ATS is a feature-rich language, and dependent types, linear types and embeddable templates can be seen as three of its most prominent features. Note that a template being embeddable simply means that the template can be given an implementation inside the body of a function (so that any argument of this function can be directly referred to in the implementation). In this article, I present a concrete example to illustrate that embeddable templates can play a pivotal role in support of a style of refinement-based programming.
Abstractly speaking, a graph is a (possibly infinite) collection of nodes and each node is associated with a set of nodes that are referred to as its neighbors. Let us introduce an abstract type node for the nodes in a given graph (on which some kind of search is to be performed):
// abstype node = ptr typedef nodelst = list0(node) // extern fun{} node_get_neighbors(nx: node): nodelst //For graph search (or graph-based search), one does not have to have an explicit representation of the underlying graph (to be searched). What is really needed is a way to locate all of the neighbors of any given node. Clearly, the interface assigned to node_get_neighbors imposes the assumption that the set of neighbors of each node is finite as the type list0 is only for finite lists. Another choice is to define nodelst as a linear stream of the type stream_vt(node), which is not taken in this article as it may somewhat complicate the presentation.
A common approach to searching a graph employs a store for nodes that are to be processed. The search is over if the store becomes empty. Otherwise, a node is chosen from the store for processing and all of its neighbors are put into the store. Let us introduce a function process_node as follows for processing each chosen node:
// extern fun{} process_node(nx: node): bool //Note that a call to process_node returns a boolean value to indicate whether the search should continue or stop immediately.
The following two functions are for inserting a node and a list of nodes into the store containing nodes that are to be processed:
// extern fun{} // for inserting a node theSearchStore_insert(nx: node): void extern fun{} // for inserting a list of nodes theSearchStore_insert_lst(nxs: nodelst): void //In addition, the following function is for choosing (based certain search strategy) a node from the store:
// extern fun{} theSearchStore_choose((*void*)): Option_vt(node) //Note that the function theSearchStore_choose returns a node only if the store is not empty. A generic implementation of graph search is given as follows:
(* ****** ****** *) // extern fun{} GraphSearch(): void // (* ****** ****** *) implement {}(*tmp*) GraphSearch ((*void*)) = let // fun search ( // argless ): void = let // val opt = theSearchStore_choose() // in // case+ opt of | ~None_vt() => () | ~Some_vt(nx) => let val cont = process_node(nx) in if cont then let val nxs = node_get_neighbors(nx) // end of [val] in theSearchStore_insert_lst(nxs); search((*void*)) end // end of [then] // end of [if] end (* end of [Some_vt] *) // end (* end of [search] *) // in search((*void*)) end // end of [GraphSearch]This implementation (of GraphSearch) should be straightforward to follow.
In contrast to a tree, a graph can potentially contain circles. In order to prevent a node from being put into the store repeatedly, one may employ a marking scheme that only allows unmarked nodes to be put into the store and then marks them immediately after they are in the store. The following functions are introduced for the purpose of marking and testing (for markedness):
// extern fun{} node_mark(node): void extern fun{} node_is_marked(node): bool overload .is_marked with node_is_marked //
The so-called depth-first search (DFS) on a tree simply means that the children of a node being processed should be processed next ahead of the other stored nodes. When generalized to search on a graph, DFS means that the neighbors of a node being processed should be processed next. In terms of implementation, the store employed by DFS should follow the last-in-first-out principle, that is, the node chosen for the next round should be the last node put into the store.
Let us introduce a function theSearchStore_get for obtaining the store associated with a particular graph search to be performed. With this store, which is represented as a stack of the type slistref(node), the functions theSearchStore_insert and theSearchStore_choose can be readily implemented as follows:
(* ****** ****** *) // extern fun{} theSearchStore_get ((*void*)): slistref(node) // (* ****** ****** *) // implement theSearchStore_insert<> (nx) = let // val theStore = theSearchStore_get() // in // if ~(nx.is_marked()) then ( node_mark(nx); slistref_insert(theStore, nx) ) // end (* end of [theSearchStore_insert] *) // implement {}(*tmp*) theSearchStore_insert_lst(nxs) = ( nxs ).rforeach()(lam nx => theSearchStore_insert(nx)) // implement theSearchStore_choose<> ((*void*)) = let // val theStore = theSearchStore_get() // in slistref_takeout_opt(theStore) end // end of [theSearchStore_choose] //Clearly, theSearchStore_insert_lst can be implemented directly based on theSearchStore_insert. Note that the combinator rforeach traverses a list in the reverse order, that is, from right to left.
The famous 8-queen puzzle asks the player to find ways to put eight queen pieces on a chess board such that no queen piece can attack any other ones. In other words, no two queen pieces can be put on the same row, the same column, or the same diagnal. This puzzle can be readily solved with a tree-based search. Let a node be represented by a list xs of integers:
assume node = list0(int)
For each valid index i, the integer xs[i]
stands for the column number of the queen piece on row
n-1-i, where n refers to the length of
xs. More precisely, a given integer list of length
n represents a partial configuration of chess board
containing n queen pieces with no piece being able to
attack any other ones.
