This page is primarily for internal use.
1. If you do not want to include the .h files from the directory $ATSHOME/ccomp/runtime/ automatically, please add the following flag: -D_ATS_HEADER_NONE when compiling the C code generated from compiling ATS programs. 2. If you do not want to include the .cats files from the directory $ATSHOME/prelude/CATS/ automatically, please add the following flag: -D_ATS_PRELUDE_NONE when compiling the C code generated from compiling ATS programs. 3. If you want to assign a name, say FOOBAR, to the dynamic load function for a particular file, you can simply add the following line in that file: #define ATS_DYNLOADFUN_NAME "FOOBAR" This allows you to perform initialization by calling FOOBAR explicitly. If you do this, you may also need the following line somewhere in the file to disable implicit initialization: #define ATS_DYNLOADFLAG 0 Note that the C interface for FOOBAR is simply: extern void FOOBAR () ; 4. If you add the following line in a file, say, foo.dats: #define ATSCCOMP_NAMESPACE "XXX" then in the C code generated from compiling foo.dats, each temporary name created for a (static) variable, a function, or a type begins with the give string "XXX". This is useful if the C code generated from compiling several ATS files needs to be first combined and then passed to a compiler.------ end of [sysprog.html] ------