staload "libc/SATS/random.sats"
staload "libc/SATS/stdio.sats"
staload "libc/SATS/unistd.sats"
staload "prelude/DATS/array.dats"
staload "prelude/DATS/matrix.dats"
staload "prelude/DATS/reference.dats"
extern fun save_set_keyboard (): void = "save_set_keyboard"
extern fun restore_keyboard (): void = "restore_keyboard"
extern fun kbhit (): bool = "kbhit"
extern fun readch (): int = "readch"
#define clear "[H[2J" #define home "[H" #define civis "[?25l" #define cnorm "[?25h"
#define blink "[5m"
#define bold "[1m"
#define normal "[0m"
#define cuu "[1A" #define cud "[1B" #define cuf "[1C" #define cub "[1D"
#define BSZ 2
#define FD 28 #define FW 20
#define XBASE 3
#define YBASE 1
macdef XSCORE = 2
macdef YSCORE = FW + 4
macdef SPEED_LIM = 100
macdef matrix_make_elt (m, n, c) =
matrix_make_elt (size1_of_int1 ,(m), size1_of_int1 ,(n), ,(c))
val frame: matrix (char, FD+1, FW) =
matrix_make_elt (FD+1, FW, ' ')
fn frame_get_at (i: Int, j: Int): char =
if i < 0 then '\0' else
if i > FD then '\0' else
if j < 0 then '\0' else
if j >= FW then '\0' else
frame[i, FW, j]
fn frame_set_at (i: Int, j: Int, c: char): void =
if i < 0 then () else
if i > FD then () else
if j < 0 then () else
if j >= FW then () else
frame[i, FW, j] := c
macdef ignore (x) = let val _ = ,(x) in () end
exception GameIsOverException
fn curs_clear (): void = print_string clear
fn curs_home (): void = print_string home
fn curs_invisible (): void = print_string civis
fn curs_normal (): void = print_string cnorm
fun curs_upward (n: Nat): void =
if n > 0 then (print_string cuu; curs_upward (n-1))
fun curs_downward (n: Nat): void =
if n > 0 then (print_string cud; curs_downward (n-1))
fun curs_forward (n: Nat): void =
if n > 0 then (print_string cuf; curs_forward (n-1))
fun curs_backward (n: Nat): void =
if n > 0 then (print_string cub; curs_backward (n-1))
fun curs_goto (m:Int, n:Int): void =
let val m = m + XBASE and n = n + YBASE in
curs_home ();
if m >= 0 then curs_downward m else curs_upward (~m);
if n >= 0 then curs_forward n else curs_backward (~n);
fun print_vertical_line_up (n: Nat): void =
if n > 0 then begin
print '|'; print_string cub; print_string cuu;
print_vertical_line_up (n - 1)
fun print_vertical_line_dn (n: Nat): void =
if n > 0 then begin
print '|'; print_string cub; print_string cud;
print_vertical_line_dn (n - 1)
fun print_horizontal_line (n: Nat): void =
if n > 0 then begin
print '_'; print_horizontal_line (n - 1)
fn print_frame (): void = begin
print_vertical_line_dn (FD isub 1);
print '|';
print_horizontal_line FW;
print_vertical_line_up FD;
fn print_block (c: char, b: bool): void =
if c <> ' ' then
(if b then print c else print ' ')
else curs_forward 1
typedef rotate_t = natLt 4
typedef shape (m:int, n:int) = '{
row= int m
, col= int n
, mat= matrix (char, m, n)
typedef shape = [m,n:pos] shape (m, n)
fn move_test {m,n:pos}
(S: shape (m, n), r: rotate_t, xcen: Int, ycen: Int): bool = let
val m = S.row and n = S.col and M = S.mat
val m2 = nhalf m and n2 = nhalf n
fun aux (i: natLte m, j: natLte n):<cloref1> bool =
if i < m then