There is no need for marking nodes as the search involved is tree-based:
implement node_mark<>(nx) = () implement node_unmark<>(nx) = () implement node_is_marked<>(nx) = false
The function node_get_neighbors can be implemented as follows:
(nx0) =
(N).list0_map(TYPE{node})(lam x => cons0(x, nx0))
lam nx =>
val-cons0(x0, nx) = nx
nx.iforall()(lam(i, x) => x0 != x && abs(x0 - x) != i+1)
end // end of [let] // end of [lam]
Note that calling node_get_neighbors on a given node
returns all of the nodes that extend the given one with one more queen
The rest of the code for solving 8-queen puzzle is given as follows:
// implement process_node<> (nx) = if (length(nx) = N) then let // val () = println! (list0_reverse(nx)) // in true end // end of [then] else true // end of [else] // (* ****** ****** *) // extern fun QueenPuzzle_solve(): void // implement QueenPuzzle_solve() = GraphSearch() where { val theStore = slistref_make_nil{node}() // val () = slistref_insert(theStore, nil0) // implement theSearchStore_get<>() = theStore // } (* end of [QueenPuzzle_solve] *) //The punch-line in this example is the one-liner implementation of theSearchStore_get inside the body of QueenPuzzle_solve. One really needs to get this punch-line in order to start appreciating the power of embeddability offered by embeddable templates.
Given four natural numbers n1, n2, n3 and n4, one chooses two of them and generates a rational number r1 by applying either addition, subtraction, multiplication or division; one mixes r1 with the remaining two numbers and then chooses two of them to generate a rational number r2 by applying either addition, subtraction, multiplication or division; one then takes r2 and the last remaining number to generate a rational number r3 by applying either addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. If there exists at least one way to make r3 equal 24, then (n1, n2, n3, n4) is said to be a good quad. For instance, (10,10,4,4) is a good quad since (10 * 10 - 4) / 4 = 24 holds. Similarly, (5,7,7,11) is a good quad since ( 5 - 11 / 7) * 7 = 24 holds. Game-of-24 is a game that asks the player to determine whether four given natural numbers are a good quad or not.
Please find an implementation of Game-of-24 in GameOf24Play.dats that is directly based on the generic graph-based depth-first search presented above.
The so-called breadth-first search (BFS) on a tree is often referred to as level-order search as it only starts to search the nodes at the next level when it finishes processing all of the node at the current level. When generalized to search on a graph, BFS simply means that the children of a node being processed should be processed until after all of the other currently stored nodes are processed. In terms of implementation, the store employed by BFS should follow the first-in-first-out principle, that is, the node chosen for the next round should be the first node put into the store.
By simply replacing slistref with qlistref in the previously presented implementation of graph-based DFS, one obtains the following implementation of graph-based BFS:
(* ****** ****** *) // extern fun{} theSearchStore_get ((*void*)): qlistref(node) // (* ****** ****** *) // implement theSearchStore_insert<> (nx) = let // val theStore = theSearchStore_get() // in // if ~(nx.is_marked()) then ( node_mark(nx); qlistref_insert(theStore, nx) ) // end (* end of [theSearchStore_insert] *) // implement {}(*tmp*) theSearchStore_insert_lst(nxs) = ( nxs ).foreach()(lam nx => theSearchStore_insert(nx)) // implement theSearchStore_choose<> ((*void*)) = let // val theStore = theSearchStore_get() // in qlistref_takeout_opt(theStore) end // end of [theSearchStore_choose] //Note that the type qlistref is for a queue (based on a two-list implementation).
Doublets is a word game invented by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), the author of children's classics "Alice in Wonderland". Given two words recognized in a chosen dictionary, they are said to be one-step connected if they differ precisely at one position in their spellings. Clearly, two connected words must contain the same number of characters. Two given words W1 and W2 are many-step connected if a sequence of words beginning with W1 and ending with W2 can be found such that any two consecutive words in this sequence are one-step connected. The game Doublets basically asks the player to tell whether two given words are many-step connected. For instance. head and tail form a doublet as is shown by the sequence: head, held, hell, tell, tall, tail. One may play Doublets on-line by visiting this link.
Clearly, the kind of search involved in playing Doublets can simply be graph-based BFS. Due to the symmetry in the relation of one-step connection, a marking scheme is needed to prevent a word from being added repeatedly into the store (for the words to be processed). In order for a sequence connecting two given words to be shown at the end of the search, the type for nodes is chosen to be list0(string) for lists of strings:
assume node = list0(string)
Following is some of the code implementing Doubelets:
(* ****** ****** *) // extern fun Doublets_play ( w1: string, w2: string ) : Option(list0(string)) // (* ****** ****** *) implement Doublets_play (w1, w2) = res[] where { // val res = ref<Option(list0(string))>(None) // val theMarked = myhashtbl_make_nil(1024) // implement node_mark<>(nx) = { // val- cons0(w, _) = nx val-~None_vt() = theMarked.insert(w, 0) // } // implement node_is_marked<>(nx) = let // val- cons0(w, _) = nx // val opt = // in // case+ opt of | ~Some_vt _ => true | ~None_vt _ => false // end // end of [node_is_marked] // implement process_node<> (nx) = let val-cons0(w, _) = nx in if w = w2 then (res[] := Some(nx); false) else true end // end of [process_node] // val theStore = qlistref_make_nil() // implement theSearchStore_get<>() = theStore // val nx = list0_sing(w1) val () = theSearchStore_insert(nx) val () = GraphSearch((*void*)) // } (* end of [Doublets_play] *)Note that both function templates node_mark and node_is_marked are implemented inside the body of the function Doublets_play, making it possible for them to gain access to theMarked, a hashtable introduced locally inside Doublets_play for marking nodes that are put into the store (implemented as a queue of the type qlistref(node)).
Please find in the following files the entirety of the code presented in this article:
GraphSearch.dats // generic graph search GraphSearch_dfs.dats // generic depth-first graph search GraphSearch_bfs.dats // generic breadth-first graph search QueenPuzzle.dats // solving 8-queen puzzle with GraphSearch_dfs GameOf24Play.dats // implementing Game-of-24 based on GraphSearch_dfs DoubletsPlay.dats // implementing Doublets based on GraphSearch_bfsIn addition, there is an accompanying Makefile for compiling and testing the code.
This article is written by Hongwei Xi.