Effective ATS: Mergesort (top-down)

In this article, I would like to use mergesort as a concrete example to demonstrate a natural style of refinement-based programming. The implementation of mergesort given is of the so-called top-down style.

What is Mergesort?

Let me answer this question by giving a specification-like implementation of mergesort. Suppose that we have a type [myseq] declared as follows for the data that [mergesort] is to be called on:
abstype myseq
Naturally, we assign the following interface to [mergesort]:
fun mergesort (xs: myseq): myseq
A straightforward implementation of [mergesort] can be given as follows:
mergesort (xs) = let
  val n = myseq_length (xs)
  if n >= 2 then let
    val (xs1, xs2) = myseq_split (xs)
    myseq_merge (mergesort (xs1), mergesort (xs2))
  end else (xs) // end of [if]
end // end of [mergesort]
where the functions [myseq_length], [myseq_split] and [myseq_merge] are assigned the following types:
fun myseq_length (xs: myseq): int
fun myseq_split (xs: myseq): (myseq, myseq)
fun myseq_merge (xs1: myseq, xs2: myseq): myseq
and their functionalities are briefly explained below: Even for someone who is unfamiliar with the syntax of ATS, it is probably fair to say that the above specification-like implementation of [mergesort] is often preferrable to a description of mergesort in English or other natural languages.

Specifying with Dependent Types

As the given implementation of mergesort is recursive, there must be a reason why we expect that the implemented function [mergesort] is terminating. Inevitably, we need to talk about the length of a myseq-value if we argue for [mergesort] being terminating, where the length of a myseq-value refers to the number of items contained in the sequence represented by the myseq-value.

In ATS, we can refine [myseq] as follows by making it a type constructor carrying one integer parameter:

abstype myseq(n:int)
Given a static integer N, [myseq(N)] is for myseq-values of length N. The type assigned to [mergesort] can be refined as follows to capture the invariant that a given myseq-value and its sorted version have the same length:
fun mergesort{n:nat} (xs: myseq(n)): myseq(n)
As for the functions [myseq_length], [myseq_split] and [myseq_merge], they can be assigned the following more informative types:
fun myseq_length{n:int} (xs: myseq(n)): int(n)
fun myseq_split{n:int | n >= 2}
  (xs: myseq(n)): [n1,n2:pos | n1+n2==n] (myseq(n1), myseq(n2))
fun myseq_merge{n1,n2:nat} (xs1: myseq(n1), xs2: myseq(n2)): myseq(n1+n2)
Note that the type assigned to [myseq_split] implies that this function can only be applied to a given myseq-value containing at least 2 items and the two myseq-values it returns are strictly shorter than the given myseq-value.

The above implementation of [mergesort] can be slightly modified into the following version:

mergesort (xs) = let
fun sort
  {n:nat} .<n>.
  xs: myseq(n)
) : myseq(n) = let
  val n = myseq_length (xs)
  if n >= 2 then let
    val (xs1, xs2) = myseq_split (xs)
    myseq_merge (sort (xs1), sort (xs2))
  end else (xs) // end of [if]
end // end of [sort]
  sort (xs)
end // end of [mergesort]
Note that [sort] is verified to be terminating based on the termination metric <n> (supplied by the programmer).

When trying to implement [myseq_split], we should be able to quickly realize that the following interface is much more suitable for it:

fun myseq_split{n:int | n >= 2}
  (xs: myseq(n), n: int n): (myseq(n/2), myseq(n-n/2))
The interface states that [myseq_split] returns a pair of myseq-values of length n/2 and n-n/2 when applied to a myseq-value of length n and an integer of value n. The implementation of [mergesort] can now be slightly modified as follows:
mergesort (xs) = let
fun sort
  {n:nat} .<n>.
  xs: myseq(n), n: int n
) : myseq(n) = let
  if n >= 2 then let
    val n2 = half (n)
    val (xs1, xs2) = myseq_split (xs, n)
    myseq_merge (sort (xs1, n2), sort (xs2, n-n2))
  end else (xs) // end of [if]
end // end of [sort]
  sort (xs, myseq_length(xs))
end // end of [mergesort]
We now have a specification-like implementation of mergesort that typechecks, which can be thought of as some form of blueprint intended for implementing mergesort on concrete types such as lists and arrays.

Mergesort on Lists

As can be expected, the interface for mergesort on lists is given as follows:
mergesort{n:nat} (xs: list (a, n)): list (a, n)
This interface indicates that [mergesort] is a function template parameterized over the type of the elements in a list given as its argument. Let us now focus on [myseq_merge], which is given the following interface:
  (xs1: list(a, n1), xs2: list(a, n2)): list(a, n1+n2)
// end of [myseq_merge]
Following is a straightforward implementation of [myseq_merge] on lists:
  (xs10, xs20) = let
case+ xs10 of
| cons (x1, xs11) =>
    case+ xs20 of
    | cons (x2, xs21) => let
        val sgn = gcompare_val<a> (x1, x2)
        if sgn <= 0
          then cons{a}(x1, myseq_merge<a> (xs11, xs20))
          else cons{a}(x2, myseq_merge<a> (xs10, xs21))
        // end of [if]
      end (* end of [cons] *)
    | nil ((*void*)) => xs10
| nil ((*void*)) => xs20
end // end of [myseq_merge]
Note that [gcompare_val] is a generic function template for comparing values.

Please find the entirety of the implementation of mergesort on lists plus some testing code in mergesort_list.dats.

Mergesort on Arrays

The abstract specification-like implementation of [mergesort] given above is of so-called functional style. While it is not well-suited for implementing mergesort on arrays (of imperative style), I would still like to give it a try so as to make a point.

First, as an array in ATS is of C-style, there is no size information attached to the array. So the interface for [mergesort] needs to be modified as follows:

  (xs: arrayref(a, n), n: int n): arrayref(a, n)
This interface means that [mergesort] takes both an array and the size of the array as its two arguments.

Following is the interface for [myseq_merge] on arrays:

  xs1: arrayref(a, n1), xs2: arrayref(a, n2), n1: int(n1), n2: int(n2)
) : arrayref(a, n1+n2) // end of [myseq_merge]
There is extensive use of unsafe programming features in my implementation of [myseq_merge] on arrays. Writing code in this way is primarily for the purpose of saving some time as the given implementation of mergesort on arrays is not meant for practical use; it is only meant to make a point that the specification-like implementation of [mergesort] given above can indeed be adapted to handle arrays.

Please find the entirety of the implementation of mergesort on arrays plus some testing code in mergesort_array.dats.

Refinement-based Programming

While it may seem a bit too pedantic to implement a simple algorithm like mergesort in the way presented above, I do hope that this style of refinement-based programming should look obviously appealing to anyone wanting to write even moderately complex programs. The manner in which abstract types are supported in ATS is particularly designed under the guideline to maximally promote refinement-based programming. As I see it, the ability to make effective use of abstraction in controlling programming complexity is the most important characteristic of a top programmer, and the type system of ATS can greatly help one acquire this ability. Have fun!

This article is written by Hongwei Xi.