abstype msgchan_type = ptr typedef msgchan = msgchan_typeThe following function is for creating a message channel:
fun msgchan_create (name: string): msgchan
In the actual implementation, a message channel is just a key
referring to a queue in redis, and the function
msgchan_create computes such a key based on a given name.
In order to insert a message into a given message channel, the following function msgchan_insert can be called:
fun msgchan_insert
(chan: msgchan, msg: string, nerr: &int >> _) : void
The third argument of msgchan_insert is
call-by-reference, and its value is increased to indicate a failed
attempt to insert a message.
In order to take out a message for a given message channel, the following function msgchan_takeout can be called:
fun msgchan_takeout (chan: msgchan, nerr: &int >> _): stropt
The second argument of msgchan_takeout is
call-by-reference, and its value is increased to indicate a failed
attempt to take out a message. What msgchan_takeout
returns is an optional string, which is either a regular string or a
null pointer. In case a null pointer is returned, it is also an
indication of failure of some sort. Note that a call to
msgchan_takeout on a given channel is blocked if the
channel is currently empty.
If calling msgchan_insert or msgchan_takeout on a channel results in a failure, then the redis connection associated with the channel should be re-established before a second attempt is made.
Once a redis connection is established, the redisContext-value associated with this connection is stored in a reference (that is, an array of size 1). The following function can be called to obtain the stored redisContext-value (for temporary use):
fun the_redisContext_vtget (): [l:addr] vttakeout0 (redisContext(l))
where vttakeout0 is defined as follows:
vtypedef vttakeout0 (a:vt@ype) = (a -<lin,prf> void | a) // borrowed linear valueThe following code depicts a typical calling sequence:
// val (fpf | ctx) = the_redisContext_vtget () // // Here is some code that makes use of [ctx] // prval () = fpf (ctx) // returning the borrowed context //where the_redisContext_vtget is called to obtain a redisContext-value and a proof function for returning this value, and the proof function is then called on the redisContext-value to return it (in the sense of theorem-proving) after its being used.
msgchan.sats msgchan.dats redisContextSetup.datsIn the file [test_up.dats], some testing code is available for uploading the content of a file into a message channel.
In the file [test_dn.dats], some testing code is available for downloading the content of a message channel into a file.
There is also a Makefile available for compiling the ATS source code into excutables [test_up] and [test_dn] for testing. Assume the availability of a redis server running on the default port 6379 at the IP address By executing the following command-line:
cat msgchan.sats | ./test_up & ./test_dnone should be able to see the content of the file [msgchan.sats] being output to the console in a line-by-line fashion, where a short pause (of 3 seconds at most) is introduced between the appearance of two consecutive lines.