(*                                                                     *)
(*                         Applied Type System                         *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*                              Hongwei Xi                             *)
(*                                                                     *)

** ATS - Unleashing the Potential of Types!
** Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Hongwei Xi, Boston University
** All rights reserved
** ATS is free software;  you can  redistribute it and/or modify it under
** the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by the
** Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)  any
** later version.
** ATS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
** WARRANTY; without  even  the  implied  warranty  of MERCHANTABILITY or
** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the  GNU General Public License
** for more details.
** You  should  have  received  a  copy of the GNU General Public License
** along  with  ATS;  see the  file COPYING.  If not, please write to the
** Free Software Foundation,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
** 02110-1301, USA.

(* ****** ****** *)

(* author: Hongwei Xi (hwxi AT cs DOT bu DOT edu) *)

(* ****** ****** *)

// some string operations

(* ****** ****** *)

#include "prelude/params.hats"

(* ****** ****** *)

#print "Loading [string.sats] starts!\n"
#endif // end of [VERBOSE_PRELUDE]

(* ****** ****** *)

stadef NUL = '\000'

(* ****** ****** *)

typedef bytes (n:int) = @[byte][n]
typedef b0ytes (n:int) = @[byte?][n]

typedef chars (n:int) = @[char][n]
typedef c0hars (n:int) = @[char?][n]
typedef c1har = [c:char | c <> NUL] char c
typedef c1hars (n:int) = @[c1har][n]

(* ****** ****** *)

viewdef strbuf_v
  (m: int, n: int, l:addr) = strbuf (m, n) @ l
viewdef strbuf_v (l:addr) = [m,n:nat] strbuf (m, n) @ l

(* ****** ****** *)

prfun strbuf_vsubr_lemma0 // implemneted in [string.dats]
  {m,n:nat} {l:addr} (): vsubr_p (strbuf_v l, strbuf_v (m, n, l))
// end of [strbuf_vsubr_lemma0]

(* ****** ****** *)

viewtypedef strbufptr_gc
  (m:int, n:int, l:addr) = @(free_gc_v (m, l), strbuf_v (m, n, l) | ptr l)
// end of [strbufptr_gc]

viewdef strbufptr_gc
  (n:int) = [m:nat;l:addr] strbufptr_gc (m, n, l)
viewdef Strbufptr_gc = [m,n:nat;l:addr] strbufptr_gc (m, n, l)

(* ****** ****** *)

praxi bytes_v_of_b0ytes_v {bsz:int}
  {l:addr} (pf: b0ytes (bsz) @ l):<prf> bytes (bsz) @ l
praxi char_v_of_b0yte_v {l:addr} (pf: byte? @ l): char @ l
praxi chars_v_of_b0ytes_v {bsz:int}
  {l:addr} (pf: b0ytes (bsz) @ l):<prf> chars (bsz) @ l

(* ****** ****** *)

praxi bytes_v_of_chars_v {bsz:int}
  {l:addr} (pf: chars (bsz) @ l):<prf> bytes (bsz) @ l
praxi bytes_v_of_strbuf_v {bsz:int}
  {l:addr} (pf: strbuf (bsz) @ l):<prf> bytes (bsz) @ l

(* ****** ****** *)

praxi strbuf_v_null
  {n:nat} {l:addr}
  (pf1: char NUL @ l, pf2: b0ytes (n) @ l + sizeof(char))
  : strbuf_v (n+1, 0, l)
// end of [strbuf_v]

praxi strbuf_v_cons
  {m,n:nat} {l:addr}
  (pf1: c1har @ l, pf2: strbuf_v (m, n, l + sizeof(char)))
  :<prf> strbuf_v (m+1, n+1, l)
// end of [strbuf_v_cons]

dataview strbufopt_v (int, int, addr, char) =
  | {m:nat} {l:addr}
    strbufopt_v_none (m, ~1, l, NUL) of b0ytes m @ l
  | {m,n:nat} {l:addr} {c:char | c <> NUL}
    strbufopt_v_some (m, n, l, c) of strbuf_v (m, n, l)
// end of [strbufopt_v]

praxi strbuf_v_uncons
  {m,n:nat} {l:addr} (pf: strbuf_v (m, n, l))
  :<prf> [c:char] @(
     char c @ l, strbufopt_v (m-1, n-1, l + sizeof(char), c)
// end of [strbuf_v_uncons]

