Effective ATS: Word Counting

I would like to present in this article a program that counts the number of occurrences of each word in a given file. The focus of the presentation is on the process that finally leads to the construction of the program.

What kind of input is expected?

Basically, the input is a stream of words. So let us assume that we have a function [word_get] of the following type:
fun word_get (): stropt
Note that [stropt] is the type for an optional string, which is either a valid string or a null pointer. If [word_get] returns a null pointer, then it indicates that the end of a given stream (of words) is reached. Clearly, this means that [word_get] is a stateful function, that is, it maintains an internal state. In general, using stateful functions is considered a poor style of programming. For instance, the function [strtok] in libc is infamous for its treachery of statefulness, and everyone bitten by it should know this all too well. In ATS, there is a convenient approach to removing stateful functions by simply turing them into templates. For the moment, let us focus on getting a running implementation.

What kind of output is expected?

Let us say that we want to output all of the encountered words in an order such that a word appears ahead of another one if there are more occurrences of the former than the latter. This means that we need to build an associative map that associates each word with the number of the occurrences of this word. So we introduce the following abstract type [wcmap_type] for such a map and [wcmap] as a shorthand for [wcmap_type]:
abstype wcmap_type = ptr
typedef wcmap = wcmap_type
Note that [wcmap_type] is a boxed type, that is, the size of this type is that of a pointer (of the type [ptr]).

How should a value of the type [wcmap] be created? We introduce a function for creating an empty map:

fun wcmap_create (): wcmap
If a word is encountered, we need to increase its number of occurrences by 1. This is done by the following function:
fun wcmap_incby1 (map: wcmap, w: string): void
As we also need to sort words according to their numbers of occurrences, we introduce a function for sequentializing a wcmap-value:
fun wcmap_listize (map: wcmap): list0 @(string, int)
In libats, which is a part of ATS library, there are many implementations of maps. For someone familiar with data structures, it should be clear that a good fit for [wcmap] is a hashtable-based map implementation. Of course, a map implementation based on some form of balanced-tree (e.g. AVL-tree) should work as well. My own experiment showed that the former was about 2-3 times faster than the latter.

Implementing WordCounting

Let us declare the main function for counting words as follows:
fun WordCounting (): wcmap
So by calling [WordCounting], we generate a map of the type [wcmap] that maps each encountered word to its (current) number of occurrences. An implementation of [WordCounting] is given as follows:
WordCounting () = let
fun loop
  (map: wcmap): void = let
val opt = word_get ()
val issome = stropt_is_some (opt)
  if issome then let
    val () = wcmap_incby1 (map, stropt_unsome (opt)) in loop (map)
  end else () // end of [if]
end // end of [loop]
val map = wcmap_create ()
val ((*void*)) = loop (map)
end // end of [WordCounting]
Essentially, what the inner function [loop] does is to enumerate a word by calling [word_get] and then increase the count of the word by one; [loop] terminates when [word_get] returns a null pointer (which makes [stropt_is_some] to return false).

I hope that the reader can truly appreciate the top-down style of programming presented above, which makes effective use of abstract types in ATS. My own observation says that most programmers employ a bottom-up style of progrmming in practice. When given the word-counting problem, they would focus on implementing [wcmap] (and the functions associated with it) and/or functions like [word_get]. For a simple problem like word-counting, a competent programmer can probably handle it with whatsoever approach he or she chooses. However, when dealing with larger and more complex problems, one can easily lose focus with a bottom-up approach, writing code that is only to be abandoned later. To some extent, writing a program is like telling a story: The story can hardly be coherent if the storyteller is out of focus.

How should [word_get] be implemented?

One way to implement [word_get] is to first assume that we have a function [char_get] of the following type:
fun char_get (): int
If [char_get] returns a non-negative integer, then the integer is the ASCII encoding of a character; otherwise, it is the indication that no more character is available.

A possible implementation of [word_get] based on [char_get] is given as follows:

word_get () = let
charlst = list0(char)
fnx loop
// argmentless
) : charlst = let
  val i = char_get ()
if i >= 0 then
  if isalpha (i) then
    loop2 (cons0{char}(int2char0(i), nil0))
  else loop () // end of [if]
) else nil0((*void*))
end // end of [loop]

and loop2
  res: charlst
) : charlst = let
  val i = char_get ()
  if isalpha (i) then
    loop2 (cons0{char}(int2char0(i), res)) else res
  // end of [if]
end // end of [loop2]
val cs = loop ()
case+ cs of
| nil0 () => stropt_none ((*void*))
| cons0 _ => stropt_some (string_make_rlist (cs))
end // end of [word_get]
Note that [loop] is called to skip non-alphabetical chars while [loop2] is called to accumulate alphabetical chars. The keyword [fnx] (in place of [fun]) means that [loop] and [loop2] are compiled jointly so that the mutually tail-recursive calls in their bodies can all be turned into direct local jumps. The function [string_make_rlist] creates a string consisting of the sequence of chars in the reverse of a given list. For instance, if the list consists of 'a', 'b' and 'c', then the created string is "cba".

