staload "libc/SATS/stdio.sats"
typedef two = [b:two] int b
viewdef bytes_v (n:int, l:addr) = bytes n @ l
fun array_byte_ptr_alloc {n:nat}
(n: int n):<!ref> [l:addr] (array_v (byte, n, l) | ptr l)
= "ats_array_byte_ptr_make"
and array_byte_ptr_free {n:nat} {l:addr}
(pf: array_v (byte, n, l) | p: ptr l): void
= "ats_array_byte_ptr_free"
fn* wc_aux_1 {n:nat} {l_buf,l1,l2,l3:addr}
(pf1: !Nat @ l1, pf2: !Nat @ l2, pf3: !Nat @ l3 |
fil: &FILE r, buf: &bytes n,
n: int n, inword: two, lc: ptr l1, wc: ptr l2, cc: ptr l3)
: void = let
val [m:int] m =
fread_byte (file_mode_lte_r_r | buf, size1_of_int1 n, fil)
val m = int1_of_size1 (m)
if m > 0 then begin
!cc := !cc + m;
wc_aux_2 {n,m,m}
(pf1, pf2, pf3 | fil, buf, n, m, m, inword, lc, wc, cc)
and wc_aux_2
{n,m,i:nat | i <= m; m <= n} {l_buf,l1,l2,l3:addr}
(pf1: !Nat @ l1, pf2: !Nat @ l2, pf3: !Nat @ l3 |
fil: &FILE r, buf: &bytes n,
n: int n, m: int m, i: int i, inword: two,
lc: ptr l1, wc: ptr l2, cc: ptr l3): void = begin
if i > 0 then let
val c = char_of_byte buf.[m-i]
if c = '\n' then begin
!lc := !lc + 1; !wc := !wc + inword;
wc_aux_2 {n,m,i-1}
(pf1, pf2, pf3 | fil, buf, n, m, i-1, 0, lc, wc, cc)
end else if char_isalnum (c) then
wc_aux_2 {n,m,i-1}
(pf1, pf2, pf3 | fil, buf, n, m, i-1, 1, lc, wc, cc)
else begin
!wc := !wc + inword;
wc_aux_2 {n,m,i-1}
(pf1, pf2, pf3 | fil, buf, n, m, i-1, 0, lc, wc, cc)
end else begin wc_aux_1 {n}
(pf1, pf2, pf3 | fil, buf, n, inword, lc, wc, cc)
#define BUFSZ 1024
fun wc (filename: string): (Nat, Nat, Nat) = let
val (pf_fil | ptr_fil) = fopen_exn (filename, file_mode_r)
val (pfopt | p_buf) = malloc_ngc (BUFSZ)
val () = assert_errmsg (p_buf > null, #LOCATION)
prval malloc_v_succ (pf_ngc, pf_buf) = pfopt
prval () = pf_buf := bytes_v_of_b0ytes_v (pf_buf)
var lc: Nat = 0
and wc: Nat = 0
and cc: Nat = 0
wc_aux_1 (
view@ lc, view@ wc, view@ cc |
!ptr_fil, !p_buf, BUFSZ, 0, &lc, &wc, &cc
free_ngc (pf_ngc, pf_buf | p_buf);
fclose_exn (pf_fil | ptr_fil);
@(lc, wc, cc)
implement main (argc, argv) = let
var i: Nat = 1
var lc_total: Nat = 0
var wc_total: Nat = 0
var cc_total: Nat = 0
while (i < argc) let
val filename = argv.[i]
val (lc, wc, cc) = wc (filename)
lc_total := lc_total + lc;
wc_total := wc_total + wc;
cc_total := cc_total + cc;
printf ("%i\t%i\t%i\t%s\n", @(lc, wc, cc, filename));
i := i + 1;
end ;
if argc > 2 then begin
printf ("%i\t%i\t%i\ttotal\n", @(lc_total, wc_total, cc_total))
end ;