(* ****** ****** *)

prfun strbuf_v_split
  {m,n:nat} {i:nat | i <= n} {l:addr} {ofs:int} (
    pf_mul: MUL (i, sizeof char, ofs), pf_str: strbuf_v (m, n, l)
  ) : (c1hars i @ l, strbuf_v (m-i, n-i, l+ofs))
// end of [strbuf_v_split]

prfun strbuf_v_unsplit
  {n1:nat} {m2,n2:nat} {l:addr} {ofs:int} (
    pf_mul: MUL (n1, sizeof char, ofs)
  , pf_buf: c1hars n1 @ l, pf_str: strbuf_v (m2, n2, l+ofs)
  ) : strbuf_v (n1+m2, n1+n2, l)
// end of [strbuf_v_unsplit]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun bytes_strbuf_trans {m,n:nat | n < m} {l:addr}
  (pf: !b0ytes m @ l >> strbuf (m, n1) @ l | p: ptr l, n: size_t n)
  :<> #[n1: nat | n1 <= n] void
  = "atspre_bytes_strbuf_trans"

(* ****** ****** *)

symintr fprint_strbuf
fun fprint0_strbuf {m,n:int}
  (out: FILEref, buf: &strbuf (m, n)): void = "atspre_fprint_string"
overload fprint_strbuf with fprint0_strbuf

fun print_strbuf {m,n:int} (buf: &strbuf (m, n)): void
// overload print with print_strbuf
fun prerr_strbuf {m,n:int} (buf: &strbuf (m, n)): void
// overload print with prerr_strbuf

(* ****** ****** *)
// val string_empty : string 0 // this not really necessary
(* ****** ****** *)

// casting functions

castfn string1_of_string
  (str: string):<> [n:nat] string n

castfn string1_of_strbuf
  {n:nat} (bufptr: strbufptr_gc n):<> string n

castfn strbuf_of_string1 {n:nat} (str: string n)
  :<> [m:int | n < m] [l:addr] (vbox (strbuf (m, n) @ l) | ptr l)
// end of [strbuf_of_string1]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun strbufptr_free (p_buf: Strbufptr_gc):<> void = "atspre_strbufptr_free"

(* ****** ****** *)

fun lt_string_string (s1: string, s2: string):<> bool
  = "atspre_lt_string_string"
overload < with lt_string_string

fun lt_string_string__main {v:view} {l1,l2:addr} (
    pf: !v, pf1: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l1, v), pf2: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l2, v)
  | p1: ptr l1, p2: ptr l2
  ) :<> bool
  = "atspre_lt_string_string"


fun lte_string_string (s1: string, s2: string):<> bool
  = "atspre_lte_string_string"
overload <= with lte_string_string

fun lte_string_string__main {v:view} {l1,l2:addr} (
    pf: !v, pf1: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l1, v), pf2: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l2, v)
  | p1: ptr l1, p2: ptr l2
  ) :<> bool = "atspre_lte_string_string"
// end of [lte_string_string__main]


fun gt_string_string (s1: string, s2: string):<> bool
  = "atspre_gt_string_string"
overload > with gt_string_string

fun gt_string_string__main {v:view} {l1,l2:addr} (
    pf: !v, pf1: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l1, v), pf2: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l2, v)
  | p1: ptr l1, p2: ptr l2
  ) :<> bool = "atspre_gt_string_string"
// end of [gt_string_string__main]


