#include "prelude/params.hats"
#print "Loading [basic_sta.sats] starts!\n"
#define power_2_4 0x10
#define power_2_5 0x20
#define power_2_6 0x40
#define power_2_7 0x80
#define power_2_8 0x100
#define power_2_10 0x400
#define power_2_15 0x8000
#define power_2_16 0x10000
#define power_2_20 0x100000
#define power_2_31 0x80000000
#define power_2_32 0x100000000
#define power_2_63 0x8000000000000000
#define power_2_64 0x10000000000000000
abst@ype bool_t0ype = $extype "ats_bool_type"
abst@ype byte_t0ype = $extype "ats_byte_type"
abst@ype char_t0ype = $extype "ats_char_type"
abst@ype schar_t0ype = $extype "ats_schar_type"
abst@ype uchar_t0ype = $extype "ats_uchar_type"
abstype clo_t0ype
abst@ype double_t0ype = $extype "ats_double_type"
absviewtype exception_viewtype
abst@ype int_t0ype = $extype "ats_int_type"
abst@ype uint_t0ype = $extype "ats_uint_type"
abst@ype int_short_t0ype = $extype "ats_sint_type"
abst@ype uint_short_t0ype = $extype "ats_usint_type"
abst@ype int_short_short_t0ype = $extype "ats_sint_type"
abst@ype uint_short_short_t0ype = $extype "ats_ussint_type"
abst@ype int_long_t0ype = $extype "ats_lint_type"
abst@ype uint_long_t0ype = $extype "ats_ulint_type"
abst@ype int_long_long_t0ype = $extype "ats_llint_type"
abst@ype uint_long_long_t0ype = $extype "ats_ullint_type"
abst@ype intmax_t0ype = $extype "ats_intmax_type"
abst@ype uintmax_t0ype = $extype "ats_uintmax_type"
abstype intptr_type abstype uintptr_type
abst@ype int8_t0ype = $extype "ats_int8_type"
abst@ype uint8_t0ype = $extype "ats_uint8_type"
abst@ype int16_t0ype = $extype "ats_int16_type"
abst@ype uint16_t0ype = $extype "ats_uint16_type"
abst@ype int32_t0ype = $extype "ats_int32_type"
abst@ype uint32_t0ype = $extype "ats_uint32_type"
abst@ype int64_t0ype = $extype "ats_int64_type"
abst@ype uint64_t0ype = $extype "ats_uint64_type"
abst@ype size_t0ype = $extype "ats_size_type"
abst@ype ssize_t0ype = $extype "ats_ssize_type"
abst@ype ptrdiff_t0ype = $extype "ats_ptrdiff_type"
abstype ptr_type
abstype string_type abst@ype strbuf_t0ype
abst@ype void_t0ype = $extype "ats_void_type"
abst@ype empty_t0ype = $extype "ats_empty_type"
sta neg_int_int : int -> int
stadef ~ = neg_int_int
sta add_int_int_int : (int, int) -> int
stadef + = add_int_int_int
sta sub_int_int_int: (int, int) -> int
stadef - = sub_int_int_int
sta nsub_int_int_int: (int, int) -> int
stadef nsub = nsub_int_int_int
sta mul_int_int_int : (int, int) -> int
stadef * = mul_int_int_int
sta div_int_int_int : (int, int) -> int
stadef / = div_int_int_int
stadef mod (x:int, y:int) = x - y * (x / y)
sta abs_int_int : int -> int
stadef abs = abs_int_int
sta max_int_int_int : (int, int) -> int
stadef max = max_int_int_int
sta min_int_int_int : (int, int) -> int
stadef min = min_int_int_int
sta int_of_bool : bool -> int and bool_of_int : int -> bool
sta int_of_char : char -> int and char_of_int : int -> char
sta true_bool : bool and false_bool : bool
stadef true = true_bool and false = false_bool
sta neg_bool_bool : bool -> bool
stadef ~ = neg_bool_bool