How should [wcmap] be implemented?

The following code gives a straightforward hashtable-based implementation of [wcmap]. Some details on various hashtable-functions can be found on-line.
HT = "libats/ML/SATS/hashtblref.sats"
assume wcmap_type = hashtbl(string, int)
in (* in of [local] *)

wcmap_create () =
  $HT.hashtbl_make_nil (i2sz(1024))
// end of [wcmap_create]

  (map, w) = let
val opt = $HT.hashtbl_search (map, w)
case+ opt of
| ~Some_vt (n) =>
    val-~Some_vt _ = $HT.hashtbl_insert (map, w, n+1)
| ~None_vt ((*void*)) => $HT.hashtbl_insert_any (map, w, 1)
end // end of [wcmap_incby1]

wcmap_listize (map) = $HT.hashtbl_takeout_all (map)

end // end of [local]
A complete running program containing the entirety of the above presented code can be found in the file wordcnt.dats, and there is also a Makefile for compiling it.

Following is a list of the 100 most frequently used words in the novel "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville:

the	->	14515
of	->	6673
and	->	6464
a	->	4799
to	->	4683
in	->	4210
that	->	3080
it	->	2533
his	->	2513
i	->	2127
he	->	1894
but	->	1822
s	->	1816
with	->	1765
as	->	1750
is	->	1748
was	->	1645
for	->	1637
all	->	1535
this	->	1431
at	->	1331
by	->	1211
whale	->	1191
not	->	1169
from	->	1095
so	->	1066
be	->	1062
on	->	1062
him	->	1061
you	->	953
one	->	921
there	->	864
now	->	786
or	->	783
had	->	779
have	->	772
were	->	684
they	->	667
which	->	653
like	->	647
me	->	629
then	->	628
are	->	618
their	->	618
some	->	617
what	->	617
when	->	606
an	->	600
no	->	590
my	->	586
upon	->	566
out	->	537
man	->	527
up	->	523
into	->	522
ship	->	513
more	->	507
ahab	->	501
if	->	500
them	->	471
we	->	470
ye	->	470
sea	->	455
old	->	449
would	->	432
other	->	427
been	->	415
over	->	408
these	->	405
will	->	397
though	->	384
its	->	381
only	->	377
down	->	376
such	->	375
who	->	366
any	->	360
yet	->	345
head	->	344
boat	->	333
time	->	333
her	->	332
long	->	330
captain	->	327
very	->	323
here	->	321
about	->	317
do	->	316
still	->	312
than	->	311
great	->	306
those	->	306
said	->	303
before	->	298
has	->	293
must	->	293
two	->	292
t	->	291
most	->	285
seemed	->	283
Unsurprisingly, whale is the most frequently used noun in this novel, and the second one and third one are ship and sea, respectively.

Turning stateful functions into stateless templates

In the above implementation, the function [char_get] is stateful, that is, it posseses an internal state. If two threads call [char_get] around the same time, then a race-condition may happen. In ATS, we can eliminate a stateful function by turning it into a template. For instance, we can declare [char_get] as follows:
fun{} char_get (): int
Also, functions that call [char_get] directly or indirectly need to be declared as templates. This means that we need to turn [word_get] and [WordCounting] into templates as well:
fun{} word_get (): stropt
fun{} WordCounting (): wcmap
Now let us declare a function [WordCounting_fileref] as follows:
fun WordCounting_fileref (inp: FILEref): wcmap
which is just variant of [WordCounting] that reads all the words from a given file handle. Then [WordCounting_fileref] can be implemented as follows:

STDIO = "libc/SATS/stdio.sats"

in (* in of [local] *)

WordCounting_fileref (inp) = let
char_get<> () = $STDIO.fgetc0 (inp)
  WordCounting ()
end // end of [WordCounting_fileref]

end // end of [local]
It is now safe for two threads to simultaneously call [WordCounting_fileref] on distinct file handles. A complete running program containing the above implementation of [WordCounting_fileref] can be found in the file wordcnt2.dats, and there is also a Makefile for compiling it.

The template system of ATS is an advanced programming feature that can greatly facilitate code organization and reuse. I will gradually present more progromming examples to illustrate effective use of templates in practice.

A memory-clean implemenation of word-counting

A program is considered a memory-clean implementation if all the dynamically allocated memory is freed immediately before the termination of the program. For instance, if you use valgrind to monitor an execution of this program, then the gathered statics should indicate that no leak is ever possible.

By making use of linear types, I modified the program in wordcnt.dats to make it a memory-clean implementation. Please see wordcnt_vt.dats for the entirety of the modified version. Also, there is a Makefile for compiling it.

This article is written by Hongwei Xi.