if j < n then let
val (x, y): (Int, Int) = case+ r of
| 0 => (xcen - m2 + i, ycen - n2 + j)
| 1 => (xcen - n2 + j, ycen + m2 - i - 1)
| 2 => (xcen + m2 - i - 1, ycen + n2 - j - 1)
| 3 => (xcen + n2 - j - 1, ycen - m2 + i)
val c = frame_get_at (x, y)
if c = '\0' then false else begin
if c <> ' ' then begin
if M[i,n,j] = ' ' then aux (i, j+1) else false
end else begin
aux (i, j+1)
end end
end else begin
aux (i+1, 0)
end else true
aux (0, 0)
fn absorb {m,n:pos}
(S: shape (m, n), r: rotate_t, xcen: Int, ycen: Int): void = let
val m = S.row and n = S.col and M = S.mat
val m2 = nhalf m and n2 = nhalf n
fun aux (i: natLte m, j: natLte n):<cloref1> void =
if i < m then begin
if j < n then let
val (x, y): (Int, Int) = case+ r of
| 0 => (xcen - m2 + i, ycen - n2 + j)
| 1 => (xcen - n2 + j, ycen + m2 - i - 1)
| 2 => (xcen + m2 - i - 1, ycen + n2 - j - 1)
| 3 => (xcen + n2 - j - 1, ycen - m2 + i)
val c = M[i, n, j]
val () = if c <> ' ' then frame_set_at (x, y, c)
aux (i, j+1)
end else begin
aux (i+1, 0)
end end in
aux (0, 0)
fn iter {n:nat}
(n: int n, f: !natLt n -<cloptr1> void): void = let
fun loop {i:nat | i <= n} (i: int i, f: !natLt n -<cloptr1> void)
:<cloptr1> void =
if i < n then (f i; loop (i+1, f)) else ()
loop (0, f)
fn frame_line_flash (i: natLte FD): void = let
fun aux (n: Nat):<cloptr1> void =
if n > 0 then let
val f = lam (j: natLt FW): void =<cloptr1> print frame[i, FW, j]
val () = iter (FW, f)
val () = cloptr_free (f)
fflush_stdout ();
curs_backward (FW);
ignore (usleep (62500));
iter (FW, lam j => print ' ');
fflush_stdout ();
curs_backward (FW);
ignore (usleep (62500));
aux (n-1)
end in
print_string bold;
curs_goto (i, 0); aux (3);
print_string normal
fn frame_display (): void = let
fun aux1 (j: natLte FW):<cloref1> void =
if j < FW then let
val c = frame[FD, FW, j]
if c = ' ' then print '_' else print c; aux1 (j + 1)
end else begin
curs_backward FW; curs_upward 1
fun aux2 (i: intLte FD, j: natLte FW):<cloref1> void =
if i >= 0 then
if j < FW then begin
print frame[i, FW, j]; aux2 (i, j + 1)
end else begin
curs_backward FW; curs_upward 1; aux2 (i - 1, 0)
end else ()
curs_goto (FD, 0); aux1 (0); aux2 (FD - 1, 0)
fn frame_find (): intBtw (~1, FD+1) = let fn* aux1 {i:nat} (i: int i):<cloref1> intBtw (~1, FD+1) =
if i <= FD then aux2 (i, 0) else (~1)
and aux2 {i,j:nat | i <= FD; j <= FW}
(i: int i, j: int j):<cloref1> intBtw (~1, FD+1) =
if j < FW then begin
if frame[i, FW, j] <> ' ' then aux2 (i, j+1) else aux1 (i+1)
end else begin
end in
aux1 (0)
fn print_usage (): void = begin
curs_goto (XSCORE + 2, YSCORE);
print_string ("j: left move");
curs_goto (XSCORE + 3, YSCORE);
print_string ("l: right move");
curs_goto (XSCORE + 4, YSCORE);
print_string ("i: left rotation");
curs_goto (XSCORE + 5, YSCORE);
print_string ("k: right rotation");
curs_goto (XSCORE + 6, YSCORE);
print_string ("space: fall straight");
curs_goto (XSCORE + 8, YSCORE);
print_string "Please press the RETURN key to start the game.";
val total_number_of_filled_lines: ref Nat = ref_make_elt 0
fn total_number_of_filled_lines_inc ():<fun1> void = begin
