Effective ATS:
An Array-Based Stack Implementation

ATS advocates a programming paradigm referred to as Programming with Theorem-Proving (PwTP) in which programs and proofs are syntactically intertwined. As proof construction can be highly expensive in terms of both effort and time, making proper use of unsafe programming features (so as to avoid explicit proof construction) is often a necessary skill for a programmer who wants not just only to be able to code in ATS but also to do it productively. In this article, I would like to present a simple array-based stack implementation in which one can find certain typical uses of unsafe programming features in ATS.

API for Array-Based Stacks

As usual, let us first introduce an abstract type for array-based stacks:
stkarray_vtype (a:vt@ype+, m:int, n:int) = ptr
We then introduce some shorthands as follows:
stadef stkarray = stkarray_vtype
stkarray (a:vt0p) = [m,n:int] stkarray_vtype (a, m, n)
Given a type T, an integer M and another integer N, the type stkarray(T, M, N) is for an array-based stack such that (1) the elements stored in the stack are of type T, (2) the capacity of the stack is M, and (3) the current size of the stack is N. Clearly, M >= N and N >= 0 holds, and this property is encoded into the type of the following proof function lemma_stkarray_param:
  (!stkarray (INV(a), m, n)): [m >= n; n >= 0] void
// end of [lemma_stkarray_param]

As always, functions are needed for creating and destroying (linear) stkarray-values:

  {m:int} (cap: size_t(m)):<!wrt> stkarray (a, m, 0)
stkarray_free{a:vt0p}{m:int} (stkarray (a, m, 0)):<!wrt> void
Given a size M, stkarray_make_cap creates an empty stack of capacity M. As linear elements stored in a stack are leaked after the stack is freed, the type of stkarray_free indicates that the function can only be applied to a stack containing no elements.

For inserting an element, we have the following function:

  {m,n:int | m > n}
  stk: !stkarray (a, m, n) >> stkarray (a, m, n+1), x0: a
) :<!wrt> void // endfun
Note that stkarray_insert can only be called on a stack if its current size is strictly less than its capacity. The type of stkarray_insert states that the size of a stack argument is increased by 1 after an element is inserted into it.

For taking out an element, we have the following function:

  {m,n:int | n > 0}
  (stk: !stkarray (a, m, n) >> stkarray (a, m, n-1)):<!wrt> (a)
// end of [stkarray_takeout]
Note that stkarray_takeout can only be called on a stack if its current size is positive. The type of stkarray_takeout states that the size of a stack is decreased by 1 after an element is taken out of it.

Implementation of Array-Based Stacks

We can use the following 3-pointer struct in C to reprensent an array-based stack:
struct {
  atstype_ptr stkarray_beg ; // the beg pointer
  atstype_ptr stkarray_end ; // the end pointer
  atstype_ref stkarray_cur ; // the current pointer
} atslib_stkarray_struct ;
The pointers stkarray_beg and stkarray_end point to the beginning and end of the base array while the pointer stkarray_cur points the top of the current stack. Note that the beginning of the base array is the bottom of the represented stack.

Let us introduce the folllowing two functions for getting and setting the pointer stkarray_cur:

extern fun
  {m,n:int} (stk: !stkarray (INV(a), m, n)):<> ptr = "mac#atslib_stkarray_get_ptrcur"
extern fun
  {m,n:int} (stk: !stkarray (INV(a), m, n), ptr):<!wrt> void = "mac#atslib_stkarray_set_ptrcur"
As can be expected, these two functions are to be implemented in C directly. The following implementation of stkarray_insert makes use of these two functions as well as an unsafe function of the name ptr0_set:
  {m,n} (stk, x0) = let
val p_cur = stkarray_get_ptrcur (stk)
val ((*void*)) = $UN.ptr0_set<a> (p_cur, x0)
val ((*void*)) = stkarray_set_ptrcur (stk, ptr_succ<a> (p_cur))
prval () =
__assert (stk) where
extern praxi __assert (!stkarray (a, m, n) >> stkarray (a, m, n+1)): void
} (* end of [prval] *)
  // nothing
end // end of [stkarray_insert]
Note that ptr0_set writes a value (its 2nd argument) to a given memory location (its 1st argument) without requiring a proof (of some at-view) associated with the location. In other words, ptr0_set performs a memory update precisely in the same way as it is done in C. Also note that a proof function __assert is introduced so as to make it possible for the implementation to pass typechecking. The keyword praxi means that the introduced proof function should be treated as an assertion and no implementation for it is expected.

The following implementation of stkarray_takeout makes use of ptr0_get, which reads through a given pointer without requiring a proof (of some at-view) associated with the location. Also, just like in the implementation of stkarray_insert, a proof function is asserted for the sole purpose of making the implementation of stkarray_takeout pass typechecking.

  {m,n} (stk) = x0 where
val p_cur = stkarray_get_ptrcur (stk)
val p1_cur = ptr_pred<a> (p_cur)
val x0 = $UN.ptr0_get<a> (p1_cur)
val () = stkarray_set_ptrcur (stk, p1_cur)
prval () =
__assert (stk) where
extern praxi __assert (!stkarray (a, m, n) >> stkarray (a, m, n-1)): void
} (* end of [prval] *)
} // end of [stkarray_takeout]
The C code implementing stkarray_get_ptrcur and stkarray_set_ptrcur is given below:
  (atstype_ptr p)
  return ((atslib_stkarray_struct*)p)->stkarray_cur ;
} // end of [atslib_stkarray_get_ptrcur]

  (atstype_ptr p, atstype_ptr p2)
  ((atslib_stkarray_struct*)p)->stkarray_cur = p2 ; return ;
} // end of [atslib_stkarray_set_ptrcur]
The C-names for stkarray_get_ptrcur and stkarray_set_ptrcur are chosen to be atslib_stkarray_get_ptrcur and atslib_stkarray_set_ptrcur, respectively.

For more on array-based stack implementation, please see: stkarray.sats , stkarray.dats , and stkarray.cats.

Some Stack-Functions of Convenience

If a caller attempts to insert an element into a stack that happens to be full, we may require that the element be returned to the caller. The following function stkarray_insert_opt does this precisely:
  (stk: !stkarray (INV(a)) >> _, x0: a):<!wrt> Option_vt(a)
  (stk, x0) = let
val isnot = stkarray_isnot_full (stk)
if isnot then let
  val () = stkarray_insert (stk, x0) in None_vt()
end else Some_vt{a}(x0)
end // end of [stkarray_insert_opt]
Similarly, a caller may attempt to take an element out of a stack that happens to be empty. The following function stkarray_takeout_opt returns an optional value so that its caller can tell whether an element has actually been taken out of a given stack:
  (stk: !stkarray (INV(a)) >> _):<!wrt> Option_vt(a)
  (stk) = let
val isnot = stkarray_isnot_nil (stk)
if isnot then let
  val x0 = stkarray_takeout (stk) in Some_vt{a}(x0)
end else None_vt((*void*))
end // end of [stkarray_takeout_opt]
For some sample code making use of the array-based stack implementation, please see postfix_eval.dats, where an evaluator of arithmetic expressions written in the postfix-notation is coded.

This article is written by Hongwei Xi.