sortdef int2rel = (int, int) -> prop
prfun pigeonhole
{P: int2rel} {m,n:nat | m > n; n >= 1} .<m>. (
fpf: {i:nat | i < m} () -> [j:nat | j < n] P (i, j)
) : [i1,i2,j:nat | i1 < i2; i2 < m] (P (i1, j), P (i2, j)) = sif n >= 2 then let
val [x:int] pf0 = fpf {m-1} ()
dataprop P1 (i:int, int) =
| P1r1 (i, 0) of P (i, x)
| {x>0} P1r2 (i, x-1) of P (i, 0)
| {j:int | j > 0; j <> x} P1r3 (i, j-1) of P (i, j)
prfn fpf1 {i:nat | i < m-1} (): [j:nat | j < n-1] P1 (i, j) = let
val [j:int] pf = fpf {i} ()
sif j == 0 then
(sif x == 0 then P1r1 (pf) else P1r2 (pf))
(sif j == x then P1r1 (pf) else P1r3 (pf))
end val [i1,i2,j:int] (pf1, pf2) = pigeonhole {P1} {m-1,n-1} (fpf1)
case+ pf1 of
| P1r1 (pf1) => (pf1, pf0)
| P1r2 (pf1) => begin case+ pf2 of
| P1r1 pf2 => (pf2, pf0) | P1r2 pf2 => (pf1, pf2)
end | P1r3 (pf1) => begin case+ pf2 of
| P1r1 pf2 => (pf2, pf0) | P1r3 pf2 => (pf1, pf2)
end end else begin (fpf {0} (), fpf {1} ())