!total_number_of_filled_lines := !total_number_of_filled_lines + 1
fn print_score (): void = begin
curs_goto (XSCORE, YSCORE + 7);
print (!total_number_of_filled_lines);
fflush_stdout ()
fun frame_delete (): void = let
fn aux1 (i: natLte FD, j: natLte FD):<cloref1> void = let
val f = lam (k: natLt FW): void =<cloptr1>
matrix_set_elt_at__intsz (frame, i, FW, k, frame[j, FW, k])
val () = iter (FW, f)
val () = cloptr_free (f)
fn aux2 (i: natLte FD):<cloref1> void = let
val f = lam (k: natLt FW): void =<cloptr1> frame[i, FW, k] := ' '
val () = iter (FW, f)
val () = cloptr_free (f)
fun aux3 (i: intLte FD):<cloref1> void =
if i >= 0 then let
val j = i-1
if j < 0 then aux2 i else aux1 (i, j); aux3 (i - 1)
val i = frame_find ()
if i >= 0 then begin
total_number_of_filled_lines_inc ();
frame_line_flash (i);
print_score ();
aux3 i; frame_display (); frame_delete ()
fn display_shape_0 {m,n:pos}
(S: shape (m, n), b: bool): void = let
val m = S.row and n = S.col and M = S.mat
fun aux (i: natLte m, j: natLte n):<cloref1> void =
if i < m then
if j < n then begin
print_block (M[i, n, j], b); aux (i, j + 1)
end else begin
curs_backward n; curs_downward 1; aux (i+1, 0)
end else begin
fflush_stdout ()
aux (0, 0)
fn display_shape_1 {m,n:pos}
(S: shape (m, n), b: bool): void = let
val m = S.row and n = S.col and M = S.mat
fun aux (i: intLt m, j: natLte n):<cloref1> void =
if j < n then
if i >= 0 then begin
print_block (M[i, n, j], b); aux (i-1, j)
end else begin
curs_backward m; curs_downward 1; aux (m-1, j+1)
end else begin
fflush_stdout ()
end in
aux (m-1, 0)
fn display_shape_2 {m,n:pos}
(S: shape (m, n), b: bool): void = let
val m = S.row and n = S.col and M = S.mat
fun aux (i: intLt m, j: intLt n):<cloref1> void =
if i >= 0 then
if j >= 0 then begin
print_block (M[i, n, j], b); aux (i, j - 1)
end else begin
curs_backward n; curs_downward 1; aux (i-1, n-1)
else begin
fflush_stdout ()
end in
aux (m-1, n-1)
fn display_shape_3 {m,n:pos}
(S: shape (m, n), b: bool): void = let
val m = S.row and n = S.col and M = S.mat
fun aux (i: natLte m, j: intLt n):<cloref1> void =
if j >= 0 then
if i < m then begin
print_block (M[i, n, j], b); aux (i + 1, j)
end else begin
curs_backward m; curs_downward 1; aux (0, j-1)
end else begin
fflush_stdout ()
end in
aux (0, n-1)
fn display_shape_at {m,n:pos}
(S: shape (m, n), b: bool, r: rotate_t, xcen: Int, ycen: Int): void = let
val m = S.row and n = S.col
val m2 = nhalf m and n2 = nhalf n
case+ r of
| 0 => begin
curs_goto (xcen - m2, ycen - n2); display_shape_0 (S, b)
| 1 => begin
curs_goto (xcen - n2, ycen + m2 - m); display_shape_1 (S, b)
| 2 => begin
curs_goto (xcen + m2 - m, ycen + n2 - n); display_shape_2 (S, b)
| 3 => begin
curs_goto (xcen + n2 - n, ycen - m2); display_shape_3 (S, b)
viewtypedef shapeObj (m:int, n:int) = @{
rot= rotate_t
, xlen= int m
, ylen= int n
, xpos= Int
, ypos= Int
, speed_lim= Nat
, speed_acc= Nat
, shape= shape (m, n)
viewtypedef shapeObj = [m,n:pos] shapeObj (m, n)
viewtypedef shapeObj0 = shapeObj (0, 0)
fn shapeObj_display {m,n:pos} (S: &shapeObj (m, n)): void =