fun gte_string_string (s1: string, s2: string):<> bool
  = "atspre_gte_string_string"
overload >= with gte_string_string

fun gte_string_string__main {v:view} {l1,l2:addr} (
    pf: !v, pf1: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l1, v), pf2: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l2, v)
  | p1: ptr l1, p2: ptr l2
  ) :<> bool = "atspre_gte_string_string"
// end of [gte_string_string__main]


fun eq_string_string
  (s1: string, s2: string):<> bool = "atspre_eq_string_string"
overload = with eq_string_string

fun eq_string_string__main {v:view} {l1,l2:addr} (
    pf: !v, pf1: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l1, v), pf2: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l2, v)
  | p1: ptr l1, p2: ptr l2
  ) :<> bool = "atspre_eq_string_string"
// end of [eq_string_string__main]


fun neq_string_string (s1: string, s2: string):<> bool
  = "atspre_neq_string_string"
overload <> with neq_string_string

fun neq_string_string__main {v:view} {l1,l2:addr} (
    pf: !v, pf1: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l1, v), pf2: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l2, v)
  | p1: ptr l1, p2: ptr l2
  ) :<> bool = "atspre_neq_string_string"
// end of [neq_string_string__main]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun compare_string_string (s1: string, s2: string):<> Sgn
  = "atspre_compare_string_string"
overload compare with compare_string_string

fun compare_string_string__main {v:view} {l1,l2:addr} (
    pf: !v, pf1: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l1, v), pf2: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l2, v)
  | p1: ptr l1, p2: ptr l2
  ) :<> Sgn = "atspre_compare_string_string"
// end of [compare_string_string__main]

(* ****** ****** *)

symintr fprint_string

fun fprint0_string (out: FILEref, x: string):<!exnref> void
  = "atspre_fprint_string"
overload fprint_string with fprint0_string
fun fprint1_string {m:file_mode}
  (pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, x: string):<!exnref> void
  = "atspre_fprint_string"
overload fprint_string with fprint1_string
overload fprint with fprint_string

fun fprint1_string__main {v:view} {l:addr}
  (pf: !v, fpf: vsubr_p (strbuf_v l, v) | out: FILEref, p: ptr l):<!exnref> void
  = "atspre_fprint_string"
// end of [fprint1_string__main]

fun print_string (b: string):<!ref> void = "atspre_print_string"
and prerr_string (b: string):<!ref> void = "atspre_prerr_string"
overload print with print_string
overload prerr with prerr_string

(* ****** ****** *)

fun strbuf_get_char_at {m,n:nat} {i:nat | i < n}
  (sbf: &strbuf (m, n), i: size_t i):<> [c:char | c <> NUL] char c
  = "atspre_string_get_char_at"
overload [] with strbuf_get_char_at

fun string_get_char_at {n:nat} {i:nat | i < n}
  (str: string n, i: size_t i):<> [c:char | c <> NUL] char c // no effect
  = "atspre_string_get_char_at"
overload [] with string_get_char_at

// HX:
// these functions are present mostly for convenience as a programmer
// ofter uses values of the type int as array indices:

fun strbuf_get_char_at__intsz
  {m,n:nat} {i:nat | i < n}
  (sbf: &strbuf (m, n), i: int i):<> [c:char | c <> NUL] char c
  = "atspre_string_get_char_at__intsz"
overload [] with strbuf_get_char_at__intsz

fun string_get_char_at__intsz {n:nat} {i:nat | i < n}
  (str: string n, i: int i):<> [c:char | c <> NUL] char c // no effect
  = "atspre_string_get_char_at__intsz"
overload [] with string_get_char_at__intsz

(* ****** ****** *)

fun strbuf_set_char_at {m,n:nat}
  {i:nat | i < n} {c: char | c <> NUL}
  (sbf: &strbuf (m, n), i: size_t i, c: char c):<> void
  = "atspre_strbuf_set_char_at"
overload [] with strbuf_set_char_at

fun string_set_char_at {n:nat}
  {i:nat | i < n} {c: char | c <> NUL}
  (str: string n, i: size_t i, c: char c):<!ref> void
  = "atspre_strbuf_set_char_at"
overload [] with string_set_char_at