sta mul_bool_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stadef && = mul_bool_bool_bool
sta add_bool_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stadef || = add_bool_bool_bool
sta gt_bool_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stadef > = gt_bool_bool_bool
sta gte_bool_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stadef >= = gte_bool_bool_bool
sta lt_bool_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stadef < = lt_bool_bool_bool
sta lte_bool_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stadef <= = lte_bool_bool_bool
sta eq_bool_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stadef == = eq_bool_bool_bool
sta neq_bool_bool_bool : (bool, bool) -> bool
stadef <> = neq_bool_bool_bool
sta sub_char_char_int : (char, char) -> int
stadef - = sub_char_char_int
sta gt_char_char_bool : (char, char) -> bool
stadef > = gt_char_char_bool
sta gte_char_char_bool : (char, char) -> bool
stadef >= = gte_char_char_bool
sta lt_char_char_bool : (char, char) -> bool
stadef < = lt_char_char_bool
sta lte_char_char_bool : (char, char) -> bool
stadef <= = lte_char_char_bool
sta eq_char_char_bool : (char, char) -> bool
stadef == = eq_char_char_bool
sta neq_char_char_bool : (char, char) -> bool
stadef <> = neq_char_char_bool
sta gt_int_int_bool : (int, int) -> bool
stadef > = gt_int_int_bool
sta gte_int_int_bool : (int, int) -> bool
stadef >= = gte_int_int_bool
sta lt_int_int_bool : (int, int) -> bool
stadef < = lt_int_int_bool
sta lte_int_int_bool : (int, int) -> bool
stadef <= = lte_int_int_bool
sta eq_int_int_bool : (int, int) -> bool
stadef == = eq_int_int_bool
sta neq_int_int_bool : (int, int) -> bool
stadef <> = neq_int_int_bool
sta null_addr : addr
stadef null = null_addr
sta add_addr_int_addr : (addr, int) -> addr
stadef + = add_addr_int_addr
sta sub_addr_int_addr : (addr, int) -> addr
stadef - = sub_addr_int_addr
sta sub_addr_addr_int : (addr, addr) -> int
stadef - = sub_addr_addr_int
sta gt_addr_addr_bool : (addr, addr) -> bool
stadef > = gt_addr_addr_bool
sta gte_addr_addr_bool : (addr, addr) -> bool
stadef >= = gte_addr_addr_bool
sta lt_addr_addr_bool : (addr, addr) -> bool
stadef < = lt_addr_addr_bool
sta lte_addr_addr_bool : (addr, addr) -> bool
stadef <= = lte_addr_addr_bool
sta eq_addr_addr_bool : (addr, addr) -> bool
stadef == = eq_addr_addr_bool
sta neq_addr_addr_bool : (addr, addr) -> bool
stadef <> = neq_addr_addr_bool
sta lte_cls_cls_bool : (cls, cls) -> bool
stadef <= = lte_cls_cls_bool
viewtypedef bottom_t0ype_uni = {a:t@ype} a
viewtypedef bottom_t0ype_exi = [a:t@ype | false] a
viewtypedef bottom_viewt0ype_uni = {a:viewt@ype} a
viewtypedef bottom_viewt0ype_exi = [a:viewt@ype | false] a
absview at_viewt0ype_addr_view (viewt@ype+, addr)
stadef @ = at_viewt0ype_addr_view
abstype ref_viewt0ype_type (viewt@ype) stadef ref = ref_viewt0ype_type
abstype refconst_t0ype_type (t@ype) stadef refconst = refconst_t0ype_type
without_viewt0ype_t0ype (viewt@ype)
stadef without = without_viewt0ype_t0ype
absprop vbox_view_prop (view)
stadef vbox = vbox_view_prop
opt_viewt0ype_bool_viewt0ype (a:viewt@ype+, opt:bool) = a