display_shape_at (S.shape, true, S.rot, S.xpos, S.ypos)
fn shapeObj_undisplay {m,n:pos} (S: &shapeObj (m, n)): void =
display_shape_at (S.shape, false, S.rot, S.xpos, S.ypos)
fn shapeObj_downward {m,n:pos} (S: &shapeObj (m, n)): int =
if move_test (S.shape, S.rot, S.xpos + 1, S.ypos) then
(shapeObj_undisplay S; S.xpos := S.xpos + 1; shapeObj_display S; 0)
else 1
#define i2c char_of_int
fn shapeObj_falling {m,n:pos} (S: &shapeObj (m, n)): void = let
var error: int = (0: int)
if ~(move_test (S.shape, 0, S.xpos, S.ypos)) then begin
$raise GameIsOverException ()
end ;
while (error < 1) (
ignore (usleep 1000);
if kbhit () then let
val c = readch ()
case+ i2c c of
| ' ' => S.speed_lim := 0
| 'l' => begin
if move_test (S.shape, S.rot, S.xpos, S.ypos+1) then
(shapeObj_undisplay S; S.ypos := S.ypos+1; shapeObj_display S)
| 'j' => begin
if move_test (S.shape, S.rot, S.xpos, S.ypos-1) then
(shapeObj_undisplay S; S.ypos := S.ypos-1; shapeObj_display S)
| 'i' => let
val r = (S.rot + 3) nmod 4
if move_test (S.shape, r, S.xpos, S.ypos) then
(shapeObj_undisplay S; S.rot := r; shapeObj_display S)
| 'k' => let
val r = (S.rot + 1) nmod 4
if move_test (S.shape, r, S.xpos, S.ypos) then
(shapeObj_undisplay S; S.rot := r; shapeObj_display S)
| _ => ()
end ;
if S.speed_acc >= S.speed_lim then begin
S.speed_acc := 0; error := shapeObj_downward S
end else begin
S.speed_acc := S.speed_acc + 1
) ;
absorb (S.shape, S.rot, S.xpos, S.ypos);
frame_delete ();
fn shape_make {m,n:pos}
(M: matrix (char, m, n), m: int m, n: int n): shape (m, n) = '{
row= m, col= n, mat= M
fn shapeObj_make {m,n:pos} (S: shape (m, n))
: [l:addr] (free_gc_v (shapeObj0, l), shapeObj (m, n) @ l | ptr l) = let
val (pf_gc, pf | p) = ptr_alloc_tsz {shapeObj0} (sizeof<shapeObj>)
p->rot := 0;
p->xlen := S.row;
p->ylen := S.col;
p->xpos := nhalf (p->xlen);
p->ypos := nhalf (FW);
p->speed_lim := SPEED_LIM;
p->speed_acc := SPEED_LIM;
p->shape := S;
(pf_gc, pf | p)
fn set_block_at {m,n:pos}
(S: shape (m*BSZ, n*BSZ), i: natLt m, j: natLt n, c: Char)
: void = let
val nBSZ = S.col and M = S.mat
fun aux (p: natLte BSZ, q: natLte BSZ):<cloref1> void =
if p < BSZ then begin
if q < BSZ then let
val () = M[i imul BSZ + p, nBSZ, j imul BSZ + q] := c
aux (p, q+1)
end else begin
aux (p+1, 0)
end end in
aux (0, 0)
val shape_0: shape = let
val m = 2 imul BSZ and n = 2 imul BSZ
val M = matrix_make_elt (m, n, '@')
shape_make (M, m, n)
val shape_1: shape = let
val m = 4 imul BSZ and n = BSZ
val M = matrix_make_elt (m, n, '%')
shape_make (M, m, n)
val shape_2: shape = let
val m = 2 imul BSZ and n = 3 imul BSZ
val M = matrix_make_elt (m, n, 'N')
val S = shape_make (M, m, n)
set_block_at {2,3} (S, 0, 0, ' ');
set_block_at {2,3} (S, 0, 2, ' ');
val shape_3: shape = let
val m = 3 imul BSZ and n = 2 imul BSZ
val M = matrix_make_elt (m, n, 'Z')
val S = shape_make (M, m, n)
set_block_at {3,2} (S, 1, 0, ' ');
set_block_at {3,2} (S, 2, 0, ' ');
val shape_4: shape = let
val m = 3 imul BSZ and n = 2 imul BSZ
val M = matrix_make_elt (m, n, 'Z')
val S = shape_make (M, m, n)
set_block_at {3,2} (S, 1, 1, ' ');