// these functions are present mostly for convenience as a programmer
// ofter uses values of the type int as array indices:

fun strbuf_set_char_at__intsz {m,n:nat}
  {i:nat | i < n} {c: char | c <> NUL}
  (sbf: &strbuf (m, n), i: int i, c: char c):<> void
  = "atspre_strbuf_set_char_at__intsz"
overload [] with strbuf_set_char_at__intsz

fun string_set_char_at__intsz {n:nat}
  {i:nat | i < n} {c: char | c <> NUL}
  (str: string n, i: int i, c: char c):<!ref> void
  = "atspre_strbuf_set_char_at__intsz"
overload [] with string_set_char_at__intsz

(* ****** ****** *)

fun strbuf_test_char_at {m,n:nat}
  {i:nat | i <= n} (sbf: &strbuf (m, n), i: size_t i)
  :<> [c:char | (c <> NUL && i < n) || (c == NUL && i >= n)] char c
  = "atspre_string_test_char_at"
// end of [strbuf_test_char_at]

fun string_test_char_at {n:nat}
  {i:nat | i <= n} (str: string n, i: size_t i)
  :<> [c:char | (c <> NUL && i < n) || (c == NUL && i >= n)] char c
  = "atspre_string_test_char_at"
// end of [string_test_char_at]

// these functions are present mostly for convenience as a programmer
// ofter uses values of the type int as array indices:

fun strbuf_test_char_at__intsz {m,n:nat}
  {i:nat | i <= n} (sbf: &strbuf (m, n), i: size_t i)
  :<> [c:char | (c <> NUL && i < n) || (c == NUL && i >= n)] char c
  = "atspre_string_test_char_at__intsz"

fun string_test_char_at__intsz {n:nat}
  {i:nat | i <= n} (str: string n, i: size_t i)
  :<> [c:char | (c <> NUL && i < n) || (c == NUL && i >= n)] char c
  = "atspre_string_test_char_at__intsz"

(* ****** ****** *)

fun strbuf_initialize_substring {bsz:int}
  {n:int} {st,ln:nat | st+ln <= n; ln < bsz} {l:addr} (
    pf: !b0ytes bsz @ l >> strbuf (bsz, ln) @ l
  | p: ptr l, str: string n, st: size_t st, ln: size_t ln
  ) : void = "atspre_strbuf_initialize_substring"
// end of [strbuf_initialize_substring]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun string_make_char {n:nat}
  (n: size_t n, c: char):<> strbufptr_gc n = "atspre_string_make_char"
// end of [string_make_char]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun string_make_list_int
  {n:nat} (cs: list (char, n), n: int n):<> strbufptr_gc n
  = "atspre_string_make_list_int"
// end of [string_make_list_int]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun string_make_list_rev_int
  {n:nat} (cs: list (char, n), n: int n):<> strbufptr_gc n
  = "atspre_string_make_list_rev_int"
// end of [string_make_list_rev_int]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun string_takeout_bufptr
  {n:int} {st:nat} {ln:nat | st+ln <= n}
  (x: string n, st: size_t st)
  :<!ref> [l:addr] (bytes(ln) @ l, bytes(ln) @ l -<lin,prf> void | ptr l)
  = "#atspre_padd_size"
// end of [string_takeout_bufptr]

fun string_make_substring
  {n:int} {st,ln:nat | st + ln <= n}
  (str: string n, st: size_t st, ln: size_t ln):<> strbufptr_gc ln
  = "atspre_string_make_substring"
// end of [string_make_substring]