stadef opt = opt_viewt0ype_bool_viewt0ype
array0_viewt0ype_type (elt:viewt@ype)
array_viewt0ype_int_type (elt:viewt@ype, sz:int)
matrix0_viewt0ype_type (elt:viewt@ype)
matrix_viewt0ype_int_int_type (elt:viewt@ype, nrow:int, ncol:int)
abst@ype bool_bool_t0ype (bool) = bool_t0ype
abst@ype char_char_t0ype (char) = char_t0ype
abst@ype int_int_t0ype (int) = int_t0ype
abst@ype uint_int_t0ype (int) = uint_t0ype
abst@ype lint_int_t0ype (int) = int_long_t0ype
abst@ype ulint_int_t0ype (int) = uint_long_t0ype
abst@ype llint_int_t0ype (int) = int_long_long_t0ype
abst@ype ullint_int_t0ype (int) = uint_long_long_t0ype
abst@ype size_int_t0ype (i:int) = size_t0ype
abst@ype ssize_int_t0ype (i:int) = ssize_t0ype
abst@ype ptrdiff_int_t0ype (i:int) = ptrdiff_t0ype
abstype ptr_addr_type (addr)
abstype string_int_type (int)
abstype stropt_int_type (int)
strbuf_int_int_t0ype (bsz: int, len: int) absviewtype
strptr_addr_int_viewtype (addr, int) absviewtype strptr_addr_viewtype (addr)
stadef abs_int_int_bool (x: int, v: int): bool =
(x >= 0 && x == v) || (x <= 0 && ~x == v)
stadef abs_r = abs_int_int_bool
stadef btw_int_int_int_bool (x: int, y: int, z:int): bool =
(x <= y && y < z)
stadef int_of_bool_bool (b: bool, v: int): bool =
(b && v == 1) || (~b && v == 0)
stadef nsub_int_int_int_bool (x: int, y: int, v: int): bool =
(x >= y && v == x - y) || (x <= y && v == 0)
stadef nsub_r = nsub_int_int_int_bool
stadef max_int_int_int_bool (x: int, y: int, v: int): bool =
(x >= y && x == v) || (x <= y && y == v)
stadef max_r = max_int_int_int_bool
stadef min_int_int_int_bool (x: int, y: int, v: int): bool =
(x >= y && y == v) || (x <= y && x == v)
stadef min_r = min_int_int_int_bool
stadef sgn_int_int_bool (x: int, v: int): bool =
(x > 0 && v == 1) || (x == 0 && v == 0) || (x < 0 && v == ~1)
stadef sgn_r = sgn_int_int_bool
stadef ndiv_int_int_int_bool (x: int, y: int, q: int): bool =
(q * y <= x && x < q * y + y)
stadef ndiv_r = ndiv_int_int_int_bool
stadef div_int_int_int_bool (x: int, y: int, q: int) =
(x >= 0 && y > 0 && ndiv_int_int_int_bool (x, y, q)) ||
(x >= 0 && y < 0 && ndiv_int_int_int_bool (x, ~y, ~q)) ||
(x <= 0 && y > 0 && ndiv_int_int_int_bool (~x, y, ~q)) ||
(x <= 0 && y < 0 && ndiv_int_int_int_bool (~x, ~y, q))
stadef div_r = div_int_int_int_bool
stadef size_int_int_bool (sz: int, n:int) = n >= 0
sta sizeof_viewt0ype_int : viewt@ype -> int
stadef sizeof = sizeof_viewt0ype_int
stadef array0 = array0_viewt0ype_type stadef array = array_viewt0ype_int_type stadef matrix0 = matrix0_viewt0ype_type stadef matrix = matrix_viewt0ype_int_int_type
stadef bool = bool_bool_t0ype
stadef bool = bool_t0ype
stadef byte = byte_t0ype
stadef char = char_char_t0ype
stadef char = char_t0ype
stadef schar = schar_t0ype
stadef uchar = uchar_t0ype
stadef double = double_t0ype
stadef exn = exception_viewtype
stadef int = int_int_t0ype
stadef int = int_t0ype
stadef uint = uint_int_t0ype
stadef uint = uint_t0ype
stadef size_t = size_int_t0ype
stadef size_t = size_t0ype
stadef ssize_t = ssize_int_t0ype
stadef ssize_t = ssize_t0ype
stadef ptrdiff_t = ptrdiff_int_t0ype