set_block_at {3,2} (S, 2, 1, ' ');
val shape_5: shape = let
val m = 3 imul BSZ and n = 2 imul BSZ
val M = matrix_make_elt (m, n, 'X')
val S = shape_make (M, m, n)
set_block_at {3,2} (S, 0, 1, ' ');
set_block_at {3,2} (S, 2, 0, ' ');
val shape_6: shape = let
val m = 3 imul BSZ and n = 2 imul BSZ
val M = matrix_make_elt (m, n, 'X')
val S = shape_make (M, m, n)
set_block_at {3,2} (S, 0, 0, ' ');
set_block_at {3,2} (S, 2, 1, ' ');
val shape_arr: array (shape, 7) = array_make_arrsz $arrsz(
, shape_1
, shape_2
, shape_3
, shape_4
, shape_5
, shape_6
extern fun natrand48 {n:pos} (range: int n):<!ref> natLt n
= "natrand48"
ats_int_type natrand48 (ats_int_type range) {
return (range * atslib_drand48 ()) ;
fn gen_shape_obj ()
: [l:addr] (free_gc_v (shapeObj0, l), shapeObj @ l | ptr l) = let
val i = natrand48 (7)
shapeObj_make (shape_arr[i])
fn tetrix (): void = let
val () = srand48_with_time ()
val (pf_stdin | ptr_stdin) = stdin_get ()
fun loop (): void = let
val (pf_gc, pf | p) = gen_shape_obj ()
shapeObj_falling !p;
ptr_free {shapeObj0} (pf_gc, pf | p) ;
loop ()
save_set_keyboard ();
print_string clear;
fflush_stdout ();
print_usage ();
curs_home ();
curs_downward (XBASE + 1);
print_frame ();
curs_invisible () ;
while (fgetc_err (file_mode_lte_r_r | !ptr_stdin) <> int_of '\n') () ;
curs_goto (XSCORE, YSCORE) ;
print_string "score: " ;
print_score () ;
try loop () with ~GameIsOverException () => begin
curs_clear ();
curs_normal ();
print_string "Game Over! Your score is ";
print !total_number_of_filled_lines;
print_string ".";
print_newline ();
restore_keyboard ()
end ;
stdin_view_set (pf_stdin | ); end
implement main (argc, argv) = begin
try tetrix () with exn => (restore_keyboard (); $raise exn)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <curses.h>
* From the downloaded sources of the book
* "Beginning Linux Programming" - Wrox.
* Copyright Wrox Press.
* Licensed by the General Public License (GPL).
* See for details.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <term.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static struct termios initial_settings, new_settings;
static int peek_character = -1;
ats_void_type save_set_keyboard () {
new_settings = initial_settings;
new_settings.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
new_settings.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
new_settings.c_lflag &= ~ISIG;
new_settings.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
new_settings.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_settings);
ats_void_type restore_keyboard () {
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &initial_settings);
ats_int_type kbhit () {
char ch;
int nread;
if (peek_character != -1) return 1;
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_settings);
nread = read(0,&ch,1);
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_settings);
if (nread == 1) { peek_character = ch; return 1; }
return 0;
ats_int_type readch () {
char ch;
if (peek_character != -1) {
ch = peek_character;
peek_character = -1;
return ch;
return -1;