(*                                                                     *)
(*                         Applied Type System                         *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*                              Hongwei Xi                             *)
(*                                                                     *)

** ATS - Unleashing the Potential of Types!
** Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Hongwei Xi, Boston University
** All rights reserved
** ATS is free software;  you can  redistribute it and/or modify it under
** the  terms of the  GNU General Public License as published by the Free
** Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later
** version.
** ATS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
** WARRANTY; without  even  the  implied  warranty  of MERCHANTABILITY or
** FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the  GNU General Public License
** for more details.
** You  should  have  received  a  copy of the GNU General Public License
** along  with  ATS;  see the  file COPYING.  If not, please write to the
** Free Software Foundation,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
** 02110-1301, USA.

(* ****** ****** *)

(* author: Hongwei Xi (hwxi AT cs DOT bu DOT edu) *)

(* ****** ****** *)

#include "libc/CATS/time.cats"
%} // end of [%{#]

(* ****** ****** *)

staload TYPES = "libc/sys/SATS/types.sats"

(* ****** ****** *)

typedef tm_struct =
  $extype_struct "ats_tm_struct_type" of {
  tm_sec= int (* seconds *)
, tm_min= int (* minutes *)
, tm_hour= int (* hours *)
, tm_mday= int (* day of the month *)
, tm_mon= int (* month *)
, tm_year= int (* year *)
, tm_wday= int (* day of the week *)
, tm_yday= int (* day in the year *)
, tm_isdst= int (* daylight saving time *)
} // end of [tm_struct]

(* ****** ****** *)

typedef time_t = $TYPES.time_t
// HX: these are implemented in libc/sys/CATS/types.cats
fun lint_of_time (t: time_t):<> lint = "atslib_lint_of_time"
overload lint_of with lint_of_time
fun double_of_time (t: time_t):<> double = "atslib_double_of_time"
overload double_of with double_of_time

(* ****** ****** *)

fun difftime
  (finish: time_t, start: time_t):<> double = "#atslib_difftime"
// end of [difftime]

(* ****** ****** *)

** HX (2010-01-15):
** These functions are now kept for backward compatibility
fun tm_get_sec
  (tm: &READ(tm_struct)):<> int = "atslib_tm_get_sec"
fun tm_get_min
  (tm: &READ(tm_struct)):<> int = "atslib_tm_get_min"
fun tm_get_hour
  (tm: &READ(tm_struct)):<> int = "atslib_tm_get_hour"
fun tm_get_mday
  (tm: &READ(tm_struct)):<> int = "atslib_tm_get_mday"
fun tm_get_mon
  (tm: &READ(tm_struct)):<> int = "atslib_tm_get_mon"
fun tm_get_year
  (tm: &READ(tm_struct)):<> int = "atslib_tm_get_year"
fun tm_get_wday
  (tm: &READ(tm_struct)):<> int = "atslib_tm_get_wday"
fun tm_get_yday
  (tm: &READ(tm_struct)):<> int = "atslib_tm_get_yday"
fun tm_get_isdst
  (tm: &READ(tm_struct)):<> int = "atslib_tm_get_isdst"

(* ****** ****** *)

symintr time

// HX: error-checking is nor forced
fun time_get (): time_t = "atslib_time_get"
overload time with time_get

fun time_get_and_set // HX: error must be checked!
  (p: &time_t? >> opt (time_t, b)): #[b:bool] bool (b)
  = "atslib_time_get_and_set" // function!
overload time with time_get_and_set

(* ****** ****** *)

// non-reentrant
fun ctime (t: &READ(time_t)):<!ref>
  [l:addr] (strptr l -<lin,prf> void | strptr l) = "#atslib_ctime"
// end of [ctime]

#define CTIME_BUFLEN 26
dataview ctime_v (m:int, addr, addr) =
  | {l:addr | l > null}
    ctime_v_succ (m, l, l) of strbuf (m, CTIME_BUFLEN - 1) @ l
  | {l:addr} ctime_v_fail (m, l, null) of b0ytes (m) @ l
fun ctime_r // reentrant
  {m:int | m >= CTIME_BUFLEN} {l:addr} (
    pf: ! b0ytes (m) @ l >> ctime_v (m, l, l1)
  | t: &READ(time_t), p_buf: ptr l
  ) :<> #[l1:addr] ptr l1 = "#atslib_ctime_r"
// end of [ctime_r]

(* ****** ****** *)

// [localtime] is non-reentrant
fun localtime (time: &READ(time_t)):<!ref>
  [l:addr] (ptroutopt (tm_struct, l) | ptr l) = "#atslib_localtime"
// end of [localtime]

// [localtime_r] is reentrant
fun localtime_r (
    time: &READ(time_t), tm: &tm_struct? >> opt (tm_struct, l > null)
  ) :<> #[l:addr] ptr l = "#atslib_localtime_r"
// end of [localtime_r]

(* ****** ****** *)

// [gmtime] is non-reentrant
fun gmtime (time: &READ(time_t)):<!ref>
  [l:addr] (ptroutopt (tm_struct, l) | ptr l) = "#atslib_gmtime"
// end of [gmtime]

// [gmtime_r] is reentrant
fun gmtime_r (
    time: &READ(time_t), tm: &tm_struct? >> opt (tm_struct, l > null)
  ) :<> #[l:addr] ptr l = "#atslib_gmtime_r"
// end of [gmtime_r]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun mktime
  (tm: &READ(tm_struct)): time_t = "#atslib_mktime" // returns -1 on error
// end of [mktime]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun asctime (tm: &READ(tm_struct)):<!ref>
  [l:addr] (strptr l -<lin,prf> void | strptr l) = "#atslib_asctime"
// end of [asctime]

