Installing ATS

There are many approaches to installing ATS. Please visit this link for details.

I have a free account with Cloud-9, which allows me to gain on-line access to Ubuntu boxes. With such a box, one can simply execute the following command-lines to install ATS in a couple minutes:

bash -v
source ~/.bashrc ## this one only needs to be executed once for all

After installation is done, one can execute:

which patscc

and expect to see the following line of output:


Note that the home directory for ATS is /home/ubuntu/workspace/ATS2, which is stored in an environment variable of the name PATSHOME. Please use which to check that the commands patsopt and myatscc are also available.

By visiting ats-bucs320, one can browse the two installed directories of the names ATS2 and ATS2-contrib and the files contained in them. If re-installing ATS is ever needed, please remember that the installed directories ATS2 and ATS2-contrib should be removed before the steps outlined above for installation are repeated.

Please note that more scripts for installing ATS can be found on-line at Scripts_for_installing_ATS.