pf | out, c3t.c3str_kind);
prstr "; ";
fprint_s2exp (pf | out, s2p);
prstr ")"
end | C3STRitmlst s3is => begin
prstr "C3STRitmlst(";
fprint_c3strkind (pf | out, c3t.c3str_kind);
prstr "; ";
fprint_s3itemlst (pf | out, s3is);
prstr ")"
end end
implement fprint_h3ypo (pf | out, h3p) = let
macdef prstr (s) = fprint1_string (pf | out, ,(s))
case+ h3p.h3ypo_node of
| H3YPOprop s2p => begin
prstr "H2YPOprop("; fprint_s2exp (pf | out, s2p); prstr ")"
end | H3YPObind (s2v, s2p) => begin
prstr "H2YPObind(";
fprint_s2var (pf | out, s2v);
prstr ", ";
fprint_s2exp (pf | out, s2p);
prstr ")"
end | H3YPOeqeq (s2e1, s2e2) => begin
prstr "H2YPOeqeq(";
fprint_s2exp (pf | out, s2e1);
prstr ", ";
fprint_s2exp (pf | out, s2e2);
prstr ")"
end end
implement print_c3str (c3t) = print_mac (fprint_c3str, c3t)
implement prerr_c3str (c3t) = prerr_mac (fprint_c3str, c3t)
implement print_h3ypo (h3p) = print_mac (fprint_h3ypo, h3p)
implement prerr_h3ypo (h3p) = prerr_mac (fprint_h3ypo, h3p)