(* ****** ****** *)

fun strftime {m:pos} {l:addr} (
    pf: !b0ytes m @ l >> strbuf (m, n) @ l
  | p: ptr l, m: size_t m, fmt: !READ(string), tm: &READ(tm_struct)
  ) :<> #[n:nat | n < m] size_t n
  = "#atslib_strftime" // this a macro!
// end of [strftime]

(* ****** ****** *)

// HX-2010-09-26:
// the function is not in FreeBSD or Darwin;
// [getdate] sets [getdate_err] if an error occurs
fun getdate_err_get ():<> int = "atslib_getdate_err_get"
fun getdate_err_set (x: int):<> void = "atslib_getdate_err_set"
fun getdate (str: !READ(string)):<!ref>
  [l:addr] (ptroutopt (tm_struct, l) | ptr l) = "#atslib_getdate"
// end of [getdate]

fun strptime (
    str: !READ(string)
  , fmt: !READ(string)
  , tm: &tm_struct? >> opt (tm_struct, l > null)
  ) : #[l:addr] ptr l = "#atslib_strptime" // HX: it returns NULL on error
// end of [strptime]

(* ****** ****** *)

extern int daylight ; // not in FreeBSD or Darwin
extern long int timezone ; // not in FreeBSD or Darwin
extern char *tzname[2] ; // not in FreeBSD or Darwin
fun tzsset ():<!ref> void = "#atslib_tzset"

(* ****** ****** *)

typedef clock_t = $TYPES.clock_t
macdef CLOCKS_PER_SEC = $extval (clock_t, "CLOCKS_PER_SEC")
// HX: these are implemented in libc/sys/CATS/types.cats
fun lint_of_clock (c: clock_t):<> lint = "atslib_lint_of_clock"
overload lint_of with lint_of_clock
fun double_of_clock (c: clock_t):<> double = "atslib_double_of_clock"
overload double_of with double_of_clock
fun clock (): clock_t = "#atslib_clock" // HX: it returns -1 on error

(* ****** ****** *)

timespec_struct =
"ats_timespec_type" of {
  tv_sec= time_t // seconds
, tv_nsec= lint  // nanoseconds
} // end of [timespec_struct]
typedef timespec = timespec_struct

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: 0/-1 : succ/fail // errno set to EINTR
fun nanosleep (
  nsec: &READ(timespec), rem: &timespec? >> opt (timespec, i==0)
) : #[i:int | i <= 0] int(i) = "#atslib_nanosleep"
// end of [nanosleep]

fun nanosleep_null (nsec: &READ(timespec)): int = "#atslib_nanosleep_null"

(* ****** ****** *)

typedef clockid_t = $TYPES.clockid_t
macdef CLOCK_REALTIME = $extval (clockid_t, "CLOCK_REALTIME")
macdef CLOCK_MONOTONIC = $extval (clockid_t, "CLOCK_MONOTONIC")

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: 0/-1 : succ/fail // errno set
fun clock_gettime (
  id: clockid_t
, tp: &timespec? >> opt (timespec, i==0)
) : #[i:int | i <= 0] int(i) = "#atslib_clock_gettime"
// end of [clock_gettime]
// HX: 0/-1 : succ/fail // errno set
fun clock_getres (
  id: clockid_t
, tp: &timespec? >> opt (timespec, i==0)
) : #[i:int | i <= 0] int(i) = "#atslib_clock_getres"
// end of [clock_getres]

// HX: superuser privilege is needed for this one
fun clock_settime // HX: 0/-1 : succ/fail // errno set
  (id: clockid_t, tp: &READ(timespec)): int = "#atslib_clock_settime"
// end of [clock_settime]

(* ****** ****** *)

absview timer_v (i:int)
stadef timer_t = $TYPES.timer_t

(* ****** ****** *)

itimerspec_struct =
"ats_itimerspec_type" of {
  it_interval= timespec (* reset value *)
, it_value= timespec    (* current value *)
} // end of [itimerspec_struct]
typedef itimerspec = itimerspec_struct

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: 0/-1 : succ/fail // errno set
fun timer_create_null (
  cid: clockid_t, tid: &timer_t? >> opt (timer_t(id), i==0)
) : #[i,id:int | i <= 0] (option_v (timer_v(id), i==0) | int(i))
  = "#atslib_timer_create_null"
// end of [timer_create_null]

// HX: 0/-1 : succ/fail // errno set
fun timer_delete {id:int} (
    pf: !timer_v(id) >> option_v (timer_v(id), i < 0) | tid: timer_t (id)
  ) : #[i:int | i <= 0] int (i) = "#atslib_timer_delete"
// end of [timer_delete]

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: 0/-1 : succ/fail // errno set
fun timer_gettime {id:int} (
    pf: !timer_v (id)
  | tid: timer_t (id)
  , itp: &itimerspec? >> opt (itimerspec, i==0)
  ) : #[i: int | i <= 0] int i = "#atslib_timer_gettime"
// end of [timer_gettime]

fun timer_settime {id:int} (
    pf: !timer_v (id)
  | tid: timer_t (id)
  , newitp: &READ(itimerspec)
  , olditp: &itimerspec? >> opt (itimerspec, i==0)
  ) : #[i: int | i <= 0] int i = "#atslib_timer_settime"
// end of [timer_settime]

(* ****** ****** *)
// HX: 0/-1 : succ/fail // errno set
fun timer_getoverrun {id:int}
  (pf: !timer_v (id) | tid: timer_t (id)): intGte (~1) = "#atslib_timer_getoverrun"
// end of [timer_getoverrun]

(* ****** ****** *)

(* end of [time.sats] *)