stadef ptrdiff_t = ptrdiff_t0ype
stadef ptr = ptr_addr_type
stadef ptr = ptr_type
stadef strbuf = strbuf_int_int_t0ype
stadef strbuf (bsz:int) = [len:int | 0 <= len] strbuf (bsz, len)
stadef string = string_int_type
stadef string = string_type
stadef stropt = stropt_int_type
stadef strptr = strptr_addr_viewtype stadef strptr0 = [l:addr] strptr (l)
stadef strptr1 = [l:addr | l > null] strptr (l)
stadef strptrlen = strptr_addr_int_viewtype
stadef void = void_t0ype stadef empty = empty_t0ype
datatype unit = unit of ()
typedef Bool = [b:bool] bool b
typedef Char = [c:char] char c
typedef Int = [i:int] int i
typedef intLt (n:int) = [i:int | i < n] int i
typedef intLte (n:int) = [i:int | i <= n] int i
typedef intGt (n:int) = [i:int | i > n] int i
typedef intGte (n:int) = [i:int | i >= n] int i
typedef intBtw (lb:int, ub:int) = [i: int | lb <= i; i < ub] int i
typedef Nat = [n:int | n >= 0] int n
typedef natLt (n:int) = [i:int | 0 <=i; i < n] int i
typedef natLte (n:int) = [i:int | 0 <= i; i <= n] int i
typedef Pos = intGt 0
typedef Neg = intLt 0
typedef Sgn = [i:int | ~1 <= i; i <= 1] int i
typedef Ptr = [l:addr] ptr (l)
typedef Ptr1 = [l:addr | l > null] ptr (l)
typedef String = [n:int | n >= 0] string n
typedef Stropt = [n:int] stropt n
typedef uInt = [n:int | n >=0] uint n
typedef sizeof_t (a:viewt@ype) =
size_int_t0ype (sizeof_viewt0ype_int a)
typedef Size = [i:int | i >= 0] size_t i
typedef sizeLt (n: int) = [i:int | 0 <= i; i < n] size_t (i)
typedef sizeLte (n: int) = [i:int | 0 <= i; i <= n] size_t (i)
typedef sizeGt (n: int) = [i:int | i > n] size_t (i)
typedef sizeGte (n: int) = [i:int | i >= n] size_t (i)
typedef sizeBtw (lb:int, ub:int) = [i: int | lb <= i; i < ub] size_t i
typedef SSize = [i:int] ssize_t i
typedef ssizeBtw (lb:int, ub:int) = [i: int | lb <= i; i < ub] ssize_t i
absview free_gc_addr_view (l:addr)
absview free_ngc_addr_view (l:addr)
stadef free_gc_v = free_gc_addr_view
stadef free_ngc_v = free_ngc_addr_view
absview free_gc_viewt0ype_addr_view (a:viewt@ype+, l:addr)
absview free_ngc_viewt0ype_addr_view (a:viewt@ype+, l:addr)
stadef free_gc_v = free_gc_viewt0ype_addr_view
stadef free_ngc_v = free_ngc_viewt0ype_addr_view
absview free_gc_viewt0ype_addr_int_view (a:viewt@ype+, n:int, l:addr)
absview free_ngc_viewt0ype_addr_int_view (a:viewt@ype+, n:int, l: addr)
stadef free_gc_v = free_gc_viewt0ype_addr_int_view
stadef free_ngc_v = free_ngc_viewt0ype_addr_int_view
viewdef free_gc_v (n:int, l:addr) = free_gc_v (byte, n, l)
viewdef free_ngc_v (n:int, l:addr) = free_ngc_v (byte, n, l)
absviewtype junkptr_viewtype
stadef junkptr = junkptr_viewtype
arraysize_viewt0ype_int_viewt0ype (a:viewt@ype, n:int) =
[l:addr] (free_gc_v (a, n, l), @[a][n] @ l | ptr l, size_t n)
stadef arraysize = arraysize_viewt0ype_int_viewt0ype
viewtypedef Arraysize
(a:viewt@ype) = [n:int | n >= 0] arraysize (a, n)
clo_viewt0ype_viewt0ype (_fun: viewt@ype+)
stadef clo = clo_viewt0ype_viewt0ype
cloptr_viewt0ype_viewtype (_fun: viewt@ype+)
stadef cloptr = cloptr_viewt0ype_viewtype
abstype cloref_t0ype_type (t@ype)