fun string_make_substring__main {v:view}
  {m,n:int} {st,ln:nat | st+ln <= n} {l:addr} (
    pf: !v
  , pf_con: vsubr_p (strbuf_v (m, n, l), v) | p: ptr l, st: size_t st, ln: size_t ln
  ) :<> strbufptr_gc ln
  = "atspre_string_make_substring"
// end of [string_make_substring__main]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun string0_append
  (s1: string, s2: string):<> string // persistent
  = "atspre_string_append" 
overload + with string0_append

fun string1_append {i,j:nat}
  (s1: string i, s2: string j):<> strbufptr_gc (i+j) // linear
  = "atspre_string_append"
overload + with string1_append

fun string1_append__main {v:view}
  {m1,i:nat} {m2,j:nat} {l1,l2:addr} (
    pf: !v
  , pf1: vsubr_p (strbuf_v (m1, i, l1), v), pf2: vsubr_p (strbuf_v (m2, j, l2), v)
  | p1: ptr l1, p2: ptr l2
  ) :<> strbufptr_gc (i+j)
  = "atspre_string_append"
// end of [string1_append__main]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun string_compare
  (s1: string, s2: string):<> Sgn = "atspre_compare_string_string"
// end of [string_compare]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun stringlst_concat
  (xs: List string):<> strptr1 = "atspre_stringlst_concat"
// end of [stringlst_concat]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun string_contains
  (str: string, c: char):<> bool = "atspre_string_contains"
// end of [string_contains]
fun strptr_contains
  {l:agz} (str: !strptr l, c: char):<> bool = "atspre_string_contains"
// end of [strptr_contains]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun string_equal (s1: string, s2: string):<> bool = "atspre_eq_string_string"

(* ****** ****** *)

fun strbuf_length {m,n:nat}
  (sbf: &strbuf (m, n)):<> size_t n = "atspre_string_length"
// end of [strbuf_length]

symintr string_length
fun string0_length
  (str: string):<> size_t = "atspre_string_length"
fun string1_length
  {n:nat} (str: string n):<> size_t n = "atspre_string_length"
overload string_length with string0_length
overload string_length with string1_length

fun strptr_length
  {l:agz} (str: !strptr l):<> size_t = "atspre_string_length"
// end of [strptr_length]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun strbuf_is_empty {m,n:int}
  (sbf: &strbuf (m, n)):<> bool (n==0) = "atspre_string_is_empty"
// end of [strbuf_is_empty]

symintr string_is_empty
fun string0_is_empty
  (str: string):<> bool = "atspre_string_is_empty"
overload string_is_empty with string0_is_empty
fun string1_is_empty {n:nat}
  (str: string n):<> bool (n==0) = "atspre_string_is_empty"
overload string_is_empty with string1_is_empty

(* ****** ****** *)

fun strbuf_isnot_empty {m,n:int}
  (sbf: &strbuf (m, n)):<> bool (n > 0) = "atspre_string_isnot_empty"

symintr string_isnot_empty
fun string0_isnot_empty
  (str: string):<> bool = "atspre_string_isnot_empty"
overload string_isnot_empty with string0_isnot_empty
fun string1_isnot_empty {n:nat} (str: string n):<> bool (n > 0)
  = "atspre_string_isnot_empty"
overload string_isnot_empty with string1_isnot_empty

(* ****** ****** *)

fun strbuf_is_at_end {m,n,i:nat | i <= n}
  (sbf: &strbuf (m, n), i: size_t i):<> bool (i == n)
  = "atspre_string_is_at_end"
fun string_is_at_end {n,i:nat | i <= n}
  (str: string n, i: size_t i):<> bool (i == n) = "atspre_string_is_at_end"
// end of [string_is_at_end]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun strbuf_isnot_at_end
  {m,n:int} {i:nat | i <= n}
  (sbf: &strbuf (m, n), i: size_t i):<> bool (i <> n)
  = "atspre_string_isnot_at_end"
// end of [strbuf_isnot_at_end]

fun string_isnot_at_end {n,i:nat | i <= n}
  (str: string n, i: size_t i):<> bool (i <> n) = "atspre_string_isnot_at_end"
// end of [string_isnot_at_end]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun string_explode {n:nat}
  (str: string n):<> list_vt (char, n) = "atspre_string_explode"
// end of [string_explode]

