absvtype queue_vtype (a:viewt@ype, n:int) = ptr vtypedef queue (a:vt0p, n:int) = queue_vtype (a, n)The full name of the declared abstract type is [queue_vtype] and it is given an alias [queue]. Given a type T, which may be linear, and an integer N, the type [queue(T, N)] is for queues containing N elements of type T. Obviously, N should be a natural number if there is ever a queue of the type [queue(T, N)]. This is captured by the type of the following function (or more precisely, proof-function):
{a:vt0p}{n:int} (que: !queue (a, n)): [n >= 0] void
The following function is to be called to create a queue of size 0:
fun{} queue_make_nil {a:vt0p} (): queue (a, 0)
By declaring [queue_make_nil] as a function template, we have a better
chance to expect that its definition be inlined during compilation. This
makes sense as [queue_make_nil] should really just be a function of a tiny
The following function is to be called to destroy a queue of size 0 (and free the memory it occupies):
fun{} queue_free_nil {a:vt0p} (que: queue (a, 0)): void
Clearly, we also need to test whether a given queue is empty. So let us
declare the following function for this purpose:
{a:vt0p}{n:int} (que: !queue (a, n)): bool (n==0)
Similarly, let us declare the following function for testing whether a
given queue is not empty:
{a:vt0p}{n:int} (que: !queue (a, n)): bool (n > 0)
As for enqueueing, we declare the following function:
(que: !queue (a, n) >> queue (a, n+1), x: a): void
Note that the syntax indicates that [que] is a call-by-value argument and
the type of the queue it refers to changes from [queue(T, N)] to [queue(T,
N+1)] for some type T and integer N. Obviously, the increased size is due
to one element being inserted into the queue.
As for dequeueing, we declare the following function:
queue_takeout_atbeg{n:int | n > 0} (que: !queue (a, n) >> queue (a, n-1)): a
Note that the syntax indicates that [que] is a call-by-value argument and
the type of the queue it refers to changes from [queue(T, N)] to [queue(T,
N-1)] for some type T and positive integer N. Obviously, the
decreased size is due to one element being removed from the queue.
Now it is ready for us to implement the abstract type [queue_vtype] and the functions associated with it.
Clearly, this implementation guarantees that enqueueing is always O(1)-time but dequeueing may be O(n)-time, where n is the size of the rear part of the queue. It can also be readily noted that enqueueing and dequeueing are both O(1)-time if amortized time-complexity is of the concern.
Let us now see the actual code for this 2-list-based implementation of queues. Instead of functional lists, which require the presence of GC to avoid memory leaks, the code makes use of linear singly-linked lists (of the type [sllist]), performing memory allocation/deallocation explicitly.
staload "libats/SATS/sllist.sats" datavtype queue (a:viewt@ype+, n:int) = {f,r:nat | f+r==n} QUEUE of (sllist (a, f), sllist (a, r)) // end of [queue] assume queue_vtype (a, n) = queue (a, n)Clearly, the above code indicates that the size of a queue equals the sum of lengths of its front and rear parts.
queue_make_nil () = QUEUE (sllist_nil (), sllist_nil ())
The function [queue_make_nil] is called to create a queue of size 0, which
consists of an empty front part and an empty rear part.
implement{} queue_free_nil (que) = let // val+~QUEUE (f, r) = que // prval () = lemma_sllist_param (f) prval () = lemma_sllist_param (r) // prval () = sllist_free_nil (f) prval () = sllist_free_nil (r) // in // nothing end // end of [queue_free_nil]The function [queue_free_nil] is called to destroy a queue of size 0. As the elements in a queue may be of a linear type, that is, they may contain resources, a queue can be safely freed only if it contains no elements.
implement{} queue_is_empty (que) = let val+QUEUE (f, r) = que in if sllist_is_nil (f) then sllist_is_nil (r) else false end // end of [queue_is_empty]A queue is empty if and only if both of its front and rear parts are empty.
implement{} queue_isnot_empty (que) = let val+QUEUE (f, r) = que in if sllist_is_cons (f) then true else sllist_is_cons (r) end // end of [queue_isnot_empty]A queue is not empty if and only if either its front or its rear is not empty. It is also possible to implement [queue_isnot_empty] directly based on [queue_is_empty] as is shown below:
implement{} queue_isnot_empty (que) = let prval () = lemma_queue_param (que) in not (queue_is_empty (que)) end // end of [queue_isnot_empty]Note that the negation of a value of the type [bool(N == 0)] for some N is of the type [bool(N != 0)]. In order to show that [N != 0] implies [N > 0], we need to prove that [N >= 0], which is achieved by calling [lemma_queue_param].
The functions [queue_insert_atend] and [queue_takeout_atbeg] are implemented as follows:
implement{a} queue_insert_atend (que, x) = let // val+@QUEUE (f, r) = que val () = r := sllist_cons (x, r) prval () = fold@ (que) // in // nothing end // end of [queue_insert_atend] implement{a} queue_takeout_atbeg (que) = let val+@QUEUE (f, r) = que // val () = lemma_sllist_param (f) val () = lemma_sllist_param (r) // val iscons = sllist_is_cons (f) // in // if iscons then let val x = sllist_uncons (f) prval () = fold@ (que) in x end else let prval () = sllist_free_nil (f) val () = f := sllist_reverse (r) val () = r := sllist_nil {a} () val x = sllist_uncons (f) prval () = fold@ (que) in x end // end of [if] // end // end of [queue_takeout_atbeg]By following the description given at the beginning of this section, one should find it straightforward to understand the code for enqueueing and dequeueing.
For a running implementation, please find in queue-sllist2.dats the entirety of the above presented code plus some code for testing.
This article is written by Hongwei Xi.