stadef cloref = cloref_t0ype_type
READ_viewt0ype_viewt0ype (a: viewt@ype) = a
stadef READ = READ_viewt0ype_viewt0ype
abstype printf_c_types_type (types) stadef printf_c = printf_c_types_type
va_list_viewt0ype = $extype "ats_va_list_viewtype"
va_list_types_viewt0ype (types) = va_list_viewt0ype
stadef va_list = va_list_types_viewt0ype
stadef va_list = va_list_viewt0ype
datasort file_mode =
| file_mode_r
| file_mode_w
| file_mode_rw
stadef r = file_mode_r ()
stadef w = file_mode_w ()
stadef rw = file_mode_rw ()
FILE_viewt0ype (file_mode) = $extype "ats_FILE_viewtype"
stadef FILE = FILE_viewt0ype
abstype FILEref_type
stadef FILEref = FILEref_type
box_t0ype_type (a:t@ype+) = box (a) of a
stadef box = box_t0ype_type
box_viewt0ype_viewtype (a:viewt@ype+) = box_vt (a) of a
stadef box_vt = box_viewt0ype_viewtype
datatype list0_t0ype_type (a: t@ype+) =
| list0_cons (a) of (a, list0_t0ype_type a) | list0_nil (a) of ()
stadef list0 = list0_t0ype_type
datatype list_t0ype_int_type (a:t@ype+, int) =
| {n:int | n >= 0}
list_cons (a, n+1) of (a, list_t0ype_int_type (a, n))
| list_nil (a, 0)
stadef list = list_t0ype_int_type
typedef List (a:t@ype) = [n:int | n >= 0] list (a, n)
datatype option0_t0ype_type (a: t@ype) =
| option0_some (a) of (a) | option0_none (a) of ()
stadef option0 = option0_t0ype_type
datatype option_t0ype_bool_type (a:t@ype+, bool) =
| None (a, false) | Some (a, true) of a
stadef option = option_t0ype_bool_type
typedef Option (a:t@ype) = [b:bool] option (a, b)
dataviewtype list_viewt0ype_int_viewtype (a:viewt@ype+, int) =
| {n:int | n >= 0}
list_vt_cons (a, n+1) of (a, list_viewt0ype_int_viewtype (a, n))
| list_vt_nil (a, 0)
stadef list_vt = list_viewt0ype_int_viewtype
viewtypedef List_vt (a:viewt@ype) = [n:int | n >=0] list_vt (a, n)
dataviewtype option_viewt0ype_bool_viewtype (a:viewt@ype+, bool) =
| None_vt (a, false) | Some_vt (a, true) of a
stadef option_vt = option_viewt0ype_bool_viewtype
viewtypedef Option_vt (a:viewt@ype) = [b:bool] option_vt (a, b)
dataprop unit_p = unit_p of ()
dataview unit_v = unit_v of ()
(a:view+, bool) = Some_v (a, true) of a | None_v (a, false)
stadef option_v = option_view_bool_view
viewdef ptropt_v (a:viewt@ype, l:addr) = option_v (a @ l, l > null)
(v0: view, v1: view, int) =
| InsLeft_v (v0, v1, 0) of v0 | InsRight_v (v0, v1, 1) of v1
stadef disj_v = disj_view_view_int_view
absprop vsubr_p (v1:view+, v2: view-) stadef <= (v1:view, v2:view) = vsubr_p (v1, v2)
absprop vsubw_p (v1:view, v2: view)
absviewt@ype crypt_viewt0ype_viewt0ype (a:viewt@ype) = a
stadef crypt = crypt_viewt0ype_viewt0ype
abstype lazy_t0ype_type (t@ype+) stadef lazy = lazy_t0ype_type
absviewtype lazy_viewt0ype_viewtype (viewt@ype+) stadef lazy_vt = lazy_viewt0ype_viewtype
datatype stream_con (a:t@ype+) =
| stream_nil (a) | stream_cons (a) of (a, stream a)
where stream (a:t@ype) = lazy (stream_con a)
dataviewtype stream_vt_con (a:viewt@ype+) =
| stream_vt_nil (a) | stream_vt_cons (a) of (a, stream_vt a)
where stream_vt (a:viewt@ype) = lazy_vt (stream_vt_con a)
#print "Loading [basic_sta.sats] finishes!\n"