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: this is an alias of [string_make_list]
fun string_implode {n:nat}
  (cs: list (char, n)):<> strbufptr_gc n = "atspre_string_implode"
// end of [string_implode]

(* ****** ****** *)
// This function is based on [strchr] in [string.h]
// the NULL character at the end of a string is considered in the string
// So we do not allow to search for the NULL character!!!
// locate a character from left
fun string_index_of_char_from_left
  {n:nat} (str: string n, c: c1har):<> ssizeBtw (~1, n)
  = "atspre_string_index_of_char_from_left"

// This function is based on [strrchr] in [string.h]
// the NULL character at the end of a string is considered in the string
// So we do not allow to search for the NULL character!!!
// locate a character from right
fun string_index_of_char_from_right
  {n:nat} (str: string n, c: c1har):<> ssizeBtw (~1, n)
  = "atspre_string_index_of_char_from_right"

(* ****** ****** *)
// This function is based on [strstr] in [string.h]
// Note that the NULL character is not compared
fun string_index_of_string // locate a substring from left
  {n1,n2:nat} (haystack: string n1, needle: string n2):<> ssizeBtw (~1, n1)
  = "atspre_string_index_of_string"

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: implemented in [prelude/CATS/string.cats]
fun string_singleton (c: char):<> strbufptr_gc 1 = "atspre_string_singleton"

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: implemented in [prelude/DATS/string.dats]
fun string_foreach__main {v:view} {vt:viewtype} {n:nat} {f:eff}
  (pf: !v | str: string n, f: (!v | c1har, !vt) -<f> void, env: !vt) :<f> void
// end of [string_foreach__main]

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: implemented in [prelude/DATS/string.dats]
fun strbuf_tolower
  {m,n:nat} (buf: &strbuf (m, n)): void = "atspre_strbuf_tolower"
fun string_tolower {n:nat} (str: string n):<> strbufptr_gc n

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: implemented in [prelude/DATS/string.dats]
fun strbuf_toupper
  {m,n:nat} (buf: &strbuf (m, n)): void = "atspre_strbuf_toupper"
fun string_toupper {n:nat} (str: string n):<> strbufptr_gc n

(* ****** ****** *)

// HX: h = (h << 5) + h + c
fun string_hash_33 (str: string):<> ulint = "atspre_string_hash_33"

(* ****** ****** *)

// HX: functions for optional strings

// HX: stropt_none = $extval (ats_ptr_type, "0")
val stropt_none : stropt (~1) = "atspre_stropt_none"

castfn stropt_some {n:nat} (str: string n):<> stropt n
  = "atspre_stropt_some"
castfn stropt_unsome {n:nat} (stropt: stropt n):<> string n
  = "atspre_stropt_unsome"

fun stropt_is_none {i:int} (stropt: stropt i):<> bool (i < 0)
  = "atspre_stropt_is_none"
fun stropt_is_some {i:int} (stropt: stropt i):<> bool (i >= 0)
  = "atspre_stropt_is_some"

(* ****** ****** *)

// HX: functions for linear optional strings
// HX-2010-10-04: Given the availability of strptr, the demand for
// linear optional strings has drastically reduced

absviewtype stropt_gc (m:int, n:int)

castfn stropt_gc_none
  (_: ptr null): stropt_gc (0, 0)
castfn stropt_gc_unnone
  {n:int} (x: stropt_gc (0, n)):<> ptr (null)

castfn stropt_gc_some
  {m,n:nat} {l:addr} (x: strbufptr_gc (m,n,l))
  :<> stropt_gc (m, n)
  = "atspre_stropt_some"
castfn stropt_gc_unsome {m,n:nat | m > 0} // [m > n]
  (x: stropt_gc (m, n)):<> [l:addr] strbufptr_gc (m, n, l)
  = "atspre_stropt_unsome"

fun stropt_gc_is_none
  {m,n:nat} (s: !stropt_gc (m,n)):<> bool (m == 0)
  = "atspre_stropt_is_none"
fun stropt_gc_is_some
  {m,n:nat} (s: !stropt_gc (m,n)):<> bool (m >= 1)
  = "atspre_stropt_is_some"

viewtypedef Stropt_gc = [m,n:nat] stropt_gc (m, n)

