This page is primarily for internal use.

1. If you do not want to include the .h files from the directory
$ATSHOME/ccomp/runtime/ automatically, please add the following flag:


when compiling the C code generated from compiling ATS programs.

2. If you do not want to include the .cats files from the directory
$ATSHOME/prelude/CATS/ automatically, please add the following flag:


when compiling the C code generated from compiling ATS programs.

3. If you want to assign a name, say FOOBAR, to the dynamic load function
for a particular file, you can simply add the following line in that file:


This allows you to perform initialization by calling FOOBAR explicitly. If
you do this, you may also need the following line somewhere in the file to
disable implicit initialization:


Note that the C interface for FOOBAR is simply:

extern void FOOBAR () ;

4. If you add the following line in a file, say, foo.dats:


then in the C code generated from compiling foo.dats, each temporary name
created for a (static) variable, a function, or a type begins with the give
string "XXX".  This is useful if the C code generated from compiling
several ATS files needs to be first combined and then passed to a compiler.

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