Effective ATS:
Implementing a minimal http-server

In this article, I would like to present an implementation of a minimal http-server. This is also a good occasion for me to advocate refinement-based programming.

A simplistic abstract server

As I have said repeatedly, I, like many others, feel that the most challenging issue in programming (and many other forms of engineering) is to keep the inherent complexity of the implemented system under control. What may sound ironic is that keeping-it-simple is probably the hardest thing to do. I hope that programmers can rely on the support for abstract types in ATS to make this hardest thing significantly easier to manage.

Let us first take a look at the following self-explanatory implementation of a simplistic abstract server:

fun myserver (): void
fun myserver_init (): void
fun myserver_loop (): void

(* ****** ****** *)

myserver () =
val () = myserver_init ()
val () = myserver_loop ()
} (* end of [myserver] *)

(* ****** ****** *)

myserver_init () =
// HX: it is a dummy for now
val () = println! ("myserver_init: start")
val () = println! ("myserver_init: finish")
} (* end of [myserver_init] *)

(* ****** ****** *)

abstype request

(* ****** ****** *)
fun myserver_waitfor_request (): request
fun myserver_process_request (request): void
(* ****** ****** *)

myserver_loop () =
val req =
myserver_waitfor_request ()
val () =
myserver_process_request (req)
val () = myserver_loop ((*void*))
} (* end of [myserver_loop] *)

Basically, [myserver] implements a server; it does some form of initialization by calling [myserver_init] and then starts a loop for handling requests by calling [myserver_loop]. The function [myserver_waitfor_request] is supposed to be blocked until a request is available, and the function [myserver_process_request] processes a given request.

Turning abstract into concrete

The three functions that need to be implemented (in order to get a running server) are [myserver_init], [myserver_waitfor_request], and [myserver_waitfor_process]. For someone familiar with BSD sockets, the following code should be readily accessible:

int theSockID = -1;
%} // end of [%{^]
(* ****** ****** *)

#define MYPORT 8888

(* ****** ****** *)

myserver_init () =
val inport = in_port_nbo(MYPORT)
val inaddr = in_addr_hbo2nbo(INADDR_ANY)
var servaddr
  : sockaddr_in_struct
val ((*void*)) =
  (servaddr, AF_INET, inaddr, inport)
sockfd =
  int, "socket", AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0
) (* end of [val] *)
val ((*void*)) = assertloc (sockfd >= 0)
extvar "theSockID" = sockfd
val () =
  void, "atslib_bind_exn", sockfd, addr@servaddr, socklen_in
) (* end of [val] *)
val () =
$extfcall(void, "atslib_listen_exn", sockfd, 5(*LISTENQSZ*))
} (* end of [myserver_init] *)

Essentially, [myserver_init] creates a server-side socket that is allowed to accept connection from any party, and then listens on the socket. Note that the file descriptor of the created socket is stored in a global variable [theSockID]. The function [atslib_bind_exn] calls [bind]; it exits if the call to [bind] results in an error; otherwise, it returns normally. Similarly, the function [atslib_listen_exn] calls [listen]; it exits if the call to [listen] results in an error; otherwise, it returns normally.

The function [myserver_waitfor_request] can be implemented as follows:

  ((*void*)) = let
val fd = $extval(int, "theSockID")
val fd2 = $extfcall(int, "accept", fd, 0(*addr*), 0(*addrlen*))
end // end of [myserver_waitfor_request]

A call to [accept] is blocked until a connection between the server and a client is established. What is returned by [accept] is the file descriptor of a socket that can be used to communicate with the client.

The function [myserver_process_request] is implemented as follows:

#define BUFSZ 1024
#define BUFSZ2 1280
(* ****** ****** *)

theRespFmt = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\
Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n\
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=\"UTF-8\">
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\">
Hello from myserver!
<u>The time stamp</u>: <b>%s</b>
" // end of [val]

(* ****** ****** *)

typedef char *charptr;
%} // end of [%{^]
abstype charptr = $extype"charptr"

(* ****** ****** *)

  (req) = let
val fd2 = $UN.cast{int}(req)
var buf = @[byte][BUFSZ]()
var buf2 = @[byte][BUFSZ2]()
val bufp = addr@buf and bufp2 = addr@buf2
val nread = $extfcall (ssize_t, "read", fd2, bufp, BUFSZ)
val () = println! ("myserver_process_request: nread = ", nread)
var time = time_get()
val tmstr = $extfcall(charptr, "ctime", addr@time)
val () =
nread >= 0
then let
  val [n:int] n = $UN.cast{Size}(nread)
  val () = $UN.ptr0_set_at<char> (bufp, n, '000')
  val nbyte =
    $extfcall(int, "snprintf", bufp2, BUFSZ2, theRespFmt, bufp, tmstr)
  // end of [val]
  val nwrit = $extfcall(ssize_t, "write", fd2, bufp2, min(nbyte, BUFSZ2))
  // nothing
end // end of [then]
val err = $extfcall (int, "close", fd2)
  // nothing
end // end of [myserver_process_request]

The implementation of [myserver_process_request] reads from a buffer whatever is sent by the client; it generates an HTML page containing the content of the buffer plus a time stamp and then sends the page to the client.


The entirety of the code for this implementation is contained in myserver.dats. There is also a Makefile available for building the server. Please click the link to test after the server is started running locally.

A side note

For someone interested in ZMQ, please find a ZMQ-based implementation of a minimal http-server in the file myserver2.dats that is essentially equivalent to the one given above.

This article is written by Hongwei Xi.