(* ****** ****** *)

// HX-2010-08-10: linear strings
fun strptr_null ():<> strptr (null) = "#atspre_strptr_null"
fun strptr_is_null
  {l:addr} (x: !strptr l):<> bool (l==null) = "#atspre_ptr_is_null"
fun strptr_isnot_null
  {l:addr} (x: !strptr l):<> bool (l > null) = "#atspre_ptr_isnot_null"
castfn ptr_of_strptr {l:addr} (x: !strptr l):<> ptr l
overload ptr_of with ptr_of_strptr
castfn string_of_strptr (x: strptr1):<> string
castfn string1_of_strptr (x: strptr1):<> String
castfn string1_of_strptrlen
  {l:addr} {n:nat} (x: strptrlen (l, n)):<> string n
castfn string_takeout_ptr // non-reentrant! 
  (x: string) :<!ref> [l:agz] (strptr l -<lin,prf> void | strptr l)
castfn strbuf_of_strptr {l:agz}
  (x: strptr l):<> [m,n:int | 0 <= n; n < m] strbufptr_gc (m, n, l)
castfn strbuf_of_strptrlen {l:addr} {n:nat}
  (x: strptrlen (l, n)):<> [m:int | n < m] strbufptr_gc (m, n, l)
castfn strbuf_takeout_ptr {m,n:int} {l:addr}
  (pf: !strbuf_v (m, n, l) | x: ptr l):<> (strptr l -<lin,prf> void | strptr l)
castfn string_of_strbuf
  {m,n:int} {l:addr} (x: strbufptr_gc (m, n, l)):<> string n
castfn strptr_free_null (x: strptr null):<> ptr null
fun strptr_free {l:addr} (x: strptr l):<> void = "atspre_strptr_free"
symintr fprint_strptr
fun fprint0_strptr {l:addr}
  (out: FILEref, x: !strptr l): void = "atspre_fprint_strptr"
overload fprint_strptr with fprint0_strptr
fun fprint1_strptr {l:addr} {m:file_mode}
  (pf: file_mode_lte (m, w) | out: &FILE m, x: !strptr l): void
  = "atspre_fprint_strptr"
overload fprint_strptr with fprint1_strptr
overload fprint with fprint_strptr
fun print_strptr {l:addr} (x: !strptr l): void
overload print with print_strptr
fun prerr_strptr {l:addr} (x: !strptr l): void
overload prerr with prerr_strptr
symintr strptr_of
castfn strptr_of_strbuf {m,n:int}
  {l:addr} (x: strbufptr_gc (m, n, l)):<> [l > null] strptr l
overload strptr_of with strptr_of_strbuf
castfn strptr_of_strptrlen
  {l:addr} {n:int} (x: strptrlen (l, n)):<> [l > null] strptr l
overload strptr_of with strptr_of_strptrlen
(* ****** ****** *)

fun strptr_dup {l:agz} (x: !strptr l): strptr1
fun string_tail
  {n,i:nat | i <= n} (
  x: string n, i: size_t i
) :<> [l:addr] (strptr l -<lin,prf> void | strptrlen (l, n-i))
  = "atspre_padd_size"
// end pf [string_tail]

(* ****** ****** *)

#print "Loading [string.sats] finishes!\n"
#endif // end of [VERBOSE_PRELUDE]

(* end of [string.sats] *)